Back to Work

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 10 Dec 2001 13:00:00 GMT
We made it home on Saturday without incident. There was 3 inches of snow on the car when we got to the Albany airport, making for a very slow drive home, but we got there.

Yesterday was the second anniversary of End the War on Freedom. I started blogging at on 12/9/1999. Happy anniversary to me!

Homeland Security celebrates Bill of Rights Day - GW and friends plan to celebrate BOR day with a bonfire. They'll be burning the Bill or Rights. Oops, too late. It's already been shredded by the war on freedom, er... some drugs. [tle]

President Bush asked Americans today to join his Homeland Security Team in celebrating Bill of Rights Day on December 15, the anniversary of its addition to our Constitution.

"The Bill of Rights has served our people well, and it's only fitting that we pick this anniversary to send it to a well deserved retirement... just for a couple-thirty years or so. We can dust it off again once Americans are used to having every action and thought monitored by friendly government agents, who will then be able to make sure nobody can do anything bad.

"Let's celebrate by having every school child in America send a copy of the Bill of Rights to the Justice Department. Then we'll have a nice bonfire. Don't be discouraged if you can't find a copy very easily. They won't be in public schools... that's for sure! Public libraries are probably out, too. Heck, I'm not sure we can put our hands on a copy here in D.C.! I suggest you get your parents to help you to find one on some subversive libertarian website on the internet.

"Bring marshmallows for toasting over the bonfire, if you like. Just remember, we'll have to check them for weapons."

The Libertarian Enterprise has a new issue, "Remember BOR Day (12/15)!". I haven't read it yet. Articles by L. Neil Smith, Glenn Sacks, and William Stone, III. Enjoy!

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