Friday, August 22, 2014

Where's Eric Holder on this one?

Beaten to Death at McDonald's


Jimmy the Saint said...

It's just the modern twist on the old song "All Quiet Along The Potomac Tonight":

Not an officer lost, only one of the men, will not count in the news of the battle.....

David Dawson said...

Amazing, that a terrorist loving traitor like AG Holder has risen to a position of almost "Uber Alles" like governmental authority and status... And he wasn't even elected!
Amazing, that a man who, at the very least, should be charged with being an accessory to murder for the deaths of some 100 - 200 Mexican civilians, is walking around without a care in the world?
Unarmed, civilian, men, women and children who were murdered with guns provided to the evil Mexican drug cartels by the criminal US Government, during operation "Fast & Furious", via the satanic, unconstitutional DOJ, DHS and BATF... And we're the racists?
Every time I see Holders smarmy, weasely, treasonous face I want to spit! Which is just the reaction that those bastards want.

MrGarabaldi said...

Hey David,

McDonald has for the past 10+ years aggressively catered to the urban crowd. With their "black365" initiative McDonald has become the first stop for the urban crowd.

Paul said...

Black on white, no big deal. White on black and civilization is in danger.

To them left is right and up is down. What bunch of whackos.

Anonymous said...

'Bammy better watchout - Eric 'The Hood' Holder is playing the Great Statesman and peacemaker in Ferguson ... while the Prez golfs!


Anonymous said...

He's applauding.

THEBigFatPanda said...

What makes me grind my teeth is the complete cluelessness of these young people. Are they so out of touch with what tends to happen when large groups of black yoots gather in public, having no jobs, no prospects, a feeling of entitlement, and a rage against whitey fed by their own rap/ hip hop culture?
Simple lesson; multiple young blacks in your path, LEAVE. Or be prepared to be a victim.

CowboyDan said...

BFP, are you familiar with Matt Bracken's work?

He has some suggestions for such scenaria.

Anonymous said...

This is pretty weird. Eric Holder's brother runs some McDonalds in and near Raleigh, NC and they employ illegals.

Like I said, weird.