Saturday, August 30, 2014

Cluster coitus in the desert. Well, I guess we should be grateful that Border Patrol marksmanship doesn't seem to have improved over the years.

Just spray, pray and blast away until you scare the brown cheese out of them. Maybe they'll crap their pants as badly as you crapped yours.
Border Patrol agent fires at armed militia member.


Anonymous said...

I hate those AP posts because you can't leave comments, but-"Immigrants"? really? give me a break.

FedUp said...

Lucio said the victim wasn't arrested? Hey, Sheriff, that's mighty big of you. So, why didn't you have his attacker arrested for attempted murder?

Anonymous said...

How come the same Border Patrol never seems to shoot at armed Mexican military on border incursions?

Threeper said...

Whoa! Hold on there, pardner!

"...the incident occurred on private property and it appeared the man had permission to be there. He was not arrested..."

Seems to me you might have your "suspect" and "victim" a little bass-ackwards there, Sheriff.

The citizen was where he was allowed to be, doing nothing illegal and was frickin' fired upon by a trigger-happy boob who should be - at minimum - suspended, probably fired and certainly charged with assault with a deadly weapon.


T. Paine said...

1. These sonsabitches are NOT immigrants, they are criminal aliens.
2. Under what pretense did a BP agent open fire on someone? Just for standing there holding a weapon? Really? Is that their standard ROE now? Shoot on sight?
3. The BP agent is damn lucky he/she/it wasn't shot.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a variation on the old joke about Marty Feldman. How do you avoid being seen by him? Stand directly in front of him.

B Woodman

FedUp said...

"Really? Is that their standard ROE now? Shoot on sight?"

Only for armed citizens who don't appear inclined to shoot back.

Anonymous said...

Funny....the BP has NOT made a habit of firing on drug cartels or illegal immigrants...yet in this instance, one of them chooses to open fire on an American citizen who happens to be doing nothing illegal on private property to boot.

Ironic, huh? Or is it...........?

Anonymous said...

Shooting at any armed person ... and missing is NOT a survival tactic!

So by what authority did the Feds intrude upon private land? Uninvited trespass simply beggs for armed response ... with no misses.


Anonymous said...

Yup, the private land part is the catch here. The militia member could just have easily have been the person who's property it was and trying to defend his own property from being overrun by illegals. And all too true that these "agents" never perforate any illegals coming across; just help them along on their journey with water, food, medical services and anything else they need to invade us.

Anonymous said...

"Immigrant" = Larval Democrat.

Anonymous said...

The caption of the photo reminded me of part of the "no scope" song (made popular by the game Halo):

What do you get when you get real stressed?
quickly pull the trigger and hope for the best
call them a noob and hump their chest
I think you just got a no scope

FedUp said...

Apparently the victim's name was Jesus, and the BP was pretty decent about the whole thing (aside from the 'shooting at an innocent citizen because he looks hispanic' part).

The Sheriff's department are made out the assholes here: