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The Mental Militia forums
Bill St.Clair - http://billstclair.com/
Lew Rockwell - http://www.lewrockwell.com/
Fully Informed Jury Association ( FIJA ) - http://www.fija.org/
The Voluntaryist - http://www.voluntaryist.com/
Sunni Maravillosa
Wendy McElroy
Memory Hole
Ron Paul
Devvy Kidd
Cooperative Research
911 Scholars for Truth and Justice
911 Truth
From The Wilderness
Prison Planet
Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA)
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)
Gun Owners of America (GOA)
Downsize D.C. - http://www.downsizedc.org/
Temp Saves
http://www.cashill.com/ronbrown/index.htm August 30, 2007
http://www.cashill.com/twa800/twa_foia.htm " " "
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