Article archive from the homepage of J. Orlin Grabbe

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US spies want to find terrorists in World of Warcraft

During Serbian riots, Belgrade 'riot girls' go on a looting spree (video)

More on riot girls

Mystery over Gadaffi, son of a French top gun

The Conversion of Mary Magdalene

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Caravaggio: sinner, saint, and painter

* * *

The mushrooming clouds that hang over McCain

Obama and global trade, by Paul Craig Roberts

Houston, Chicago, Portland

False flag prospects, 2008--top 3 US target cities

Putin's iron grip on Russia suffocates his opponents

The bonfire of capital

Inside the world of war profiteers

Turkish troops launch Iraq offensive

Order came from the Secret Service, Grassy Knoll Division

Police concerned about order to stop weapons screening at Obama rally

Tunguska, the horns of the Moon and evolution

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Kurzweil sees virtual reality competing with 'real' reality

Time gates to the future become reality this spring

2012: a time odyssey

The predictive power of the mass mind

Listen to the sound of the Internet

The transformation of the human caterpillar

New frontiers in space propulsion sciences

Machines to achieve human-level artificial intelligence by 2029

Ritual drama: John the Baptist in space

The extension of selves into physicality

It's all Texas now

From Austin City Limits . . .

. . . to Marfa

Mind control: the world's most powerful religious leaders

Artificial intelligence theorist breaks the psi taboo

The power of the mind

Hell is freezing over, scientist says, and the US is suppressing the data

Photographing the photograph of the reality

Kubrick's films and the gnostic hyperreal

America's most policed art form: subway graffiti

The well-dressed girl gangs of Paris ready to stab rivals in disputes over boys

Enough of this happiness shit: being depressed is good

Cry, baby, cry: sadness is the new black

Anti-Scientology activist found dead

Taking play seriously

Youthful suicides: the sorrow of young Werther

Researchers puzzled by rise in mid-life suicide rate in US

What makes gangsters tick?

The cult disciple

Protection from the evil eye

Is ritual child abuse just a hoax?

Santeria surging in Venezuela

Marriage: until debt do us part

On being an American Muslim woman

Was giant UFO from another dimension?

Hostile UFOs in American skies

Why perfect dates make lousy partners

The caged concubines

Why most women benefit from polygamy and most men benefit from monogamy

Control of uppity women behind witchcraft accusations?

Family values: this married mother is a porn star

Move over alpha geeks, here come the fangrrls

The art of picking up women

Dopamine and orgasm

Paramour--My life with Timothy Leary: Chapter 1, Tommy the Tumbling Dice

Paramour--My life with Timothy Leary: Chapter 2, Lara

Female guerrillas of FARC

Your eyes tell me you are 15 (that's the age of consent in Costa Rica)

Personality plagiarism rife on Internet dating sites

A history of Freudian fiction

Abortion, robots, and the labia majora

Mad, bad, and sad: a history of women and the mind doctors

The physical world as virtual reality

How Harvard students perceive rednecks: the neural basis for prejudice

A bait and switch trick on torture and psychologists

Chaotic Callistro

Poverty poisons the brain

Give the dog a clone

The high rates of mental illness among psychiatrists

Love blossoms in the lab

Tabletop device mimics black hole event horizon

Mimicry and persuasion

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

An introduction to quantum game theory

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Quantum computing since Democritus--Lecture 12: Proof

A pair of quanta cannot be wed, by Nick Herbert

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

A Q&A about quantum teleportation with H. Jeff Kimble

Scientist 'can't rule out' sci-fi flick's teleportation premise

The limits of quantum computers

Bell's inequality, quantum measurement, and Einstein realism: a unified perspective

Casimir energies

Why the ACLU should promote quantum cryptography

Quantum computation and many worlds

Quantum cryptography tutorial

Crazy wisdom

To remain whole, be twisted.
To become straight, let yourself be bent.
To become full, be hollow.

—Tao Te Ching

A special kind of wisdom is loose in the world. This wisdom is difficult to codify or categorize and it refuses to be institutionalized. It is called crazy widom. And so it is, both crazy, and wisdom.

Crazy wisdom is the wisdom of the saint, the Zen master, the poet, the mad scientist, and the fool. Crazy wisdom sees that we live in a world of many illusions, that the Emperor has no clothes, and that much of human belief and behavior is ritualized nonsense. Crazy wisdom understands antimatter and old Sufi poetry; loves paradox and puns and pie fights and laughing at politicians. Crazy wisdom flips the world upside down and backward until everything becomes perfectly clear.

You will find crazy wisdom flowing through all of human history, bubbling up here and there, now and then, pointing out different ways of looking at things, reminding people to take it easy, and providing a necessary counterpoint to self-righteousness. From the Taoists to the Dadaists; from the Book of Ecclesiastes to Mark Twain's Letters to the Earth; in the parables of Chung Tzu and the Baal Shem Tov; out of the cyclonic whirl of Rumi's dervish poetry and the profound nonsense of Samuel Beckett's confused characters; lurking beneath the unruly hair of Albert Einstein and between the busy eyebrows of Groucho Marx, inside the howly voice of Allen Ginsburg and from behind the rags of Lilly Tomlin's bag lady: Whatever tone it speaks in and whatever disguise it wears, crazy wisdom arises again and again to expose us to ourselves and to remind us of the strange impossible nature of our enterprise here on earth: life.

—Wes "Scoop" Nisker, Crazy Wisdom

High-tech Indiana Jones hunt for Leonardo da Vinci secrets

Did Adolf Hitler draw Disney characters?

Where have all the sunspots gone?

The science of voodoo death

Anonymous: inside the world of Scientology

Excavations in Iran unravel mystery of 'Red Snake'

Cuba: not quite libre for business

Splitting headaches: bond insurers and the markets

China, in new role, presses Sudan on Dafur

US weighs rescue for homeowners in debt

Commodities: pumped up

Calls for inquiry into alleged 'profiteering' of energy giants

Chinese bonds signal early end to 'tight' money

Liechtenstein defends its banks in German tax invasion inquiry

America's economy risks mother of all meltdowns

There is no logical reason to vote or pay taxes

Siniora warns Israel: Lebanon is one united front if attacked

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

Cult of the Dead Cow's Goolag Scanner

Calls for compulsory DNA database rejected

US spies want to find terrorists in World of Warcraft

MI5 plan to use Belfast bunker in emergency

Mossad assassination of Hezbollah commander

Canada's spy agency wants to deport 'al Qaeda sleeper agent'

Italy follows trail of secret South American abductions

B-2 crashes on Guam

Judge dismisses RIAA racketeering lawsuit

Hackers use Google to find website vulnerabilities

Cult of the Dead Cow's Goolag Scanner

Recommended Torrents

Note: Torrents are just information files and are legal everywhere. But actually downloading the file referenced in a given torrent may or may not be legal in your location. Don't do anything illegal.

Click for information and download link:

The social construction of reality

40 Social interaction books (torrent will download a file which is in .uif format. Convert this .uif file to .iso using MagicISO, which is a Windows program (Linux users may find this reference helpful). The trial version of MagicISO is sufficient. Go to Tools-->Decompress UIF Image on the MagicISO menu. Once the file has been converted to .iso, then burn a CD for the .iso image using whatever utility you normally use, or also using the trial version of MagicISO. Then on the CD you will find most of the books are in .pdf format, although some of them are in .chm format, which is a Microsoft compressed .html file. To open .chm files in Linux, install the chm viewer or for better fonts the kchmviewer (then go to Applications-->Accessories-->KchmViewer and choose the file to open) or read this.)

* * *

Teaching the AFC when to go kino

The Game: penetrating the secret society of pickup artists (pdf e-book)

* * *

Ubuntu Linux Toolbox (pdf e-book)

* * *

Learn Russian (Russian lessons for English speakers in the form of .mp3 files; slow download)

* * *

Note: in Windows you can decompress .rar files with Rarzilla, while in Linux you need to install the unrar command.

* * *

More to Moon probes than meets the eye. A remote viewer's involvement with US intelligence.

Penetration-Ingo Swann (ebook in pdf format)

* * *

This is educational as well as entertaining. Although there is much more to the story than covered here. Aside from the issue of Afghan fighters like bin Laden, Bill Casey created a plan to send South American cocaine into Afghanistan to get Russian soldiers addicted. The cocaine shipments through Florida to Afghanistan became a growth industry, then fairly quickly--because of the profit potential--became increasingly diverted to the American market. (Details were supplied to me by a close associate of Bill Casey.)

Charlie Wilson's War (movie; play with VLC player in Windows or Linux)

* * *

130+ math learning books (torrent in .uif format; use MagicISO to convert to .iso,
then burn CD; in Linux run MagicISO from Wine for format conversion)

* * *

The Best Damned IT Security Book Period (torrent is zipped .rar files of pdf: unzip-->unrar-->pdf).

* * *

Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

* * *

Corporate malfeasance

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

The Big Bang busted!

Evolutionary psychology

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

* * *

Electron filmed for the first time ever

US man's amazing memory baffles scientists

The pitch of language and sound affects the development of the brain

It's time to count the cost of the Viagra revolution

Flying 'paddleboat' may finally take off

Ulysses solar spacecraft freezing to death

Moth eyes may hold key to more efficient solar cells

Global economy is a manipulative extraterrestrial virtual
reality ruse associated with an artificial Intelligence

Arizona firefighters get trained for UFO, alien contact

Confirmation and update from secret UFO meeting at UN

US 'bending' of atmosphere in satellite shootdown caused worldwide quake swarm?

What's wrong with Whitley Strieber?

Texas towns become epicenter of UFO sightings

Sex for planning permission saga grips Australia

Naughty Nagoya shop offers oral whore d'ouvres

Stranger than friction

Help--I've been replaced by a vibrator

Help--I've been replaced by a sex doll

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

Encryption keys still in DRAM after computer power is lost

Disk encryption is not secure, researchers say (with video)

US pulls non-essential staff out of Belgrade

Boozed-up Brits can beat the blues

The Card Sharps

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Caravaggio: sinner, saint, and painter

* * *

The bonfire of capital

Inside the world of war profiteers

Turkish troops launch Iraq offensive

Order came from the Secret Service, Grassy Knoll Division

Police concerned about order to stop weapons screening at Obama rally

Fidel steps aside: how Cuba changed history

McCain's ties to female lobbyist worried aides

How the British Labour government used the law to keep criticism of Israel secret

I was right about the bird flu hoax

Tunguska, the horns of the Moon and evolution

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

Time gates to the future become reality this spring

2012: a time odyssey

The predictive power of the mass mind

Listen to the sound of the Internet

The transformation of the human caterpillar

New frontiers in space propulsion sciences

Machines to achieve human-level artificial intelligence by 2029

Ritual drama: John the Baptist in space

'I'm million different people from one day to the next'

The extension of selves into physicality

Baphomet: the secret of the Templar fortune

Mind control: the world's most powerful religious leaders

Artificial intelligence theorist breaks the psi taboo

The power of the mind

Hell is freezing over, scientist says, and the US is suppressing the data

Photographing the photograph of the reality

Kubrick's films and the gnostic hyperreal

America's most policed art form: subway graffiti

Britain's teen tribes

hippieurbaniteneo indie
nu gravefaux punk

Bemoaning an America that values stupidity

Enough of this happiness shit: being depressed is good

Cry, baby, cry: sadness is the new black

Anti-Scientology activist found dead

Taking play seriously

Youthful suicides: the sorrow of young Werther

Researchers puzzled by rise in mid-life suicide rate in US

What makes gangsters tick?

The cult disciple

Protection from the evil eye

Is ritual child abuse just a hoax?

Santeria surging in Venezuela

Choking game deaths on the rise

Choking game becomes deadly new craze

On being an American Muslim woman

Was giant UFO from another dimension?

Hostile UFOs in American skies

Why perfect dates make lousy partners

The caged concubines

The real story of how Sarkozy seduced Carla Bruni

Control of uppity women behind witchcraft accusations?

Family values: this married mother is a porn star

Move over alpha geeks, here come the fangrrls

The art of picking up women

Dopamine and orgasm

Nonsense dressed up as neuroscience

Female guerrillas of FARC

Your eyes tell me you are 15 (that's the age of consent in Costa Rica)

Personality plagiarism rife on Internet dating sites

A history of Freudian fiction

Abortion, robots, and the labia majora

In the new China, sex can still be the stuff of scandal

The physical world as virtual reality

How Harvard students perceive rednecks: the neural basis for prejudice

A bait and switch trick on torture and psychologists

Chaotic Callistro

Poverty poisons the brain

Give the dog a clone

The high rates of mental illness among psychiatrists

Love blossoms in the lab

Tabletop device mimics black hole event horizon

Mimicry and persuasion

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

An introduction to quantum game theory

Time machine at the LHC

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Quantum computing since Democritus--Lecture 12: Proof

A pair of quanta cannot be wed, by Nick Herbert

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

A Q&A about quantum teleportation with H. Jeff Kimble

Scientist 'can't rule out' sci-fi flick's teleportation premise

The limits of quantum computers

Bell's inequality, quantum measurement, and Einstein realism: a unified perspective

Casimir energies

Why the ACLU should promote quantum cryptography

Quantum computation and many worlds

Can electron annihilation be a source of free energy?

New energy transformations have been found using highly organized, micron-sized clusters of electrons, or EVs, having soliton behavior, with electron populations on the order of Avagadro's number. When interacted with solid material, these charge clusters perform a low-energy phase transformation type of atomic disruption that liquefies the lattice and propels the material to a high velocity without apparent signs of conventional heating. Using an ordinary thermal interpretation, a thermal gradient for bulk material greater than 26,000 degrees C per micrometer would be required to achieve these effects. Evidence will be shown for the EV transiting the solid material, fluidizing it by contributing one extra electron per nucleon for a period considerably longer than the relaxation time, and then imparting momentum to the fluid. Under such conditions, the impact of this fluid on another solid buries a slug of solidified material to a depth of over 20 micrometers. This abnormal behavior introduces the notion of energy gain produced through a lowenergy atomic and molecular phase change coupled with high recombination energy release. Evidence will also be introduced for the underlying energy production process stemming from the equivalence of an electron-annihilation energy release based on the manipulation of fractional electronic charge.

Scanning electron micrographs will be introduced showing EV borehole perfection, dual EV existence, and an electrically driven, sloshing type of material reflection in the borehole that is correctable with impedance-matching, micro nozzles. Micro thrusters using a 20 micrometer diameter and 100 micrometer long slug of non-explosive material will be discussed that are based on a spark-like propulsion process giving sufficient velocity to produce shock cones 70 micrometers apart at atmospheric pressure after being initiated from an energy source of 20 micro Joules. In vacuum, the ions from such a source travel 1 cm in 50 nanoseconds. As an example of the new energetics produced by EV interaction with material, data will be submitted on an intense light source having dimensions of a few micrometers and duration of several picoseconds arising from a form of synchrotron radiation. The basis for controlling the wavelength of this photon source from the visible light region to gamma wavelengths will be discussed. Micrographs will be shown of a low energy nuclear reaction that has produced nuclear transmutations by using a nuclear cluster reaction process.

—Ken Shoulders and Steve Shoulders, Charge Clusters in Action

Where have all the sunspots gone?

The science of voodoo death

Anonymous: inside the world of Scientology

Excavations in Iran unravel mystery of 'Red Snake'

Treasure hunter 'pinpoints' lost Nazi gold

UFOs and the disclosure initiatives

Fidel Castro says change US policy not Cuba

US weighs rescue for homeowners in debt

Commodities: pumped up

Calls for inquiry into alleged 'profiteering' of energy giants

Chinese bonds signal early end to 'tight' money

Liechtenstein defends its banks in German tax invasion inquiry

America's economy risks mother of all meltdowns

There is no logical reason to vote or pay taxes

Wealth destruction gathers pace

Credit Suisses takes $1 billion hit after trader errors

Why Lebanon hasn't slipped into civil war

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

CIA confirms British territory used in rendition flights

Spy satellite blast caught on tape

Disk encryption is not secure, researchers say

KGB old boys tightening grip on Russia

Israel's 'targeted assassinations' strategy

When the terrorists were 'our guys'

EU wants RFID tags turned off

Vista SP1 kills and maims security apps, utilities

HMRC data debacle used to bait fishing lure

Turkmen prez sacks 30 for TV news cockroach outrage

Recommended Torrents

Note: Torrents are just information files and are legal everywhere. But actually downloading the file referenced in a given torrent may or may not be legal in your location. Don't do anything illegal.

Click for information and download link:

40 Social interaction books (torrent will download a file which is in .uif format. Convert this .uif file to .iso using MagicISO, which is a Windows program (Linux users may find this reference helpful). The trial version of MagicISO is sufficient. Go to Tools-->Decompress UIF Image on the MagicISO menu. Once the file has been converted to .iso, then burn a CD for the .iso image using whatever utility you normally use, or also using the trial version of MagicISO. Then on the CD you will find most of the books are in .pdf format, although some of them are in .chm format, which is a Microsoft compressed .html file. To open .chm files in Linux, install the chm viewer or for better fonts the kchmviewer (then go to Applications-->Accessories-->KchmViewer and choose the file to open) or read this.)

* * *

The Game: penetrating the secret society of pickup artists (pdf e-book)

* * *

Ubuntu Linux Toolbox (pdf e-book)

* * *

Learn Russian (Russian lessons for English speakers in the form of .mp3 files; slow download)

* * *

Note: in Windows you can decompress .rar files with Rarzilla, while in Linux you need to install the unrar command.

* * *

More to Moon probes than meets the eye. A remote viewer's involvement with US intelligence.

Penetration-Ingo Swann (ebook in pdf format)

* * *

This is educational as well as entertaining. Although there is much more to the story than covered here. Aside from the issue of Afghan fighters like bin Laden, Bill Casey created a plan to send South American cocaine into Afghanistan to get Russian soldiers addicted. The cocaine shipments through Florida to Afghanistan became a growth industry, then fairly quickly--because of the profit potential--became increasingly diverted to the American market. (Details were supplied to me by a close associate of Bill Casey.)

Charlie Wilson's War (movie; play with VLC player in Windows or Linux)

* * *

130+ math learning books (torrent in .uif format; use MagicISO to convert to .iso,
then burn CD; in Linux run MagicISO from Wine for format conversion)

* * *

The Best Damned IT Security Book Period (torrent is zipped .rar files of pdf: unzip-->unrar-->pdf).

* * *

Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

* * *

Corporate malfeasance

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Evolutionary psychology

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

* * *

Giant meteor fireball explodes over US Pacific Northwest

Researchers investigate mass bat deaths

More proof science is illusion

Scientists see ghosts

Beginning of the lunar eclipse

Total lunar eclipse: once in a red Moon

Giant ropes of dark matter found in new sky survey

The light and dark of Venus

Scientists probe fireballs with X-rays

US 'bending' of atmosphere in satellite shootdown caused worldwide quake swarm?

What's wrong with Whitley Strieber?

Texas towns become epicenter of UFO sightings

Are Pentagon fear-zombies a sign of the apocalypse?

Godsbot, the Christian robot

Vikings in Oklahoma

Men are stud animals with paychecks: subsidize your womb

Marry him!

No! Don't fucking marry him!

Sex picture scandal ends career of Hong Kong hip-hop star

Japan's Lolita merchants feel the heat

'Whenever I get upset I bury it deep inside the first woman I see'

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

Holes in the Homeland Security wall

Overstretched forces concern US officers

Serbs in mass rally against Kosovo independence


Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Caravaggio: sinner, saint, and painter

* * *

Fidel steps aside: how Cuba changed history

McCain's ties to female lobbyist worried aides

How the British Labour government used the law to keep criticism of Israel secret

I was right about the bird flu hoax

Slouching towards Petroeurostan, by Pepe Escobar

Fidel's last laugh

Opening a Pandora's Box: Kosovo 'independence' and the Project for a 'New Middle East'

ex-MI6 head denies executing Princess Diana

Tunguska, the horns of the Moon and evolution

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

The predictive power of the mass mind

Listen to the sound of the Internet

The transformation of the human caterpillar

New frontiers in space propulsion sciences

Machines to achieve human-level artificial intelligence by 2029

Ritual drama: John the Baptist in space

'I'm million different people from one day to the next'

The extension of selves into physicality

Baphomet: the secret of the Templar fortune

How the video game console war parallels the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries

Artificial intelligence theorist breaks the psi taboo

The power of the mind

Hell is freezing over, scientist says, and the US is suppressing the data

Photographing the photograph of the reality

Kubrick's films and the gnostic hyperreal

America's most policed art form: subway graffiti

Britain's teen tribes

hippieurbaniteneo indie
nu gravefaux punk

Bemoaning an America that values stupidity

Advertising, social engineering, and the New World Order

Do invisible friends lead to demon-possessed children?

Taking play seriously

Youthful suicides: the sorrow of young Werther

Researchers puzzled by rise in mid-life suicide rate in US

What makes gangsters tick?

The cult disciple

Protection from the evil eye

Is ritual child abuse just a hoax?

Santeria surging in Venezuela

Choking game deaths on the rise

Choking game becomes deadly new craze

Al Capone's .45 caliber Valentine

A cross: the Universe

Was giant UFO from another dimension?

Hostile UFOs in American skies

Why perfect dates make lousy partners

The caged concubines

The real story of how Sarkozy seduced Carla Bruni

The revenge of the geek

Family values: this married mother is a porn star

Move over alpha geeks, here come the fangrrls

The art of picking up women

Dopamine and orgasm

Nonsense dressed up as neuroscience

Faeries--supernatural creatures--neither gods nor humans

Your eyes tell me you are 15 (that's the age of consent in Costa Rica)

Personality plagiarism rife on Internet dating sites

A history of Freudian fiction

Abortion, robots, and the labia majora

In the new China, sex can still be the stuff of scandal

Girls' self-perception of popularity predicts later weight gain

How Harvard students perceive rednecks: the neural basis for prejudice

A bait and switch trick on torture and psychologists

Chaotic Callistro

Poverty poisons the brain

Give the dog a clone

The high rates of mental illness among psychiatrists

Love blossoms in the lab

Tabletop device mimics black hole event horizon

Mimicry and persuasion

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

Implants create insect cyborgs

An introduction to quantum game theory

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Time machine at the LHC

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Quantum computing since Democritus--Lecture 12: Proof

A pair of quanta cannot be wed, by Nick Herbert

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

A Q&A about quantum teleportation with H. Jeff Kimble

Scientist 'can't rule out' sci-fi flick's teleportation premise

The limits of quantum computers

Bell's inequality, quantum measurement, and Einstein realism: a unified perspective

Casimir energies

Why the ACLU should promote quantum cryptography

Can electron annihilation be a source of free energy?

New energy transformations have been found using highly organized, micron-sized clusters of electrons, or EVs, having soliton behavior, with electron populations on the order of Avagadro's number. When interacted with solid material, these charge clusters perform a low-energy phase transformation type of atomic disruption that liquefies the lattice and propels the material to a high velocity without apparent signs of conventional heating. Using an ordinary thermal interpretation, a thermal gradient for bulk material greater than 26,000 degrees C per micrometer would be required to achieve these effects. Evidence will be shown for the EV transiting the solid material, fluidizing it by contributing one extra electron per nucleon for a period considerably longer than the relaxation time, and then imparting momentum to the fluid. Under such conditions, the impact of this fluid on another solid buries a slug of solidified material to a depth of over 20 micrometers. This abnormal behavior introduces the notion of energy gain produced through a lowenergy atomic and molecular phase change coupled with high recombination energy release. Evidence will also be introduced for the underlying energy production process stemming from the equivalence of an electron-annihilation energy release based on the manipulation of fractional electronic charge.

Scanning electron micrographs will be introduced showing EV borehole perfection, dual EV existence, and an electrically driven, sloshing type of material reflection in the borehole that is correctable with impedance-matching, micro nozzles. Micro thrusters using a 20 micrometer diameter and 100 micrometer long slug of non-explosive material will be discussed that are based on a spark-like propulsion process giving sufficient velocity to produce shock cones 70 micrometers apart at atmospheric pressure after being initiated from an energy source of 20 micro Joules. In vacuum, the ions from such a source travel 1 cm in 50 nanoseconds. As an example of the new energetics produced by EV interaction with material, data will be submitted on an intense light source having dimensions of a few micrometers and duration of several picoseconds arising from a form of synchrotron radiation. The basis for controlling the wavelength of this photon source from the visible light region to gamma wavelengths will be discussed. Micrographs will be shown of a low energy nuclear reaction that has produced nuclear transmutations by using a nuclear cluster reaction process.

—Ken Shoulders and Steve Shoulders, Charge Clusters in Action

Anonymous: inside the world of Scientology

Excavations in Iran unravel mystery of 'Red Snake'

Treasure hunter 'pinpoints' lost Nazi gold

UFOs and the disclosure initiatives

Apiarian apocalypse postponed as ice cream battles honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder

Ketamine: Dreams and realities (complete book, .pdf)

China lauds Cuba's Fidel Castro as 'revolutionary'

Calls for inquiry into alleged 'profiteering' of energy giants

Chinese bonds signal early end to 'tight' money

Liechtenstein defends its banks in German tax invasion inquiry

America's economy risks mother of all meltdowns

There is no logical reason to vote or pay taxes

Wealth destruction gathers pace

Credit Suisses takes $1 billion hit after trader errors

Credit default swaps face a big test in economic downturn

A primer on credit default insurance

Lebanon on total chaos track

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

US missile strikes spy satellite falling from orbit

Names of MI6 officers at Diana inquest revealed

Israel 'hatching serial killing plot'

South Africa: report on abuse in intelligence is late

Disinformation flies as US raises Iran bar

German intelligence describes a 'new quality' in jihadi threats

When the Internet is my hard drive, should I trust third parties?

The motive of the Amerithrax leaker

Aliens seize control of Daily Telegraph

Shamed alternative medicine quack silences web critic

Recommended Torrents

Note: Torrents are just information files and are legal everywhere. But actually downloading the file referenced in a given torrent may or may not be legal in your location. Don't do anything illegal.

Click for information and download link:

The Game: penetrating the secret society of pickup artists (pdf e-book)

* * *

Ubuntu Linux Toolbox (pdf e-book)

* * *

Learn Russian (Russian lessons for English speakers in the form of .mp3 files; slow download)

* * *

Note: in Windows you can decompress .rar files with Rarzilla, while in Linux you need to install the unrar command.

* * *

More to Moon probes than meets the eye. A remote viewer's involvement with US intelligence.

Penetration-Ingo Swann (ebook in pdf format)

* * *

This is educational as well as entertaining. Although there is much more to the story than covered here. Aside from the issue of Afghan fighters like bin Laden, Bill Casey created a plan to send South American cocaine into Afghanistan to get Russian soldiers addicted. The cocaine shipments through Florida to Afghanistan became a growth industry, then fairly quickly--because of the profit potential--became increasingly diverted to the American market. (Details were supplied to me by a close associate of Bill Casey.)

Charlie Wilson's War (movie; play with VLC player in Windows or Linux)

* * *

130+ math learning books (torrent in .uif format; use MagicISO to convert to .iso,
then burn CD; in Linux run MagicISO from Wine for format conversion)

* * *

The Best Damned IT Security Book Period (torrent is zipped .rar files of pdf: unzip-->unrar-->pdf).

* * *

Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

* * *

Corporate malfeasance

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Evolutionary psychology

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

* * *

Researchers release detailed global study of genetic variation

Martian crater records aftermath of Amazon-like flood

Britain is global hotspot of new germs, says study

Tigress's spectacular leap to freedom

Playing games with your mind

Graphene takes the heat

Mysterious pyramid complex discovered in Peru

Are Pentagon fear-zombies a sign of the apocalypse?

Godsbot, the Christian robot

Vikings in Oklahoma

Does faith healing really work?

Teleportation in new movie 'Jumper' reveals possibilities

Washington Post gets paranoid

Unseen Marilyn Monroe nude snap wows US expert

Does G spot exist?

Karate teacher uses below black belt skills to master schoolgirl seduction

Dating advice from bridesmaids

Orgasmatron delivers instant orgasms at the touch of a button

Lurid confessions of a former sex slave

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

Lies and spies, by Paul Craig Roberts

My brief encounter with Fidel Castro, by Paul Krassner

Learning how to spell 'inflationary depression'

Judith Beheading Holofernes

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Judith and Holofernes

* * *

Slouching towards Petroeurostan, by Pepe Escobar

Fidel's last laugh

Opening a Pandora's Box: Kosovo 'independence' and the Project for a 'New Middle East'

ex-MI6 head denies executing Princess Diana

The moment has come, by Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro resigns as president

A Bush-Sunni alliance against the Shia?, by Paul Craig Roberts

Kosovo: the EU and the US support a political process linked to organized crime

Journalist who exposes UN corruption disappears from Google News

Tunguska, the horns of the Moon and evolution

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

The transformation of the human caterpillar

New frontiers in space propulsion sciences

Machines to achieve human-level artificial intelligence by 2029

Ritual drama: John the Baptist in space

'I'm million different people from one day to the next'

The extension of selves into physicality

Baphomet: the secret of the Templar fortune

How the video game console war parallels the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries

The crypt of Rennes-le-Château

Time travelling into the Dark Ages

Hell is freezing over, scientist says, and the US is suppressing the data

Photographing the photograph of the reality

Kubrick's films and the gnostic hyperreal

America's most policed art form: subway graffiti

Britain's teen tribes

hippieurbaniteneo indie
nu gravefaux punk

Bemoaning an America that values stupidity

Advertising, social engineering, and the New World Order

Do invisible friends lead to demon-possessed children?

Virtual reality and hallucination

My fake baby (video)

Youthful suicides: the sorrow of young Werther

Researchers puzzled by rise in mid-life suicide rate in US

What makes gangsters tick?

The cult disciple

Protection from the evil eye

Is ritual child abuse just a hoax?

Santeria surging in Venezuela

Choking game deaths on the rise

Choking game becomes deadly new craze

Al Capone's .45 caliber Valentine

A cross: the Universe

Meredith Kercher suspect sings the Beatles

Attack of the killer shrooms

Hostile UFOs in American skies

Why perfect dates make lousy partners

The caged concubines

The real story of how Sarkozy seduced Carla Bruni

The revenge of the geek

Secrets of Cambridge porn library revealed

Move over alpha geeks, here come the fangrrls

The art of picking up women

Dopamine and orgasm

Nonsense dressed up as neuroscience

Faeries--supernatural creatures--neither gods nor humans

I meet the goddess in the flesh

Personality plagiarism rife on Internet dating sites

A history of Freudian fiction

Abortion, robots, and the labia majora

In the new China, sex can still be the stuff of scandal

Girls' self-perception of popularity predicts later weight gain

Readers abandon women's magazines

A bait and switch trick on torture and psychologists

Chaotic Callistro

Poverty poisons the brain

Give the dog a clone

The high rates of mental illness among psychiatrists

Love blossoms in the lab

Tabletop device mimics black hole event horizon

Mimicry and persuasion

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

An introduction to quantum game theory

Superpositions of probability distributions

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Time machine at the LHC

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Quantum computing since Democritus--Lecture 12: Proof

A pair of quanta cannot be wed, by Nick Herbert

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

A Q&A about quantum teleportation with H. Jeff Kimble

Scientist 'can't rule out' sci-fi flick's teleportation premise

The limits of quantum computers

Bell's inequality, quantum measurement, and Einstein realism: a unified perspective

Casimir energies

Can a small homemade EVO blow up the Pentagon?

I think Hell has not a clue as to the fury of a bunch of electrons suddenly unleashed. For the uninitiated to get a feel for the calculations involved with the Coulomb force, see the following website:

The website does calculations for you using whatever numbers you put in, but in the simple example given, 1 ampere of current is allowed to flow for 1 second in two 100 watt lighting circuits yielding 1 Coulomb of like charge each separated by 1 meter of distance. The force calculated between these two charge sources is 1 million tons! The same force would be available using only 10 milliamperes of current flowing for 100 seconds. This could be done with a miniscule piece of apparatus operating out of a backpack, as the trap and attendant circuits are very small. This quantity of charge in EVO format is likely less than 1 cubic centimeter in dimension. Surely, there should be a Do not disturb sign on it.

The problem is compounded further by the simplicity of long-term storage of the charge in a simple dielectric bottle of either plastic or glass, as EVOs have been found to be extremely stable when used in conjunction with both of these. This is somewhat equivalent to the well-established practice of storing positrons in a paraffin bottle. As unlikely as that sounds, it works.

The ugly problem introduced by this technology is the capability of first separating and then storing charge in such a simple way. I have often heard energy buffs proclaim a need for the 'Radio Shack' method of energy generation. Here it is, but I am not so sure we really want it. With such potentially vicious electrons in storage, who needs atoms to do foul deeds? This is just another example of how much easier it is to destroy than it is to build. In this case, the ugly doings of a mischief-maker can get by with a small fraction of the work it takes to make a useful electrical power source.

To make the problem even uglier, the simplicity of the apparatus can be increased further to the point of a spark discharge driving a resonant transmission line to provide a damped wave train for the attached trap. Since scientific answers are not the aim of someone creating mischief, the process can be carried out at atmospheric pressure. When one studies the problem of generation closely, all kinds of naturally occurring structures can be seen to do the job with a reasonably high degree of charge separation and collection. Ball lightning may well be an example of such an accidental occurrence. The missing ingredient up to now has been the ability to hold the apparatus still long enough to collect the low-velocity, periodically ejected EVO effluent from the trap.

The author can easily imagine a scenario where instructions are generated with enough clarity for about 1 person in 1,000 to perform the necessary operations to refine and store a gallon jug of electrons in the form of EVOs. There is no doubt that this jug full would be light enough to carry and be highly sensitive to destabilization of a catastrophic nature.

All of this ugly talk naturally turns to how to detect such a bottle of charge. There is no external field to be found around the closed bottle and the positive charge refuse has long since dissipated from the brewing site. At this point there is only conjecture as to what the substance looks like. Will it be metallic or dielectric in nature? Is it reflective or transparent? One thing for sure, it is likely to be very lightweight. Who knows, it might glow!

—Ken Shoulders, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Treasure hunter 'pinpoints' lost Nazi gold

UFOs and the disclosure initiatives

Apiarian apocalypse postponed as ice cream battles honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder

Ketamine: Dreams and realities (complete book, .pdf)

Social dreaming matrix

Old JFK documents may stir controversy

US sanctions on Cuba likely to remain intact

Liechtenstein defends its banks in German tax invasion inquiry

America's economy risks mother of all meltdowns

There is no logical reason to vote or pay taxes

Wealth destruction gathers pace

Credit Suisses takes $1 billion hit after trader errors

Credit default swaps face a big test in economic downturn

A primer on credit default insurance

Tear down that Wall (Street)


Saudi warnings mark Lebanon jitters

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

ex-MI6 head denies executing Princess Diana

Satellite turkey-shoot set to commence

Israel's Mossad, out of the shadows

Former Mossad chief argues for talks with Hamas

CIA had numerous plots against Castro

The CIA's 'Italian job' and the tape destruction

Terror threat in Norway rising, says intelligence agency

South Africa: 'spy cases are apartheid baggage'

Hacker holds on to ill-gotten gains thanks to US courts

Government 'lost' DNA data on 2,000 criminal suspects

Recommended Torrents

Note: Torrents are just information files and are legal everywhere. But actually downloading the file referenced in a given torrent may or may not be legal in your location. Don't do anything illegal.

Click for information and download link:

Ubuntu Linux Toolbox (pdf e-book)

* * *

Learn Russian (Russian lessons for English speakers in the form of .mp3 files; slow download)

* * *

Note: in Windows you can decompress .rar files with Rarzilla, while in Linux you need to install the unrar command.

* * *

More to Moon probes than meets the eye. A remote viewer's involvement with US intelligence.

Penetration-Ingo Swann (ebook in pdf format)

* * *

This is educational as well as entertaining. Although there is much more to the story than covered here. Aside from the issue of Afghan fighters like bin Laden, Bill Casey created a plan to send South American cocaine into Afghanistan to get Russian soldiers addicted. The cocaine shipments through Florida to Afghanistan became a growth industry, then fairly quickly--because of the profit potential--became increasingly diverted to the American market. (Details were supplied to me by a close associate of Bill Casey.)

Charlie Wilson's War (movie; play with VLC player in Windows or Linux)

* * *

130+ math learning books (torrent in .uif format; use MagicISO to convert to .iso,
then burn CD; in Linux run MagicISO from Wine for format conversion)

* * *

The Best Damned IT Security Book Period (torrent is zipped .rar files of pdf: unzip-->unrar-->pdf).

* * *

Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

* * *

Corporate malfeasance

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Evolutionary psychology

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

* * *

Mysterious creatures found in Antarctica

When good ideas turn bad

A fresh look inside Mount St. Helens

Biologists uncover butterfly's 'toxic disguise'

Directed self-ordering of organic molecules for electronic devices

Animals are smart but can't factor 100-digit prime numbers

Research backs theory that vitamin C shrinks tumours

Does faith healing really work?

Teleportation in new movie 'Jumper' reveals possibilities

Washington Post gets paranoid

Russian scientists contact nether world

Crisis apparitions

Pyrokinesis destroys evidence for thoughtography

Get your war on

Steamy Shanghai period flick shows plenty of lust

Should sex toys be monogamous?

Is America addicted to porn? ABC News wants to wallow in the answer

Her corpse was the best sex I ever had

Hey, girls! $8,000 for your eggs!

Reverse Cowgirl gets clusterflocked

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