Article archive from the homepage of J. Orlin Grabbe

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Pentagon investigates lasers that put voices into your head

Pakistanis deal severe defeat to Musharraf in election

R.E.M. sings inflation's theme song--Everybody hurts

Midas and Bacchus

Nicolas Poussin


* * *

The moment has come, by Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro resigns as president

A Bush-Sunni alliance against the Shia?, by Paul Craig Roberts

Kosovo: the EU and the US support a political process linked to organized crime

Journalist who exposes UN corruption disappears from Google News

A government devoid of truth and decency, by Paul Craig Roberts

Princess Diana murdered, Al Fayed claims

Police atrocities define the Bush police state

Pakistan: the politics of paranoia

Tunguska, the horns of the Moon and evolution

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

New frontiers in space propulsion sciences

Machines to achieve human-level artificial intelligence by 2029

Ritual drama: John the Baptist in space

'I'm million different people from one day to the next'

The extension of selves into physicality

Baphomet: the secret of the Templar fortune

How the video game console war parallels the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries

The crypt of Rennes-le-Château

Time travelling into the Dark Ages

The global brain (video)

Part 2: Ancient secret societies, UFOs, and the New World Order, by Brad Steiger

Photographing the photograph of the reality

Kubrick's films and the gnostic hyperreal

America's most policed art form: subway graffiti

Britain's teen tribes

hippieurbaniteneo indie
nu gravefaux punk

Bemoaning an America that values stupidity

Advertising, social engineering, and the New World Order

Do invisible friends lead to demon-possessed children?

Virtual reality and hallucination

My fake baby (video)

Implanting false memories

Researchers puzzled by rise in mid-life suicide rate in US

What makes gangsters tick?

The cult disciple

Protection from the evil eye

Is ritual child abuse just a hoax?

Santeria surging in Venezuela

Choking game deaths on the rise

Choking game becomes deadly new craze

Al Capone's .45 caliber Valentine

A cross: the Universe

Meredith Kercher suspect sings the Beatles

Attack of the killer shrooms

Implicit associations

Dick lamented the difficulty of creating a universe that would not fall apart two days later

A piece of cake

Why perfect dates make lousy partners

The caged concubines

The real story of how Sarkozy seduced Carla Bruni

The revenge of the geek

Secrets of Cambridge porn library revealed

The future of humanity

The art of picking up women

Dopamine and orgasm

Nonsense dressed up as neuroscience

Faeries--supernatural creatures--neither gods nor humans

I meet the goddess in the flesh

Scientists to study speed dating (again)

A history of Freudian fiction

Abortion, robots, and the labia majora

In the new China, sex can still be the stuff of scandal

Girls' self-perception of popularity predicts later weight gain

Readers abandon women's magazines

Better living through caffeine

Chaotic Callistro

Poverty poisons the brain

Give the dog a clone

The high rates of mental illness among psychiatrists

Love blossoms in the lab

Tabletop device mimics black hole event horizon

Mimicry and persuasion

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

An introduction to quantum game theory

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Superpositions of probability distributions

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Time machine at the LHC

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Quantum computing since Democritus--Lecture 12: Proof

A pair of quanta cannot be wed, by Nick Herbert

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

A Q&A about quantum teleportation with H. Jeff Kimble

Scientist 'can't rule out' sci-fi flick's teleportation premise

The limits of quantum computers

Bell's inequality, quantum measurement, and Einstein realism: a unified perspective

Can a small homemade EVO blow up the Pentagon?

I think Hell has not a clue as to the fury of a bunch of electrons suddenly unleashed. For the uninitiated to get a feel for the calculations involved with the Coulomb force, see the following website:

The website does calculations for you using whatever numbers you put in, but in the simple example given, 1 ampere of current is allowed to flow for 1 second in two 100 watt lighting circuits yielding 1 Coulomb of like charge each separated by 1 meter of distance. The force calculated between these two charge sources is 1 million tons! The same force would be available using only 10 milliamperes of current flowing for 100 seconds. This could be done with a miniscule piece of apparatus operating out of a backpack, as the trap and attendant circuits are very small. This quantity of charge in EVO format is likely less than 1 cubic centimeter in dimension. Surely, there should be a Do not disturb sign on it.

The problem is compounded further by the simplicity of long-term storage of the charge in a simple dielectric bottle of either plastic or glass, as EVOs have been found to be extremely stable when used in conjunction with both of these. This is somewhat equivalent to the well-established practice of storing positrons in a paraffin bottle. As unlikely as that sounds, it works.

The ugly problem introduced by this technology is the capability of first separating and then storing charge in such a simple way. I have often heard energy buffs proclaim a need for the 'Radio Shack' method of energy generation. Here it is, but I am not so sure we really want it. With such potentially vicious electrons in storage, who needs atoms to do foul deeds? This is just another example of how much easier it is to destroy than it is to build. In this case, the ugly doings of a mischief-maker can get by with a small fraction of the work it takes to make a useful electrical power source.

To make the problem even uglier, the simplicity of the apparatus can be increased further to the point of a spark discharge driving a resonant transmission line to provide a damped wave train for the attached trap. Since scientific answers are not the aim of someone creating mischief, the process can be carried out at atmospheric pressure. When one studies the problem of generation closely, all kinds of naturally occurring structures can be seen to do the job with a reasonably high degree of charge separation and collection. Ball lightning may well be an example of such an accidental occurrence. The missing ingredient up to now has been the ability to hold the apparatus still long enough to collect the low-velocity, periodically ejected EVO effluent from the trap.

The author can easily imagine a scenario where instructions are generated with enough clarity for about 1 person in 1,000 to perform the necessary operations to refine and store a gallon jug of electrons in the form of EVOs. There is no doubt that this jug full would be light enough to carry and be highly sensitive to destabilization of a catastrophic nature.

All of this ugly talk naturally turns to how to detect such a bottle of charge. There is no external field to be found around the closed bottle and the positive charge refuse has long since dissipated from the brewing site. At this point there is only conjecture as to what the substance looks like. Will it be metallic or dielectric in nature? Is it reflective or transparent? One thing for sure, it is likely to be very lightweight. Who knows, it might glow!

—Ken Shoulders, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Apiarian apocalypse postponed as ice cream battles honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder

Ketamine: Dreams and realities (complete book, .pdf)

Social dreaming matrix

Old JFK documents may stir controversy

I bought a car. It turned out to be an alien being.

Senator John McCain tasked Air Force to investigate 'Phoenix lights' UFO

Ghostbuster called in after workers stalked by 'zombie' in underground tunnels

Carlos Lage sounds like Castro's successor in Cuba

There is no logical reason to vote or pay taxes

Wealth destruction gathers pace

Credit Suisses takes $1 billion hit after trader errors

Credit default swaps face a big test in economic downturn

A primer on credit default insurance

Tear down that Wall (Street)


New data look bleak for US economy

Bernanke and Paulson criticized over their response to US economic woes

The door to Iraq's oil opens wide

Assassinated Hezbollah operative a legend in his home village in southern Lebanon

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

Pentagon investigates lasers that put voices into your head

Pentagon declares 1400-mile Pacific sat-shoot exclusion zone

Ehud Olmert should top the list, then

ex-Mossad chief: Kill terror-supporting heads of state

Petrobras data theft was industrial spying, say police

Supreme Court rejects ACLU challenge to wiretaps

Wikileaks archive available on Pirate Bay (.torrent link)

Facebook: please don't leave me . . . bitch

Russia's claim under polar ice irks American who assisted them

Wikipedia refuses to become non-Prophet

DVD Jon aims to smash digital Tower of Babel

Recommended Torrents

Note: Torrents are just information files and are legal everywhere. But actually downloading the file referenced in a given torrent may or may not be legal in your location. Don't do anything illegal.

Click for information and download link:

Learn Russian (Russian lessons for English speakers in the form of .mp3 files; slow download)

* * *

Note: in Windows you can decompress .rar files with Rarzilla, while in Linux you need to install the unrar command.

* * *

More to Moon probes than meets the eye. A remote viewer's involvement with US intelligence.

Penetration-Ingo Swann (ebook in pdf format)

* * *

This is educational as well as entertaining. Although there is much more to the story than covered here. Aside from the issue of Afghan fighters like bin Laden, Bill Casey created a plan to send South American cocaine into Afghanistan to get Russian soldiers addicted. The cocaine shipments through Florida to Afghanistan became a growth industry, then fairly quickly--because of the profit potential--became increasingly diverted to the American market. (Details were supplied to me by a close associate of Bill Casey.)

Charlie Wilson's War (movie; play with VLC player in Windows or Linux)

* * *

130+ math learning books (torrent in .uif format; use MagicISO to convert to .iso,
then burn CD; in Linux run MagicISO from Wine for format conversion)

* * *

The Best Damned IT Security Book Period (torrent is zipped .rar files of pdf: unzip-->unrar-->pdf).

* * *

Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

* * *

Corporate malfeasance

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Evolutionary psychology

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

* * *

The new theories that are killing time

What makes the Mediterranean diet so healthful?

6 physics 'supers'

The dark side of light

The myth of the noble savage scientist

Scientists study neurons, call it consciousness

Spanish makes you fat

Russian scientists contact nether world

Crisis apparitions

Pyrokinesis destroys evidence for thoughtography

Exorcisms 'more dangerous than pagan beliefs'

Psychic's tales inflame mystery of hedge fund manager's demise

A revealing night of ghosts in Fort Lauderdale

Get your war on

The sordid story of the Kawasaki love hotel murder

Pastor tells flock to have sex every day for a month

My penis is too big to have sex with women

Don't pass judgment if you're trying to get laid

Dealbreaker: the Johnny Cash tattoo

For sex, first insert alcohol

Raelians rocket from clones to clitorises

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

German spy agency targets offshore tax havens

Psychic's tales inflame mystery of hedge fund manager's demise

The Happy Mogambo Retirement Fund

Bacchanal of Putti

Nicolas Poussin

* * *

A government devoid of truth and decency, by Paul Craig Roberts

Princess Diana murdered, Al Fayed claims

Police atrocities define the Bush police state

Pakistan: the politics of paranoia

Kosovo independence: 'End of Europe'

Big Brother might not be watching you for long

GM crop trial locations may be hidden from public

Clinton campaign in disarray as staff squabble over 'attack adverts'

Tunguska, the horns of the Moon and evolution

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

Machines to achieve human-level artificial intelligence by 2029

Ritual drama: John the Baptist in space

'I'm million different people from one day to the next'

The extension of selves into physicality

Baphomet: the secret of the Templar fortune

How the video game console war parallels the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries

The crypt of Rennes-le-Château

Time travelling into the Dark Ages

The global brain (video)

Part 2: Ancient secret societies, UFOs, and the New World Order, by Brad Steiger

Vril, the Power of the Coming Race

America's most policed art form: subway graffiti

Britain's teen tribes

hippieurbaniteneo indie
nu gravefaux punk

Bemoaning an America that values stupidity

Advertising, social engineering, and the New World Order

Do invisible friends lead to demon-possessed children?

Virtual reality and hallucination

My fake baby (video)

Implanting false memories

Rats in an orange cage

The cult disciple

Protection from the evil eye

Is ritual child abuse just a hoax?

Santeria surging in Venezuela

Choking game deaths on the rise

Choking game becomes deadly new craze

Al Capone's .45 caliber Valentine

A cross: the Universe

Meredith Kercher suspect sings the Beatles

Attack of the killer shrooms

Implicit associations

Dick lamented the difficulty of creating a universe that would not fall apart two days later

A piece of cake

Hospital director accused of supplying mentally-impaired women as suicide bombers

World champion boxer warns Obama will be assassinated 'within months' if he wins presidency

The caged concubines

The real story of how Sarkozy seduced Carla Bruni

The revenge of the geek

Secrets of Cambridge porn library revealed

The future of humanity

How to undress for sex

Dopamine and orgasm

Nonsense dressed up as neuroscience

Faeries--supernatural creatures--neither gods nor humans

I meet the goddess in the flesh

Scientists to study speed dating (again)

The relationship between sex and chocolate

Abortion, robots, and the labia majora

In the new China, sex can still be the stuff of scandal

Girls' self-perception of popularity predicts later weight gain

Readers abandon women's magazines

Better living through caffeine

The eager dead and undying love

Poverty poisons the brain

Give the dog a clone

The high rates of mental illness among psychiatrists

Love blossoms in the lab

Tabletop device mimics black hole event horizon

Mimicry and persuasion

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

An introduction to quantum game theory

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Superpositions of probability distributions

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Time machine at the LHC

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Quantum computing since Democritus--Lecture 12: Proof

A pair of quanta cannot be wed, by Nick Herbert

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

A Q&A about quantum teleportation with H. Jeff Kimble

Scientist 'can't rule out' sci-fi flick's teleportation premise

The limits of quantum computers

Can a small homemade EVO blow up the Pentagon?

I think Hell has not a clue as to the fury of a bunch of electrons suddenly unleashed. For the uninitiated to get a feel for the calculations involved with the Coulomb force, see the following website:

The website does calculations for you using whatever numbers you put in, but in the simple example given, 1 ampere of current is allowed to flow for 1 second in two 100 watt lighting circuits yielding 1 Coulomb of like charge each separated by 1 meter of distance. The force calculated between these two charge sources is 1 million tons! The same force would be available using only 10 milliamperes of current flowing for 100 seconds. This could be done with a miniscule piece of apparatus operating out of a backpack, as the trap and attendant circuits are very small. This quantity of charge in EVO format is likely less than 1 cubic centimeter in dimension. Surely, there should be a Do not disturb sign on it.

The problem is compounded further by the simplicity of long-term storage of the charge in a simple dielectric bottle of either plastic or glass, as EVOs have been found to be extremely stable when used in conjunction with both of these. This is somewhat equivalent to the well-established practice of storing positrons in a paraffin bottle. As unlikely as that sounds, it works.

The ugly problem introduced by this technology is the capability of first separating and then storing charge in such a simple way. I have often heard energy buffs proclaim a need for the 'Radio Shack' method of energy generation. Here it is, but I am not so sure we really want it. With such potentially vicious electrons in storage, who needs atoms to do foul deeds? This is just another example of how much easier it is to destroy than it is to build. In this case, the ugly doings of a mischief-maker can get by with a small fraction of the work it takes to make a useful electrical power source.

To make the problem even uglier, the simplicity of the apparatus can be increased further to the point of a spark discharge driving a resonant transmission line to provide a damped wave train for the attached trap. Since scientific answers are not the aim of someone creating mischief, the process can be carried out at atmospheric pressure. When one studies the problem of generation closely, all kinds of naturally occurring structures can be seen to do the job with a reasonably high degree of charge separation and collection. Ball lightning may well be an example of such an accidental occurrence. The missing ingredient up to now has been the ability to hold the apparatus still long enough to collect the low-velocity, periodically ejected EVO effluent from the trap.

The author can easily imagine a scenario where instructions are generated with enough clarity for about 1 person in 1,000 to perform the necessary operations to refine and store a gallon jug of electrons in the form of EVOs. There is no doubt that this jug full would be light enough to carry and be highly sensitive to destabilization of a catastrophic nature.

All of this ugly talk naturally turns to how to detect such a bottle of charge. There is no external field to be found around the closed bottle and the positive charge refuse has long since dissipated from the brewing site. At this point there is only conjecture as to what the substance looks like. Will it be metallic or dielectric in nature? Is it reflective or transparent? One thing for sure, it is likely to be very lightweight. Who knows, it might glow!

—Ken Shoulders, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Social dreaming matrix

Old JFK documents may stir controversy

I bought a car. It turned out to be an alien being.

Senator John McCain tasked Air Force to investigate 'Phoenix lights' UFO

Ghostbuster called in after workers stalked by 'zombie' in underground tunnels

Source tells of secret UFO meeting at UN, February 12, 2008

Chicago's police investigate UFO abduction

Iran predicts Hezbollah will destroy Israel

Credit default swaps face a big test in economic downturn

A primer on credit default insurance

Tear down that Wall (Street)


New data look bleak for US economy

Bernanke and Paulson criticized over their response to US economic woes

The door to Iraq's oil opens wide

Barclays targets Russian bank

The world economy: in search of an insurance policy

Israel's 2006 bombing of Southern Lebanon could spur cluster bomb ban

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

9-11 victim's father paints picture of US-CIA criminal enterprise on Spanish TV

Chavez: no plans to halt oil exports to US

China also concerned about US spy satellite shootdown plans

CIA's front companies ineffective, officials say

FBI 'screwed up', spied on entire email network

German spy agency pays millions of euros to a tax supergrass

British council may be spy front, Russia says

Czech counter-intelligence denies blackmail allegations

Another rat bullshits: spymasters tricked me taken offline after fire, court injunction

Wikileaked Bank Julius Bauer documents (.zip file, 3 Meg)

Moroccan IT engineer arrested over fake Facebook account

'Suspicious comment' provokes LAX terminal evacuation

The beginnings of Earth's star wars?

Recommended Torrents

Note: Torrents are just information files and are legal everywhere. But actually downloading the file referenced in a given torrent may or may not be legal in your location. Don't do anything illegal.

Click for information and download link:

Learn Russian (lessons in the form of .mp3 files; slow download)

* * *

Note: in Windows you can decompress .rar files with Rarzilla, while in Linux you need to install the unrar command.

* * *

More to Moon probes than meets the eye. A remote viewer's involvement with US intelligence.

Penetration-Ingo Swann (ebook in pdf format)

* * *

This is educational as well as entertaining. Although there is much more to the story than covered here. Aside from the issue of Afghan fighters like bin Laden, Bill Casey created a plan to send South American cocaine into Afghanistan to get Russian soldiers addicted. The cocaine shipments through Florida to Afghanistan became a growth industry, then fairly quickly--because of the profit potential--became increasingly diverted to the American market. (Details were supplied to me by a close associate of Bill Casey.)

Charlie Wilson's War (movie; play with VLC player in Windows or Linux)

* * *

130+ math learning books (torrent in .uif format; use MagicISO to convert to .iso,
then burn CD; in Linux run MagicISO from Wine for format conversion)

* * *

The Best Damned IT Security Book Period (torrent is zipped .rar files of pdf: unzip-->unrar-->pdf).

* * *

Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

* * *

Corporate malfeasance

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

* * *

The limits of quantum computers

Get ready for the eclipse that saved Columbus

Musical genius isn't in the genes, research suggests

Using fireballs to uncover the mysteries of ball lightning

Computer models give an edge for spotting winners

Fat people will destroy the Earth

Probing women's response to male odor

Exorcisms 'more dangerous than pagan beliefs'

Psychic's tales inflame mystery of hedge fund manager's demise

A revealing night of ghosts in Fort Lauderdale

Biblical scholar's documentation of UFO incident gives insights into extraterrestrials

Mystery watercolor found hidden in wall

A close encounter of the M27 kind?

Get your war on

GOP porno studs cozy up to Ann Coulter

A middle-aged sex maniac

The steamy legal swamp of policing hooker ads

Are you a sex goddess?

Fed up cop quits force to become porn star

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

Israel killed Hezbollah chief with headrest bomb

Terrorism still stalks Manhattan: Moody's protection racket

The deadly quicksand of deficit spending

The Adoration of the Golden Calf

Nicolas Poussin

Poussin's humour

* * *

Kosovo independence: 'End of Europe'

Big Brother might not be watching you for long

GM crop trial locations may be hidden from public

Clinton campaign in disarray as staff squabble over 'attack adverts'

Blair used 'irresistible pressure' to halt investigation into BAE-Saudi arms deal

Pakistan is burning

Iraq: they call this stability?

Judges condemn police lies after 9-11 attacks that ruined pilot's life

Tunguska, the horns of the Moon and evolution

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

Ritual drama: John the Baptist in space

'I'm million different people from one day to the next'

The extension of selves into physicality

Baphomet: the secret of the Templar fortune

How the video game console war parallels the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries

The crypt of Rennes-le-Château

Time travelling into the Dark Ages

The global brain (video)

Part 2: Ancient secret societies, UFOs, and the New World Order, by Brad Steiger

Vril, the Power of the Coming Race

The big question: Is time travel possible and is there any chance it will ever take place?

Bemoaning an America that values stupidity

Advertising, social engineering, and the New World Order

Do invisible friends lead to demon-possessed children?

Virtual reality and hallucination

My fake baby (video)

Implanting false memories

Rats in an orange cage

My cortex made me buy it

Is ritual child abuse just a hoax?

Santeria surging in Venezuela

Choking game deaths on the rise

Choking game becomes deadly new craze

Al Capone's .45 caliber Valentine

A cross: the Universe

Meredith Kercher suspect sings the Beatles

Attack of the killer shrooms

Implicit associations

Dick lamented the difficulty of creating a universe that would not fall apart two days later

A piece of cake

Hospital director accused of supplying mentally-impaired women as suicide bombers

World champion boxer warns Obama will be assassinated 'within months' if he wins presidency

Five easy steps to create a Manchurian candidate

Woman's dream sparks bomb alert at North Sea oil platform

The real story of how Sarkozy seduced Carla Bruni

The revenge of the geek

Secrets of Cambridge porn library revealed

The future of humanity

How to undress for sex

Reawakening feminine power

Faeries--supernatural creatures--neither gods nor humans

I meet the goddess in the flesh

Scientists to study speed dating (again)

The relationship between sex and chocolate

Let's tie one on for Valentine's Day

Orgasm and the brain

In the new China, sex can still be the stuff of scandal

Girls' self-perception of popularity predicts later weight gain

Readers abandon women's magazines

Better living through caffeine

The eager dead and undying love

Truly, madly, chemically in love: the finer points of romance

Give the dog a clone

The high rates of mental illness among psychiatrists

Love blossoms in the lab

Tabletop device mimics black hole event horizon

Mimicry and persuasion

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

An introduction to quantum game theory

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Superpositions of probability distributions

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Time machine at the LHC

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Quantum computing since Democritus--Lecture 12: Proof

A pair of quanta cannot be wed, by Nick Herbert

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

A Q&A about quantum teleportation with H. Jeff Kimble

Scientist 'can't rule out' sci-fi flick's teleportation premise

What is gravity?

The emergence of a quantum-foam explanation for space is accompanied by the effect in which quantum 'matter' effectively acts as a sink for the quantum foam. This provides an explanation for the logical necessity of the phenomenon of gravity. Essentially gravity is the loss of relational information during the in-flow to matter.

The presently accepted theory of gravity is General Relativity (GR) with its key concept of curved spacetime. Here it is shown that GR is a confused amalgam of the Einstein measurement protocol with nothing more than Newtonian Gravity (NG). The quantum foam in-flow effect that is gravity is seen not to be identical to GR for as shown here GR actually is identical to Newtonian gravity in all the cases where it has been tested experimentally. Significantly we reveal strong experimental and theoretical considerations which indicate that the fundamental foundations of GR appear to be erroneous. The Einstein assumptions on which the Special and General Theory of Relativity are based are shown to be in disagreement with numerous experiments. They are demonstrably wrong2. Even more surprisingly is that Newtonian Gravity (NG) appears to be valid only in special circumstances, and that the phenomena of gravity is in fact very different from the expectations of NG and GR. It is argued here that the anomalous rotational speed effect in spiral galaxies is a manifestation of the failure of both Newtonian and the Hilbert-Einstein gravity. A new theory of gravity is presented in provisional form. This theory passes all the tests that GR had apparently passed, but predicts other phenomena that are not predicted by GR or even NG. This spacetime construct is shown here to have no ontological significance though it does have technical uses.

2There is considerable debate, discussed later, about who developed the foundational ideas that resulted in the formulation of SR [Special Relativity] and GR. The key new insight offered here is that aside from this historical analysis the resulting SR and GR are actually wrong, and amounted to an obscurification rather than a contribution to the development and understanding of relativistic effects.

—Reginald T. Cahill, Process Physics: From Information Theory to Quantum Space and Matter

I bought a car. It turned out to be an alien being.

Senator John McCain tasked Air Force to investigate 'Phoenix lights' UFO

Ghostbuster called in after workers stalked by 'zombie' in underground tunnels

Source tells of secret UFO meeting at UN, February 12, 2008

Chicago's police investigate UFO abduction

Ghosts, monsters now banned in China

Recap of Jacques Vallee on Coast to Coast

US says ready to resume talks with Iran on Iraq


New data look bleak for US economy

Bernanke and Paulson criticized over their response to US economic woes

The door to Iraq's oil opens wide

Barclays targets Russian bank

The world economy: in search of an insurance policy

Dead Georgian billionaire had feared plots

The only way to keep the US economy going is to increase the wages of the bottom 2/3

Lebanon has 'no interest' in open war

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

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The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

Iraq's failure to assassinate Bush

Israel killed Hezbollah chief with headrest bomb

Judge denies CSIS bid to track terror suspects

A Canadian's secret life in the Mossad

Spy satellite may come down Wednesday

Satellite shoot-down plan began with a secret assembly of scientists

Crypto-gram newsletter, Feb 15, 2008

5000 NHS records vanish with latest lost laptop

Eugene Kaspersky and the KGB man that never was

UK bank blames fraudsters for World of Warcraft ban

Secret printer ID codes may breach EU privacy laws

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This is educational as well as entertaining. Although there is much more to the story than covered here. Aside from the issue of Afghan fighters like bin Laden, Bill Casey created a plan to send South American cocaine into Afghanistan to get Russian soldiers addicted. The cocaine shipments through Florida to Afghanistan became a growth industry, then fairly quickly--because of the profit potential--became increasingly diverted to the American market. (Details were supplied to me by a close associate of Bill Casey.)

Charlie Wilson's War (movie; play with VLC player in Windows or Linux)

130+ math learning books (torrent in .uif format; use MagicISO to convert to .iso,
then burn CD; in Linux run MagicISO from Wine for format conversion)

The Best Damned IT Security Book Period (torrent is zipped rar files of pdf: unzip-->unrar-->pdf)

Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

* * *

Chinese herbal medicine: how effective is it?

Brain blanket boosts mind control

Scientists create the sound of silence

God is more than a flying brain

Warming seas in Antarctica could unleash invasion of predators

With climate swing, a culture bloomed in America

Turning 'funky' quantum mysteries into computing reality

Biblical scholar's documentation of UFO incident gives insights into extraterrestrials

Mystery watercolor found hidden in wall

A close encounter of the M27 kind?

The secret of Scientology

Past is prelude: 1952

Bitches who make men impotent deserve to die

Pleas for condemned Saudi witch

Get your war on

NBC says it's sure sorry for Jane Fonda's cunt

Eager gals give guys their sexpert opinions

Naked cowboy sues Mars

My husband bought an artificial vagina. Should I be worried?

Red-light specials

Hey! This means you:

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Campus gunman was 'outstanding student'

Mao offered the US 10 million women

Prehistoric problems with fiat currency

Apollo and Muses at Parnassus

Nicolas Poussin

Apollo: the Greek god of light and prophecy

* * *

Blair used 'irresistible pressure' to halt investigation into BAE-Saudi arms deal

Pakistan is burning

Iraq: they call this stability?

Judges condemn police lies after 9-11 attacks that ruined pilot's life

Palestine in the mind of America

Imposing the New World Order

Cuba demands that US give back Guantanamo Bay

Russian state TV suggests that USA involved in drug trafficking from Afghanistan

Tunguska, the horns of the Moon and evolution

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

'I'm million different people from one day to the next'

The extension of selves into physicality

Baphomet: the secret of the Templar fortune

How the video game console war parallels the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries

The crypt of Rennes-le-Château

Time travelling into the Dark Ages

The global brain (video)

Part 2: Ancient secret societies, UFOs, and the New World Order, by Brad Steiger

Vril, the Power of the Coming Race

The big question: Is time travel possible and is there any chance it will ever take place?

Part 1: Mysterious symbols projected in night sky by aerial disk near Stephensville, Texas

Advertising, social engineering, and the New World Order

Do invisible friends lead to demon-possessed children?

Virtual reality and hallucination

My fake baby (video)

Implanting false memories

Rats in an orange cage

My cortex made me buy it

Technology peeks inside voters' minds

Santeria surging in Venezuela

Choking game deaths on the rise

Choking game becomes deadly new craze

Al Capone's .45 caliber Valentine

A cross: the Universe

Meredith Kercher suspect sings the Beatles

Attack of the killer shrooms

Implicit associations

Dick lamented the difficulty of creating a universe that would not fall apart two days later

A piece of cake

Hospital director accused of supplying mentally-impaired women as suicide bombers

World champion boxer warns Obama will be assassinated 'within months' if he wins presidency

Five easy steps to create a Manchurian candidate

Woman's dream sparks bomb alert at North Sea oil platform

Your husband is infected with an alien virus, and they prescribe you an antipsychotic.
Don't you find that a little WEIRD?

Why I resigned from the American Psychological Association

The revenge of the geek

Secrets of Cambridge porn library revealed

The future of humanity

How to undress for sex

Reawakening feminine power

Are women wired not to win?

I meet the goddess in the flesh

Scientists to study speed dating (again)

The relationship between sex and chocolate

Let's tie one on for Valentine's Day

Orgasm and the brain

Doomsday Book makes leap to the Internet

Girls' self-perception of popularity predicts later weight gain

Readers abandon women's magazines

Better living through caffeine

The eager dead and undying love

Truly, madly, chemically in love: the finer points of romance

Are you too close to your best friend?

The high rates of mental illness among psychiatrists

Love blossoms in the lab

Tabletop device mimics black hole event horizon

Mimicry and persuasion

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

An introduction to quantum game theory

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Superpositions of probability distributions

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Time machine at the LHC

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Quantum computing since Democritus--Lecture 12: Proof

A pair of quanta cannot be wed, by Nick Herbert

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

A Q&A about quantum teleportation with H. Jeff Kimble

What is gravity?

The emergence of a quantum-foam explanation for space is accompanied by the effect in which quantum 'matter' effectively acts as a sink for the quantum foam. This provides an explanation for the logical necessity of the phenomenon of gravity. Essentially gravity is the loss of relational information during the in-flow to matter.

The presently accepted theory of gravity is General Relativity (GR) with its key concept of curved spacetime. Here it is shown that GR is a confused amalgam of the Einstein measurement protocol with nothing more than Newtonian Gravity (NG). The quantum foam in-flow effect that is gravity is seen not to be identical to GR for as shown here GR actually is identical to Newtonian gravity in all the cases where it has been tested experimentally. Significantly we reveal strong experimental and theoretical considerations which indicate that the fundamental foundations of GR appear to be erroneous. The Einstein assumptions on which the Special and General Theory of Relativity are based are shown to be in disagreement with numerous experiments. They are demonstrably wrong2. Even more surprisingly is that Newtonian Gravity (NG) appears to be valid only in special circumstances, and that the phenomena of gravity is in fact very different from the expectations of NG and GR. It is argued here that the anomalous rotational speed effect in spiral galaxies is a manifestation of the failure of both Newtonian and the Hilbert-Einstein gravity. A new theory of gravity is presented in provisional form. This theory passes all the tests that GR had apparently passed, but predicts other phenomena that are not predicted by GR or even NG. This spacetime construct is shown here to have no ontological significance though it does have technical uses.

2There is considerable debate, discussed later, about who developed the foundational ideas that resulted in the formulation of SR [Special Relativity] and GR. The key new insight offered here is that aside from this historical analysis the resulting SR and GR are actually wrong, and amounted to an obscurification rather than a contribution to the development and understanding of relativistic effects.

—Reginald T. Cahill, Process Physics: From Information Theory to Quantum Space and Matter

Source tells of secret UFO meeting at UN, February 12, 2008

Chicago's police investigate UFO abduction

Ghosts, monsters now banned in China

Recap of Jacques Vallee on Coast to Coast

2012 and the consciousness singularity

Michael Salla protests firing of reporter covering UFO story

Iran, Syria probe Mughniyeh killing

Bernanke and Paulson criticized over their response to US economic woes

The door to Iraq's oil opens wide

Barclays targets Russian bank

The world economy: in search of an insurance policy

Dead Georgian billionaire had feared plots

The only way to keep the US economy going is to increase the wages of the bottom 2/3

Mortgage crisis spreads past US subprime loans

Physician heal thyself: US whimpers for more milk and cookies

Hezbollah appoints successor to slain commander

Fresh Doonesbury daily

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The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

US diplomat faces espionage charges in Bolivia

Spooks always ring twice: Bush's 'protect America' bullshit

Blackwater schooling Taiwan's secret police

US tries to convince world shoot-down of satellite not offensive

Hawaii-based ship could shoot down satellite

HP pays off journalists in spying scandal

Lies surround former spy chief's Pongyang visit

Bank scammers scammed says security researcher

Cisco plugs VoIP malware loophole

Court lifts lid on Saudi terror threat claim

Recommended Torrents

Note: Torrents are just information files and are legal everywhere. But actually downloading the file referenced in a given torrent may or may not be legal in your location. Don't do anything illegal.

Click for information and download link:

130+ math learning books (torrent in .uif format; use MagicISO to convert to .iso,
then burn CD; in Linux run MagicISO from Wine for format conversion)

The Best Damned IT Security Book Period (torrent is zipped rar files of pdf: unzip-->unrar-->pdf)

Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

* * *

A 'golden channel' for new physics

NASA urged to send some people to Mars

Crowds 'pick leaders to follow'

The scam artists with their pretty pictures--how about an extra billion for hookers?

Falling space satellite reveals 'missile defense' system is a piece of white elephant crap

Shooting down spy satellite may endanger space station

Patients who are frozen in time

e + 1 = 0

Constant failure

The secret of Scientology

Past is prelude: 1952

Bitches who make men impotent deserve to die

Pleas for condemned Saudi witch

Haunted Valentines

Love at first sense

The paranormal at Penrith draws response from believers

Get your war on

Unexpected sources drive progress of sex tech

What I am doing in the last 5 minutes before you arrive

Details of Okinawan girl's alleged rape encounter with US marine

How to be his best sex ever

Do you feel insecure when your partner watches porn?

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