Article archive from the homepage of J. Orlin Grabbe

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You gotta have fear in your heart

--Liz Phair, 'Shane'

Former CIA official: Mossad behind Mughniyah killing

Hezbollah chief calls for 'open war'

Orgasms and politics, the real choice

The tech of Obamamania

Saddled by pixie dust

Bacchic Scene

Nicolas Poussin

Dionysus, Pan, Echo, and Narcissus

* * *

Palestine in the mind of America

Imposing the New World Order

Cuba demands that US give back Guantanamo Bay

Russian state TV suggests that USA involved in drug trafficking from Afghanistan

How 'flat earth' news is killing journalism

Meet John McCain: Mr. Big Stick in Latin America

Briton arrested, caged, and DNA tested--for using MP3

Tunguska, the horns of the Moon and evolution

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

Baphomet: the secret of the Templar fortune

How the video game console war parallels the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries

The crypt of Rennes-le-Château

Time travelling into the Dark Ages

The global brain (video)

Part 2: Ancient secret societies, UFOs, and the New World Order, by Brad Steiger

Vril, the Power of the Coming Race

The big question: Is time travel possible and is there any chance it will ever take place?

Part 1: Mysterious symbols projected in night sky by aerial disk near Stephensville, Texas

An actor prepares

Feel like a fraud? At times maybe you should

Do invisible friends lead to demon-possessed children?

Virtual reality and hallucination

My fake baby (video)

Implanting false memories

Rats in an orange cage

My cortex made me buy it

Technology peeks inside voters' minds

Zombie apocalypse

Choking game deaths on the rise

Choking game becomes deadly new craze

Al Capone's .45 caliber Valentine

A cross: the Universe

Meredith Kercher suspect sings the Beatles

Attack of the killer shrooms

Implicit associations

Dick lamented the difficulty of creating a universe that would not fall apart two days later

A piece of cake

Hospital director accused of supplying mentally-impaired women as suicide bombers

World champion boxer warns Obama will be assassinated 'within months' if he wins presidency

Five easy steps to create a Manchurian candidate

Woman's dream sparks bomb alert at North Sea oil platform

Your husband is infected with an alien virus, and they prescribe you an antipsychotic.
Don't you find that a little WEIRD?

Why I resigned from the American Psychological Association

The 'Google generation' is a myth

Psychedelic drugs in medicine (video)

Secrets of Cambridge porn library revealed

The future of humanity

How to undress for sex

Reawakening feminine power

Are women wired not to win?

A man needs a woman like a fish needs a donut

The relationship between sex and chocolate

Let's tie one on for Valentine's Day

Orgasm and the brain

Doomsday Book makes leap to the Internet

Coffee, cigarettes, and gnosis #84: the Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Readers abandon women's magazines

Better living through caffeine

The eager dead and undying love

Truly, madly, chemically in love: the finer points of romance

Are you too close to your best friend?

The double life of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Love blossoms in the lab

Tabletop device mimics black hole event horizon

Mimicry and persuasion

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

An introduction to quantum game theory

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Superpositions of probability distributions

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Time machine at the LHC

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Quantum computing since Democritus--Lecture 12: Proof

A pair of quanta cannot be wed, by Nick Herbert

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

What is gravity?

The emergence of a quantum-foam explanation for space is accompanied by the effect in which quantum 'matter' effectively acts as a sink for the quantum foam. This provides an explanation for the logical necessity of the phenomenon of gravity. Essentially gravity is the loss of relational information during the in-flow to matter.

The presently accepted theory of gravity is General Relativity (GR) with its key concept of curved spacetime. Here it is shown that GR is a confused amalgam of the Einstein measurement protocol with nothing more than Newtonian Gravity (NG). The quantum foam in-flow effect that is gravity is seen not to be identical to GR for as shown here GR actually is identical to Newtonian gravity in all the cases where it has been tested experimentally. Significantly we reveal strong experimental and theoretical considerations which indicate that the fundamental foundations of GR appear to be erroneous. The Einstein assumptions on which the Special and General Theory of Relativity are based are shown to be in disagreement with numerous experiments. They are demonstrably wrong2. Even more surprisingly is that Newtonian Gravity (NG) appears to be valid only in special circumstances, and that the phenomena of gravity is in fact very different from the expectations of NG and GR. It is argued here that the anomalous rotational speed effect in spiral galaxies is a manifestation of the failure of both Newtonian and the Hilbert-Einstein gravity. A new theory of gravity is presented in provisional form. This theory passes all the tests that GR had apparently passed, but predicts other phenomena that are not predicted by GR or even NG. This spacetime construct is shown here to have no ontological significance though it does have technical uses.

2There is considerable debate, discussed later, about who developed the foundational ideas that resulted in the formulation of SR [Special Relativity] and GR. The key new insight offered here is that aside from this historical analysis the resulting SR and GR are actually wrong, and amounted to an obscurification rather than a contribution to the development and understanding of relativistic effects.

—Reginald T. Cahill, Process Physics: From Information Theory to Quantum Space and Matter

Ghosts, monsters now banned in China

Recap of Jacques Vallee on Coast to Coast

2012 and the consciousness singularity

Michael Salla protests firing of reporter covering UFO story

Shulgin's psychoactive lab books placed online

Who really killed Abraham Lincoln?, by Brad Steiger

Ahmadinejad to become first Iranian president to visit Iraq

Barclays targets Russian bank

The world economy: in search of an insurance policy

Dead Georgian billionaire had feared plots

The only way to keep the US economy going is to increase the wages of the bottom 2/3

Mortgage crisis spreads past US subprime loans

Physician heal thyself: US whimpers for more milk and cookies

Yahoo wants more money--rejects Microsofts $44.6 billion bid

China helps create a future for Congo

Credit crisis 'here to stay', say top bankers

Massive crowds flock to memorials in Lebanon

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

Latvian spy row zooms in on control over security services

Former CIA official: Mossad behind Mughniyah killing

Hezbollah chief calls for 'open war'

Syrian human rights watchdog, Hamas condemn Israeli gangsterism

Gang who can't shoot straight thinks they can hit a satellite

Gitmo detainees tortured with Starbucks coffee

Britain's invisible tanks

MayDay! Ruskies reinvent cybercrime

Major Linux security glitch lets hackers in at Claranet

Friendly worms could spread software fixes

Recommended Torrents

Note: Torrents are just information files and are legal everywhere. But actually downloading the file referenced in a given torrent may or may not be legal in your location. Don't do anything illegal.

Click for information and download link:

130+ math learning books (torrent in .uif format; use MagicISO to convert to .iso,
then burn CD; in Linux run MagicISO from Wine for format conversion)

The Best Damned IT Security Book Period (torrent is zipped rar files of pdf: unzip-->unrar-->pdf)

Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

A brief introduction to quantum complexity theory

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

* * *

New theory changes the thinking behind creating robots and smart machines

Titan's surface organics surpass oil reserves on Earth

Boarding back-to-front is only slightly better than boarding front-to-back

The best way to board a plane

Periodic table organizes zoo of black hole orbits

Tattoos help deliver vaccine

When people feel powerful, they ignore new opinions

Astronomers find scaled-down version of our own solar system

Haunted Valentines

Love at first sense

The paranormal at Penrith draws response from believers

The mysterious ghost bomber of the Monongahela, by Brad Steiger

Turkish UFO video footage deemed genuine

Rense promotes hoax pictures

Get your war on

Dating advice from circus performers

Eating out

Taking the streetcar to Grinzing

Lust in four languages

You want more sex? Read The Elements of Style and apply it to your emails

Choking game becomes deadly new craze

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

Diana inquest: MI6 'plotted tunnel murder'

One dollar bill to be demystified

Add another trillion

Acis and Galatea

Nicolas Poussin

Acis and Galatea (mythology)

* * *

How 'flat earth' news is killing journalism

Meet John McCain: Mr. Big Stick in Latin America

Briton arrested, caged, and DNA tested--for using MP3

Tunguska, the horns of the Moon and evolution

US accused of using 'kangeroo court' to try men accused of role in 9-11 attacks

The power of the Israel lobby

American psycho: the meaning of Mitt Romney's exit speech

Ritual of dealing with demons undergoes a revival

Comet Biela and Mrs. O'Leary's cow

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

How the video game console war parallels the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries

The crypt of Rennes-le-Château

Time travelling into the Dark Ages

The global brain (video)

Part 2: Ancient secret societies, UFOs, and the New World Order, by Brad Steiger

Vril, the Power of the Coming Race

The big question: Is time travel possible and is there any chance it will ever take place?

Part 1: Mysterious symbols projected in night sky by aerial disk near Stephensville, Texas

An actor prepares

Feel like a fraud? At times maybe you should

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Beatles space broadcast 'risks alien attack'

Virtual reality and hallucination

My fake baby (video)

Implanting false memories

Rats in an orange cage

My cortex made me buy it

Technology peeks inside voters' minds

Zombie apocalypse

Has the epidemic of misery been caused by addiction to therapy?

Doing physics in Second Life

A cross: the Universe

Meredith Kercher suspect sings the Beatles

Attack of the killer shrooms

Implicit associations

Dick lamented the difficulty of creating a universe that would not fall apart two days later

A piece of cake

Hospital director accused of supplying mentally-impaired women as suicide bombers

World champion boxer warns Obama will be assassinated 'within months' if he wins presidency

Five easy steps to create a Manchurian candidate

Woman's dream sparks bomb alert at North Sea oil platform

Your husband is infected with an alien virus, and they prescribe you an antipsychotic.
Don't you find that a little WEIRD?

Why I resigned from the American Psychological Association

The 'Google generation' is a myth

Psychedelic drugs in medicine (video)

Just because you're paranoid

Britney Spears 'drugged by her overpowering manager'

The future of humanity

How to undress for sex

Reawakening feminine power

Are women wired not to win?

A man needs a woman like a fish needs a donut

High doses of Vitamin C improves your sex life

Let's tie one on for Valentine's Day

Orgasm and the brain

Doomsday Book makes leap to the Internet

Coffee, cigarettes, and gnosis #84: the Gospel of Mary Magdalene

In praise of chaos

Better living through caffeine

The eager dead and undying love

Truly, madly, chemically in love: the finer points of romance

Are you too close to your best friend?

The double life of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Tension, disaster, turbulence--welcome to the Year of the Rat

Tabletop device mimics black hole event horizon

Mimicry and persuasion

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

An introduction to quantum game theory

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Superpositions of probability distributions

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Time machine at the LHC

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Quantum computing since Democritus--Lecture 12: Proof

A pair of quanta cannot be wed, by Nick Herbert

What is gravity?

The emergence of a quantum-foam explanation for space is accompanied by the effect in which quantum 'matter' effectively acts as a sink for the quantum foam. This provides an explanation for the logical necessity of the phenomenon of gravity. Essentially gravity is the loss of relational information during the in-flow to matter.

The presently accepted theory of gravity is General Relativity (GR) with its key concept of curved spacetime. Here it is shown that GR is a confused amalgam of the Einstein measurement protocol with nothing more than Newtonian Gravity (NG). The quantum foam in-flow effect that is gravity is seen not to be identical to GR for as shown here GR actually is identical to Newtonian gravity in all the cases where it has been tested experimentally. Significantly we reveal strong experimental and theoretical considerations which indicate that the fundamental foundations of GR appear to be erroneous. The Einstein assumptions on which the Special and General Theory of Relativity are based are shown to be in disagreement with numerous experiments. They are demonstrably wrong2. Even more surprisingly is that Newtonian Gravity (NG) appears to be valid only in special circumstances, and that the phenomena of gravity is in fact very different from the expectations of NG and GR. It is argued here that the anomalous rotational speed effect in spiral galaxies is a manifestation of the failure of both Newtonian and the Hilbert-Einstein gravity. A new theory of gravity is presented in provisional form. This theory passes all the tests that GR had apparently passed, but predicts other phenomena that are not predicted by GR or even NG. This spacetime construct is shown here to have no ontological significance though it does have technical uses.

2There is considerable debate, discussed later, about who developed the foundational ideas that resulted in the formulation of SR [Special Relativity] and GR. The key new insight offered here is that aside from this historical analysis the resulting SR and GR are actually wrong, and amounted to an obscurification rather than a contribution to the development and understanding of relativistic effects.

—Reginald T. Cahill, Process Physics: From Information Theory to Quantum Space and Matter

2012 and the consciousness singularity

Michael Salla protests firing of reporter covering UFO story

Shulgin's psychoactive lab books placed online

Who really killed Abraham Lincoln?, by Brad Steiger

Prem Shashi mandala gallery

From Darwin to Hitler

In pictures: Iran revolution anniversary

Dead Georgian billionaire had feared plots

The only way to keep the US economy going is to increase the wages of the bottom 2/3

Mortgage crisis spreads past US subprime loans

Physician heal thyself: US whimpers for more milk and cookies

Yahoo wants more money--rejects Microsofts $44.6 billion bid

China helps create a future for Congo

Credit crisis 'here to stay', say top bankers

Transcript reveals details of French trader's actions

What do Ronald Reagan and Joseph Stalin have in common?

Second trader detained in SocGen affair

No cooling China's economic engine

Has Lebanon's next needless civil war already been joined?

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

US Senate passes bill to expand government's spying abilities

US may shoot down spy sat to safeguard tech secrets

More weather modification warfare documents

Espionage from under the sea?

MI6 Balkan assassination plan may have been prototype for Diana assassination

Mossad real proud of their latest cowardly car bombing

Students win appeal against cyberjihad convictions

UK govt wants every English child on 'secure' database

EU menaces migrants with border biometrics, dragnets

NYPD warns of chlorine terror risk

Recommended Torrents

Note: Torrents are just information files and are legal everywhere. But actually downloading the file referenced in a given torrent may or may not be legal in your location. Don't do anything illegal.

Click for information and download link:

The Best Damned IT Security Book Period (torrent is zipped rar files of pdf: unzip-->unrar-->pdf)

Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

* * *

Plumbing Enceladus

Another Darwin Award

NYC psychologist slashed to death by patient

Females love the sweet smell of sexual success

When incest is best

Theorists pin down neutrino mass

Physicists reveal superconducting surprise

Evolution: earliest bats did not see with sound

The mysterious ghost bomber of the Monongahela, by Brad Steiger

Turkish UFO video footage deemed genuine

Rense promotes hoax pictures

'Anonymous' take anti-Scientology to the streets

Mystery as 25 horses at remote farm attacked in dead of night

Continuing saga of my invisible aliens: They're listening

Get your war on

Art show too nude for the tube

History of single life: Plato's Retreat and Swingtown USA

Woman's Internet sex auction sparks paternity row

Surprising reasons you're not having sex

Thais to police 'forbidden Valentine's Day sex'

Cybersex sounds hot--but what if I get addicted?

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

How the spooks took over the news

More evidence of pre-9-11 inside trading: the cash surge

Oil crisis rush hour

Rape of the Sabines

Nicolas Poussin

Heroic rape

* * *

US accused of using 'kangeroo court' to try men accused of role in 9-11 attacks

The power of the Israel lobby

American psycho: the meaning of Mitt Romney's exit speech

Ritual of dealing with demons undergoes a revival

The US-NATO Preemptive Nuclear Doctrine: Trigger a Middle East Nuclear
Holocaust to Defend 'The Western Way of Life'

Pol Pot's henchman: 'They all had to be eliminated'

Security firms fall afoul of Afghan gun control laws

Tortured patsies to take fall for 9-11

Comet Biela and Mrs. O'Leary's cow

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

The crypt of Rennes-le-Château

Time travelling into the Dark Ages

The global brain (video)

Part 2: Ancient secret societies, UFOs, and the New World Order, by Brad Steiger

Vril, the Power of the Coming Race

The big question: Is time travel possible and is there any chance it will ever take place?

Part 1: Mysterious symbols projected in night sky by aerial disk near Stephensville, Texas

An actor prepares

Feel like a fraud? At times maybe you should

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Beatles space broadcast 'risks alien attack'

Time travellers from the future 'could be here in weeks'

Implanting false memories

Rats in an orange cage

My cortex made me buy it

Technology peeks inside voters' minds

Zombie apocalypse

Has the epidemic of misery been caused by addiction to therapy?

Doing physics in Second Life

The distance between spiritual experience and interpretation

Dick lamented the difficulty of creating a universe that would not fall apart two days later

A piece of cake

Hospital director accused of supplying mentally-impaired women as suicide bombers

World champion boxer warns Obama will be assassinated 'within months' if he wins presidency

Five easy steps to create a Manchurian candidate

Woman's dream sparks bomb alert at North Sea oil platform

Your husband is infected with an alien virus, and they prescribe you an antipsychotic.
Don't you find that a little WEIRD?

Why I resigned from the American Psychological Association

The 'Google generation' is a myth

Psychedelic drugs in medicine (video)

Just because you're paranoid

Britney Spears 'drugged by her overpowering manager'

Autopsy finds Heath Ledger died by accident

Game theory analysis of a Mafia protection racket

How to undress for sex

Reawakening feminine power

Are women wired not to win?

A man needs a woman like a fish needs a donut

High doses of Vitamin C improves your sex life

Polyamory: label or process?

Orgasm and the brain

Doomsday Book makes leap to the Internet

Coffee, cigarettes, and gnosis #84: the Gospel of Mary Magdalene

In praise of chaos

US has Super Tuesday, Rio has Carnival

The eager dead and undying love

Truly, madly, chemically in love: the finer points of romance

Are you too close to your best friend?

The double life of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Tension, disaster, turbulence--welcome to the Year of the Rat

Post-Optimal Objects (POO)

Mimicry and persuasion

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

An introduction to quantum game theory

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Superpositions of probability distributions

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Time machine at the LHC

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Quantum computing since Democritus--Lecture 12: Proof

Einstein's epicycles--Einstein's spacetime formalism is demonstrably wrong

The collapse of the older non-process paradigm is also exposing dramatic human aspects of the historical development of that paradigm, for the failure of that paradigm is actually traceable to numerous bungles and flawed human behaviour. Indeed some of that history is shockingly scandalous, and in particular the ongoing behaviour of the physics profession is very disturbing - basically the non-process paradigm has acquired the status of a belief system, as distinct from a science, and as such is defended with ruthless and unscrupulous behaviour. For many the non-process paradigm is now beyond challenge, and both old and new experiments that contradicted that paradigm are simply to be ignored and even suppressed. Indeed the many true successes of the old paradigm have ultimately led to nothing more than stagnation and decay, and much current work in theoretical physics has degenerated to spurious mathematical generalisations of a failed paradigm.

The consolidation so far of the new process physics . . . moves from the logic of the limitations of logic to the bootstrapping of a semantic information system. This bootstrapping system possesses none of the known phenomena of current physics, but in later sections we see the emergence of space and quantum matter in a unified manner. The characteristics of the emergent space are different from that of the modelling of space within the geometrical paradigm and in particular as well as absolute motion, that is motion with respect to space itself, a new and detailed theory of gravity arises. Essentially ever since the Einsteins1 proposed that absolute motion was without meaning and so unobservable, following Poincaré, the physicists have essentially banned the concept, and it remains as such today. This state of affairs can be traced to a key misunderstanding that follows from the Einstein postulates; namely that absolute motion is incompatible with relativistic effects. However there is extensive experimental evidence, which is assembled and analysed here for the first time, that absolute motion has been observed again and again, and was clearly evident even in the seminal Michelson-Morley experiment. Over the years the only experiments that were permitted to be published in the physics literature were those that actually failed to observe absolute motion. Not because they were poorly executed but simply because in principle they were actually unable to detect the phenomena of absolute motion. The experiments that detected and studied absolute motion, and amongst these the most significant was the impressive series by Miller, now reveal evidence in support of the new theory of gravity. Gravity is neither a force nor a curvature of spacetime, but rather inhomogeneities in the effective in-flow of the quantum foam that is space into matter. This in-flow and even its associated turbulence are manifest in the experimental data from various absolute motion experiments. As a consequence we clearly see that the Einstein curved spacetime construct is without experimental support, that it actually never was confirmed by the key and celebrated experiments, for they were actually confirming another explanation. In the end we see that the Einstein spacetime formalism is demonstrably wrong, and that the evidence against it was available even before the Einsteins put forward their fundamental assumptions that later became the foundations of twentieth century physics. Essentially the whole Einstein formalism has all the hallmarks of another system of 'epicycles' - when finally we understand what is going on the whole construct evaporates, just as Ptolemy's epicycles did when it was realised that they were entirely a consequence of not separating a measurement protocol from the phenomena it was meant to measure. In the case of Ptolemy it was finally realised that the Earth was itself undergoing motion. In the case of the Einstein formalism we finally understand that the rods and clocks used to define and implement measurements of motion are actually affected by motion through the quantum foam that is space, a view that predated the Einsteins and is now seen to be correct.

All of these developments and the clearing away of epicycle descriptions lead us back to very challenging notions about the nature of time and the deep connectivity and processing that is reality, a connectivity that was evident in some aspects of the quantum theory, but which was essentially outside of the non-process paradigm. This new physics is seen to be panexperientialist in character in which a primitive self-awareness or 'consciousness' is foundational to reality in the manner argued by Griffen and others [5], a consciousness that appears to be intrinsic to the semantic nature of the information system that is process physics. Such notions it seems may well be moving into the realm of experimental science and will result in a unification of human knowledge and experience that is beyond our prevailing comprehensions.

1Referring to Einstein and his then wife Mileva Maric-Einstein.

—Reginald T. Cahill, Process Physics: From Information Theory to Quantum Space and Matter

Shulgin's psychoactive lab books placed online

Who really killed Abraham Lincoln?, by Brad Steiger

Prem Shashi mandala gallery

From Darwin to Hitler

Behind the flying saucers

UFO witnesses decline to be trashed by X Zone radio hatchet man McConnell

Iraq FM sees imminent US-Iran talks

Mortgage crisis spreads past US subprime loans

Physician heal thyself: US whimpers for more milk and cookies

Yahoo wants more money--rejects Microsofts $44.6 billion bid

China helps create a future for Congo

Credit crisis 'here to stay', say top bankers

Transcript reveals details of French trader's actions

What do Ronald Reagan and Joseph Stalin have in common?

Second trader detained in SocGen affair

No cooling China's economic engine

Société Générale: the rogue rebuttal

Rio rejects BHP Billiton's $147 billion hostile bid

Is Verizon gaming Google in US wireless auction?

Army officers charged over Lebanon deadly riots

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

China accused as space shuttle spy is arrested in FBI swoops

How the spooks took over the news

US denies spying allegations in Bolivia

MI5 swept Buckingham Palace for bugs--inquest

Former MI6 head to perjure himself at Diana inquest

Repairs complete on 2 cut underseas Internet cables

Leaky secrets at Los Alamos National Laboratory

ISPs demand record biz pay for P2P lawsuits

DARPA continues military AI air traffic project

Use an iPhone on the phone network of your choice

Teen hacker reunlocks Apple's iPhone

Recommended Torrents

Note: Torrents are just information files and are legal everywhere. But actually downloading the file referenced in a given torrent may or may not be legal in your location. Don't do anything illegal.

Click for information and download link:

The Best Damned IT Security Book Period (torrent is zipped rar files of pdf: unzip-->unrar-->pdf)

Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

* * *

Can women grow their own sperm?

Insect explosion a 'threat to food crops'

You remind me of me

Organic molecules detected on planet outside our solar system

Changing our clocks: how our bodies keep time

Latest supercomputer calculations support the 6-quark theory

Model of Easter Island collapse might reveal message for today

'Anonymous' take anti-Scientology to the streets

Mystery as 25 horses at remote farm attacked in dead of night

Continuing saga of my invisible aliens: They're listening

Is Highlander real? Do immortals walk among us?

Have you seen this dog? Only with telepathy

Mothman in Galveston

Get your war on

View from the lab: Making sex boring

Sneaky love hotel established next to school

My boyfriend talks to his penis

Science of the orgasm

'Not tonight, dear. Just make it with the robot, if you want.'

Hey! This means you:

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Psychological torture: a CIA history (with video)

Fury of Opus Dei in Latin America

Enough of this economic claptrap

Reporter in Stephenville UFO sightings quits under pressure

A Dance to the Music of Time

Nicolas Poussin

The eminent Poussin scholar Anthony Blunt was the 'fourth man' in the Cambridge ring of Russian spies

'A Dance to the Music of Time'--Review

* * *

The US-NATO Preemptive Nuclear Doctrine: Trigger a Middle East Nuclear
Holocaust to Defend 'The Western Way of Life'

Pol Pot's henchman: 'They all had to be eliminated'

Security firms fall afoul of Afghan gun control laws

Tortured patsies to take fall for 9-11

Media language and war: manufacturing convenient realities

To free the Middle East from weapons of mass destruction, the US must turn the spotlight on Israel

Jesus Malverde, the patron saint of drug dealers

US militarism and the drug trade: the Afghan dossier

Comet Biela and Mrs. O'Leary's cow

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

Time travelling into the Dark Ages

The global brain (video)

Part 2: Ancient secret societies, UFOs, and the New World Order, by Brad Steiger

Vril, the Power of the Coming Race

The big question: Is time travel possible and is there any chance it will ever take place?

Part 1: Mysterious symbols projected in night sky by aerial disk near Stephensville, Texas

An actor prepares

Feel like a fraud? At times maybe you should

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Beatles space broadcast 'risks alien attack'

Time travellers from the future 'could be here in weeks'

Plasma life forms--aliens from a parallel Earth

Rats in an orange cage

My cortex made me buy it

Technology peeks inside voters' minds

Zombie apocalypse

Has the epidemic of misery been caused by addiction to therapy?

Doing physics in Second Life

The distance between spiritual experience and interpretation

Man says he was performing exorcism when wife died

World champion boxer warns Obama will be assassinated 'within months' if he wins presidency

Five easy steps to create a Manchurian candidate

Woman's dream sparks bomb alert at North Sea oil platform

Your husband is infected with an alien virus, and they prescribe you an antipsychotic.
Don't you find that a little WEIRD?

Why I resigned from the American Psychological Association

The 'Google generation' is a myth

Psychedelic drugs in medicine (video)

Just because you're paranoid

Britney Spears 'drugged by her overpowering manager'

Autopsy finds Heath Ledger died by accident

Game theory analysis of a Mafia protection racket

Fluorine compounds make you stupid: Why is the government promoting them?

Reawakening feminine power

Are women wired not to win?

A man needs a woman like a fish needs a donut

High doses of Vitamin C improves your sex life

Polyamory: label or process?

There’s even a weirdly sexual manga moment when one of the boys holds her down and takes off her polka-dot underwear, prompting her to wail, “What man would want me now!” (Keep in mind these are grade-school kids.)

The darkly loony world of manga

Doomsday Book makes leap to the Internet

Coffee, cigarettes, and gnosis #84: the Gospel of Mary Magdalene

In praise of chaos

US has Super Tuesday, Rio has Carnival

Israeli singer Yasmin Levy doing a Ladino song (video)

Truly, madly, chemically in love: the finer points of romance

Are you too close to your best friend?

The double life of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Tension, disaster, turbulence--welcome to the Year of the Rat

Post-Optimal Objects (POO)

Magia Sexualis: Sex, Magic, and Liberation in Modern Western Esotericism
(in .pdf of Vol IX of Esoterica, 10 Meg)

More on the myths of drug addiction

Art as a psychiatric patient

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

An introduction to quantum game theory

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Superpositions of probability distributions

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Time machine at the LHC

Quantum physics justifies gambling

Einstein's epicycles--Einstein's spacetime formalism is demonstrably wrong

The collapse of the older non-process paradigm is also exposing dramatic human aspects of the historical development of that paradigm, for the failure of that paradigm is actually traceable to numerous bungles and flawed human behaviour. Indeed some of that history is shockingly scandalous, and in particular the ongoing behaviour of the physics profession is very disturbing - basically the non-process paradigm has acquired the status of a belief system, as distinct from a science, and as such is defended with ruthless and unscrupulous behaviour. For many the non-process paradigm is now beyond challenge, and both old and new experiments that contradicted that paradigm are simply to be ignored and even suppressed. Indeed the many true successes of the old paradigm have ultimately led to nothing more than stagnation and decay, and much current work in theoretical physics has degenerated to spurious mathematical generalisations of a failed paradigm.

The consolidation so far of the new process physics . . . moves from the logic of the limitations of logic to the bootstrapping of a semantic information system. This bootstrapping system possesses none of the known phenomena of current physics, but in later sections we see the emergence of space and quantum matter in a unified manner. The characteristics of the emergent space are different from that of the modelling of space within the geometrical paradigm and in particular as well as absolute motion, that is motion with respect to space itself, a new and detailed theory of gravity arises. Essentially ever since the Einsteins1 proposed that absolute motion was without meaning and so unobservable, following Poincaré, the physicists have essentially banned the concept, and it remains as such today. This state of affairs can be traced to a key misunderstanding that follows from the Einstein postulates; namely that absolute motion is incompatible with relativistic effects. However there is extensive experimental evidence, which is assembled and analysed here for the first time, that absolute motion has been observed again and again, and was clearly evident even in the seminal Michelson-Morley experiment. Over the years the only experiments that were permitted to be published in the physics literature were those that actually failed to observe absolute motion. Not because they were poorly executed but simply because in principle they were actually unable to detect the phenomena of absolute motion. The experiments that detected and studied absolute motion, and amongst these the most significant was the impressive series by Miller, now reveal evidence in support of the new theory of gravity. Gravity is neither a force nor a curvature of spacetime, but rather inhomogeneities in the effective in-flow of the quantum foam that is space into matter. This in-flow and even its associated turbulence are manifest in the experimental data from various absolute motion experiments. As a consequence we clearly see that the Einstein curved spacetime construct is without experimental support, that it actually never was confirmed by the key and celebrated experiments, for they were actually confirming another explanation. In the end we see that the Einstein spacetime formalism is demonstrably wrong, and that the evidence against it was available even before the Einsteins put forward their fundamental assumptions that later became the foundations of twentieth century physics. Essentially the whole Einstein formalism has all the hallmarks of another system of 'epicycles' - when finally we understand what is going on the whole construct evaporates, just as Ptolemy's epicycles did when it was realised that they were entirely a consequence of not separating a measurement protocol from the phenomena it was meant to measure. In the case of Ptolemy it was finally realised that the Earth was itself undergoing motion. In the case of the Einstein formalism we finally understand that the rods and clocks used to define and implement measurements of motion are actually affected by motion through the quantum foam that is space, a view that predated the Einsteins and is now seen to be correct.

All of these developments and the clearing away of epicycle descriptions lead us back to very challenging notions about the nature of time and the deep connectivity and processing that is reality, a connectivity that was evident in some aspects of the quantum theory, but which was essentially outside of the non-process paradigm. This new physics is seen to be panexperientialist in character in which a primitive self-awareness or 'consciousness' is foundational to reality in the manner argued by Griffen and others [5], a consciousness that appears to be intrinsic to the semantic nature of the information system that is process physics. Such notions it seems may well be moving into the realm of experimental science and will result in a unification of human knowledge and experience that is beyond our prevailing comprehensions.

1Referring to Einstein and his then wife Mileva Maric-Einstein.

—Reginald T. Cahill, Process Physics: From Information Theory to Quantum Space and Matter

Prem Shashi mandala gallery

From Darwin to Hitler

Behind the flying saucers

UFO witnesses decline to be trashed by X Zone radio hatchet man McConnell

Your money and your life

The philosophy of liberty (music video)

Iran to launch its first investment banks next month

Yahoo wants more money--rejects Microsofts $44.6 billion bid

China helps create a future for Congo

Credit crisis 'here to stay', say top bankers

Transcript reveals details of French trader's actions

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Second trader detained in SocGen affair

No cooling China's economic engine

Société Générale: the rogue rebuttal

Rio rejects BHP Billiton's $147 billion hostile bid

Is Verizon gaming Google in US wireless auction?

The trillion dollar deficit

Credit crunch changes everyday life in America

Political rhetoric fuels fears of new civil strife in Lebanon

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

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Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

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The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

Welcome to cyberwar country, USA

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MI6 in embassy when Diana died, court told

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Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Cosmic winter--a lecture by Victor Clube

The Aumann game

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

* * *

Scientists are motivated by sex and status--and don't need public funding

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Recordable proteins as next generation memory-storage materials

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Whales snooze half a brain at a time

New theory: dark energy and dark matter both arise from dark

Is Highlander real? Do immortals walk among us?

Have you seen this dog? Only with telepathy

Mothman in Galveston

Complete book for download in pdf format

26 secrets from the Orient--feng shui

Does Morgellons exist?

Yep. Those 'passing planes' just keep dropping ice chunks everywhere.

Get your war on

Penelope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson will have lesbian sex in Woody Allen's new film

Sex at work? Stay away from the IT department

Cunt remains the most shocking word in the English language

Marry him!

A jam on jism

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

The FBI prepares businesses for martial law

Homeland Security wants to place border wall through middle of college campus

The files are encrypted but God told us there's child porn in there

Bacchanal Before a Statue of Pan

Nicolas Poussin

The 'High Art' of Nicolas Poussin

* * *

Media language and war: manufacturing convenient realities

To free the Middle East from weapons of mass destruction, the US must turn the spotlight on Israel

Jesus Malverde, the patron saint of drug dealers

US militarism and the drug trade: the Afghan dossier

The Bush financial bust of 2008: 'It's all downhill from here, folks'

Russia 'will match West in new arms race'

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The warmonger for president

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Comet Biela and Mrs. O'Leary's cow

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

Part 2: Ancient secret societies, UFOs, and the New World Order, by Brad Steiger

Vril, the Power of the Coming Race

The big question: Is time travel possible and is there any chance it will ever take place?

Part 1: Mysterious symbols projected in night sky by aerial disk near Stephensville, Texas

An actor prepares

Feel like a fraud? At times maybe you should

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown

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Time travellers from the future 'could be here in weeks'

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More proof aliens are laughing at us

Smiley face found on Mars

Vincent, the White Dog, and the real life mad science of John C. Lilly

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Technology peeks inside voters' minds

Zombie apocalypse

Has the epidemic of misery been caused by addiction to therapy?

Doing physics in Second Life

The distance between spiritual experience and interpretation

Man says he was performing exorcism when wife died

Wedding weirdness

Up to 85 percent of people may have remote viewing ability

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The identity thief who conned her way into the Ivy League

The consciousness of the haunted house

Are women wired not to win?

A man needs a woman like a fish needs a donut

High doses of Vitamin C improves your sex life

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There’s even a weirdly sexual manga moment when one of the boys holds her down and takes off her polka-dot underwear, prompting her to wail, “What man would want me now!” (Keep in mind these are grade-school kids.)

The darkly loony world of manga

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Israeli singer Yasmin Levy doing a Ladino song (video)

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Are you too close to your best friend?

The double life of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Tension, disaster, turbulence--welcome to the Year of the Rat

Post-Optimal Objects (POO)

Magia Sexualis: Sex, Magic, and Liberation in Modern Western Esotericism
(in .pdf of Vol IX of Esoterica, 10 Meg)

The problem with memes

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Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

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Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

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An introduction to quantum game theory

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

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Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

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Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Superpositions of probability distributions

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Time machine at the LHC

Does teleportation use a 4th spatial dimension?

The Chinese researchers reported in their teleportation experiments that high-speed photography/videotaping recorded test specimens physically 'melding' or blending with the walls of sealed containers, and in a different series of experiments the test specimens would simply disappear from inside the container only to reappear at another location (after seconds to several minutes of time transpired). They also reported in the series of radio micro-transmitter experiments that there were large fluctuations in the intensity (in both amplitude and frequency) of the monitored signal to the effect that it would either completely disappear or become extremely weak (to the extent that the monitoring instruments could scarcely detect it); and they discovered that there was a definite correlation between the change in strength (i.e., radical frequency shifts were observed) of the monitored radio signal and the teleportation of the radio micro-transmitter, such that the weak or absent signal indicated that the specimen was 'nonexistent' (or in an altered physical state) during teleportation. This data is important because without the aid of electronic monitoring instruments, the average person's sensory organs and usual methods of detection are temporarily unable to perceive the test specimen's (ambiguous) existence during the teleportation process. This data offers an important clue on what the teleportation mechanism is.

It is beyond the scope of this study to propose a complete self-consistent physics theory of consciousness/mind, which explains how the mind can activate p-Teleportation and related psychotronics phenomena. This topic has been under study in recent decades by a legion of medical science, bio- and neuro-physiology, psychology, mathematics, philosophy, and physics experts. Many different theories with varying degree of theoretical maturity and self-consistency have been proposed over the years, and most of them have not yet been experimentally tested for various reasons. However, some first-order experimental work has been done (Mitchell, 1974b; Targ and Puthoff, 1977; Wolman et al., 1986; Radin, 1997; Tart et al., 2002). Ironically, quantum mechanics theory, and the related physics of quantum entanglement and teleportation, has become the primary focus of all of the physics theories of consciousness/psychotronics that have been recently proposed (see for example, Shan, 2003). Wolman et al. (1986) and Radin (1997) provide a review and discussion on recent theories and experiments that are based on quantum physics theory (see also, Walker, 1974; Targ and Puthoff, 1977; Mitchell, 1999, and the references cited therein; Tart et al., 2002). It appears that the physics of q-Teleportation (Chapter 3) has tremendous relevance to the physics of p-Teleportation and psychotronics.

In the following I propose a parsimonious first-order hypothesis that can explain the gross features of both the Chinese p-Teleportation data and the other reported p-Teleportation phenomena. But I will refrain from including any role that might be played by quantum phenomena since the scientific community has not yet settled that particular issue. (However, it is apparent that quantum theory and quantum phenomena will likely play a key role in a formal physics theory of PK and psychotronics.) First-Order Hypothesis:

  • Fact 1: The mature discipline of mathematical geometry developed the properties of higher dimensional spaces (Reichenbach, 1957; Manning, 1977; Rucker, 1977). An example of one such property that is of relevance to the hypothesis: One can visualize a four-dimensional world by using color as the 4th dimension. We can think of a three-dimensional world, whereby objects pass through one another if their colors (i.e., four-dimensional locations) are different (Reichenbach, 1957). For example, color can be used as a 4th dimension to see how a knot in three-dimensions can be untied in a 4th spatial dimension without moving the ends of the cord. That is because a cord cannot stay knotted in four-dimensional space, because the extra degree of freedom will cause any knot to slip through itself. Two other interesting and relevant examples are that the links of a chain may be separated unbroken in the 4th dimension, and a flexible sphere may be turned inside out without tearing in the 4th dimension (Manning, 1977; Rucker, 1977).

  • Proposition 1 and Fact 2: It has been proposed that our space actually possesses a slight fourdimensional hyperthickness, so that the ultimate components of our nervous system are actually higher dimensional, thus enabling the human mind/brain to imagine four-dimensional space (Hinton, 1888, 1904; Rucker, 1977). If this is the case, then the three-dimensional nets of neurons that code thoughts in our brain may form four-dimensional patterns to achieve fourdimensional thought. The 'bulk' space in 3-brane theory (see Section 4.1), and experimental data from the Remote Viewing program (see Section 5.1), provide support for this concept. Can we see into the 4th dimension and have four-dimensional thoughts? Yes, we can. Proof (see, Rucker, 1977, 1984): If you look at a Necker cube for a while, it spontaneously turns into its mirror image and back again. If you watch it do this often enough, the twinkling sort of motion from one state to the other begins to seem like a continuous motion. But this motion can only be continuous if it is a rotation in four-dimensional space. The mathematician August F. Möbius discovered in 1827 that it is in fact possible to turn a three-dimensional solid object into its mirror image by an appropriate rotation through four-dimensional space (a.k.a. hyperspace rotation). Thus, it is actually possible for our minds to perform such a rotation. Therefore, we can actually produce four-dimensional phenomenon in our minds, so our consciousness is four-dimensional. Rucker (1984) shows another dramatic example of being able to see into the 4th dimension via a 'Neck-A-Cube.'

  • Fact 3: Another property of higher dimensional geometry (Reichenbach, 1957; Rucker, 1977, 1984) is that one can move through solid three-dimensional obstacles without penetrating them by passing in the direction of the 4th (spatial) dimension. The 4th dimension is perpendicular to all of our normal three-dimensional space directions, and so our three-dimensional enclosures have no walls against this direction.

  • Conclusion and Hypothesis: Therefore, the results of the Chinese p-Teleportation experiments can simply be explained as a human consciousness phenomenon that somehow acts to move or rotate test specimens through a 4th spatial dimension, so that the specimens are able to penetrate the solid walls/barriers of their containers without physically breaching them. No real dematerialization/rematerialization of the specimens takes place. The intensity fluctuations of the radio micro-transmitter specimen's electromagnetic signal, and the apparent blending of the other specimens with the walls of their containers, represent the passage of the specimens through a 4th spatial dimension. During teleportation the radio signals emitted by the micro-transmitter became weak/non-existent and fluctuated, because they were spreading out into the 4th dimension and became undetectable in our three-dimensional space. The weak signals that were ('barely') detected represent the leakage of a portion of the radio signal back into our three-dimensional space from the 4th dimension during teleportation. The observed blending of the other specimens with the walls of their containers is how the movement/rotation of the specimens through the 4th dimension was visually interpreted by the mind (along the lines of the Necker cube or Neck-ACube examples).

—Eric W. Davis, Teleportation Physics Study

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Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

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Want to understand the drug trade?

American Gangster (movie)

Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

The Aumann game

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Dopamine and addiction, part 1

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The Reality Program

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Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

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Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

* * *

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Complete book for download in pdf format

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