Article archive from the homepage of J. Orlin Grabbe

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CIA likely let contractors perform waterboarding

Gerry Adams's driver was British spy

Angelina Jolie's visit to Baghdad

Ephemeral hell

Les Bergers d’Arcadie (The Arcadian Shepherds)

Nicolas Poussin

ET IN ARCADIA EGO and Rennes-le-Château

* * *

The Bush financial bust of 2008: 'It's all downhill from here, folks'

Russia 'will match West in new arms race'

The 'war on terror' and medical complicity in torture

The warmonger for president

Does the Republican party have aces up its sleeves?, by Paul Craig Roberts

A strike in the dark. What did Israel bomb in Syria?

Connecting the many undersea cut cable dots

Why Baghdad will explode again

Coca is not cocaine

Hugo Chávez's coca--it's the real thing

Big Media and the New World Order

Comet Biela and Mrs. O'Leary's cow

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

Part 1: Mysterious symbols projected in night sky by aerial disk near Stephensville, Texas

An actor prepares

Feel like a fraud? At times maybe you should

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Beatles space broadcast 'risks alien attack'

Time travellers from the future 'could be here in weeks'

Plasma life forms--aliens from a parallel Earth

More proof aliens are laughing at us

Smiley face found on Mars

Vincent, the White Dog, and the real life mad science of John C. Lilly

Jesus Christ Conquers the Martians

Demolition Man found not guilty of tax fraud

Internet gene tests for mental disorders provoke alarm

Why you're dumber and crazier: the autumn of the multitaskers

Zombie apocalypse

Has the epidemic of misery been caused by addiction to therapy?

Doing physics in Second Life

The distance between spiritual experience and interpretation

Man says he was performing exorcism when wife died

Wedding weirdness

Up to 85 percent of people may have remote viewing ability

Avatars and cultural creole

Planets as forces: Revisioning astrology as an archetypal language

The 'Google generation' is a myth

Psychedelic drugs in medicine (video)

Just because you're paranoid

Britney Spears 'drugged by her overpowering manager'

Autopsy finds Heath Ledger died by accident

Game theory analysis of a Mafia protection racket

Fluorine compounds make you stupid: Why is the government promoting them?

The identity thief who conned her way into the Ivy League

The consciousness of the haunted house

Paparazzi admit pursuit of Britney has gone too far

Britney's tragic descent into mania is a journey I know all too well

A man needs a woman like a fish needs a donut

High doses of Vitamin C improves your sex life

Polyamory: label or process?

There’s even a weirdly sexual manga moment when one of the boys holds her down and takes off her polka-dot underwear, prompting her to wail, “What man would want me now!” (Keep in mind these are grade-school kids.)

The darkly loony world of manga

Eat, sleep, and sex--orexin has something to say

Sex in the alley is always hell on the knees

Naughty bits censor likes underage girls and porn

Dirty things afoot at CleanFlicks

The family-friendly porn studio

In praise of chaos

US has Super Tuesday, Rio has Carnival

Israeli singer Yasmin Levy doing a Ladino song (video)

Interview on Postsingular and Frek and the Elixir

Future mutations: an interview with RU Sirius

Sundsbo's fashion photography

The double life of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Tension, disaster, turbulence--welcome to the Year of the Rat

Post-Optimal Objects (POO)

Magia Sexualis: Sex, Magic, and Liberation in Modern Western Esotericism
(in .pdf of Vol IX of Esoterica, 10 Meg)

The problem with memes

The light within: the 21st century love songs of Nick Cave

The power of love: 100 years of romantic fiction

10 common reasons to lie to your therapist

Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

An introduction to quantum game theory

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Superpositions of probability distributions

Super Mario World versus the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics (video)

Does teleportation use a 4th spatial dimension?

The Chinese researchers reported in their teleportation experiments that high-speed photography/videotaping recorded test specimens physically 'melding' or blending with the walls of sealed containers, and in a different series of experiments the test specimens would simply disappear from inside the container only to reappear at another location (after seconds to several minutes of time transpired). They also reported in the series of radio micro-transmitter experiments that there were large fluctuations in the intensity (in both amplitude and frequency) of the monitored signal to the effect that it would either completely disappear or become extremely weak (to the extent that the monitoring instruments could scarcely detect it); and they discovered that there was a definite correlation between the change in strength (i.e., radical frequency shifts were observed) of the monitored radio signal and the teleportation of the radio micro-transmitter, such that the weak or absent signal indicated that the specimen was 'nonexistent' (or in an altered physical state) during teleportation. This data is important because without the aid of electronic monitoring instruments, the average person's sensory organs and usual methods of detection are temporarily unable to perceive the test specimen's (ambiguous) existence during the teleportation process. This data offers an important clue on what the teleportation mechanism is.

It is beyond the scope of this study to propose a complete self-consistent physics theory of consciousness/mind, which explains how the mind can activate p-Teleportation and related psychotronics phenomena. This topic has been under study in recent decades by a legion of medical science, bio- and neuro-physiology, psychology, mathematics, philosophy, and physics experts. Many different theories with varying degree of theoretical maturity and self-consistency have been proposed over the years, and most of them have not yet been experimentally tested for various reasons. However, some first-order experimental work has been done (Mitchell, 1974b; Targ and Puthoff, 1977; Wolman et al., 1986; Radin, 1997; Tart et al., 2002). Ironically, quantum mechanics theory, and the related physics of quantum entanglement and teleportation, has become the primary focus of all of the physics theories of consciousness/psychotronics that have been recently proposed (see for example, Shan, 2003). Wolman et al. (1986) and Radin (1997) provide a review and discussion on recent theories and experiments that are based on quantum physics theory (see also, Walker, 1974; Targ and Puthoff, 1977; Mitchell, 1999, and the references cited therein; Tart et al., 2002). It appears that the physics of q-Teleportation (Chapter 3) has tremendous relevance to the physics of p-Teleportation and psychotronics.

In the following I propose a parsimonious first-order hypothesis that can explain the gross features of both the Chinese p-Teleportation data and the other reported p-Teleportation phenomena. But I will refrain from including any role that might be played by quantum phenomena since the scientific community has not yet settled that particular issue. (However, it is apparent that quantum theory and quantum phenomena will likely play a key role in a formal physics theory of PK and psychotronics.) First-Order Hypothesis:

  • Fact 1: The mature discipline of mathematical geometry developed the properties of higher dimensional spaces (Reichenbach, 1957; Manning, 1977; Rucker, 1977). An example of one such property that is of relevance to the hypothesis: One can visualize a four-dimensional world by using color as the 4th dimension. We can think of a three-dimensional world, whereby objects pass through one another if their colors (i.e., four-dimensional locations) are different (Reichenbach, 1957). For example, color can be used as a 4th dimension to see how a knot in three-dimensions can be untied in a 4th spatial dimension without moving the ends of the cord. That is because a cord cannot stay knotted in four-dimensional space, because the extra degree of freedom will cause any knot to slip through itself. Two other interesting and relevant examples are that the links of a chain may be separated unbroken in the 4th dimension, and a flexible sphere may be turned inside out without tearing in the 4th dimension (Manning, 1977; Rucker, 1977).

  • Proposition 1 and Fact 2: It has been proposed that our space actually possesses a slight fourdimensional hyperthickness, so that the ultimate components of our nervous system are actually higher dimensional, thus enabling the human mind/brain to imagine four-dimensional space (Hinton, 1888, 1904; Rucker, 1977). If this is the case, then the three-dimensional nets of neurons that code thoughts in our brain may form four-dimensional patterns to achieve fourdimensional thought. The 'bulk' space in 3-brane theory (see Section 4.1), and experimental data from the Remote Viewing program (see Section 5.1), provide support for this concept. Can we see into the 4th dimension and have four-dimensional thoughts? Yes, we can. Proof (see, Rucker, 1977, 1984): If you look at a Necker cube for a while, it spontaneously turns into its mirror image and back again. If you watch it do this often enough, the twinkling sort of motion from one state to the other begins to seem like a continuous motion. But this motion can only be continuous if it is a rotation in four-dimensional space. The mathematician August F. Möbius discovered in 1827 that it is in fact possible to turn a three-dimensional solid object into its mirror image by an appropriate rotation through four-dimensional space (a.k.a. hyperspace rotation). Thus, it is actually possible for our minds to perform such a rotation. Therefore, we can actually produce four-dimensional phenomenon in our minds, so our consciousness is four-dimensional. Rucker (1984) shows another dramatic example of being able to see into the 4th dimension via a 'Neck-A-Cube.'

  • Fact 3: Another property of higher dimensional geometry (Reichenbach, 1957; Rucker, 1977, 1984) is that one can move through solid three-dimensional obstacles without penetrating them by passing in the direction of the 4th (spatial) dimension. The 4th dimension is perpendicular to all of our normal three-dimensional space directions, and so our three-dimensional enclosures have no walls against this direction.

  • Conclusion and Hypothesis: Therefore, the results of the Chinese p-Teleportation experiments can simply be explained as a human consciousness phenomenon that somehow acts to move or rotate test specimens through a 4th spatial dimension, so that the specimens are able to penetrate the solid walls/barriers of their containers without physically breaching them. No real dematerialization/rematerialization of the specimens takes place. The intensity fluctuations of the radio micro-transmitter specimen's electromagnetic signal, and the apparent blending of the other specimens with the walls of their containers, represent the passage of the specimens through a 4th spatial dimension. During teleportation the radio signals emitted by the micro-transmitter became weak/non-existent and fluctuated, because they were spreading out into the 4th dimension and became undetectable in our three-dimensional space. The weak signals that were ('barely') detected represent the leakage of a portion of the radio signal back into our three-dimensional space from the 4th dimension during teleportation. The observed blending of the other specimens with the walls of their containers is how the movement/rotation of the specimens through the 4th dimension was visually interpreted by the mind (along the lines of the Necker cube or Neck-ACube examples).

—Eric W. Davis, Teleportation Physics Study

Your money and your life

The philosophy of liberty (music video)

Stephensville: broadcasting the third kind

The footprints of Adam and Eve from a world before our own, by Brad Steiger

Ayahuasca: a strange brew

Uri Geller and the CIA

UFOs and Hilbert's Entscheidungsproblem

US mentally disturbed over Iran nuclear reports

What do Ronald Reagan and Joseph Stalin have in common?

Second trader detained in SocGen affair

No cooling China's economic engine

Société Générale: the rogue rebuttal

Rio rejects BHP Billiton's $147 billion hostile bid

Is Verizon gaming Google in US wireless auction?

The trillion dollar deficit

Credit crunch changes everyday life in America

India's flawed diamond dream

Teen pregnancy flick gets filmgoers hungry for hamburger phone

The fatwa tale of a fat-tail at SocGen

Stiglitz: unfettered markets do not lead to societal well-being

How oil burst the American bubble

Shock and awe: Microsoft bids $44.6 billion for Yahoo

Cato is 'just another garden-variety Beltway box turtle beholden to cash infusions of institutional thinking'

Cato dumps free-market economist who writes article on UFOs

Arab League chief hopes for breakthrough in Lebanon crisis

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

Scotland Yard supports Musharraf's story of Bhutto death

DHS appoints cyber mole to cybersecurity position

CIA likely let contractors perform waterboarding

American soldiers will pay the price for Bush's torture policy

Gerry Adams's driver was British spy

Spying against oil-rich Norway returns to Cold War levels

Siberian man shoots debtor through door spy hole

Hackers seed malware on Indian anti-virus site

EFF sues Feds over border laptop inspections

FBI sought approval to use spyware against terror suspects

Wikipedia ruled by 'Lord of the Universe'

Firefox updates, blitzes trio of critical bugs

Pentagon plots Sim Iraq for propaganda tests

Recommended Torrents

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Michael Clayton (movie)

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

* * *

Other intelligent life forms have their own Anthropic Principles

What anthropic reasoning can really tell us

Researchers hear the sound of quantum drums

Love hormone promotes bonding

Robotic glider feeds off ocean temperatures

Rat trap: Why Canada's drug policy won't check addiction

Rubik's Cube at the Earth's core?

Cities 'are like giant contraceptives'

UFOs battle the Bible Belt

A philosopher looks at parapsychology

Numerologist explains why Ron Paul should be president

Norway in UFO photographs

Actress Jessica Alba says she was attacked by a ghost

Alien encounters in South Missouri

Get your war on

How to buy polyamorous people a valentine

Goldman Sachs offers free sex changes to employees

Young pimpled girls grow into stunning women in gynecologist's office

A porn valley story, parts 1-4, by Susannah Breslin

Lolita fashion photos

Hot young boys sing 'You're good at masturbation'

College Callgirl: My favorite Walt Disney porn tape

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

Spies' battleground turns virtual

This is your GOP. This is your GOP on drugs.

Four more American drug planes seized

AP confirms secret camp inside Gitmo

A 'big budget' tragi-comedy

The Death of Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatesta

Alexandre Cabanel

Francesca da Rimini

* * *

Connecting the many undersea cut cable dots

Why Baghdad will explode again

Coca is not cocaine

Hugo Chávez's coca--it's the real thing

Big Media and the New World Order

Dissident Chinese professor to sue Yahoo and Google for erasing his name

Chad president declares victory, death toll put at 160

Michael Chertoff, you've been sued

Three eyewitnesses in Selden, Texas saw two large rectangles of 'white flames' in sky

Comet Biela and Mrs. O'Leary's cow

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

Feel like a fraud? At times maybe you should

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Beatles space broadcast 'risks alien attack'

Time travellers from the future 'could be here in weeks'

Plasma life forms--aliens from a parallel Earth

More proof aliens are laughing at us

Smiley face found on Mars

Vincent, the White Dog, and the real life mad science of John C. Lilly

Jesus Christ Conquers the Martians

Demolition Man found not guilty of tax fraud

Internet gene tests for mental disorders provoke alarm

Why you're dumber and crazier: the autumn of the multitaskers

P2P: the political economy of peer production

Has the epidemic of misery been caused by addiction to therapy?

Doing physics in Second Life

The distance between spiritual experience and interpretation

Man says he was performing exorcism when wife died

Wedding weirdness

Up to 85 percent of people may have remote viewing ability

Avatars and cultural creole

Planets as forces: Revisioning astrology as an archetypal language

Lost--the occult introduction: 23

Psychedelic drugs in medicine (video)

Just because you're paranoid

Britney Spears 'drugged by her overpowering manager'

Autopsy finds Heath Ledger died by accident

Game theory analysis of a Mafia protection racket

Fluorine compounds make you stupid: Why is the government promoting them?

The identity thief who conned her way into the Ivy League

The consciousness of the haunted house

Paparazzi admit pursuit of Britney has gone too far

Britney's tragic descent into mania is a journey I know all too well

Bouts of hysteria after 'ghostly sightings'

Polyamory: label or process?

There’s even a weirdly sexual manga moment when one of the boys holds her down and takes off her polka-dot underwear, prompting her to wail, “What man would want me now!” (Keep in mind these are grade-school kids.)

The darkly loony world of manga

Eat, sleep, and sex--orexin has something to say

Sex in the alley is always hell on the knees

Naughty bits censor likes underage girls and porn

Dirty things afoot at CleanFlicks

The family-friendly porn studio

Where have all the men gone?

US has Super Tuesday, Rio has Carnival

Israeli singer Yasmin Levy doing a Ladino song (video)

Interview on Postsingular and Frek and the Elixir

Future mutations: an interview with RU Sirius

Sundsbo's fashion photography

Self-control is a mental muscle

How to boost your willpower

Tension, disaster, turbulence--welcome to the Year of the Rat

Post-Optimal Objects (POO)

Magia Sexualis: Sex, Magic, and Liberation in Modern Western Esotericism
(in .pdf of Vol IX of Esoterica, 10 Meg)

The problem with memes

The light within: the 21st century love songs of Nick Cave

The power of love: 100 years of romantic fiction

Creating Japan: the truth about the myth

Implants create insect cyborgs

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

Star Trek-style ion engine to fuel Mercury craft

An introduction to quantum game theory

The contextuality of quantum theory in 10 minutes

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Superpositions of probability distributions

Does teleportation use a 4th spatial dimension?

The Chinese researchers reported in their teleportation experiments that high-speed photography/videotaping recorded test specimens physically 'melding' or blending with the walls of sealed containers, and in a different series of experiments the test specimens would simply disappear from inside the container only to reappear at another location (after seconds to several minutes of time transpired). They also reported in the series of radio micro-transmitter experiments that there were large fluctuations in the intensity (in both amplitude and frequency) of the monitored signal to the effect that it would either completely disappear or become extremely weak (to the extent that the monitoring instruments could scarcely detect it); and they discovered that there was a definite correlation between the change in strength (i.e., radical frequency shifts were observed) of the monitored radio signal and the teleportation of the radio micro-transmitter, such that the weak or absent signal indicated that the specimen was 'nonexistent' (or in an altered physical state) during teleportation. This data is important because without the aid of electronic monitoring instruments, the average person's sensory organs and usual methods of detection are temporarily unable to perceive the test specimen's (ambiguous) existence during the teleportation process. This data offers an important clue on what the teleportation mechanism is.

It is beyond the scope of this study to propose a complete self-consistent physics theory of consciousness/mind, which explains how the mind can activate p-Teleportation and related psychotronics phenomena. This topic has been under study in recent decades by a legion of medical science, bio- and neuro-physiology, psychology, mathematics, philosophy, and physics experts. Many different theories with varying degree of theoretical maturity and self-consistency have been proposed over the years, and most of them have not yet been experimentally tested for various reasons. However, some first-order experimental work has been done (Mitchell, 1974b; Targ and Puthoff, 1977; Wolman et al., 1986; Radin, 1997; Tart et al., 2002). Ironically, quantum mechanics theory, and the related physics of quantum entanglement and teleportation, has become the primary focus of all of the physics theories of consciousness/psychotronics that have been recently proposed (see for example, Shan, 2003). Wolman et al. (1986) and Radin (1997) provide a review and discussion on recent theories and experiments that are based on quantum physics theory (see also, Walker, 1974; Targ and Puthoff, 1977; Mitchell, 1999, and the references cited therein; Tart et al., 2002). It appears that the physics of q-Teleportation (Chapter 3) has tremendous relevance to the physics of p-Teleportation and psychotronics.

In the following I propose a parsimonious first-order hypothesis that can explain the gross features of both the Chinese p-Teleportation data and the other reported p-Teleportation phenomena. But I will refrain from including any role that might be played by quantum phenomena since the scientific community has not yet settled that particular issue. (However, it is apparent that quantum theory and quantum phenomena will likely play a key role in a formal physics theory of PK and psychotronics.) First-Order Hypothesis:

  • Fact 1: The mature discipline of mathematical geometry developed the properties of higher dimensional spaces (Reichenbach, 1957; Manning, 1977; Rucker, 1977). An example of one such property that is of relevance to the hypothesis: One can visualize a four-dimensional world by using color as the 4th dimension. We can think of a three-dimensional world, whereby objects pass through one another if their colors (i.e., four-dimensional locations) are different (Reichenbach, 1957). For example, color can be used as a 4th dimension to see how a knot in three-dimensions can be untied in a 4th spatial dimension without moving the ends of the cord. That is because a cord cannot stay knotted in four-dimensional space, because the extra degree of freedom will cause any knot to slip through itself. Two other interesting and relevant examples are that the links of a chain may be separated unbroken in the 4th dimension, and a flexible sphere may be turned inside out without tearing in the 4th dimension (Manning, 1977; Rucker, 1977).

  • Proposition 1 and Fact 2: It has been proposed that our space actually possesses a slight fourdimensional hyperthickness, so that the ultimate components of our nervous system are actually higher dimensional, thus enabling the human mind/brain to imagine four-dimensional space (Hinton, 1888, 1904; Rucker, 1977). If this is the case, then the three-dimensional nets of neurons that code thoughts in our brain may form four-dimensional patterns to achieve fourdimensional thought. The 'bulk' space in 3-brane theory (see Section 4.1), and experimental data from the Remote Viewing program (see Section 5.1), provide support for this concept. Can we see into the 4th dimension and have four-dimensional thoughts? Yes, we can. Proof (see, Rucker, 1977, 1984): If you look at a Necker cube for a while, it spontaneously turns into its mirror image and back again. If you watch it do this often enough, the twinkling sort of motion from one state to the other begins to seem like a continuous motion. But this motion can only be continuous if it is a rotation in four-dimensional space. The mathematician August F. Möbius discovered in 1827 that it is in fact possible to turn a three-dimensional solid object into its mirror image by an appropriate rotation through four-dimensional space (a.k.a. hyperspace rotation). Thus, it is actually possible for our minds to perform such a rotation. Therefore, we can actually produce four-dimensional phenomenon in our minds, so our consciousness is four-dimensional. Rucker (1984) shows another dramatic example of being able to see into the 4th dimension via a 'Neck-A-Cube.'

  • Fact 3: Another property of higher dimensional geometry (Reichenbach, 1957; Rucker, 1977, 1984) is that one can move through solid three-dimensional obstacles without penetrating them by passing in the direction of the 4th (spatial) dimension. The 4th dimension is perpendicular to all of our normal three-dimensional space directions, and so our three-dimensional enclosures have no walls against this direction.

  • Conclusion and Hypothesis: Therefore, the results of the Chinese p-Teleportation experiments can simply be explained as a human consciousness phenomenon that somehow acts to move or rotate test specimens through a 4th spatial dimension, so that the specimens are able to penetrate the solid walls/barriers of their containers without physically breaching them. No real dematerialization/rematerialization of the specimens takes place. The intensity fluctuations of the radio micro-transmitter specimen's electromagnetic signal, and the apparent blending of the other specimens with the walls of their containers, represent the passage of the specimens through a 4th spatial dimension. During teleportation the radio signals emitted by the micro-transmitter became weak/non-existent and fluctuated, because they were spreading out into the 4th dimension and became undetectable in our three-dimensional space. The weak signals that were ('barely') detected represent the leakage of a portion of the radio signal back into our three-dimensional space from the 4th dimension during teleportation. The observed blending of the other specimens with the walls of their containers is how the movement/rotation of the specimens through the 4th dimension was visually interpreted by the mind (along the lines of the Necker cube or Neck-ACube examples).

—Eric W. Davis, Teleportation Physics Study

Stephensville: broadcasting the third kind

The footprints of Adam and Eve from a world before our own, by Brad Steiger

Ayahuasca: a strange brew

Uri Geller and the CIA

UFOs and Hilbert's Entscheidungsproblem

The military angle to UFO abductions

Are UFOs using mind control?

US money for Russia is linked to Iran nuclear plant

No cooling China's economic engine

Société Générale: the rogue rebuttal

Rio rejects BHP Billiton's $147 billion hostile bid

Is Verizon gaming Google in US wireless auction?

The trillion dollar deficit

Credit crunch changes everyday life in America

India's flawed diamond dream

Teen pregnancy flick gets filmgoers hungry for hamburger phone

The fatwa tale of a fat-tail at SocGen

Stiglitz: unfettered markets do not lead to societal well-being

How oil burst the American bubble

Shock and awe: Microsoft bids $44.6 billion for Yahoo

Cato is 'just another garden-variety Beltway box turtle beholden to cash infusions of institutional thinking'

Cato dumps free-market economist who writes article on UFOs

EU watchdogs probe German and Swedish gambling blockades

Macau adds up gambling debts

Misleading the world about Lebanese politics

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

US confirms it is training Pakistani special forces

AP confirms secret camp inside Gitmo

Spooks demand veto on use of bugging evidence

Spies' battleground turns virtual

Connecting the many undersea cut cable dots

Security don't protect you from some outside threat, it protects the company from you

With the iPhone 'security' is code for 'control'

CIA official admits targeting MySpace, YouTube, blogs

Photographer accused of helping MI6 kill Diana found in burnt-out car with hole in his head

Moussaoui prosecutor knew of CIA tapes

Alleged terrorist Charkaoui targets CSIS in second trip to top court

The surveillance scam

US spooks won't get UK census access

Stealthy Adobe Reader update fixes mystery security bugs

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

* * *

Case builds for water on Saturn moon

Japan to launch origami planes into outer space

Very young found to process fear memories in unique way

Million-degree plasma may flow throughout the galaxy

Rewritable holograms promise 3D displays

Experts challenge ice shelf claim

Male brains wired for videogame obsession

Norway in UFO photographs

Actress Jessica Alba says she was attacked by a ghost

Alien encounters in South Missouri

Why Mormons like Bigfoot

The failed resurrection of an unknown messiah

Stephensville UFO witness claims military harassment

Get your war on

Dating advice from paranormal investigators

Popular porn site hacked by prudes

Dodi cheated on Diana via wild sex with model

My research advisor is a sugar daddy

Shejaculation, or How I learned to stop worrying and love the gush

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

How the intelligence profession was corrupted to justify a war of aggression

Super Tuesday's vote for chaos

The two-headed Phoenix

The falling supply of gold


Alexandre Cabanel


* * *

Dissident Chinese professor to sue Yahoo and Google for erasing his name

Chad president declares victory, death toll put at 160

Michael Chertoff, you've been sued

Three eyewitnesses in Selden, Texas saw two large rectangles of 'white flames' in sky

Actually, the cutting of the cables to (only) Islamic countries is an act of war

Fifth Internet cable cut--prelude to war or simply a warning?

The chaos in America's vast security budget

Comet Biela and Mrs. O'Leary's cow

Navy tests incredible sci-fi weapon

30 years of cults and comets

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

Time travellers from the future 'could be here in weeks'

Plasma life forms--aliens from a parallel Earth

More proof aliens are laughing at us

Smiley face found on Mars

Vincent, the White Dog, and the real life mad science of John C. Lilly

Jesus Christ Conquers the Martians

Demolition Man found not guilty of tax fraud

Internet gene tests for mental disorders provoke alarm

Why you're dumber and crazier: the autumn of the multitaskers

P2P: the political economy of peer production

I am alien, hear me roarx

The distance between spiritual experience and interpretation

Man says he was performing exorcism when wife died

Wedding weirdness

Up to 85 percent of people may have remote viewing ability

Avatars and cultural creole

Planets as forces: Revisioning astrology as an archetypal language

Lost--the occult introduction: 23

The fear factory: is the US government manufacturing ghosts?

Just because you're paranoid

Britney Spears 'drugged by her overpowering manager'

Autopsy finds Heath Ledger died by accident

Game theory analysis of a Mafia protection racket

Fluorine compounds make you stupid: Why is the government promoting them?

The identity thief who conned her way into the Ivy League

The consciousness of the haunted house

Paparazzi admit pursuit of Britney has gone too far

Britney's tragic descent into mania is a journey I know all too well

Bouts of hysteria after 'ghostly sightings'

US soldiers continue to commit suicides bidding farewell to their patriotism

The Source strikes again

Pilot goes postal during commercial flight: Tied up when he begins yelling for God

There’s even a weirdly sexual manga moment when one of the boys holds her down and takes off her polka-dot underwear, prompting her to wail, “What man would want me now!” (Keep in mind these are grade-school kids.)

The darkly loony world of manga

Eat, sleep, and sex--orexin has something to say

Sex in the alley is always hell on the knees

Naughty bits censor likes underage girls and porn

Dirty things afoot at CleanFlicks

The family-friendly porn studio

Where have all the men gone?

Definitely, Maybe: the return of the thinking woman's chick flick

Interview on Postsingular and Frek and the Elixir

Future mutations: an interview with RU Sirius

Sundsbo's fashion photography

Self-control is a mental muscle

How to boost your willpower

Interview with Stoya

Post-Optimal Objects (POO)

Magia Sexualis: Sex, Magic, and Liberation in Modern Western Esotericism
(in .pdf of Vol IX of Esoterica, 10 Meg)

The problem with memes

The light within: the 21st century love songs of Nick Cave

The power of love: 100 years of romantic fiction

Creating Japan: the truth about the myth

The sex addict that never was

Neurotic AI has video game edge

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

Star Trek-style ion engine to fuel Mercury craft

Effect of antidepressants exaggerated due to buried data

An introduction to quantum game theory

Protective measurements

The contextuality of quantum theory in 10 minutes

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Jumper: Quantum teleporting, yes; the rest is movie magic

Gifted Chinese children teleport objects without damage

Additional research carried out by the Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute in Beijing was reported in the July 1990 issue of the Chinese Journal of Somatic Science (Kongzhi et al., 1990; Jinggen et al., 1990; Banghui, 1990), which was also translated into English by the DIA. Reported in several articles are experiments involving the videotaping and high-speed photography of the transfer of test specimens (nuts, bundles of matches, pills, nails, thread, photosensitive paper, chemically treated paper, sponges dipped in FeCl3, etc.) through the walls of sealed paper envelopes, double layered KCNS type paper bags, sealed glass bottles and tubes with sealed caps, and sealed plastic film canisters without the walls of any of these containers being breached. All of the Chinese experiments reported using gifted children and young adults, who possessed well-known extraordinary PK ability, to cause the teleportation of the various test specimens. In all the experimental cases that were reported, the test specimens that were teleported were completely unaltered or unchanged from their initial state, even the insects were unaffected by being teleported. The experiments were well controlled, scientifically recorded, and the experimental results were always repeatable.

The Chinese papers are all extremely interesting and very well written, and they show photographs and schematic diagrams of the various experimental setups. The experimental protocols were explained in lengthy detail, and thorough data and statistical analysis were presented in the results. The combined results from the several Chinese experiments showed that:

  • different research groups designed different experimental protocols, used different gifted psychics, used different sealed containers, and used different test specimens (live insects, bulk inanimate objects, and even radio micro-transmitters were used to track the location of the specimens) that were to be teleported;

  • the time required for the teleportation of test specimens through various barriers was anywhere from a fraction of a second to several minutes, and this was not dependent on the test specimen that was used, the sealed container that was used (or its barrier thickness), which experimental protocol was used, or which psychic was being used

  • the high-speed photography/videotaping recorded in one series of experiments that test specimens would physically 'meld' or blend with the walls of sealed containers; and recorded in a different series of experiments that test specimens would simply disappear from inside the container only to reappear at another location (after seconds to several minutes of time transpired), such that the test specimen did not actually undergo total material disintegration/reintegration during teleportation -- this data is important, because without the aid of electronic monitoring instruments, the average person's sensory organs and usual methods of detection are temporarily unable to perceive the test specimen's (ambiguous) existence during the teleportation process;

  • the radio micro-transmitter used as a test specimen in one series of experiments (Shuhuang et al., 1981) transmitted a radio signal to several stationary electronic instruments/receivers, so that the specimen could be tracked and monitored (via signal amplitude and frequency measurements) during the teleportation process; the experimenters discovered that there was large fluctuations in the intensity (in both amplitude and frequency) of the monitored signal to the effect that it would either completely disappear or become extremely weak (to the extent that the monitoring instruments could scarcely detect it) -- it was discovered that there was a definite correlation between the change in strength (i.e., radical frequency shifts were observed) of the monitored radio signal and the teleportation of the test specimen, such that the weak or absent signal indicated that the specimen was 'nonexistent' (or in an altered physical state) during teleportation (note: the monitored signal amplitude and frequency of the micro-transmitter specimen were stable before and after teleportation);

  • before and after 'passing through the container wall/barrier', the test specimen and the container's wall/barrier are both complete solid objects;

  • the gifted psychics were never allowed to see (they were blindfolded in many experiments) or touch each of the test specimens or the sealed containers before and after experiments were conducted, and only the experimenters touched the specimens and containers (using both blind and double-blind protocols);

  • the experimental results were all repeatable;

  • the conditions for fraud and sleight of hand were totally eliminated, and multiple independent outside witnesses (technical and military-intelligence experts) were present at all times to ensure total fidelity of the experiments.

The experimental radio micro-transmitter and high-speed photography/videotaping data offer an important clue on what the teleportation mechanism is, and this will be discussed further in Section 5.1.1. The Chinese were unable to offer any significant physics hypothesis that could explain their results. Some researchers stated that it is necessary to invoke a new physics, which somehow unifies the human consciousness (i.e., physics of consciousness) with quantum and spacetime physics, in order to understand p-Teleportation and related PK phenomena. The researchers were amazed by their repeated results, and were barely able to fathom the altered 'state of being' that test specimens underwent during teleportation.

—Eric W. Davis, Teleportation Physics Study

Ayahuasca: a strange brew

Uri Geller and the CIA

UFOs and Hilbert's Entscheidungsproblem

The military angle to UFO abductions

Are UFOs using mind control?

The 1897 Stephenville, Texas UFO sighting

Building a better fish

Iran's recent victory distresses enemies: Ahmadinejad

Rio rejects BHP Billiton's $147 billion hostile bid

Is Verizon gaming Google in US wireless auction?

The trillion dollar deficit

Credit crunch changes everyday life in America

India's flawed diamond dream

Teen pregnancy flick gets filmgoers hungry for hamburger phone

The fatwa tale of a fat-tail at SocGen

Stiglitz: unfettered markets do not lead to societal well-being

How oil burst the American bubble

Shock and awe: Microsoft bids $44.6 billion for Yahoo

Cato is 'just another garden-variety Beltway box turtle beholden to cash infusions of institutional thinking'

Cato dumps free-market economist who writes article on UFOs

EU watchdogs probe German and Swedish gambling blockades

Macau adds up gambling debts

Stop behaving as a whiner of first resort

The road to hyperinflation: a failure of central banking

Sans president or parliament, Lebanon's woes worsen

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

DHS official wants to deny medicine to those without Real ID

Terrorism cannot be blamed on Islam

Feds cite national security in seeking dismissal of suit against Boeing sub

China releases spy reporter from jail

Can you spot 3 different spellings of Kaspersky?

Former KGB spy Kaspersky founds top IT security firm

What MI5 heard at crime boss's home

More defense fraud: the US already has Mach 6 planes

DARPA nabs big bucks for Mach 6 planes

UK cops use private spy to get around RIPA

US Army struggles with Windows to Linux overhaul

Kenyan voter with arrow in his head believes the vote was rigged

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

* * *

The hallucinations of consciousness

Tool use is just a trick of the mind

Attractive women have to talk the talk: study

Galaxy without ectoplasm puzzles astronomers

Scientists make breakthrough in single-molecule sensing

Racing ahead at the speed of light

How crystal becomes a conductor

Why Mormons like Bigfoot

The failed resurrection of an unknown messiah

Stephensville UFO witness claims military harassment

The dissociative mind of the paranormal

Guided by voices

Tulsa residents fund psychic to hunt for boy

Get your war on

This model comes with 'durable hardwood feet' and 'exceeds the
British Standards set for heavy domestic use'

Naked news of a sort

India wants to raise age of consent from 15 to 16--even if married

Angelina Jolie talks computers

Why do people think Mexicans have small dicks?

How to please a woman

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

'An informal group in the Mossad composed of right-wing operatives and working hand-in-hand with the Turkish and Pakistani Intelligence was offering US nuclear technology to some Arab countries and to other countries. They did this for profit and, in some cases also for political motives, for example, to get direct proof of some foreign states illegally purchasing nuclear materials or technology. At present, this might be used as a justification to prove that Iran is developing nuclear weapons.'

Nuclear proliferation cannot be controlled now that Israel is selling US nuclear secrets

Gladio--death plan for democracy

Mexico 'secretly helped' the CIA against Cuba

Freaking doomed by doubling power

Nymph and Satyr

Alexandre Cabanel

The refined eroticism of Alexandre Cabanel

* * *

Actually, the cutting of the cables to (only) Islamic countries is an act of war

Fifth Internet cable cut--prelude to war or simply a warning?

The chaos in America's vast security budget

Comet Biela and Mrs. O'Leary's cow

Navy tests incredible sci-fi weapon

Neuroscience at the World Economic Forum at Davos

The criminalization of the state: Kosovo under US-NATO military rule

C'mon guys, cut it out

Three different versions of 'suicide attack' in Israel contradict each other

30 years of cults and comets

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

Plasma life forms--aliens from a parallel Earth

More proof aliens are laughing at us

Smiley face found on Mars

Vincent, the White Dog, and the real life mad science of John C. Lilly

Jesus Christ Conquers the Martians

Demolition Man found not guilty of tax fraud

Internet gene tests for mental disorders provoke alarm

Why you're dumber and crazier: the autumn of the multitaskers

P2P: the political economy of peer production

I am alien, hear me roarx

Sex, advertising, mind control, and psychology (video)

Sexual mind control for dummies

Sex, drugs, mind control, and Gitmo

Man says he was performing exorcism when wife died

Wedding weirdness

Up to 85 percent of people may have remote viewing ability

Avatars and cultural creole

Planets as forces: Revisioning astrology as an archetypal language

Lost--the occult introduction: 23

The fear factory: is the US government manufacturing ghosts?

First issue of Alan Moore's Swamp Thing available for download

The care and feeding of the practical psychopath

Game theory analysis of a Mafia protection racket

Fluorine compounds make you stupid: Why is the government promoting them?

The identity thief who conned her way into the Ivy League

The consciousness of the haunted house

Paparazzi admit pursuit of Britney has gone too far

Britney's tragic descent into mania is a journey I know all too well

Bouts of hysteria after 'ghostly sightings'

US soldiers continue to commit suicides bidding farewell to their patriotism

The Source strikes again

Pilot goes postal during commercial flight: Tied up when he begins yelling for God

Convictions: Murder but it wasn't like that, I got set up by my pimp and his frenz

Looking for a wife? Conjugal Harmony

Sex in the alley is always hell on the knees

Naughty bits censor likes underage girls and porn

Dirty things afoot at CleanFlicks

The family-friendly porn studio

Where have all the men gone?

Definitely, Maybe: the return of the thinking woman's chick flick

Blue eyes result of ancient genetic 'mutation' near the Black Sea

Future mutations: an interview with RU Sirius

Sundsbo's fashion photography

Self-control is a mental muscle

How to boost your willpower

Interview with Stoya

Affairs of the lips: the psychology and neuroscience of kissing

Magia Sexualis: Sex, Magic, and Liberation in Modern Western Esotericism
(in .pdf of Vol IX of Esoterica, 10 Meg)

The problem with memes

The light within: the 21st century love songs of Nick Cave

The power of love: 100 years of romantic fiction

Creating Japan: the truth about the myth

The sex addict that never was

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Keeping your brain fit

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

Star Trek-style ion engine to fuel Mercury craft

Effect of antidepressants exaggerated due to buried data

Boltzmann brains: Random fluctuations in the Universe can create self-aware entities

An introduction to quantum game theory

On a crucial problem in probabilities and solution

Protective measurements

The contextuality of quantum theory in 10 minutes

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

A quantum solution to the arrow-of-time dilemma

Gifted Chinese children teleport objects without damage

Additional research carried out by the Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute in Beijing was reported in the July 1990 issue of the Chinese Journal of Somatic Science (Kongzhi et al., 1990; Jinggen et al., 1990; Banghui, 1990), which was also translated into English by the DIA. Reported in several articles are experiments involving the videotaping and high-speed photography of the transfer of test specimens (nuts, bundles of matches, pills, nails, thread, photosensitive paper, chemically treated paper, sponges dipped in FeCl3, etc.) through the walls of sealed paper envelopes, double layered KCNS type paper bags, sealed glass bottles and tubes with sealed caps, and sealed plastic film canisters without the walls of any of these containers being breached. All of the Chinese experiments reported using gifted children and young adults, who possessed well-known extraordinary PK ability, to cause the teleportation of the various test specimens. In all the experimental cases that were reported, the test specimens that were teleported were completely unaltered or unchanged from their initial state, even the insects were unaffected by being teleported. The experiments were well controlled, scientifically recorded, and the experimental results were always repeatable.

The Chinese papers are all extremely interesting and very well written, and they show photographs and schematic diagrams of the various experimental setups. The experimental protocols were explained in lengthy detail, and thorough data and statistical analysis were presented in the results. The combined results from the several Chinese experiments showed that:

  • different research groups designed different experimental protocols, used different gifted psychics, used different sealed containers, and used different test specimens (live insects, bulk inanimate objects, and even radio micro-transmitters were used to track the location of the specimens) that were to be teleported;

  • the time required for the teleportation of test specimens through various barriers was anywhere from a fraction of a second to several minutes, and this was not dependent on the test specimen that was used, the sealed container that was used (or its barrier thickness), which experimental protocol was used, or which psychic was being used

  • the high-speed photography/videotaping recorded in one series of experiments that test specimens would physically 'meld' or blend with the walls of sealed containers; and recorded in a different series of experiments that test specimens would simply disappear from inside the container only to reappear at another location (after seconds to several minutes of time transpired), such that the test specimen did not actually undergo total material disintegration/reintegration during teleportation -- this data is important, because without the aid of electronic monitoring instruments, the average person's sensory organs and usual methods of detection are temporarily unable to perceive the test specimen's (ambiguous) existence during the teleportation process;

  • the radio micro-transmitter used as a test specimen in one series of experiments (Shuhuang et al., 1981) transmitted a radio signal to several stationary electronic instruments/receivers, so that the specimen could be tracked and monitored (via signal amplitude and frequency measurements) during the teleportation process; the experimenters discovered that there was large fluctuations in the intensity (in both amplitude and frequency) of the monitored signal to the effect that it would either completely disappear or become extremely weak (to the extent that the monitoring instruments could scarcely detect it) -- it was discovered that there was a definite correlation between the change in strength (i.e., radical frequency shifts were observed) of the monitored radio signal and the teleportation of the test specimen, such that the weak or absent signal indicated that the specimen was 'nonexistent' (or in an altered physical state) during teleportation (note: the monitored signal amplitude and frequency of the micro-transmitter specimen were stable before and after teleportation);

  • before and after 'passing through the container wall/barrier', the test specimen and the container's wall/barrier are both complete solid objects;

  • the gifted psychics were never allowed to see (they were blindfolded in many experiments) or touch each of the test specimens or the sealed containers before and after experiments were conducted, and only the experimenters touched the specimens and containers (using both blind and double-blind protocols);

  • the experimental results were all repeatable;

  • the conditions for fraud and sleight of hand were totally eliminated, and multiple independent outside witnesses (technical and military-intelligence experts) were present at all times to ensure total fidelity of the experiments.

The experimental radio micro-transmitter and high-speed photography/videotaping data offer an important clue on what the teleportation mechanism is, and this will be discussed further in Section 5.1.1. The Chinese were unable to offer any significant physics hypothesis that could explain their results. Some researchers stated that it is necessary to invoke a new physics, which somehow unifies the human consciousness (i.e., physics of consciousness) with quantum and spacetime physics, in order to understand p-Teleportation and related PK phenomena. The researchers were amazed by their repeated results, and were barely able to fathom the altered 'state of being' that test specimens underwent during teleportation.

—Eric W. Davis, Teleportation Physics Study

UFOs and Hilbert's Entscheidungsproblem

The military angle to UFO abductions

Are UFOs using mind control?

The 1897 Stephenville, Texas UFO sighting

Building a better fish

The Secret Life of Nature (complete text available)

Luminous UFO lands in Mexico for 30 hours

Think tank: US threat to Iran has lessened

The trillion dollar deficit

Credit crunch changes everyday life in America

India's flawed diamond dream

Teen pregnancy flick gets filmgoers hungry for hamburger phone

The fatwa tale of a fat-tail at SocGen

Stiglitz: unfettered markets do not lead to societal well-being

How oil burst the American bubble

Shock and awe: Microsoft bids $44.6 billion for Yahoo

Cato is 'just another garden-variety Beltway box turtle beholden to cash infusions of institutional thinking'

Cato dumps free-market economist who writes article on UFOs

EU watchdogs probe German and Swedish gambling blockades

Macau adds up gambling debts

Stop behaving as a whiner of first resort

The road to hyperinflation: a failure of central banking

The $3 trillion war

The current financial crisis: more than 20 years in the making

Caramel director styles a view of everyday life in Lebanon

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

'Crash tested' e-voting machines spread doubt on Super Tuesday

Mystery telephone 'poll' promotes Clinton, slams everyone else

Cop who bugged MP: 'I was just following orders. Heil Hitler!'

As one of Saddam Hussein’s most gifted engineers, Mr Tawfiq knew that the Iraqi dictator had shut down his nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programmes in 1995, and he had told his handlers in US intelligence just that.

How the CIA ignored its spies

India-Israel space ties irk Iran

An informal group in the Mossad composed of right-wing operatives and working hand-in-hand with the Turkish and Pakistani Intelligence was offering US nuclear technology to some Arab countries and to other countries. They did this for profit and, in some cases also for political motives, for example, to get direct proof of some foreign states illegally purchasing nuclear materials or technology. At present, this might be used as a justification to prove that Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

Nuclear proliferation cannot be controlled now that Israel is selling US nuclear secrets

Gladio--death plan for democracy

Mexico 'secretly helped' the CIA against Cuba

Bhutto party reveals will naming husband as successor

Veracode hunts for backdoors in outsourced code

Scientologists bring in FBI to squash Internet attacks

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Pepetual motion machine: turning physics on its ear

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

* * *

Transplant creates embryo with 3 parents

Taking off your pants in a subway: a psychology experiment

Remote control DNA 'pistons' could power tiny robots

The world's rubbish dump stretches from Hawaii to Japan

Pregnancy stress linked to child schizophrenia

Microsoft assumes control of mathematical physics

Tsunami threat hangs over southern Italy

The dissociative mind of the paranormal

Guided by voices

Tulsa residents fund psychic to hunt for boy

Do fairies exist?

Local witches are fired up over the Miss Toronto pageant

Mind power or miracle? Mysterious medical recoveries confound science

Get your war on

Porn: now even more surreal

Man complains that sex doll's moan stopped working

The decline of Canadian strip clubs, part 2

Huck Me (video)

Prostitute sacked for not doing her (blow)job

Archives continue here

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