Article archive from the homepage of J. Orlin Grabbe

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Why were the 9-11 tapes destroyed?, by Paul Craig Roberts

Societe General on trial in French-Israel money laundering scam

A trillion dollar smile

Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Condemned Prisoners

Alexandre Cabanel

Egyptomania: Egypt in Western art, 1730-1930

* * *

Neuroscience at the World Economic Forum at Davos

The criminalization of the state: Kosovo under US-NATO military rule

C'mon guys, cut it out

Three different versions of 'suicide attack' in Israel contradict each other

Kenya: tribal gangs fight with knives and poisoned arrows

Revealed: Chavez role in cocaine trail to Europe

New World Order: Unimaginable intentional human suffering

No. 10 ignored MP bugging warning

30 years of cults and comets

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

More proof aliens are laughing at us

Smiley face found on Mars

Vincent, the White Dog, and the real life mad science of John C. Lilly

Jesus Christ Conquers the Martians

Demolition Man found not guilty of tax fraud

Internet gene tests for mental disorders provoke alarm

Why you're dumber and crazier: the autumn of the multitaskers

P2P: the political economy of peer production

I am alien, hear me roarx

Sex, advertising, mind control, and psychology (video)

Sexual mind control for dummies

Sex, drugs, mind control, and Gitmo

Isn't ordinary reality psychedelic enough?

A child's first book of hallucinogenic drugs

The real surreal world

Wedding weirdness

Up to 85 percent of people may have remote viewing ability

Avatars and cultural creole

Planets as forces: Revisioning astrology as an archetypal language

Lost--the occult introduction: 23

The fear factory: is the US government manufacturing ghosts?

First issue of Alan Moore's Swamp Thing available for download

The care and feeding of the practical psychopath

The Illuminati monuments of Paris exposed

7 reasons the 21st century is making us miserable

Fluorine compounds make you stupid: Why is the government promoting them?

The identity thief who conned her way into the Ivy League

The consciousness of the haunted house

Paparazzi admit pursuit of Britney has gone too far

Britney's tragic descent into mania is a journey I know all too well

Bouts of hysteria after 'ghostly sightings'

US soldiers continue to commit suicides bidding farewell to their patriotism

The Source strikes again

Pilot goes postal during commercial flight: Tied up when he begins yelling for God

Convictions: Murder but it wasn't like that, I got set up by my pimp and his frenz

Looking for a wife? Conjugal Harmony

Cyber bully's sex hoax led friend to try to kill himself

How proles with dirty toilets become fledgling design critics

Naughty bits censor likes underage girls and porn

Dirty things afoot at CleanFlicks

The family-friendly porn studio

Where have all the men gone?

Definitely, Maybe: the return of the thinking woman's chick flick

Blue eyes result of ancient genetic 'mutation' near the Black Sea

Sexual predators in the religious scene

The big secret about secret societies

Sundsbo's fashion photography

Self-control is a mental muscle

How to boost your willpower

Interview with Stoya

Affairs of the lips: the psychology and neuroscience of kissing

The bitchy world of online match making

Facing down the competition in business and politics

The problem with memes

The light within: the 21st century love songs of Nick Cave

The power of love: 100 years of romantic fiction

Creating Japan: the truth about the myth

The sex addict that never was

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Vegetarianism proves to be perversion of nature

The future of investment banking is likely to be female

Illegal ink: reading meaning in criminal tattoos

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

Star Trek-style ion engine to fuel Mercury craft

Effect of antidepressants exaggerated due to buried data

Boltzmann brains: Random fluctuations in the Universe can create self-aware entities

The levitating pillow

An introduction to quantum game theory

Scott Aaronson on Knuth: Volume 4 is already written (in our hearts)

A simple approach to test Leggett's model of nonlocal quantum correlations

On a crucial problem in probabilities and solution

Protective measurements

The contextuality of quantum theory in 10 minutes

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Quantum computing theory group news/research web page

Never mind the newspaper hacks, teleportation is here

The concept of teleportation was originally developed during the Golden Age of 20th century science fiction literature by writers in need of a form of instantaneous disembodied transportation technology to support the plots of their stories

Teleportation has appeared in such SciFi literature classics as Algis Budry's Rogue Moon (Gold Medal Books, 1960), A. E. van Vogt's World of Null-A (Astounding Science Fiction, August 1945), and George Langelaan's The Fly (Playboy Magazine, June 1957). The Playboy Magazine short story led to a cottage industry of popular films decrying the horrors of scientific technology that exceeded mankind's wisdom: The Fly (1958), Return of the Fly (1959), Curse of the Fly (1965), The Fly (a 1986 remake), and The Fly II (1989). The teleportation concept has also appeared in episodes of popular television SciFi anthology series such as The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. But the most widely recognized pop-culture awareness of the teleportation concept began with the numerous Strar Trek television and theatrical movie series of the past 39 years (beginning in 1964 with the first TV series pilot episode, The Cage), which are now an international entertainment and product franchise that was originally spawned by the late genius television writer-producer Gene Roddenberry. Because of Strar Trek everyone in the world is familiar with the 'transporter' device, which is used to teleport personnel and material from starship to starship or from ship to planet and vice versa at the speed of light. People or inanimate objects would be positioned on the transporter pad and become completely disintegrated by a beam with their atoms being patterned in a computer buffer and later converted into a beam that is directed toward the destination, and then reintegrated back into their original form (all without error!). 'Beam me up, Scotty' is a familiar automobile bumper sticker or cry of exasperation that were popularly adopted from the series.

However, the late Dr. Robert L. Forward (2001) stated that modern hard-core SciFi literature, with the exception of the ongoing Strar Trek franchise, has abandoned using the teleportation concept because writers believe that it has more to do with the realms of parapsychology/paranormal (a.k.a. psychic) and imaginative fantasy than with any realm of science. Beginning in the 1980s developments in quantum theory and general relativity physics have succeeded in pushing the envelope in exploring the reality of teleportation. A crescendo of scientific and popular literature appearing in the 1990s and as recently as 2003 has raised public awareness of the new technological possibilities offered by teleportation. As for the psychic aspect of teleportation, it became known to Dr. Forward and myself, along with several colleagues both inside and outside of government, that anomalous teleportation has been scientifically investigated and separately documented by the Department of Defense.

It has been recognized that extending the present research in quantum teleportation and developing alternative forms of teleportation physics would have a high payoff impact on communications and transportation technologies in the civilian and military sectors. It is the purpose of this study to explore the physics of teleportation and delineate its characteristics and performances, and to make recommendations for further studies in support of Air Force Advanced Concepts programs.

—Eric W. Davis, Teleportation Physics Study

Are UFOs using mind control?

The 1897 Stephenville, Texas UFO sighting

Building a better fish

The Secret Life of Nature (complete text available)

Luminous UFO lands in Mexico for 30 hours

In lies we trust: the CIA, Hollywood, and bioterrorism (video)

A word from Banachek

Iran opens space center, launches rocket

India's flawed diamond dream

Teen pregnancy flick gets filmgoers hungry for hamburger phone

The fatwa tale of a fat-tail at SocGen

Stiglitz: unfettered markets do not lead to societal well-being

How oil burst the American bubble

Shock and awe: Microsoft bids $44.6 billion for Yahoo

Cato is 'just another garden-variety Beltway box turtle beholden to cash infusions of institutional thinking'

Cato dumps free-market economist who writes article on UFOs

EU watchdogs probe German and Swedish gambling blockades

Macau adds up gambling debts

Stop behaving as a whiner of first resort

The road to hyperinflation: a failure of central banking

The $3 trillion war

The current financial crisis: more than 20 years in the making

The new Laffer curve, and the lack of evidence for it

The stimulus package versus long-term growth

IMF gives Lebanon glowing marks for financial resilience

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

Abracadabra: Bush makes privacy board vanish

SCADA security list: Don't talk about holes, or we'll report you

As history shows, torture does not work

Witnesses could be questioned in Spain about CIA flights

Straw: Police can bug MPs without asking cabinet

Row over spying on Muslim politician in Britain

Government war gamers hack servers to stay ahead

OiNK said the pigs

BitTorrent admin's police bail extended again

Storm worm dethroned by botnet

Great firewall of China faces online rebels

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Dopamine and addiction, part 1

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

Forget about global warming: We're one step from extinction

* * *

Material changes its color, depending on how you look at it

Engineers inhibit fractures in metals using an electric field

Pentagon pundits demand sensible raygun research

23 voodoos of sparticles, squarks, photinos, selectrons, neutralinos, djinns, etc.

Iran launches rocket for homegrown satellite

Bio-crude turns cheap waste into valuable fuel

Mobile phones could spot dirty bombs

Do fairies exist?

Local witches are fired up over the Miss Toronto pageant

Mind power or miracle? Mysterious medical recoveries confound science

Electricity woman causes lights to flicker when she gets stressed

The Giant Beaver of Utah

'White noise' disease killing bats in Vermont and New York

Get your war on

Christie Hefner: queen in an erotic shop

Britney sex tapes stolen

In-car sex positions and advice

Carma sutra: the auto-erotic handbook

Latvian National Opera accused of distributing child pornography

Search for online sex is influencing new technology

Female orgasm: Myth or mysterious truth?

Sex positions for the best sex ever

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

Pentagon: Treat the Internet as an enemy 'weapons system'

Sy Hersh confirms: Syrian facility bombed by Israel was not nuclear

New NATO intelligence chairman was trained by KGB

Bankers gone bonkers: Global finance and the insanity defense

The Birth of Venus

Alexandre Cabanel

'The Birth of Venus'

* * *

Kenya: tribal gangs fight with knives and poisoned arrows

Revealed: Chavez role in cocaine trail to Europe

New World Order: Unimaginable intentional human suffering

No. 10 ignored MP bugging warning

The curious case of the forged biography of Saddam Hussein

The iniquities and inequalities of war

How social services are paid bonuses to snatch babies for adoption

Burka bombers: Spontaneously exploding Iraqi women

30 years of cults and comets

Wars, pestilence, and witches

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

The put option on America, part 3

Jesus Christ Conquers the Martians

Demolition Man found not guilty of tax fraud

Internet gene tests for mental disorders provoke alarm

Why you're dumber and crazier: the autumn of the multitaskers

P2P: the political economy of peer production

I am alien, hear me roarx

Sex, advertising, mind control, and psychology (video)

Sexual mind control for dummies

Sex, drugs, mind control, and Gitmo

Isn't ordinary reality psychedelic enough?

A child's first book of hallucinogenic drugs

The real surreal world

The Empire State Building car zap mystery

If I'm in a virtual reality, the graphics are great, but the plot sucks

Interview: Could our Universe be a virtual reality processed by another world?

Avatars and cultural creole

Planets as forces: Revisioning astrology as an archetypal language

Lost--the occult introduction: 23

The fear factory: is the US government manufacturing ghosts?

First issue of Alan Moore's Swamp Thing available for download

The care and feeding of the practical psychopath

The Illuminati monuments of Paris exposed

Tears for Spears

7 reasons the 21st century is making us miserable

Polanski and the professor

The consciousness of the haunted house

Paparazzi admit pursuit of Britney has gone too far

Britney's tragic descent into mania is a journey I know all too well

Bouts of hysteria after 'ghostly sightings'

US soldiers continue to commit suicides bidding farewell to their patriotism

The Source strikes again

Pilot goes postal during commercial flight: Tied up when he begins yelling for God

Convictions: Murder but it wasn't like that, I got set up by my pimp and his frenz

Looking for a wife? Conjugal Harmony

Cyber bully's sex hoax led friend to try to kill himself

How proles with dirty toilets become fledgling design critics

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown--part 2

Threatening phone calls cause author of Scientology expose to go into hiding

The family-friendly porn studio

Where have all the men gone?

Definitely, Maybe: the return of the thinking woman's chick flick

Blue eyes result of ancient genetic 'mutation' near the Black Sea

Sexual predators in the religious scene

The big secret about secret societies

Music industry now embraces the file-sharing technology that threatened to destroy it

William Shakespeare did not write 'Shakespeare's plays'

Technomancer: an exhumed VLS piece on Philip K. Dick

Self-control is a mental muscle

How to boost your willpower

Interview with Stoya

Affairs of the lips: the psychology and neuroscience of kissing

The bitchy world of online match making

Facing down the competition in business and politics

Miss Toronto tourism not welcoming Wiccans

The return of the trophy wife

The power of love: 100 years of romantic fiction

Creating Japan: the truth about the myth

The sex addict that never was

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Vegetarianism proves to be perversion of nature

The future of investment banking is likely to be female

Against the Day

Rumi: Say I Am You (Sufi poem) (video)

Embodied cognition: Don't just stand there, think

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

Star Trek-style ion engine to fuel Mercury craft

Effect of antidepressants exaggerated due to buried data

Boltzmann brains: Random fluctuations in the Universe can create self-aware entities

The levitating pillow

The psychology of the moral instinct

Why I am not a skeptic

An introduction to quantum game theory

Master equation--tutorial approach

Quantum mechanics from focusing and symmetry

Scott Aaronson on Knuth: Volume 4 is already written (in our hearts)

A simple approach to test Leggett's model of nonlocal quantum correlations

On a crucial problem in probabilities and solution

Protective measurements

The contextuality of quantum theory in 10 minutes

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Quantum logic versus alternative approaches

Never mind the newspaper hacks, teleportation is here

The concept of teleportation was originally developed during the Golden Age of 20th century science fiction literature by writers in need of a form of instantaneous disembodied transportation technology to support the plots of their stories

Teleportation has appeared in such SciFi literature classics as Algis Budry's Rogue Moon (Gold Medal Books, 1960), A. E. van Vogt's World of Null-A (Astounding Science Fiction, August 1945), and George Langelaan's The Fly (Playboy Magazine, June 1957). The Playboy Magazine short story led to a cottage industry of popular films decrying the horrors of scientific technology that exceeded mankind's wisdom: The Fly (1958), Return of the Fly (1959), Curse of the Fly (1965), The Fly (a 1986 remake), and The Fly II (1989). The teleportation concept has also appeared in episodes of popular television SciFi anthology series such as The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. But the most widely recognized pop-culture awareness of the teleportation concept began with the numerous Strar Trek television and theatrical movie series of the past 39 years (beginning in 1964 with the first TV series pilot episode, The Cage), which are now an international entertainment and product franchise that was originally spawned by the late genius television writer-producer Gene Roddenberry. Because of Strar Trek everyone in the world is familiar with the 'transporter' device, which is used to teleport personnel and material from starship to starship or from ship to planet and vice versa at the speed of light. People or inanimate objects would be positioned on the transporter pad and become completely disintegrated by a beam with their atoms being patterned in a computer buffer and later converted into a beam that is directed toward the destination, and then reintegrated back into their original form (all without error!). 'Beam me up, Scotty' is a familiar automobile bumper sticker or cry of exasperation that were popularly adopted from the series.

However, the late Dr. Robert L. Forward (2001) stated that modern hard-core SciFi literature, with the exception of the ongoing Strar Trek franchise, has abandoned using the teleportation concept because writers believe that it has more to do with the realms of parapsychology/paranormal (a.k.a. psychic) and imaginative fantasy than with any realm of science. Beginning in the 1980s developments in quantum theory and general relativity physics have succeeded in pushing the envelope in exploring the reality of teleportation. A crescendo of scientific and popular literature appearing in the 1990s and as recently as 2003 has raised public awareness of the new technological possibilities offered by teleportation. As for the psychic aspect of teleportation, it became known to Dr. Forward and myself, along with several colleagues both inside and outside of government, that anomalous teleportation has been scientifically investigated and separately documented by the Department of Defense.

It has been recognized that extending the present research in quantum teleportation and developing alternative forms of teleportation physics would have a high payoff impact on communications and transportation technologies in the civilian and military sectors. It is the purpose of this study to explore the physics of teleportation and delineate its characteristics and performances, and to make recommendations for further studies in support of Air Force Advanced Concepts programs.

—Eric W. Davis, Teleportation Physics Study

Building a better fish

The Secret Life of Nature (complete text available)

Luminous UFO lands in Mexico for 30 hours

In lies we trust: the CIA, Hollywood, and bioterrorism (video)

A word from Banachek

Easter Island: the future's not set in stone

A riff of psychobabble from the mainstream media

Texas UFOs: Nodding off at NewsWeak

The goatsucker invades Los Angeles

Iran summons French ambassador to protest Paris' Mideast policies

The fatwa tale of a fat-tail at SocGen

Stiglitz: unfettered markets do not lead to societal well-being

How oil burst the American bubble

Shock and awe: Microsoft bids $44.6 billion for Yahoo

Cato is 'just another garden-variety Beltway box turtle beholden to cash infusions of institutional thinking'

Cato dumps free-market economist who writes article on UFOs

EU watchdogs probe German and Swedish gambling blockades

Macau adds up gambling debts

Stop behaving as a whiner of first resort

The road to hyperinflation: a failure of central banking

The $3 trillion war

The current financial crisis: more than 20 years in the making

The new Laffer curve, and the lack of evidence for it

The stimulus package versus long-term growth

Does financial regulation fit the modern world?

Pressure grows for SocGen answers

Anger rises at timing of SocGen revelation

Undoing rogue Parisian trader's deals might have rattled German markets

Divide and conquer: Washington promotes Hezbollah competitor

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

Domestic spying program could aid terrorists, experts say

Despite promise, Israel's lying Barak will stay in government

Propaganda: Israel concerned about security after Gaza border breach

Senator who wasn't concerned with NSA spying is suddenly concerned with NFL spying

Scarborough again denies Rove's role as Novak source in Plame leak

Mossad agent admits Mossad killing of Iraqi intellectuals

This article would be better if it ignored
disinformation artist Vincent Cannistraro

Lockerbie: chronicle of a death foretold

Obscene anomaly in Mauritania

Secrets of a CIA spy (video)

Pirate Bay says it can't be sunk, servers scattered worldwide

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Tutorial on reversible computation

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

Forget about global warming: We're one step from extinction

An animated primer on DNA

* * *

When it comes to attraction, does the golden ratio still apply?

Warmer Atlantic fuels hurricanes, UK study finds

Auditory nerves learning to hear

Peruvian surfing cat is making waves

Restoring sight to the blind

Psycho polar bear is addicted to humans

Implicit understanding and inference in language

Electricity woman causes lights to flicker when she gets stressed

The Giant Beaver of Utah

'White noise' disease killing bats in Vermont and New York

Bruce Lee's Green Hornet screen test (video)

UFOs: Do we collaborate?

The haunted railway

Get your war on

Slow life, slow sex: Going through the motions of human orgasm

Clinic is a 'whorehouse that takes health insurance'

Forlorn female physician, naughty nurse, minister to patients with tender, loving lust

Stilettos take women's sex life to higher level

I spank my wife for her pleasure, not mine

I thought I would come in the first minute of kissing. I hated it. I loved it.

19. If your girlfriend doesn’t make you feel good about yourself and bring
joy to your life, fire her. That’s what girlfriends are for.

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

Yet another watered-down report on Israeli war crimes

'The Super Bowl brings better guys with more money'

Hookers score big when The Super Bowl's in town

Keynesian quackery

King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid

Edward Coley Burne-Jones

Ways of viewing 'King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid'

* * *

The curious case of the forged biography of Saddam Hussein

The iniquities and inequalities of war

How social services are paid bonuses to snatch babies for adoption

Burka bombers: Spontaneously exploding Iraqi women

Clinton cash: an ex-president, a big donor, and a lucrative uranium deal

Vermont town hammered over petition to arrest, prosecute Bush and Cheney

Senator Joe Lieberman to Jews: Vote McCain, he's Israel's best lover

Former chief global strategist at Morgan Stanley: Head for the hills

30 years of cults and comets

Wars, pestilence, and witches

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

The put option on America, part 3

Why you're dumber and crazier: the autumn of the multitaskers

P2P: the political economy of peer production

I am alien, hear me roarx

Sex, advertising, mind control, and psychology (video)

Sexual mind control for dummies

Sex, drugs, mind control, and Gitmo

Isn't ordinary reality psychedelic enough?

A child's first book of hallucinogenic drugs

The real surreal world

The Empire State Building car zap mystery

If I'm in a virtual reality, the graphics are great, but the plot sucks

Interview: Could our Universe be a virtual reality processed by another world?

Microchips everywhere: a future vision

Is Martian figure actually a Danish mermaid?

Lost--the occult introduction: 23

The fear factory: is the US government manufacturing ghosts?

First issue of Alan Moore's Swamp Thing available for download

The care and feeding of the practical psychopath

The Illuminati monuments of Paris exposed

Tears for Spears

7 reasons the 21st century is making us miserable

Polanski and the professor

The 'Black Mirror' school of enlightenment

The unburdened mind of the psychopath

Celebrity crackups--now in real time for your viewing pleasure

Kate Moss--child killer or Marilyn Monroe?

Bouts of hysteria after 'ghostly sightings'

US soldiers continue to commit suicides bidding farewell to their patriotism

The Source strikes again

Pilot goes postal during commercial flight: Tied up when he begins yelling for God

Convictions: Murder but it wasn't like that, I got set up by my pimp and his frenz

Looking for a wife? Conjugal Harmony

Cyber bully's sex hoax led friend to try to kill himself

How proles with dirty toilets become fledgling design critics

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown--part 2

American Dragon: Disney mind control

Threatening phone calls cause author of Scientology expose to go into hiding

10 extraordinary literary suicides

Suicide hijack plot

Where have all the men gone?

Definitely, Maybe: the return of the thinking woman's chick flick

Blue eyes result of ancient genetic 'mutation' near the Black Sea

Sexual predators in the religious scene

The big secret about secret societies

Music industry now embraces the file-sharing technology that threatened to destroy it

William Shakespeare did not write 'Shakespeare's plays'

Technomancer: an exhumed VLS piece on Philip K. Dick

Griefer madness: it's raining penises in the virtual world

Drugs, vice, and famous people are the essential keys to selling a newspaper

Interview with Stoya

Affairs of the lips: the psychology and neuroscience of kissing

The bitchy world of online match making

Facing down the competition in business and politics

Miss Toronto tourism not welcoming Wiccans

The return of the trophy wife

Coffee tasseography: fortune telling with coffee

Hookers for Jesus: from body-fuck to mind-fuck

The sex addict that never was

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Vegetarianism proves to be perversion of nature

The future of investment banking is likely to be female

Against the Day

Rumi: Say I Am You (Sufi poem) (video)

Depression, antidepressants, and the 'low serotonin' myth

The Texas Jewboys dewussify Texas

Mind-body medicine

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

Star Trek-style ion engine to fuel Mercury craft

Effect of antidepressants exaggerated due to buried data

Boltzmann brains: Random fluctuations in the Universe can create self-aware entities

The levitating pillow

The psychology of the moral instinct

Why I am not a skeptic


Reverse time causality and anti-atoms

An introduction to quantum game theory

The physical world as a virtual reality

Quantum consciousness for dummies (video)

Master equation--tutorial approach

Quantum mechanics from focusing and symmetry

Scott Aaronson on Knuth: Volume 4 is already written (in our hearts)

A simple approach to test Leggett's model of nonlocal quantum correlations

On a crucial problem in probabilities and solution

Protective measurements

The contextuality of quantum theory in 10 minutes

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Quantum computational complexity in the presence of closed timelike curves

Subtle creatures inhabit space

And this, too, is not magic as the credulous call it;—as I have so often said before, magic (or science that violates Nature) exists not;—it is but the science by which Nature can be controlled. Now, in space there are millions of beings, not literally spiritual, for they have all, like the animalcula unseen by the naked eye, certain forms of matter, though matter so delicate, air-drawn, and subtle, that it is, as it were, but a film, a gossamer that clothes the spirit. Hence the Rosicrucian's lovely phantoms of sylph and gnome. Yet, in truth, these races and tribes differ more widely, each from each, than the Calmuck from the Greek—differ in attributes and powers. . . . He who would establish intercourse with these varying beings, resembles the traveller who would penetrate into unknown lands. He is exposed to strange dangers and unconjectured terrors. That intercourse once gained I cannot secure thee from the chances to which thy journey is exposed. I cannot direct thee to paths free from the wanderings of the deadliest foes. Thou must alone, and of thyself, face and hazard all. . . . Amidst the dwellers of the threshold is ONE, too, surpassing in malignity and hatred all her tribe—one whose eyes have paralyzed the bravest, and whose power increases over the spirit precisely in proportion to its fear. Does thy courage falter?

—Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Zanoni: a Rosicrucian Tale

Luminous UFO lands in Mexico for 30 hours

In lies we trust: the CIA, Hollywood, and bioterrorism (video)

A word from Banachek

Easter Island: the future's not set in stone

A riff of psychobabble from the mainstream media

Texas UFOs: Nodding off at NewsWeak

The goatsucker invades Los Angeles

For some at Ohio State, the occult is a way of life

Supernatural studies in the material world

Report: US, Iran to have security talks in Baghdad

How oil burst the American bubble

Shock and awe: Microsoft bids $44.6 billion for Yahoo

Cato is 'just another garden-variety Beltway box turtle beholden to cash infusions of institutional thinking'

Cato dumps free-market economist who writes article on UFOs

EU watchdogs probe German and Swedish gambling blockades

Macau adds up gambling debts

Stop behaving as a whiner of first resort

The road to hyperinflation: a failure of central banking

The $3 trillion war

The current financial crisis: more than 20 years in the making

The new Laffer curve, and the lack of evidence for it

The stimulus package versus long-term growth

Does financial regulation fit the modern world?

Pressure grows for SocGen answers

Anger rises at timing of SocGen revelation

Undoing rogue Parisian trader's deals might have rattled German markets

US federal agents raid art museums and galley

Rogue trader blows panties off control systems

Paul Krugman: stimulus gone bad

Going bankrupt: the US's greatest threat

Amnesty slams Israel's Lebanon War (Winograd) Report

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

French trader's computer seized in inquiry

Waterboard the bastards

CIA finishes investigation of CIA Watchdog

Cuba extending its overseas intelligence network, ex-DIA man says

New York Times reporter issued subpoena over sources for CIA book

9-11 was a CIA-Mossad inside job

Pentagon panel: US must sell 'good news'

Inside the Navy's armed-robot labs

New 'Off the Hook' online (Jan 31, 2008)

SkypeFinds another security snafu

Et tu, Gmail? Simple hack defeats last barrier to decades-old attack

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

Forget about global warming: We're one step from extinction

An animated primer on DNA

* * *

Researchers create gold aluminum, black platinum, blue silver

Language development mirrors species evolution

Lost city at bottom of ocean could have been cradle for life on Earth

Holography gets smart

'Dolly' scientist should be stripped of his knighthood, colleagues tell queen

Eye-tracing game hides baddies in plain view

NASA to beam The Beatles' song 'Across the Universe' into deep space

Bruce Lee's Green Hornet screen test (video)

UFOs: Do we collaborate?

The haunted railway

Ghosts eject families from their houses

Jack Houck PK spoonbending party photos

AskMen's top 10 most beautiful women 2008

Get your war on

Real sex tantalizes as processed porn gets boring

Big fuss over little girl's bed called Lolita

Is Nigella Lawson the best role model for young women?

Brooke Shields goes from Pretty Baby to hot MILF

Sex workers love wives who don't do sex

'Sex Workers Art Show' sparks debate on campus

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Is Department of Homeland Security a threat to homeland security?

Rate cut as dagger: America's teetering banking system

The tragic tale of the last fool in line

The Tree of Forgiveness

Edward Coley Burne-Jones

'The Tree of Forgiveness', 1882

* * *

Clinton cash: an ex-president, a big donor, and a lucrative uranium deal

Vermont town hammered over petition to arrest, prosecute Bush and Cheney

Senator Joe Lieberman to Jews: Vote McCain, he's Israel's best lover

Former chief global strategist at Morgan Stanley: Head for the hills

Regulation or deregulation: which is worse?, by Paul Craig Roberts

Ethnic anger on the rise in Malaysia

A golden scandal

Buchanan: McCain win would mean war with Iran

30 years of cults and comets

Wars, pestilence, and witches

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

The put option on America, part 3

P2P: the political economy of peer production

I am alien, hear me roarx

Sex, advertising, mind control, and psychology (video)

Sexual mind control for dummies

Sex, drugs, mind control, and Gitmo

Isn't ordinary reality psychedelic enough?

A child's first book of hallucinogenic drugs

How much ketamine does mommy inject when she's on DMT?

The real surreal world

The Empire State Building car zap mystery

If I'm in a virtual reality, the graphics are great, but the plot sucks

Interview: Could our Universe be a virtual reality processed by another world?

Microchips everywhere: a future vision

Is Martian figure actually a Danish mermaid?

Coincidence, or a message from D-g?

Sirus, the God/Dog Star

The fear factory: is the US government manufacturing ghosts?

First issue of Alan Moore's Swamp Thing available for download

The care and feeding of the practical psychopath

The Illuminati monuments of Paris exposed

Britney's tears after row over boyfriend

7 reasons the 21st century is making us miserable

Polanski and the professor

The 'Black Mirror' school of enlightenment

The unburdened mind of the psychopath

Celebrity crackups--now in real time for your viewing pleasure

Kate Moss--child killer or Marilyn Monroe?

Are paranormal events linked by an underlying syntactical logic?

Psychologist gives Britney Spears 6 months to suicide

US soldiers continue to commit suicides bidding farewell to their patriotism

The Source strikes again

Pilot goes postal during commercial flight: Tied up when he begins yelling for God

Convictions: Murder but it wasn't like that, I got set up by my pimp and his frenz

Looking for a wife? Conjugal Harmony

Cyber bully's sex hoax led friend to try to kill himself

How proles with dirty toilets become fledgling design critics

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown--part 2

American Dragon: Disney mind control

Threatening phone calls cause author of Scientology expose to go into hiding

10 extraordinary literary suicides

Suicide hijack plot

Classmates seek help as another girl in Bridgend tries to commit suicide

The joker and the jokerman

Jack Nicholson warned Heath Ledger on 'Joker' role

Definitely, Maybe: the return of the thinking woman's chick flick

Blue eyes result of ancient genetic 'mutation' near the Black Sea

Sexual predators in the religious scene

The big secret about secret societies

Music industry now embraces the file-sharing technology that threatened to destroy it

William Shakespeare did not write 'Shakespeare's plays'

Technomancer: an exhumed VLS piece on Philip K. Dick

Griefer madness: it's raining penises in the virtual world

Drugs, vice, and famous people are the essential keys to selling a newspaper

Nuevo marketing: An interview with Me Talk Pretty

Affairs of the lips: the psychology and neuroscience of kissing

The bitchy world of online match making

Facing down the competition in business and politics

Miss Toronto tourism not welcoming Wiccans

The return of the trophy wife

Coffee tasseography: fortune telling with coffee

Hookers for Jesus: from body-fuck to mind-fuck

College Callgirl on whore du jour

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Vegetarianism proves to be perversion of nature

The future of investment banking is likely to be female

Against the Day

Rumi: Say I Am You (Sufi poem) (video)

Depression, antidepressants, and the 'low serotonin' myth

The Texas Jewboys dewussify Texas

Teleportation: the leap from fact to fiction in new movie Jumper

The internal 'orchestra' of the Earth

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

Star Trek-style ion engine to fuel Mercury craft

Effect of antidepressants exaggerated due to buried data

Boltzmann brains: Random fluctuations in the Universe can create self-aware entities

The levitating pillow

The psychology of the moral instinct

Why I am not a skeptic


Reverse time causality and anti-atoms

Antibiotics, counterinsurgency, and the myth of contagion

An introduction to quantum game theory

Quantum qRules: Foundation theory

The physical world as a virtual reality

Quantum consciousness for dummies (video)

Master equation--tutorial approach

Quantum mechanics from focusing and symmetry

Scott Aaronson on Knuth: Volume 4 is already written (in our hearts)

A simple approach to test Leggett's model of nonlocal quantum correlations

On a crucial problem in probabilities and solution

Protective measurements

The contextuality of quantum theory in 10 minutes

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Student gets correct answers by quantum telepathy

The key to the above incompleteness argument is that one can, by measurement of an observable of particle 2, predict with certainty the result of any measurement of a particular observable of particle 1. In his presentation of the EPR incompleteness argument (which concerns position and momentum) Schrödinger uses a colorful analogy to make the situation clear. He imagines particles 1 and 2 as being a student and his instructor. The measurement of particle 2 corresponds to the instructor consulting a textbook to check the answer to an examination question, and the measurement of particle 1 to the response the student gives to this question. Since he always gives the correct answer, i.e., the same as that in the instructor's textbook, the student must have known the answer beforehand. Schrödinger presents the situation as follows: (emphasis by original author)

Let us focus attention on the system labeled with small letters p, q and call it for brevity the 'small' system. Then things stand as follows. I can direct one of two questions to the small system, either that about q or that about p. Before doing so I can, if I choose, procure the answer to one of these questions by a measurement on the fully separated other system (which we shall regard as auxiliary apparatus), or I may take care of this afterwards. My small system, like a schoolboy under examination, cannot possibly know whether I have done this or for which questions, or whether or for which I intend to do it later. From arbitrarily many pretrials I know that the pupil will correctly answer the first question I put to him. From that it follows that in every case, he knows the answer to both questions. . . . No school principal would judge otherwise . . . He would not come to think that his, the teacher's, consulting a textbook first suggests to the pupil the correct answer, or even, in the cases when the teacher chooses to consult it only after ensuing answers from the pupil, that the pupil's answer has changed the text of the notebook in the pupil's favor.

—Douglas L. Hemmick, Hidden Variables and Nonlocality in Quantum Mechanics (dissertation, .pdf)

A word from Banachek

Easter Island: the future's not set in stone

A riff of psychobabble from the mainstream media

Texas UFOs: Nodding off at NewsWeak

The goatsucker invades Los Angeles

For some at Ohio State, the occult is a way of life

Supernatural studies in the material world

Zimbabwe: How secret societies shape Western politics

The 'Shadow Beings' interview

Nuclear proliferation--has Iran won?

Cato is 'just another garden-variety Beltway box turtle beholden to cash infusions of institutional thinking'

Cato dumps free-market economist who writes article on UFOs

EU watchdogs probe German and Swedish gambling blockades

Macau adds up gambling debts

Stop behaving as a whiner of first resort

The road to hyperinflation: a failure of central banking

The $3 trillion war

The current financial crisis: more than 20 years in the making

The new Laffer curve, and the lack of evidence for it

The stimulus package versus long-term growth

Does financial regulation fit the modern world?

Pressure grows for SocGen answers

Anger rises at timing of SocGen revelation

Undoing rogue Parisian trader's deals might have rattled German markets

US federal agents raid art museums and galley

Rogue trader blows panties off control systems

Paul Krugman: stimulus gone bad

Going bankrupt: the US's greatest threat

Capitalism's enemies within

The snare of stimulus

Syria ready to activate electricity agreement with Lebanon

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

He looked shifty, your honor

Email trail from navy man to London 'terror' site goes fuzzy

State spying that would make the Stasi proud

The CIA: What a loser!

Denmark to investigate report of secret CIA prisoner flights landing in Greenland

ex-Canadian agent used code names to identify alleged Canadian operative

A spy in Canada's House of Commons?

Election software lost in transit found--but more Diebold chips go missing

Submarine cable cut torpedoes Middle East, India access

Top secret UK data network goes live two years late

Student sentenced to death for downloading report

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

Forget about global warming: We're one step from extinction

An animated primer on DNA

* * *

Scott Aaronson once again on D-Wave Systems

Russian scientist says Earth could soon face new ice age

'Spider' discovered on Mercury

Okay, I'll admit it. I'm curious about my ancestor.

Blue-eyed humans have a single common ancestor

Physicists demand right to feed at the government trough

'Brain training' Dr. Kawashima has no time for games

Deep brain stimulation evokes long lost-memories

Ghosts eject families from their houses

Jack Houck PK spoonbending party photos

AskMen's top 10 most beautiful women 2008

"I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet I ask you, is not an alien threat already among us?"

--US President Ronald Reagan addressing United Nations, September 1987

Ancient secret societies, UFOs, and the New World Order, by Brad Steiger

Extraterrestrial influences on human evolution

Brothers open Jedi church in Wales

Get your war on

The brothels of Nicaragua

Japan population declining because of 'vaginal ejaculation disorder'

Dating advice from former frat boys

Police detective forced 13-year-old girl to work as prostitute at Manhattan parties

Omne animal post coitum triste

Even great sex can result in post-coital blues

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