Article archive from the homepage of J. Orlin Grabbe

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Battlefield Earth: How the world's militaries will wield the planet itself as a weapon

Venezuela, Nicaragua propose joint military force for Latin America

Indicators signal turn for the worse

Laus Veneris

Edward Coley Burne-Jones

Laus Veneris: The Poem and the Painting

* * *

Regulation or deregulation: which is worse?, by Paul Craig Roberts

Ethnic anger on the rise in Malaysia

A golden scandal

Buchanan: McCain win would mean war with Iran

I am an intellectual blasphemer: Cockburn on climate change

The state of the (Iraqi) union, by Pepe Escobar

NATO and Israel: Instruments of America's wars in the Middle East

Why are Ron Paul's supporters so angry?

30 years of cults and comets

Wars, pestilence, and witches

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

The put option on America, part 3

Sex, advertising, mind control, and psychology (video)

Sexual mind control for dummies

Sex, drugs, mind control, and Gitmo

Isn't ordinary reality psychedelic enough?

A child's first book of hallucinogenic drugs

How much ketamine does mommy inject when she's on DMT?

The real surreal world

The Empire State Building car zap mystery

If I'm in a virtual reality, the graphics are great, but the plot sucks

Interview: Could our Universe be a virtual reality processed by another world?

Microchips everywhere: a future vision

Is Martian figure actually a Danish mermaid?

Coincidence, or a message from D-g?

Sirus, the God/Dog Star

Neptune (music video)

The care and feeding of the practical psychopath

The Illuminati monuments of Paris exposed

Britney's tears after row over boyfriend

7 reasons the 21st century is making us miserable

Polanski and the professor

The 'Black Mirror' school of enlightenment

The unburdened mind of the psychopath

Celebrity crackups--now in real time for your viewing pleasure

Kate Moss--child killer or Marilyn Monroe?

Are paranormal events linked by an underlying syntactical logic?

Psychologist gives Britney Spears 6 months to suicide

Hypnosis and diet: Healing sick minds

Cyber bully's sex hoax led friend to try to kill himself

How proles with dirty toilets become fledgling design critics

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown--part 2

American Dragon: Disney mind control

Threatening phone calls cause author of Scientology expose to go into hiding

10 extraordinary literary suicides

Suicide hijack plot

Classmates seek help as another girl in Bridgend tries to commit suicide

The joker and the jokerman

Jack Nicholson warned Heath Ledger on 'Joker' role

Social network sites linked to town's 7 suicides

Blue eyes result of ancient genetic 'mutation' near the Black Sea

Sexual predators in the religious scene

The big secret about secret societies

Music industry now embraces the file-sharing technology that threatened to destroy it

William Shakespeare did not write 'Shakespeare's plays'

Technomancer: an exhumed VLS piece on Philip K. Dick

Griefer madness: it's raining penises in the virtual world

Drugs, vice, and famous people are the essential keys to selling a newspaper

Nuevo marketing: An interview with Me Talk Pretty

Sex, drugs, and second thoughts in the Netherlands

The bitchy world of online match making

Facing down the competition in business and politics

Miss Toronto tourism not welcoming Wiccans

The return of the trophy wife

Coffee tasseography: fortune telling with coffee

Hookers for Jesus: from body-fuck to mind-fuck

College Callgirl on whore du jour

Why we love and flirt

Vegetarianism proves to be perversion of nature

The future of investment banking is likely to be female

Against the Day

Rumi: Say I Am You (Sufi poem) (video)

Depression, antidepressants, and the 'low serotonin' myth

The Texas Jewboys dewussify Texas

Teleportation: the leap from fact to fiction in new movie Jumper

Coffee, cigarettes, and gnosis #83: Valentinus & the Valentinians

False trails in the pursuit of consciousness

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

Star Trek-style ion engine to fuel Mercury craft

Effect of antidepressants exaggerated due to buried data

Boltzmann brains: Random fluctuations in the Universe can create self-aware entities

The levitating pillow

The psychology of the moral instinct

Why I am not a skeptic


Reverse time causality and anti-atoms

Antibiotics, counterinsurgency, and the myth of contagion

Homo erectus extinctus

An introduction to quantum game theory

Quantum computing without qubit-qubit interactions

Quantum qRules: Foundation theory

The physical world as a virtual reality

Quantum consciousness for dummies (video)

Master equation--tutorial approach

Quantum mechanics from focusing and symmetry

Scott Aaronson on Knuth: Volume 4 is already written (in our hearts)

A simple approach to test Leggett's model of nonlocal quantum correlations

On a crucial problem in probabilities and solution

Protective measurements

The contextuality of quantum theory in 10 minutes

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

Recent development in quantum key distribution

Student gets correct answers by quantum telepathy

The key to the above incompleteness argument is that one can, by measurement of an observable of particle 2, predict with certainty the result of any measurement of a particular observable of particle 1. In his presentation of the EPR incompleteness argument (which concerns position and momentum) Schrödinger uses a colorful analogy to make the situation clear. He imagines particles 1 and 2 as being a student and his instructor. The measurement of particle 2 corresponds to the instructor consulting a textbook to check the answer to an examination question, and the measurement of particle 1 to the response the student gives to this question. Since he always gives the correct answer, i.e., the same as that in the instructor's textbook, the student must have known the answer beforehand. Schrödinger presents the situation as follows: (emphasis by original author)

Let us focus attention on the system labeled with small letters p, q and call it for brevity the 'small' system. Then things stand as follows. I can direct one of two questions to the small system, either that about q or that about p. Before doing so I can, if I choose, procure the answer to one of these questions by a measurement on the fully separated other system (which we shall regard as auxiliary apparatus), or I may take care of this afterwards. My small system, like a schoolboy under examination, cannot possibly know whether I have done this or for which questions, or whether or for which I intend to do it later. From arbitrarily many pretrials I know that the pupil will correctly answer the first question I put to him. From that it follows that in every case, he knows the answer to both questions. . . . No school principal would judge otherwise . . . He would not come to think that his, the teacher's, consulting a textbook first suggests to the pupil the correct answer, or even, in the cases when the teacher chooses to consult it only after ensuing answers from the pupil, that the pupil's answer has changed the text of the notebook in the pupil's favor.

—Douglas L. Hemmick, Hidden Variables and Nonlocality in Quantum Mechanics (dissertation, .pdf)

A riff of psychobabble from the mainstream media

Texas UFOs: Nodding off at NewsWeak

The goatsucker invades Los Angeles

For some at Ohio State, the occult is a way of life

Supernatural studies in the material world

Zimbabwe: How secret societies shape Western politics

The 'Shadow Beings' interview

Man says he has been abducted by aliens many times--believes Texas UFO sightings

Aliens under the Earth's surface--the Green Children of Woolpit

Ahmadinejad sees nuclear energy in Iran by 2009

Macau adds up gambling debts

Stop behaving as a whiner of first resort

The road to hyperinflation: a failure of central banking

The $3 trillion war

The current financial crisis: more than 20 years in the making

The new Laffer curve, and the lack of evidence for it

The stimulus package versus long-term growth

Does financial regulation fit the modern world?

Pressure grows for SocGen answers

Anger rises at timing of SocGen revelation

Undoing rogue Parisian trader's deals might have rattled German markets

US federal agents raid art museums and galley

Rogue trader blows panties off control systems

Paul Krugman: stimulus gone bad

Going bankrupt: the US's greatest threat

Capitalism's enemies within

The snare of stimulus

Fed throws more fuel on the fire

North American monetary integration--here comes the Amero

Optimists see recession, pessimists see depression

Israel report finds Lebanon war a 'serious failure'

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

DHS sets national ID driver's license

Eating Sarko

Former Iraqi intelligence officer testifies against accused spy for Saddam

Falling spy satellite could hit the White House

Beijing espionage poses No. 1 threat

Risking Communications Security: Potential Hazards of the Protect America Act

Sociologists: Studying engineering turns you into a terrorist

Low-tech hack was behind SocGen's $7 billion fraud

VoIP and the web baffle Brit spook wiretappers

Swedish bank stops digital theft

Astronomy Picture of the Day

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

Forget about global warming: We're one step from extinction

An animated primer on DNA

Quantum computation: a tutorial

* * *

Researchers demonstrate quantum teleportation and memory in tandem

DNA construction kit self-assembles 3D crystals

Artificial letters added to life's alphabet

Dark energy: Is the theory of gravity wrong?

Newborn brain cells modulate learning and memory

Particle accelerator may reveal shape of alternate dimensions

String theorists massage the data to generate 'evidence'

"I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet I ask you, is not an alien threat already among us?"

--US President Ronald Reagan addressing United Nations, September 1987

Ancient secret societies, UFOs, and the New World Order, by Brad Steiger

Extraterrestrial influences on human evolution

Brothers open Jedi church in Wales

Marijuana vending machines open in California

Resusitation science: Is there a third state of being?

Mystery space machines, part 5

Get your war on

Hottest back to school fares

Ryanair battles ASA over 'saucy schoolgirl' ad

Axe Ad Hot Schoolgirls (video)

Sexy schoolgirl (video)

keeley the naughty schoolgirl (video)

Perverted psychic pinched for slipping healing hands into the honey pot

15-year-old Russian designer hits the catwalk

Our G-spot massagers were designed by Dali himself

Stylish sex toys corner the market

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Now a 3rd cocaine plane surfaces--and it's tied to a web of government connections

The great credit unwind of 2008

Drooling mad

Love Among the Ruins

Edward Coley Burne-Jones

William Morris, Edward Burne-Jones and 'The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam'

* * *

I am an intellectual blasphemer: Cockburn on climate change

The state of the (Iraqi) union, by Pepe Escobar

NATO and Israel: Instruments of America's wars in the Middle East

Why are Ron Paul's supporters so angry?

Israeli 'economic warfare' to include electricity cuts in Gaza

Neo-cons shaken, but not deterred

The twilight of democracy: the Bush plan for America

30 years of cults and comets

Wars, pestilence, and witches

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

The put option on America, part 3

Isn't ordinary reality psychedelic enough?

A child's first book of hallucinogenic drugs

How much ketamine does mommy inject when she's on DMT?

The real surreal world

The Empire State Building car zap mystery

If I'm in a virtual reality, the graphics are great, but the plot sucks

Interview: Could our Universe be a virtual reality processed by another world?

Microchips everywhere: a future vision

Is Martian figure actually a Danish mermaid?

Coincidence, or a message from D-g?

Sirus, the God/Dog Star

Neptune (music video)

Claim of alien cells in rain may fit historical accounts: study

7 reasons the 21st century is making us miserable

Polanski and the professor

The 'Black Mirror' school of enlightenment

The unburdened mind of the psychopath

Celebrity crackups--now in real time for your viewing pleasure

Kate Moss--child killer or Marilyn Monroe?

Are paranormal events linked by an underlying syntactical logic?

Psychologist gives Britney Spears 6 months to suicide

Hypnosis and diet: Healing sick minds

I. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

II. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

III. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

IV. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

Why the Happiness industry can only lead to misery

How proles with dirty toilets become fledgling design critics

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown--part 2

American Dragon: Disney mind control

Threatening phone calls cause author of Scientology expose to go into hiding

10 extraordinary literary suicides

Suicide hijack plot

Classmates seek help as another girl in Bridgend tries to commit suicide

The joker and the jokerman

Jack Nicholson warned Heath Ledger on 'Joker' role

Social network sites linked to town's 7 suicides

Piero della Francesca masterpiece 'holds clue to 15th-century murder'

Sexual predators in the religious scene

The big secret about secret societies

Music industry now embraces the file-sharing technology that threatened to destroy it

William Shakespeare did not write 'Shakespeare's plays'

Technomancer: an exhumed VLS piece on Philip K. Dick

Griefer madness: it's raining penises in the virtual world

Drugs, vice, and famous people are the essential keys to selling a newspaper

Nuevo marketing: An interview with Me Talk Pretty

Sex, drugs, and second thoughts in the Netherlands

Smoke weed in moderation: it's good for your brain

Facing down the competition in business and politics

Miss Toronto tourism not welcoming Wiccans

The return of the trophy wife

Coffee tasseography: fortune telling with coffee

Hookers for Jesus: from body-fuck to mind-fuck

College Callgirl on whore du jour

Why we love and flirt

Vibrator hazard (video)

The future of investment banking is likely to be female

Against the Day

Rumi: Say I Am You (Sufi poem) (video)

Depression, antidepressants, and the 'low serotonin' myth

The Texas Jewboys dewussify Texas

Teleportation: the leap from fact to fiction in new movie Jumper

Coffee, cigarettes, and gnosis #83: Valentinus & the Valentinians

Turin holy water theft blamed on Satanists

Tryptamine hallucinogens and consciousness

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

Star Trek-style ion engine to fuel Mercury craft

Effect of antidepressants exaggerated due to buried data

Boltzmann brains: Random fluctuations in the Universe can create self-aware entities

The levitating pillow

The psychology of the moral instinct

Why I am not a skeptic


Reverse time causality and anti-atoms

Antibiotics, counterinsurgency, and the myth of contagion

Homo erectus extinctus

Man and dinosaur coexistence: Ancient stegosaur carved at Angkor Wat

An introduction to quantum game theory

Quantum mechanics as a consequence of discrete interactions

Quantum computing without qubit-qubit interactions

Quantum qRules: Foundation theory

The physical world as a virtual reality

Quantum consciousness for dummies (video)

Master equation--tutorial approach

Quantum mechanics from focusing and symmetry

Scott Aaronson on Knuth: Volume 4 is already written (in our hearts)

A simple approach to test Leggett's model of nonlocal quantum correlations

On a crucial problem in probabilities and solution

Protective measurements

The contextuality of quantum theory in 10 minutes

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

Simplified measurement of the Bell parameter within quantum mechanics

The General Theory of Relativity: Seven problems with Einstein's folly

As is well known, GTR was constructed as a geometrification of physical reality: GTR's attempt to describe gravity is purely geometric and macroscopic. As such, there are some known limitations in GTR, including:

a. Classical general relativity by itself is unable to predict the sign of the gravitational force (attraction rather than repulsion). Consoli (2000) also noted: 'Einstein had to start from the peculiar properties of Newtonian gravity to get the basic idea of transforming the classical effects of this type of interaction into a metric structure.' In other words, it seems that GTR is not the complete theory Einstein was looking for.

b. There is no mechanism for gravitational forces: the 'graviton' has never been observed.

c. There is no convincing mechanism to describe the interaction between matter, inertia, and space (Mach principle is merely postulated).

d. There is no description of the medium of space. Although Einstein apparently considered a perfect fluid to describe this medium in his Leiden lecture in 1921 (Einstein 1921), he never attempted to theorize this medium formally--perhaps for good reason.

e. It is quite difficult to imagine how matter can affect the spacetime curvature and vice versa as postulated by GTR (for instance H. Arp).

f. Using GTR it is also quite difficult to explain the so-called 'hidden matter' which is supposed to exist in order to get average density of matter in the universe that required for flat universe, Omega=1 (Chapline 1998). Alternatively some theorists have shown we can reconcile this issue using Navier-Stokes model (Gibson 1999).

g. The spacetime curvature hypothesis cannot explain phenomena in the micro world of Quantum Mechanics. In contrast, by the Ehrenfest theorem, Quantum Mechanics reduces to classical physics if we use classical parameters consistently (see also Signell 2002).

—V. Christianto, The Cantorian Superfluid Vortex Hypothesis

For some at Ohio State, the occult is a way of life

Supernatural studies in the material world

Zimbabwe: How secret societies shape Western politics

The 'Shadow Beings' interview

Man says he has been abducted by aliens many times--believes Texas UFO sightings

Aliens under the Earth's surface--the Green Children of Woolpit

An introduction to lucid dreaming

The Solomon Key: Publishing world in suspense over Dan Brown's sequel

Reputed drug lord held over for trial in Mexico

The road to hyperinflation: a failure of central banking

The $3 trillion war

The current financial crisis: more than 20 years in the making

The new Laffer curve, and the lack of evidence for it

The stimulus package versus long-term growth

Does financial regulation fit the modern world?

Pressure grows for SocGen answers

Anger rises at timing of SocGen revelation

Undoing rogue Parisian trader's deals might have rattled German markets

US federal agents raid art museums and galley

Rogue trader blows panties off control systems

Paul Krugman: stimulus gone bad

Going bankrupt: the US's greatest threat

Capitalism's enemies within

The snare of stimulus

Fed throws more fuel on the fire

North American monetary integration--here comes the Amero

Optimists see recession, pessimists see depression

The challenge of sovereign wealth funds

Hedge-fund managers, lords of lucre

Cigarette smuggler wasn't too bright

Hezbollah critical of Lebanon army over shootings

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

MI6 trumpeted al Qaeda menace to protect arms dealer BAE Systems

Nuclear proliferation can no longer be controlled, former CIA agent says

Iran's war on drugs: three decades of failure

Attorney General says CIA interrogations are all legal

Terror cases take toll of Brit spies

Bush wants $6 billion to spy the Internet

Anonymous hackers attack saboteurs, find and punish the wrong guy

DARPA seeks $750 million for hypersonic roboplane testbed

EU supremes: ISPs don't always have to finger filesharers

Skype Trojan wiretap plan leaks onto the Net

Astronomy Picture of the Day

What is adiabatic computation?

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

Forget about global warming: We're one step from extinction

An animated primer on DNA

Quantum computation: a tutorial

* * *

Shape-shifting robot forms from magnetic swarm

Study: Those who believe in free will are less likely to steal

New super low-power brain scans

Number of Russian women smokers has doubled since Soviet collapse

E. coli a future source of energy?

Longest piece of synthetic DNA yet

String theory gets a boost

Marijuana vending machines open in California

Resusitation science: Is there a third state of being?

Mystery space machines, part 5

The Vertical Farm Project

The Priory of Sion and American politics

UFO over Val Susa, Italy

Get your war on

The eroticism of earthquakes

Japanese women are sexually sick as they come

How about: 'I could see you weren't nearly as excited as I was'

Things to say after sex

In Greece, female prostitutes are sent back home as recruiters

Huckabee's penis made of golf clubs

A chat with College Callgirl

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

Immigration policy: Will the real Senator Clinton please stand up?

The end of American liberty, by Paul Craig Roberts

SocGen director offloaded €100m worth of shares

The Doom Fulfilled

Edward Coley Burne-Jones

Perseus and Andromeda

* * *

Israeli 'economic warfare' to include electricity cuts in Gaza

Neo-cons shaken, but not deterred

The twilight of democracy: the Bush plan for America

30 years of cults and comets

Burning conscience: Israeli soldiers speak out (video)

Return to Fallujah

Worst snows in China in 50 years

French style of capitalism stained by bank scandal

Wars, pestilence, and witches

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

The put option on America, part 3

The real surreal world

The Empire State Building car zap mystery

If I'm in a virtual reality, the graphics are great, but the plot sucks

Interview: Could our Universe be a virtual reality processed by another world?

Microchips everywhere: a future vision

Is Martian figure actually a Danish mermaid?

Coincidence, or a message from D-g?

Sirus, the God/Dog Star

Neptune (music video)

Claim of alien cells in rain may fit historical accounts: study

Spirit discovers life on Mars

In film, the Romanian new wave has arrived

THE definitive psychiatry music video

Polanski and the professor

The 'Black Mirror' school of enlightenment

The unburdened mind of the psychopath

Celebrity crackups--now in real time for your viewing pleasure

Kate Moss--child killer or Marilyn Monroe?

Are paranormal events linked by an underlying syntactical logic?

Psychologist gives Britney Spears 6 months to suicide

Hypnosis and diet: Healing sick minds

I. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

II. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

III. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

IV. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

Why the Happiness industry can only lead to misery

Friendship as marketing ploy

Marginal utility: the attention of last resort

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown--part 2

American Dragon: Disney mind control

Threatening phone calls cause author of Scientology expose to go into hiding

10 extraordinary literary suicides

Suicide hijack plot

Classmates seek help as another girl in Bridgend tries to commit suicide

The joker and the jokerman

Jack Nicholson warned Heath Ledger on 'Joker' role

Social network sites linked to town's 7 suicides

Piero della Francesca masterpiece 'holds clue to 15th-century murder'

Mind control of astronauts: all complain of 'not being able to remember' what they did

Project Camelot interviews Richard Hoagland, part 1

Project Camelot interviews Richard Hoagland, part 2

Project Camelot interviews Richard Hoagland, part 3

Is AI evil? Artificial intelligence leads to two bizarre suicides

The big secret about secret societies

Music industry now embraces the file-sharing technology that threatened to destroy it

William Shakespeare did not write 'Shakespeare's plays'

Technomancer: an exhumed VLS piece on Philip K. Dick

Griefer madness: it's raining penises in the virtual world

Drugs, vice, and famous people are the essential keys to selling a newspaper

Nuevo marketing: An interview with Me Talk Pretty

Sex, drugs, and second thoughts in the Netherlands

Smoke weed in moderation: it's good for your brain

Selling sex: street-level prostitution

Miss Toronto tourism not welcoming Wiccans

The return of the trophy wife

Coffee tasseography: fortune telling with coffee

Hookers for Jesus: from body-fuck to mind-fuck

College Callgirl on whore du jour

Why we love and flirt

Vibrator hazard (video)

Joe Maynard explains how Fleshlight sex toy led to an editorial breakup

Against the Day

Rumi: Say I Am You (Sufi poem) (video)

Depression, antidepressants, and the 'low serotonin' myth

The Texas Jewboys dewussify Texas

Teleportation: the leap from fact to fiction in new movie Jumper

Coffee, cigarettes, and gnosis #83: Valentinus & the Valentinians

Turin holy water theft blamed on Satanists

'Quit Smoking' drug works by driving users to suicide

Magnetic shield will let space crews boldly go to Mars

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

Star Trek-style ion engine to fuel Mercury craft

Effect of antidepressants exaggerated due to buried data

Boltzmann brains: Random fluctuations in the Universe can create self-aware entities

The levitating pillow

The psychology of the moral instinct

Why I am not a skeptic


Reverse time causality and anti-atoms

Antibiotics, counterinsurgency, and the myth of contagion

Homo erectus extinctus

Man and dinosaur coexistence: Ancient stegosaur carved at Angkor Wat

What is cymatics? The Rossalyn Chapel cymatics video

An introduction to quantum game theory

More negative probabilities. Deal with it.

Quantum mechanics with extended probabilities

Quantum mechanics as a consequence of discrete interactions

Quantum computing without qubit-qubit interactions

Quantum qRules: Foundation theory

The physical world as a virtual reality

Quantum consciousness for dummies (video)

Master equation--tutorial approach

Quantum mechanics from focusing and symmetry

Scott Aaronson on Knuth: Volume 4 is already written (in our hearts)

A simple approach to test Leggett's model of nonlocal quantum correlations

On a crucial problem in probabilities and solution

Protective measurements

The contextuality of quantum theory in 10 minutes

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

Entanglement and the quantum brachistochrone problem

The General Theory of Relativity: Seven problems with Einstein's folly

As is well known, GTR was constructed as a geometrification of physical reality: GTR's attempt to describe gravity is purely geometric and macroscopic. As such, there are some known limitations in GTR, including:

a. Classical general relativity by itself is unable to predict the sign of the gravitational force (attraction rather than repulsion). Consoli (2000) also noted: 'Einstein had to start from the peculiar properties of Newtonian gravity to get the basic idea of transforming the classical effects of this type of interaction into a metric structure.' In other words, it seems that GTR is not the complete theory Einstein was looking for.

b. There is no mechanism for gravitational forces: the 'graviton' has never been observed.

c. There is no convincing mechanism to describe the interaction between matter, inertia, and space (Mach principle is merely postulated).

d. There is no description of the medium of space. Although Einstein apparently considered a perfect fluid to describe this medium in his Leiden lecture in 1921 (Einstein 1921), he never attempted to theorize this medium formally--perhaps for good reason.

e. It is quite difficult to imagine how matter can affect the spacetime curvature and vice versa as postulated by GTR (for instance H. Arp).

f. Using GTR it is also quite difficult to explain the so-called 'hidden matter' which is supposed to exist in order to get average density of matter in the universe that required for flat universe, Omega=1 (Chapline 1998). Alternatively some theorists have shown we can reconcile this issue using Navier-Stokes model (Gibson 1999).

g. The spacetime curvature hypothesis cannot explain phenomena in the micro world of Quantum Mechanics. In contrast, by the Ehrenfest theorem, Quantum Mechanics reduces to classical physics if we use classical parameters consistently (see also Signell 2002).

—V. Christianto, The Cantorian Superfluid Vortex Hypothesis

Zimbabwe: How secret societies shape Western politics

The 'Shadow Beings' interview

Man says he has been abducted by aliens many times--believes Texas UFO sightings

Aliens under the Earth's surface--the Green Children of Woolpit

An introduction to lucid dreaming

The Solomon Key: Publishing world in suspense over Dan Brown's sequel

Hiring an exorcist to cast out O'Reilly

The Bush-Nazi connection (video)

Mexican peso rises against US dollar, anticipating Federal Reserve interest cut

The current financial crisis: more than 20 years in the making

The new Laffer curve, and the lack of evidence for it

The stimulus package versus long-term growth

Does financial regulation fit the modern world?

Pressure grows for SocGen answers

Anger rises at timing of SocGen revelation

Undoing rogue Parisian trader's deals might have rattled German markets

US federal agents raid art museums and galley

Rogue trader blows panties off control systems

Paul Krugman: stimulus gone bad

Going bankrupt: the US's greatest threat

Capitalism's enemies within

The snare of stimulus

Fed throws more fuel on the fire

North American monetary integration--here comes the Amero

Optimists see recession, pessimists see depression

The challenge of sovereign wealth funds

Hedge-fund managers, lords of lucre

Cigarette smuggler wasn't too bright

Drunk in a bankrupt world

Don't cry for me, America

Olmert again battles for survival over Lebanon war

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

Read news article and get report here

Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

Afghanistan--a strategic analysis

Sibel Edmonds: 'Buckle up: there's more coming'

MI5 spooks to testify behind screen at Wright murder inquiry

Russian ex-spy claims to have recruited Canadian

Diana 'thought Mohammed al Fayed was bugging her'

PayPal buys Israeli security firm

The Soviets knew about the tunnel all along

The East Berlin tunnel: a coup for the CIA wasn't all it seemed

Protect yourself from propaganda: Know the facts

Encyclopedia of Explosives (all 10 volumes)

Bank turns London man into RFID-enabled guinea pig

Scientology website shielded against DDoS attack

Astronomy Picture of the Day

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

Forget about global warming: We're one step from extinction

An animated primer on DNA

Quantum computation: a tutorial

* * *

Scientists succeed in storing quantum bit

El Nino at play as source of more intense US winter storms

What is adiabatic computation?

Does Zeus exist?

Twin strands of DNA seek each other out

Genetic 'telepathy'? A bizarre new property of DNA

Scientists propose test of String Theory based on neutral hydrogen absorption

The Vertical Farm Project

The Priory of Sion and American politics

UFO over Val Susa, Italy

Mushrooms and UFOs: the cryptobotanical hypothesis

UFO spotted on a train (video)

The alchemical process of the paranormal

Get your war on

Tied-up toys the latest accessory for submissive cellphones

Dating with bipolar disorder

Teen sues father after forced circumcision

That lady in Portland

His cock is the fattest thing I've ever had in my mouth

Hey! This means you:

Want to contribute to this web page? Please do. Banking info is here.

The mysterious disappearance of an alleged terror mastermind

Chavez urges withdrawals from US banks

Bush Clinton Dynasty-Pizza Rap (video)

The Rock of Doom

Edward Coley Burne-Jones

Perseus and Andromeda

* * *

Burning conscience: Israeli soldiers speak out (video)

Return to Fallujah

Worst snows in China in 50 years

French style of capitalism stained by bank scandal

Free lunch: How the American system is warped to benefit the super-rich

Murder and cover-up in Mexico

Crisis grips European hedge funds

French rally behind rogue trader as fraud scandal spreads

Wars, pestilence, and witches

Princeton University reveals how Diebold machines are used to steal elections

ex-President of Italy says 9-11 was a plot to bring about the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan

Were US and Israel behind 9-11?

The put option on America, part 3

The Empire State Building car zap mystery

If I'm in a virtual reality, the graphics are great, but the plot sucks

Interview: Could our Universe be a virtual reality processed by another world?

Microchips everywhere: a future vision

Is Martian figure actually a Danish mermaid?

Coincidence, or a message from D-g?

Sirus, the God/Dog Star

Neptune (music video)

Claim of alien cells in rain may fit historical accounts: study

Spirit discovers life on Mars

In film, the Romanian new wave has arrived

THE definitive psychiatry music video

The chosen ones: a Nazi eugenics scheme

The unburdened mind of the psychopath

Celebrity crackups--now in real time for your viewing pleasure

Kate Moss--child killer or Marilyn Monroe?

Are paranormal events linked by an underlying syntactical logic?

Psychologist gives Britney Spears 6 months to suicide

Hypnosis and diet: Healing sick minds

I. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

II. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

III. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

IV. The Emperor's New Clothes: Seeing Through 'Eyes Wide Shut'

Why the Happiness industry can only lead to misery

Friendship as marketing ploy

Marginal utility: the attention of last resort

Empire on the verge of a nervous breakdown

Threatening phone calls cause author of Scientology expose to go into hiding

10 extraordinary literary suicides

Suicide hijack plot

Classmates seek help as another girl in Bridgend tries to commit suicide

The joker and the jokerman

Jack Nicholson warned Heath Ledger on 'Joker' role

Social network sites linked to town's 7 suicides

Piero della Francesca masterpiece 'holds clue to 15th-century murder'

Mind control of astronauts: all complain of 'not being able to remember' what they did

Project Camelot interviews Richard Hoagland, part 1

Project Camelot interviews Richard Hoagland, part 2

Project Camelot interviews Richard Hoagland, part 3

Is AI evil? Artificial intelligence leads to two bizarre suicides

Why they didn't arrest Charles Manson

Woody Allen meets Tongue Fu

From Iraq to Utah, a chain of death

Music industry now embraces the file-sharing technology that threatened to destroy it

William Shakespeare did not write 'Shakespeare's plays'

Technomancer: an exhumed VLS piece on Philip K. Dick

Griefer madness: it's raining penises in the virtual world

Drugs, vice, and famous people are the essential keys to selling a newspaper

Nuevo marketing: An interview with Me Talk Pretty

Sex, drugs, and second thoughts in the Netherlands

Smoke weed in moderation: it's good for your brain

Selling sex: street-level prostitution

Hand out

The return of the trophy wife

Coffee tasseography: fortune telling with coffee

Hookers for Jesus: from body-fuck to mind-fuck

College Callgirl on whore du jour

Why we love and flirt

Vibrator hazard (video)

Joe Maynard explains how Fleshlight sex toy led to an editorial breakup

UFOs, magazines, and the search for extraterrestrial life

Rumi: Say I Am You (Sufi poem) (video)

Depression, antidepressants, and the 'low serotonin' myth

The Texas Jewboys dewussify Texas

Teleportation: the leap from fact to fiction in new movie Jumper

Coffee, cigarettes, and gnosis #83: Valentinus & the Valentinians

Turin holy water theft blamed on Satanists

'Quit Smoking' drug works by driving users to suicide

Opening the doors of creativity (podcast)

Out on a phantom limb

How the human mind deals with long period of sensory deprivation

So long, and thanks for all the fish, suckers

Relax the brain for that Eureka! moment

Science and the psi taboo

National Security and the targeting of thought

Humans crave violence just like sex

Star Trek-style ion engine to fuel Mercury craft

Effect of antidepressants exaggerated due to buried data

Boltzmann brains: Random fluctuations in the Universe can create self-aware entities

The levitating pillow

The psychology of the moral instinct

Why I am not a skeptic


Reverse time causality and anti-atoms

Antibiotics, counterinsurgency, and the myth of contagion

Homo erectus extinctus

Man and dinosaur coexistence: Ancient stegosaur carved at Angkor Wat

What is cymatics? The Rossalyn Chapel cymatics video

The physics of time travel

An introduction to quantum game theory

At some point, there might be nothing left to do except to roll up your sleeves, brew some coffee, and tell your graduate student to read the paper and report back to you.

Scott Aaronson: 10 signs a claimed mathematical breakthrough is wrong

More negative probabilities. Deal with it.

Quantum mechanics with extended probabilities

Quantum mechanics as a consequence of discrete interactions

Quantum computing without qubit-qubit interactions

Quantum qRules: Foundation theory

The physical world as a virtual reality

Quantum consciousness for dummies (video)

Master equation--tutorial approach

Quantum mechanics from focusing and symmetry

Scott Aaronson on Knuth: Volume 4 is already written (in our hearts)

A simple approach to test Leggett's model of nonlocal quantum correlations

On a crucial problem in probabilities and solution

Protective measurements

The contextuality of quantum theory in 10 minutes

Free will acting from outside space-time

Quantum coding theorem from privacy and distinguishability

Derivation of the Schrödinger equation from classical mecahnics

Scott Aaronson: Science--the toroidal pyramid

Disclosing hidden information in the quantum Zeno effect

The Reality Program: a tutorial on quantum physics from the cybernetic perspective

The General Theory of Relativity: Seven problems with Einstein's folly

As is well known, GTR was constructed as a geometrification of physical reality: GTR's attempt to describe gravity is purely geometric and macroscopic. As such, there are some known limitations in GTR, including:

a. Classical general relativity by itself is unable to predict the sign of the gravitational force (attraction rather than repulsion). Consoli (2000) also noted: 'Einstein had to start from the peculiar properties of Newtonian gravity to get the basic idea of transforming the classical effects of this type of interaction into a metric structure.' In other words, it seems that GTR is not the complete theory Einstein was looking for.

b. There is no mechanism for gravitational forces: the 'graviton' has never been observed.

c. There is no convincing mechanism to describe the interaction between matter, inertia, and space (Mach principle is merely postulated).

d. There is no description of the medium of space. Although Einstein apparently considered a perfect fluid to describe this medium in his Leiden lecture in 1921 (Einstein 1921), he never attempted to theorize this medium formally--perhaps for good reason.

e. It is quite difficult to imagine how matter can affect the spacetime curvature and vice versa as postulated by GTR (for instance H. Arp).

f. Using GTR it is also quite difficult to explain the so-called 'hidden matter' which is supposed to exist in order to get average density of matter in the universe that required for flat universe, Omega=1 (Chapline 1998). Alternatively some theorists have shown we can reconcile this issue using Navier-Stokes model (Gibson 1999).

g. The spacetime curvature hypothesis cannot explain phenomena in the micro world of Quantum Mechanics. In contrast, by the Ehrenfest theorem, Quantum Mechanics reduces to classical physics if we use classical parameters consistently (see also Signell 2002).

—V. Christianto, The Cantorian Superfluid Vortex Hypothesis

Man says he has been abducted by aliens many times--believes Texas UFO sightings

Aliens under the Earth's surface--the Green Children of Woolpit

An introduction to lucid dreaming

The Solomon Key: Publishing world in suspense over Dan Brown's sequel

Hiring an exorcist to cast out O'Reilly

The Bush-Nazi connection (video)

The Psychedelic Salon

Lithuanian exorcists form dream team to combat the forces of darkness

Mexico arrests man in killing of Cardinal

The stimulus package versus long-term growth

Does financial regulation fit the modern world?

Pressure grows for SocGen answers

Anger rises at timing of SocGen revelation

Undoing rogue Parisian trader's deals might have rattled German markets

US federal agents raid art museums and galley

Rogue trader blows panties off control systems

Paul Krugman: stimulus gone bad

Going bankrupt: the US's greatest threat

Capitalism's enemies within

The snare of stimulus

Fed throws more fuel on the fire

North American monetary integration--here comes the Amero

Optimists see recession, pessimists see depression

The challenge of sovereign wealth funds

Hedge-fund managers, lords of lucre

Cigarette smuggler wasn't too bright

Drunk in a bankrupt world

Don't cry for me, America

The invasion of the soverigen-wealth funds

Too many talented resources in the financial industry?

Japan banks eye return to global stage

7 dead in Lebanon army clash with Shi'ite Muslem protestors

Fresh Doonesbury daily

Bypass Internet censorship

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Guide to bypassing Internet censorship

Get Psiphon program and User guide here


The NSA-Crypto AG sting

NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iran-Iraq conflict

Bush orders NSA to snoop on US agencies

Gandhi chased out by Jews in denial

Proud day for spy who infiltrated mosque

Double-agent deserter tells story of $500 million scam

Sudden appearance of CSIS file fuels Charkaoui claims of smear campaign

US spymasters secretly visited Pakistan in early January

Rise seen in Internet's role in espionage

Most dangerous week ever

100% accuracy in automatic face recognition

China's mobile network--a Big Brother surveillance tool?

Astronomy Picture of the Day

The Reality Program

Self-replicating machines in continuous space with virtual physics

What the Bleep do we know?

Movie/documentary in .avi format--paste the following URL into your BitTorrent (Windows) or qBitTorrent (Linux) program (Files-->Download from URL):

or go here.

The myth of addiction

The cosmic absolutes of alpha and omega

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy humanity

How sword making works

Unconscious perception in artificial intelligence

Hedonist philosopher Epicurus was right about happiness

Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section

Forget about global warming: We're one step from extinction

An animated primer on DNA

Quantum computation: a tutorial

* * *

Comet-asteroid link confirmed

Russian warns of catastrophic weather impact from Earth-bound asteroid (scroll down)

Scientist says Earth could soon face new Ice Age

Traces of the Martian past in the Terby crater

Sensory deprivation video still available for 1 more day

Sacking of nuclear official prompts row

Scientist finds traces of life from billions of years ago

Mushrooms and UFOs: the cryptobotanical hypothesis

UFO spotted on a train (video)

The alchemical process of the paranormal

Dwarves zipped in suitcases steal from Swedes

Medusa's ladder: Occult history of/in America

Scientology, saucers, Satan, and the sea

Get your war on

Schoolgirl sex sellers use codes for carnality

More hot women describe sex with footballer Ashley Cole

UB lecturers demand sexual favors in return for good grades

The decline of Canadian strip clubs

You're only as old as your Facebook page says you are

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