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Pontifex Maximus |
If Barack Obama is correct that white Americans are racist at a genetic level, shouldn’t this tendency be considered an inherent trait? Given the persistence of racism in the face of unremitting remedial action by government, should we regard it as an ineffaceable characteristic to be preserved and celebrated in the name of “diversity”?
Racism could be considered sinful. It is not innately criminal. Assuming that political government has a legitimate reason to exist, its jurisdiction applies only to “external behavior and not the inner life of man,” as Justice Felix Frankfurter wrote in a rare moment of moral lucidity.
All people are sinners, but relatively few are criminals.
Aspiring totalitarians demand the power to define what is sinful, to refine
sins as crimes, and then to redeem society through the application of violence.
The roster of contemporary sins has been expanded to include possession or
display of the Confederate Battle Flag, which the murderous sociopath Dylann
Roof conspicuously displayed in a photograph taken shortly before
embarking on his killing rampage in Charleston.
Within days, the Battle Flag was removed from
government-claimed property in several southern states. May the divine Lincoln
forbid that property claimed by the plundering class be defaced by a symbol
associated with aggressive contempt for the liberty and property of other human
beings! It is entirely true that Confederate symbols should not be displayed on
government property, but the appropriate remedy is not to ban the symbol, but
rather to privatize the property.
Racial bigotry can inspire vicious criminal acts, and when wedded
to state power it is a murderous, monstrous evil. That was true of both the
long-dead political entity called the Confederacy and the still-operating
Regime that conquered the independent South.
In the decade prior to the conflict conventionally called
the Civil War, the federal government zealously protected the supposed property
rights of slave “owners” throughout the union by way of the Fugitive Slave Act.
During that decade, southern slavery advocates were arch-unionists, and many abolitionists favored secession. The federal government was perfectly willing to use overwhelming force – including martial law – in order to capture escaped human beings and return them to captivity.
During that decade, southern slavery advocates were arch-unionists, and many abolitionists favored secession. The federal government was perfectly willing to use overwhelming force – including martial law – in order to capture escaped human beings and return them to captivity.
In early 1854, a
young man named Anthony Burns escaped from the clutches of a Virginia man named
Charles Settle, who claimed to “own” him. Burns found a home and gainful
employment in Boston, but an informant recognized him as an escaped slave and
contacted the authorities.
Deputy US Marshal James Batchelder, clothed in the
majesty of the “law,” was deployed to Boston in pursuit of Burns. The marshal
quickly located his victim and – after
using the pretext of a bogus robbery investigation to place him under arrest -- locked him in the
federal courthouse.
News of this
abduction provoked an
immediate response from local abolitionists, who organized an armed posse to
liberate Burns from his captors. In the ensuing skirmish, Batchelder was
fatally shot, but the police retained custody of Burns.
Desperate to avoid
further bloodshed, Burns – a devout Christian – asked his supporters not to
attempt another rescue. A few days later, he was led in shackles to a ship
bound for Virginia. The rendition took place under the vigilant gaze of a
1,600-man military contingent sent by President Franklin Pierce to deter any
further efforts to liberate Burns.
All of this was done
by the supposed authority of the United States Federal Government, years before
South Carolina and other states exercised their constitutional prerogative of
withdrawing from the union to protest insufficient federal zeal in enforcing
the Fugitive Slave Law.
In 1858, self-liberated
slave John Price, who was living near Oberlin College in Ohio, was
lured into a similar trap devised by a slave-catcher bearing the improbable
name Shakespeare Boynton. The objective was to convey Price back across the
Ohio River to the slave state of Kentucky.
Students and faculty
at Oberlin College organized an effort to free Price, filing criminal complaints
against his kidnapers and a habeas corpus petition with a local judge. Once
peaceful and “legal” means had been exhausted, a
group of thirty-seven activists formed a posse and liberated the captive by
During the trial of
Simeon Bushnell, a timid bookstore clerk who drove the getaway wagon, the prosecutor
piously accused Price’s benefactors of “outraging the law of the land,” which
dictated that slaves were “not fit for freedom” and were the property of their
owners whether found “north or south of the Ohio River.”
By this time, Price
had been spirited away to freedom in Canada – because as a black human being he
had no rights anywhere in the United States of America.
In his 1857 Dred
Scott ruling, Chief Justice Roger Taney “decided that the power of Congress to
make rules concerning the territory of the United States was subject to
restrictions of the Constitution protecting property,” wrote historian Alice
Nichols in her 1954 study Bleeding
Kansas. “In a word, Taney ruled that slaves were property, not according to
state law, but national…. Slavery had been given freedom of the public domain.
Indeed, by inference, states themselves could no longer constitutionally
exclude slavery. Since a man could safely take his slaves into states having
anti-slavery legislation, it could be said there were no free states. Slaves
were the same as any other kind of property, except that there were no laws
requiring the return of strayed horses and cattle….[S]lavery had become a
political football, kept inflated by Northern self-righteousness and kept in
play by the South’s pigheaded championship of wrong.”

For his part, Lincoln –
like the corporatist cabal he represented – was determined to make the union
“perpetual,” even if that meant perpetuating chattel slavery. Lincoln’s
reaction to South Carolina’s rebellion was not, “What will happen to my
brethren in bondage?” but rather, “What
will become of my tariff?”
favored the proposed Corwin Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would have
made slavery a permanent institution. As a war measure he “un-emancipated”
slaves who had been freed in Kentucky by General John C. Fremont. For every
day of his presidency Lincoln dutifully enforced the Fugitive
Slave law, using federal troops to reward loyal slaveholders by returning their
escaped “property.” All of this reflects the fact that he wasn't interested in
abolishing slave labor as long as his government could collect taxes on it.
one thinks of the cause for which they fought, Confederate troops carried the
Battle Flag as they confronted a hostile army, generally in engagements that
took place at a strict reserve from civilians. This was decidedly not the case
of the Stars and Stripes.
When Patrick Edward Connor and
his troops massacred at least 300 innocent Bannock and Shoshone Indians – including
scores of victims officially designated as “combatant children" -- at Bear River in January 1863, it wasn't a Confederate flag that caught the breeze
above the slaughter.
When John
Chivington's troops annihilated hundreds of peaceful Cheyennes at Sand Creek in
November 1864, the Battle Flag was nowhere in evidence. The troops who cut
down unarmed women, and then mutilated the victims by hacking off their breasts
and pudenda as trophies, carried out their noble labor beneath the Stars and
After the South had been
conquered, and Generals Sherman
and Sheridan pursued what the former called the "Final Solution" to
the Indian problem, they didn’t act on behalf of the Confederacy, nor did
their subordinates fly its Battle Flag. The December 1890 slaughter
at Wounded Knee, the American foreshadowing of Babi Yar, was committed by
the vengeful remnants of the U.S. Army's Seventh Cavalry, who wrought that
Nazi-grade atrocity beneath the Stars and Stripes. The same banner was proudly
displayed by the
troops who slaughtered tens or hundreds of thousands of independence-minded
Filipinos after their islands were "liberated" from Spain.
Theodore Roosevelt, the first
self-described Progressive in the White House, was a passionate believer in the
innate superiority of what he called the “higher races” – the Anglo-Americans, of course, supplemented
by others, such as the Japanese, whom he
described as “honorary Aryans.”
Roosevelt, obviously, was a militant centralizer who evinced not a particle of
Confederate sympathy.
The “consolidation of the
states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at
home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all
those that have preceded it,” General
Lee lamented in his correspondence with Lord Acton. The British statesman – who was no advocate or
defender of slavery – agreed with that assessment: “I mourn for the stake which
was lost at Richmond more deeply than I rejoice over that which was saved at
As a
matter of policy, Barack Obama,
the incumbent figurehead of the imperial ruling elite, compiles a larger
body count before breakfast every day than Dylann Roof did in Charleston.
Obama’s podcast interview with alleged comedian Marc Maron took place a few hours after Roof’s rampage – and two days after the weekly “Terror Tuesday” meeting in which he selects people for summary execution via drone strike. According to survivors of the Charleston atrocity, Roof very nearly shirked his self-assigned task of murdering innocent people at intimate range. A serial murderer who kills by remote control, Obama suffers from no similar scruples.
Obama’s podcast interview with alleged comedian Marc Maron took place a few hours after Roof’s rampage – and two days after the weekly “Terror Tuesday” meeting in which he selects people for summary execution via drone strike. According to survivors of the Charleston atrocity, Roof very nearly shirked his self-assigned task of murdering innocent people at intimate range. A serial murderer who kills by remote control, Obama suffers from no similar scruples.
The discretionary power to dispossess or kill other human
beings defines the office commonly called “Commander-in-Chief.” Dylann Roof was
able to exercise similar power in the service of his evil ideas because the
government ruling South Carolina, as part of its franchise within the U.S.
government’s territorial monopoly on power, forbids worshipers to arm
themselves to in self-defense. So naturally the prescription being urged upon
us is for more aggressive measures to disarm the public while purging the
country of the symbolic remnants of a short-lived attempt to break up
Leviathan’s territorial monopoly, and any "retrograde" notions of asserting a right not to be ruled by Washington.
Prior to 1861, the united
States were a decentralized confederation. As a result of the war, they were
consolidated into a unitary government. After the Spanish-American War, this
entity took on the characteristics of an empire -- or, to use the appropriate German term, a "reich."
The Confederacy, for all of its manifold sins, never achieved that status.
The Confederate Battle Flag is
reviled not because it is indelibly associated with racial bigotry and mass
bloodshed, but because it symbolizes a refusal to be part of the sacred
American reich.
A quick update
I have previously described our family's housing situation. We received legal notice two days ago (June 24) that we will have to leave our present domicile no later than July 14. This was a reprieve, of sorts, but a highly qualified one.
With the help of many generous friends -- including one who has been nothing less than heroic and saintly -- it appears that we may be able to relocate by then. Our circumstances are still grim, but we deeply appreciate the help that so many of you have offered, and the kindness and concern you have expressed to us. Thank you so much -- and I will keep you apprised of future developments.
A quick update
I have previously described our family's housing situation. We received legal notice two days ago (June 24) that we will have to leave our present domicile no later than July 14. This was a reprieve, of sorts, but a highly qualified one.
With the help of many generous friends -- including one who has been nothing less than heroic and saintly -- it appears that we may be able to relocate by then. Our circumstances are still grim, but we deeply appreciate the help that so many of you have offered, and the kindness and concern you have expressed to us. Thank you so much -- and I will keep you apprised of future developments.
Click here to download or listen to the most recent Freedom Zealot Podcast.
For updates, please follow me on Twitter.
Dum spiro, pugno!
White people are racist at a genetic level?
That must have been his black side talking while ignoring his white side.
Does his hypocrisy know no bounds?
On that construction I would be one-quarter racist. Things would become even more complicated for my children, whose mother is blonde-haired and blue-eyed.
Mt Grigg,
I have never thought of you as racist, although you do write about black issues at times. Just as I write about white issues, at times.
I actually consider the Confederate battle flag an emblem of battle against tyranny and have never remotely equated it with slavery or oppression against black people. Perhaps some do (to each his own), but the vast majority of white folks I know do not(I live in SW TN).
As with you, my best friend is a black guy married to a blonde haired blue eyed woman. This is not an issue with me, although I think it might become an issue for the kids at some point (both from white and black folks). Racial mixing is not vogue in the deep south, although it is growing a bit.
This man is very dark and huge (6'4" 300#). He often tells me that he would much rather hang with his white friends because he doesn't trust most black people he knows (drugs, crime, etc). Contrarily, I know many white people that I would never in a million years want to hang with for some of the same reasons. (I happen to know many more white people than black)
Personally, I feel that we are all being baited into a race war (apparently the POTUS is a part of that divide and conquer scenario). His hypocritical stance (being half white and claiming genetics is the culprit) seems to go over the heads of most people (because og his skin color).
There is a push for claiming that all whites, especially southern whites are inherently racist. This has been going on for a very long time.
But further, there is also a push to abolish the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments to the Constitution.
Look at the shills and propagandists coming out of the woodwork to bolster the idea (Brooks, Sharpton, Rove, Graham, Romney, etc, etc, etc)
This is a concerted effort by TPTB. It is as obvious as the nose on my face.
Thank you for your work.
It looks like there are a couple typos ("Price" appears as "Prince" in 2 spots).
Thank you for the correction!
Why does everyone miss the point that
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