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Uninvited, unwanted, but there anyway: Hamilton police disrupt a funeral. |
Within the space of about a day, New Jersey experienced two public displays of organized intimidation by paramilitary thugs. The first involved an armed assault by black-clad bullies whose conduct was indistinguishable from the criminal street violence of the Nazi SS. The other was merely a public protest by the local chapter of the National Socialist Movement.
The family of Elsie Wenzel, a beloved school lunch lady who died at age 71, gathered for a memorial service at a funeral home in Hamilton (a small town near Trenton) on April 15. Charles Wenzel, one of her grandsons, "had ... something like a seizure," related Elsie's widower, Edward, in an interview with The Trentonian. The family called 911 to summon the paramedics. Unfortunately, if you call the paramedics, the police are part of the package deal, whether they're wanted or not -- and they have an unfailing talent for making matters worse.
When Charles had another convulsion, he committed the unpardonable offense of defiling one of the sanctified bully-boys through physical contact. This constitutes "battery on an officer," and so the offended cop and several of his boyfriends attempted to handcuff Charles while he was lying on the ground receiving medical treatment.
"We didn't call you for this!" exclaimed a witness as several other people, including a granddaughter of the deceased, tried to intervene to protect Charles from the criminal assault. The officers responded by pepper-spraying the mourners and throwing several of them -- including Edward's middle-aged granddaughter -- to the ground.
One of the officers called in a report that a "riot" was in progress -- "riot" being defined as any situation in which Mundanes loudly criticize the anointed purveyors of consecrated violence for their crimes against innocent people. Apparently the funeral parlor was located near a donut shop, because within seconds at least a dozen police vehicles were on the scene.
(Courtesy of the Trentonian.)
One of Elsie's sons, who was to be a pallbearer at the funeral, was jumped by "seven or eight" of the armed tax-feeders and thrown to the floor of the funeral parlor, Edward Wenzel reported. Another eyewitness who drove by the scene was alarmed to see police swarming four other prone, helpless men.
By one account, at least a half-dozen of the pallbearers were arrested to sent to the hospital as a result of gang violence by the police. When police attempted to "escort" him from the chapel, Edward Wenzel refused; if they had laid hands on the bereaved elderly widower, an authentic riot might well have ensued.
A day later in nearby Trenton, a battalion-strength contingent of riot police was on hand to provide "security" during a protest staged at the Statehouse by about fifty members of the National Socialist Movement (NSM), a pathetic little outfit that -- in terms of authenticity -- has the same relationship to the Third Reich that Spinal Tap has to Led Zeppelin.
As is typical in events of this kind, the NSM nitwits were outnumbered about three-to-one by counter-protesters. Events of this kind are an orgy of overtime for the unionized gendarme, and the April 16 protest was no exception: Every law enforcement agency -- local, state, and federal -- sent a contingent of uniformed trough-swillers to strut and preen in riot gear.
The familiar ritual of neo-Nazi protests reminds me a bit of Voltaire's description of the typical 18th Century Parisian dinner party, where one would experience "the usual unintelligible chatter, witticisms, false rumors, bad reasoning, a little politics, [and] a great deal of slander...."
Every time neo-Nazi numbskulls conduct a protest, the air will be clotted with the same familiar slogans, the standard assortment of insults will be exchanged, and all of the familiar poses will be struck.
All of this, I'm convinced, is incidental to the real two-fold purpose of such displays: Allowing the local constabulary to run up overtime, and reinforcing the notion that the police are the valiant protectors of the innocent, rather than the most significant threat to their life, liberty, and property.
It wasn't neo-Nazis of the NSM variety who disrupted Elsie Wenzel's funeral. It would be interesting to find out how many of the paladins of public order who pulled "riot duty" in Trenton on Saturday, April 16 had taken part in the police riot in Hamilton on the previous day. In similar fashion, it's quite likely that nobody who attended Elsie's funeral had ever been the victim of criminal violence apart from that inflicted on them by the Hamilton police.
Domesticated neo-Nazi groups like the NSM have a way of Bogarting all of the civic outrage wherever they materialize, including outrage more properly directed at the local branch of the Ordnungspolitzei. This is one reason why the Feds are eager to feed and care for groups such as the NSM -- which also act as useful vehicles for federal provocateurs.
The likelihood that the National Socialist Movement -- or any similarly situated neo-Nazi group -- could become a menace to individual liberty and dignity comparable to that posed by the State's punitive priesthood is so small that it couldn't be detected by en electron microscope. Neo-Nazis are almost impossible to find, unless one seeks them out in a few rural habitats in the Northwest and Deep South. The police, by way of contrast, are almost impossible to avoid, and their behavior -- as I've noted before -- increasingly resembles that of an army of occupation.
In part, this is because many of them are Reservists or Guardsmen who have served in Washington's military occupations abroad. But even those who have not been deployed overseas are being indoctrinated to think of themselves as combatants in constant peril for whom "officer safety" is the paramount consideration.
To understand the institutional mindset of contemporary law enforcement, it's useful to juxtapose video records of two incidents. The first took place in Iraq’s Camp Bucca prison in 2005:
“Whoever threw that, that was beautiful!” exclaimed an armed thug after one of his comrades hurled a grenade into a prison enclosure. The scene, described by commentator David Kramer as something out of "Schindler's List," struck me as some perverse hybrid of Wounded Knee and “Jackass”: Armed adolescent bullies cackling with juvenile glee as they gun down desperate, defenseless people.
One wonders how many of these murderous mouth-breathers are now employed in domestic law enforcement. And then one wonders how many of these sadists had been employed as police before being called up by the Regime to serve as hired killers overseas. And that thought leads us irresistibly to the second video:
In 2003, two years before the episode at Iraq's Camp Bucca, riot police in Miami carried out a full-scale military assault — albeit with “non-lethal” weapons — against demonstrators who had assembled to protest a summit meeting promoting the artfully misnamed Free Trade Area of the Americas.
“After last week, no one should call what [Chief John] Timoney runs in Miami a police force,” observed investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill following the event. “It’s a paramilitary group. Thousands of soldiers, dressed in khaki uniforms with full black body armor and gas masks, marching in unison through the streets, banging batons against their shields, chanting, `back… back… back.’ There were armored personnel carriers and helicopters.”
Among the protesters was an attorney named Elizabeth Ritter. She was driven into the streets out of disgust that Miami had been turned into a garrison state. Wearing a modest, professional business suit, she marched in front of Timoney’s stormtroopers carrying a sign that read “Fear Totalitarianism.” As if to vindicate Ritter’s point, some of Timoney’s goons shot Ritter several times in the back and legs with rubber bullets. Ritter crouched down and covered her face with her protest sign — only to be shot again by a rubber bullet, which penetrated the sign and struck her in the forehead.
During the next morning’s mission briefing, black-shirted thugs commanded by Sgt. Michael Kallman of the Broward Sheriff’s Office of homeland security enjoyed a hearty laugh as they reviewed footage of the criminal assault on Ritter. This led to Kallman being captured in his own “Whoever threw that, that was beautiful!” moment.
“I don’t know who got her,” chortled Kallman, “but … it went through the sign and hit her smack dab in the middle of the head.”
“Can I get a little piece of her red dress?” chimed in one of Kallman’s cretinous underlings from somewhere off-camera.
In a conversation with Major John Brooks, the ranking officer at the briefing, another of the blackshirts showed off a bandana that he had retrieved “from one of the scurrying cockroaches.”
“Oh, cool!” exulted Brooks in a fashion worthy of a twelve-year-old. “This is going in my office forever, and it’s going to bring me some very good memories.”
Despite the fact that Miami’s Civilian Investigative Panel confirmed that police had committed criminal assaults during the protests, none of the costumed assailants responsible was punished in any way. In fact, the scenes described above were included in a training video, presumably used to instruct the Schutzstaffel in the proper use of what has come to be known as the “Miami Model” of homeland security.

The foundation of the "Miami Model" is a doctrine of overwhelming force in the service of "order": The Mundanes are told to submit or be hurt -- or killed. This is the operative principle of every encounter between police and "civilians," which is why every such encounter -- even one incidental to emergency medical treatment at a funeral -- is freighted with incipient police violence.
Hamilton Township, New Jersey -- described by its municipal government as "America's Favorite Hometown" -- is a community of about 100,000 people. It is a reasonably affluent suburb blessed with abundant parks and other amenities -- and blighted by a police force capable of busting up a funeral in a fit of official violence that wasn't that far removed from the behavior of the torch-bearing Cossacks who raided the wedding in Fiddler on the Roof.
Earlier in the drama we had seen how Teyve, the Jewish milkman at the center of the story, was on friendly terms with the police chief. That friendship is savagely thrust aside once the chief's "duty" is made clear to him.
"Orders are orders -- you understand?" simpered Anatevka's village police chief to Tevye as the troops under his command carried out their pogrom. After all, the chief had been told by his superior, in no uncertain terms, that his job depended on his willingness to carry out orders: "If you don't want to carry out orders, we will get someone else who will." Such people are never in short supply.
We are told that many -- nay, most -- of those employed in police agencies are people of conscience and principle. This is true of several people I know who are thus employed. I sometimes suspect that I've met everybody who fits that description.
For reasons of institutional solidarity -- or, what's much the same thing, conformity achieved through the threat of retaliation -- such worthy and decent police officers never seem to intervene in defense of innocent people being abused by their costumed comrades. In such instances, any effort made to de-escalate a situation involves admonitions to outraged Mundanes that they must "calm down" in the face of criminal violence being inflicted on a friend, loved one, or clearly inoffensive stranger.
As I've pointed out before, a police officer who actually intervenes to prevent criminal violence by a professional associate can expect to be cashiered immediately. The criminal offender himself, by way of contrast, can expect a lucrative paid vacation while the local police union spares no effort to preserve his job.
There was a time, not that long ago, when it was possible for Americans to avoid contact with the police, and the police were trained and expected to leave people alone. Now, however, police are permitted and encouraged to behave like packs of lupine predators, eager to exploit any opportunity to inflict themselves on the helpless.
It's tempting to think that at some point some helpless American is going to become our nation's Mohammed Bouazizi, or Khaled Said -- a living (or recently deceased) symbol of resistance to the persistent, unpunished abuse inflicted by the Regime's armed enforcers.
When he was three years old, Mohammad Bouazizi's father died. As the oldest son of an indigent family living in Sidi Bouazid -- a town about 160 miles from the Tunisian capital, Tunis -- Mohammad was responsible to provide for his mother and two sisters. He earned a computer science degree, but found that it was of little use in Tunisia's deeply depressed economy.
Hamilton Township, New Jersey -- described by its municipal government as "America's Favorite Hometown" -- is a community of about 100,000 people. It is a reasonably affluent suburb blessed with abundant parks and other amenities -- and blighted by a police force capable of busting up a funeral in a fit of official violence that wasn't that far removed from the behavior of the torch-bearing Cossacks who raided the wedding in Fiddler on the Roof.
Earlier in the drama we had seen how Teyve, the Jewish milkman at the center of the story, was on friendly terms with the police chief. That friendship is savagely thrust aside once the chief's "duty" is made clear to him.
"Orders are orders -- you understand?" simpered Anatevka's village police chief to Tevye as the troops under his command carried out their pogrom. After all, the chief had been told by his superior, in no uncertain terms, that his job depended on his willingness to carry out orders: "If you don't want to carry out orders, we will get someone else who will." Such people are never in short supply.
We are told that many -- nay, most -- of those employed in police agencies are people of conscience and principle. This is true of several people I know who are thus employed. I sometimes suspect that I've met everybody who fits that description.
For reasons of institutional solidarity -- or, what's much the same thing, conformity achieved through the threat of retaliation -- such worthy and decent police officers never seem to intervene in defense of innocent people being abused by their costumed comrades. In such instances, any effort made to de-escalate a situation involves admonitions to outraged Mundanes that they must "calm down" in the face of criminal violence being inflicted on a friend, loved one, or clearly inoffensive stranger.
As I've pointed out before, a police officer who actually intervenes to prevent criminal violence by a professional associate can expect to be cashiered immediately. The criminal offender himself, by way of contrast, can expect a lucrative paid vacation while the local police union spares no effort to preserve his job.
There was a time, not that long ago, when it was possible for Americans to avoid contact with the police, and the police were trained and expected to leave people alone. Now, however, police are permitted and encouraged to behave like packs of lupine predators, eager to exploit any opportunity to inflict themselves on the helpless.
It's tempting to think that at some point some helpless American is going to become our nation's Mohammed Bouazizi, or Khaled Said -- a living (or recently deceased) symbol of resistance to the persistent, unpunished abuse inflicted by the Regime's armed enforcers.
When he was three years old, Mohammad Bouazizi's father died. As the oldest son of an indigent family living in Sidi Bouazid -- a town about 160 miles from the Tunisian capital, Tunis -- Mohammad was responsible to provide for his mother and two sisters. He earned a computer science degree, but found that it was of little use in Tunisia's deeply depressed economy.
For years, Bouazizi managed to eke out a living as an unlicensed street vendor, peddling fruits and vegetables from a pushcart. Like others who carried out commerce without official permission, Bouazizi endured harassment from shakedown artists employed by the State, who in the course of the typical visit would steal the equivalent of seven dollars as a "fine."
As the song says, talk is cheap, but even nickels add up. Even a single nickel is sorely missed when it's extracted at gunpoint from someone barely managing to earn enough to survive. But the contemptuous, arrogant words emitted by the armed functionary to carries out that theft do damage as well. The cumulative effect of such indignities can be enough to drive a despairing man to do desperate things.
He was driven to fatal despair when a municipal police officer confiscated his merchandise.
The matter could have been cleared up if the officer had accepted the seven-dollar fine for operating an unlicensed merchant stand. But the sadist insisted on berating Bouazizi, slapping him, spitting in his face, and insulting his dead father. Heartsick with inconsolable despair, the young man set himself on fire. Public outrage over this incident grew into a revolt that eventually unseated the U.S.-supported incumbent dictator.
Khaled Said was a 28-year-old businessman from Alexandria, Egypt. Last June, after Said posted a video he had captured of narcotics officers divvying up the proceeds of a drug bust, he was dragged out of an internet cafe, taken to a nearby police station, and beaten to death. A small bag of hashish of the sort used by police everywhere to plant evidence was stuffed down Said's throat.
News of this atrocity was quickly propagated throughout Egypt, engendering a protest movement that eventually grew into the rebellion at Tahrir Square and the still-unfinished effort to uproot Egypt's deeply entrenched, U.S.-subsidized police state.
We don't need you.
We don't want you.
We don't respect you.
We won't tolerate you much longer.
Thanks so much to all of you who are helping to keep Pro Libertate on-line! God bless.
Dum spiro, pugno!
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"What happened to him?" The police "happened" to him. |
Khaled Said was a 28-year-old businessman from Alexandria, Egypt. Last June, after Said posted a video he had captured of narcotics officers divvying up the proceeds of a drug bust, he was dragged out of an internet cafe, taken to a nearby police station, and beaten to death. A small bag of hashish of the sort used by police everywhere to plant evidence was stuffed down Said's throat.
News of this atrocity was quickly propagated throughout Egypt, engendering a protest movement that eventually grew into the rebellion at Tahrir Square and the still-unfinished effort to uproot Egypt's deeply entrenched, U.S.-subsidized police state.
In police states of the kind Washington has supported in Egypt, Tunisia, and elsewhere in the region, people have been willing to endure a great deal of abuse as long as there was some reasonable expectation that they would be able to feed themselves. It's not surprising to see that forbearance evaporate in the heat of the ongoing economic meltdown, which has left many people without the means to feed their families.
The triggering incidents that set off revolutions in both Tunisia and Egypt were episodes of casual, arrogant abuse by police officers who considered themselves to be imperviously clothed in official privilege. Incidents of that kind are becoming more commonplace here in the putative Land of the Free, and the debt-prolonged illusion of prosperity that has long anesthetized public sensitivities is coming to an end.
Once again, it's not difficult to imagine a situation in which someone, somewhere is going to be pushed too far by an officious prig in a government-issued costume, an atrocity will result -- and then all hell will break loose.
Given the perverse ingenuity police display in arranging opportunities to impart such abuse, this could happen nearly anywhere, at any time. Meanwhile, those of us who belong to the productive class should avail ourselves of every opportunity to share the following message with representatives of the State's coercive caste:
We don't need you.
We don't want you.
We don't respect you.
We won't tolerate you much longer.
Obiter Dicta
After a lengthy broadcast hiatus, Pro Libertate Radio is back on the air in the form of a weekly two-hour podcast available at Liberty News Radio each Sunday from 4:00 - 6:00 PM Central Time. The archives are available here, or go here to subscribe to the podcast.
Thanks so much to all of you who are helping to keep Pro Libertate on-line! God bless.
Dum spiro, pugno!
You are doing a great service with your amazing and infuriating reporting coupled with great writing.
Another superb post, Will!
Unfortunately, we have no one to blame but ourselves for this kind of criminal police conduct. It only continues because we allow it. I am lucky enough to live in an area where local law enforcement is still dominated by good people who conduct themselves in a reasonably respectable manner. This community is also filled with people who respect good cops but would not long tolerate bad ones. They know we are watching and given the quality and quantity of the firepower present in the community, I have a feeling local law enforcement will continue to behave themselves for some time.
Anon 3:26, I do hope that your nebulous one-word comment refers to the stomach-turning subject matter of William's post and not the post itself or its author.
jk said, "...we have no one to blame but ourselves for this kind of criminal police conduct. It only continues because we allow it..."
Yeah right, as if I have any say in the matter.
Why was this Elsie Wenzel funeral pogrom by the local Cossacks not plastered on the front pages of every paper in the nation? I mean, it's one thing to taser a 90-year old woman, or violently attack and kill someone peacefully standing on a street corner, or shoot to death a drunk man in a parked car, but attacking a FUNERAL?
Even in death, we cannot escape these hyenas.
The time is coming. Yes it is.
Let us make that our slogan for 2012. No more: "We can do it. Yes we can." That was bullshit. Now we know better. No more bullshit from the clowns on the Potomac. Let us speak our own truth to the seats of power.
Let us tell everyone we meet: "The time is coming. Yes it is." Let us sign every email with those words: "The time is coming. Yes it is." Let this be the rallying cry of every heartsick American Patriot: "The time is coming. Yes it is." Let this be the banner at the top of every blog in the country:
Let the Lords of Mordor and their Cossack hordes figure out for themselves what we, the downtrodden peasants, mean by that.
Let them ponder as they pray to Moloch before they go to sleep, what we mean by that. Let their dreams be disturbed by deathly imaginations, of what we mean by that. Let them digest with their caviar and champagne, what we mean by that.
As a white man, I make a prediction: This country's Mohammad Bouazizi or Khaled Said will be a black man. The black community has endured almost enough at the hands of Leviathan - an incarceration rate SIX TIMES as high as the worst in Apartheid South Africa, over 50% unemployment among black youth, and decades of contempt and abuse from the Cossacks of the Bankster State.
One of these days we will see 1968 all over again. We will see the LA Riots all over again. We will see Lexington and Concord all over again. Only ten times worse this time, because once the black people lead the way, then and only then will the white people follow.
The time is coming. Yes it is.
- Lemuel Gulliver.
PS: One of these days, some very creative and wicked persons, deserving of severe punishment, will call in to 911 a false report of machine guns fired, explosions, dead bodies, and a hostage situation at the home of some very prominent and famous retired politician, (hopefully a Republican, or even better, a CEO of a major Wall Street bank,) resulting in a SWAT team invasion and massacre of the retired politican, his dogs, cats, and goldfish, and all the members of his family. I don't think the mainstream media could possibly ignore THAT.
One lives in hope.
- Lemuel.
What is that Irish saying? "There is no human tragedy so awful that it cannot be made worse by the presence of a policeman." So true.
William, I must say that this is one your best pieces yet, which really says something considering how essential the rest of your output has been. One would be tempted to say that this is Pulitzer Prize material, but given the utter unworthiness of the Establishment-own Pulitzer Prize for the author of any real investigative/expository journalism, such a statement would be improper.
I can only think of one extremely minor omission on your part, one of formatting. At the very end, your last sentence ("We won't tolerate you much longer") should have been printed in all capital letters, bolded, and italicized for emphasis, probably even underlined as well.
Lemuel: Amen! As for your PS, "SWATting" has apparently become a not-uncommon cyber"prank" over the last few years, one that has grown along with the proliferation of Voice over IP (VoIP) communications such as Skype, Vonage, etc. It is a phenomenon that, did we not live in a Bizarro World devoid of common sense, would only have worked once and would never be possible to pull off again. However, as long as there is no serious effort being made to stop it (I'm not sure how common it is now as compared to a couple of years back), we can only HOPE that if anyone were to be victimized by this sick joke again that it would be one of the Establishment's own. I have to believe, however, that most of these cretins have at their disposal sufficient public security resources to preclude any such result, along with being sufficiently well-known by the tax-feeding segment of the local population to be effectively insulated from the unfortunate results of such a prank. Of course that won't ultimately save them in the end, but I'm afraid we'll just have to wait for some form of Divine Justice to take care of these people rather than the fruits of our own devices.
Dear Mr Grigg:
I too add my voice of thanks for your blog. (Also for the shining example of libery lovers who stand up for themselves).
I've had an encounter with cop intimidation involving a line cop cars causing a traffic jam and my attempt to place a note on one of them expressing my annoyance as a citizen. One of them said that they did it "because we can" -that was the attitude. One was pissed and looking for a reason to charge me with something.
Fortunately it is true there are some good ones: One of them was a cop who understood how to defuse situations, explained to his comrade that I wasn't doing anything wrong and even said he was a Ron Paul fan.
"We are told that many -- nay, most -- of those employed in police agencies are people of conscience and principle. This is true of several people I know who are thus employed."
Are you certain, Will? Or is that a rationalization that your need to have social connections forces you to espouse? We all have that need, it is understandable. But this contention appears horribly similar to the popular belief that "all politicians are crooks, except the one for whom I voted." I'm forced to quote Rand here, with a recommendation to "check your premises."
"There was a time, not that long ago, when it was possible for Americans to avoid contact with the police, and the police were trained and expected to leave people alone." Again, I'm sorry, but I must cast doubt on this premise as well. I see no evidence at all that police were ever anything other than what they are today: a gang of vicious armed thugs with badges, charged with seeing to it that the privileged remain so, no matter whether or not their status is merited in any moral, objective terms (it is barely possible that the definition of "privileged" was somewhat broader within living memory). In fact, all of my personal experience, observations, and research indicates that the pig species of thug has remained essentially unchanged for centuries.
"But even those who have not been deployed overseas are being indoctrinated to think of themselves as combatants in constant peril..." 'Make it so Mr. Data' - Jean Luc Picard
In answer to your rhetorical headline question, the answer, of course, is "NOW"!
Fortunately it is true there are some good ones: One of them was a cop who understood how to defuse situations, explained to his comrade that I wasn't doing anything wrong and even said he was a Ron Paul fan.
Vickie, you were lucky that the "good cop" was on the scene when he was. Otherwise, your encounter could have turned REALLY ugly.
If I were a betting man, I would wager that this good cop you encountered is probably no longer on the force, clearly having been one of the rare gems to have slipped through the filters that normally weed decent human beings out by week two of porkademy training. Odds are that he has since been hounded off of the force or resigned in disgust. Any cop who actually defuses a situation rather than succumbs to the pack mentality and escalates it and who is a Ron Paul admirer is marked man in the "law enforcement" universe.
Lemuel Gulliver, I must respectfully disagree with your argument about blacks leading the revolt and whites following them.
While traditionally when blacks riot they have burned their own neighborhoods (L A riots, Watts, etc...), I think next time the violence will instead be directed towards the white suburbs.
And if that indeed is what happens the white victims will be screaming and begging for the "the thin blue line" with their whiz bangs and armored personnel carriers and snipers and such to maintain "law and order".
And all the while the banksters will all be wringing their hands with delight saying (in the tone of Montgomery Burns), "Exxxcccellent!, things are going exactly as planned!"
I had to call 911 and request paramedics be dispatched to save my best friends life when he swallowed 60 Xanax (ordered legally over the internet), plus a bottle of whiskey. The police that showed up (uninvited, before the paramedics) seemed mostly interested in questioning my incoherent friend, and searching the residence for weapons and drugs. I ran interference, engaging the officers with questions, in order to let the paramedics treat my friend, unobstructed by the Stasi.
I am looking forward to the coming collapse of this paradigm.
White Buffalo,
What I would really like to see is the descent on Washington DC of about 1 million angry and hungry homeless people, all armed, and camping out in tents and shanties on the National Mall. (Those Soweto-style squatter camps already exist, but far away in CA and FL and HI, where the weather is fine year-round. There are 100,000 homeless in the City of LA alone, according to a UN investigative report.) The entire world would broadcast the images day and night, and the USA would be seen for the banana- republic "failed state" that it is.
It would be inevitable that the Cossacks would be ordered to disperse the sqatters, but with so many people that would be impossible. It would turn ugly, and the USA would have its own Tiananmen Square atrocity in full view of the world. Moreover, with a couple hundred thousand firearms in the crowd, the only way the Cossacks would win is with Apache helicopters and C-130 gunships. Tens of thousands of dismembered bodies piled five deep.
The evil farce that is "American Democracy" would be exposed as a filthy lie to the horrified view of the whole world.
(I was in Europe when Katrina happened. You have no idea how that human atrocity was perceived in the world's civilized countries. No idea. They were speechless with astonishment.)
I don't think it will happen though. Whoever tried to organize something like that would be "disappeared" and "rendered" for "interrogation" to a "friendly" country such as Jordan.
Rather, as you say, people would probably turn on each other instead of on the Lords of Mordor in their gated communities, justifying even more oppression by the hyenas in blue costumes.
The time is coming. Yes it is.
- LG.
Sic Semper Tyrannis.
I live for the day when mourners at a funeral, harassed by the Gestapo, come frakking unglued and bust a bunch of Stormtroopers into little bitty pieces. . .
I'll even throw a party.
"you were lucky that the "good cop" was on the scene when he was. Otherwise, your encounter could have turned REALLY ugly."
Libberanter: True. It also worked because I was a white woman in the middle of a traffic jam caused by said cops. Too many potential Your Tube videos. I bet if I was a black man (and I am not politically correct), or was in an more isolated situaton, it would have turned out much differently.
But like when is enough enough?
"What I would really like to see is the descent on Washington DC of about 1 million angry and hungry homeless people...camping out in tents and shanties on the National Mall."
The place to go is either Georgetown or the Northwest where the Federal House slaves live.
What I would really like to see is the descent on Washington DC of about 1 million angry and hungry homeless people, all armed, and camping out in tents and shanties on the National Mall.
A redux, in other words, of the the Bonus Army March (the key difference being that the Bonus marchers encamped on the Anacostia Flats rather than the National Mall). You'll no doubt recall that that event had a rather ugly ending for the marchers, the result of a pogrom unleashed by none other than that great Amerikan military “hero” Douglas McArthur. We should remember that this event took place during an era when the Reigning Establishment at least pretended to respect the rights of the ordinary citizenry, and yet in the end still unleashed armed thugs (not a few of whom must have been “shell-shocked” veterans of “The Great [sic] War”) against peaceful demonstrators. Can you imagine what the amoral, power-obsessed spawn of Satan that make up today's Reigning Elite would do under similar circumstances when faced with direct confrontation? The deployment of Apache helicopters and C-130 gunships would be the MILDEST weapons they would use in retaliation.
People working towards a solution, we can bitch and moan all day long or we can act, we DO have power, what will it take before we exercise it?
Stewart Rhodes and Brandon Smith have a plan:
The key domino in getting the world to accept a global fractional reserve currency is China.
Don't misunderstand, global currency is 100% suicide and will lead to an effective one world government by the oligarch banking families.
The private central bank in China is rumored to be 50/50 rather than 100% Rothschild owned as it is in the other 192 of 197 countries. Therefore, it is slighly harder to implement the private fractional reserve global currency in China than elsewhere in the Rothschild empire, excluding Iran, Sudan, North Korea and Cuba.
George Soros (Swartz) has the job of selling the Evelyn Rothschild (Bauer) plan for defacto global autocracy as instead being the salvation of the economic crisis.
event - reaction - solution
debt suffocation - fear of devaluation - global fractional reserve currency (world government)
Once the China domino falls, the door will be wide open to implement a private global currency in 193 countries. It will be touted as "gold backed" instead of "fiat", but actually will only be fractionally gold backed at less than 1:100.
More importantly it will be a private currency - meaning that Rothschild and the oligarch banking families will be able to create money autocratically with out input from the people of the world who use it.
This 'gold backed', fractional reserve, private global currency will be lent out to governments and individuals with usury. Thus ensuring literal debt slavery from cradle to grave for individuals and countries.
As the life blood of any society, Rothschild will hold everyone and every country in the palm of his hand. And once implemented, anyone who dares to oppose him can be taken off the grid with the flick of a key stroke.
Worse than heroin. As bad as cancer. Manifest dictatorship disguised as "economic freedom". Orwellian doublespeak - 100%.
Don't do it, ever.
Wow, Will, just wow! This is powerful stuff. I'm going to link and reprint this, and I'll be in contact privately as well.
". . . all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed."
-A Dead Letter
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