The function of any "security" checkpoint, as Richard Ben Cramer observes in his valuable book How Israel Lost, "is to show who's boss."
"I know of one school headmaster, a dignified older man, who passed the same checkpoint every morning, and was made to undress -- not once but often -- and stand naked while his students passed by," relates Cramer. "This was richly humorous -- that old man was (formerly) so conscious of the honor of his position."
The elderly man's residual sense of dignity made him an irresistible target for the power-intoxicated armed bullies he confronted while traveling to and from work.
During one of his visits to Israel, Cramer asked a checkpoint guard (a recent arrival from Russia) why such humiliation was inflicted on elderly and obviously harmless people.
"Because [of] the bad attitude -- you know?" replied the thug. "If they are acting like they are good, [then] we are the bad one. Then, you must show them control."
You must show them control.
You must make them submit.
Or, as one TSA commissarina repeatedly bellowed when 71-year-old Robert Perry complained about his mistreatment at an airport checkpoint: "I have power! I have power!" That outburst was triggered when Perry -- who, like the elderly Palestinian described above, had been forced to disrobe in public -- plaintively asked to speak with the supervisor of the tax-devouring chair-moistener who had abused him.
Each time a TSA drone places hands on a captive, he is committing an act of criminal assault. This was proven, in principle, when a victim of TSA-inflicted sexual molestation retaliated in kind against her assailant.
In 2004, 62-year-old Appleton, Wisconsin resident Phyllis Dintenfass was singled out for "secondary screening" when something she wore set off the metal detector at the Outagamie County Regional Airport. Mrs. Dintenfass put up no resistance as TSA supervisor Anita Gostisha used an electronic "wand" to scan for metal objects. But she understandably rebelled when Gostisha used the back of her hands to check the area beneath Dintenfass's breasts.
According to Dintenfass, her reaction was to mimic the unwanted and uninvited physical contact while exclaiming, "How would you like it if I did that to you?"
Gostisha's version of the event is much more melodramatic. She claims that the middle-aged woman -- described by all who knew her as mild and not prone to violence -- "slammed her against the wall." Leaving aside the fact that this would be an entirely justified response to a sexual assault, Gostisha's version was disputed by her victim and not corroborated by any other witnesses.
However, since Gostisha is a member of the Regime's punitive caste, her person -- unlike that of her victim -- is sacred. Accordingly, Dintenfass was arrested and charged with "assaulting" a federal official. She was found guilty of that purported crime and sentenced to a year of probation and 100 hours of "community service."
Victorious federal prosecutor Tim Funnell insisted that Mrs. Dintenfass "punished Anita Gostisha for doing her job." U.S. Attorney Steven Bispukic piled on, protesting that TSA officers, who perform a "vital function,"are "entitled to protection from assault" -- that is, they're entitled to "protection" from the same treatment they inflict on their betters. It's difficult to find a better illustration of the principle that government is simply a criminal syndicate that has achieved impunity.
At the time Mrs. Dintenfass was molested in Appleton, the treatment she endured was exceptional. As of October 29, it is the norm. The new pat-down procedures bear the ominous adjective "enhanced," an overtaxed official euphemism last pressed into service to normalize torture. TSA functionaries are now instructed to use open hands and fingers "to go over one's body, including the genital area and breasts," explains a protest letter filed on behalf of a group of airline pilots disgusted with the expanded checkpoint ritual.

The TSA insists that "security" considerations prevent them from telling potential victims what to expect next time they're sentenced to commercial air travel. Capt. Mike Cleary, head of the US Airways pilots union, was able to summarize the new molestation protocol on the basis of conversations he had with TSA personnel.
"Security" drones are now instructed "to run their hand up the inside of your leg until they meet resistance" -- ideally in the form of a right cross, but I suspect the expected "resistance" would be anatomical in nature. "In addition," continues Cleary's description, "they are to use a circular pat-down routine from the small of the stomach, around through a person's crotch, and up into the small of the back."
Some comedian -- most likely the perceptive and much-missed George Carlin -- once speculated that football may be an elaborate ruse to justify the action of one man putting his hands between the legs of another. While that isn't true of football, a similar principle might well be at work in the TSA's new guidelines for airport molestation. After all, the fetid, Stygian talent pool from which the Homeland Security apparatus skims its population of peepers and gropers abounds in people of the sort who shouldn't be permitted to place hands on others under any circumstances.
Exhibit A is a former TSA employee known as Robert Joe Harrison Jr. who was a TSA security screener in Ketchum, Idaho.
In April 2006, Harrison was arrested by the local police after he had brought home a 10-year-old boy whom he had enticed into his pickup truck. After they arrived at Harrison's home, the adult put in a movie and left the room. The youngster quite sensibly bolted the premises, fled to his home and and described the incident to his mother, who called the police.
When police searched Harrison's apartment, they found (in the words of an MSNBC report) found "four additional Social Security numbers and documents showing four other dates of birth." The TSA hired Harrison (as I'll call him for the sake of convenience) without even establishing his actual name and identity.
“Harrison” -- who bears an uncanny resemblance to Jim Bonnick, a small-time con-man from the TV series “Magnum, PI” -- was one of several suspected pederasts discovered within the span of a few weeks in 2006. It makes me wonder how many of the Department's officials belong to the department's “Aqualung Club.”
Harrison's arrest -- and the presence of other degenerates on the TSA's payroll -- shouldn't lead people to make unfortunate generalizations about the agency, insisted Dough Melvin, Federal Security Director for Idaho.
“TSA is a large organization with a large workforce, [and] unfortunately we have an individual who does things that are truly inappropriate, things that are intolerable for TSA,” insisted Melvin, who assured the public that the agency had a “zero tolerance” policy for behavior of this type. He didn't explain how a suspected pederast with five aliases and sets of personal ID could pass a federal background check. We simply had to take his word on the matter. After all, he was a clean-cut, respectable sort.
As it happens, less than a year after Harrison's arrest, Mr. Melvin was forced to resign as a result of his own public sexual misconduct.
“The now former Director of the Transportation Security Administration in Boise was arrested last week at an Idaho Falls hotel,” reported Boise's CBS affiliate KBCI on February 27, 2007. “Doug Melvin was busted after staff and hotel guests say they saw him walking around naked.”
The police report on the incident recorded that “Melvin entered the swimming area and removed his clothing before walking around, exposing himself.... Melvin was also reportedly masturbating while in front of the windows directly in view of the main elevator.”
The police report on the incident recorded that “Melvin entered the swimming area and removed his clothing before walking around, exposing himself.... Melvin was also reportedly masturbating while in front of the windows directly in view of the main elevator.”
Melvin -- whose surname is one of God's little practical jokes --is not the only significant Homeland Security figure who publicly indulged in the behavior made famous in Philip Roth's most significant novel.
Frank Figueroa, the former head of a federal anti-molester initiative called “Operation Predator,” was arrested at an Orlando shopping mall on October 25, 2005. He was charged with exposing himself to a 16-year-old girl while, ah, manipulating himself.
Confronted by mall security as he tried to flee the scene, Figueroa whipped out something else he was unduly proud of: The badge identifying him as the special agent in charge of the Tampa office of the Department of Immigration and Customs enforcement – one of the main appendages, as it were, of the DHS.
Figueroa was a repeat offender: He was hired by the DHS and given specific responsibility to deal with child sexual predators despite a 1977 arrest on a charge of public sexual misconduct in Buffalo. Thanks to an incredibly generous deal struck with an inexplicably lenient judge, Figueroa was given a year's probation and a withheld judgment -- meaning that there is no record of his conviction.
It's worthy of mention that Figueroa's "punishment" for preying on an underage girl was less severe than that inflicted on Phyllis Dintenfass for reciprocating the supposedly innocuous behavior of the TSA agent who felt her up.
Today, as millions of productive people struggle to feed and shelter their families, Figueroa continues to receive a taxpayer-subsidized pension.
The same week that "Robert J. Harrison" was arrested in Idaho, Doyle was arrested in Silver Spring, Maryland. For several weeks Doyle had been conversing by way of an internet a chatroom with someone he believed to be a cancer-stricken pre-adolescent girl. Eventually he tried to arrange a sexual liaison with his correspondent, unaware that he was being set up by a detective from the Polk County, Florida Sheriff's Office.
At the time, Doyle was the second-highest ranking official in the Homeland Security Department's propaganda directorate. He did nothing to disguise his identity while making overtures to what he believed was a potential victim; in fact, he even used his position at Homeland Security as a come-on.
“What has this nation come to if bragging about being a spokesman for a federal agency can supposedly help a guy get laid?” asked the redoubtable James Bovard after the Brian Doyle story broke. While there have been “gross abuses in some previous online porn stings,” Bovard notes, there is reason to believe that “Mr. Doyle could be on the other end of the wand for a long time.” Given Doyle's behavior in an official capacity, it's difficult to feel so much as a particle of sympathy for him.
“After air marshals gunned down Rigoberto Alpizar outside of a plane in Miami [in] December [2005], Doyle justified the killing to the media: `He threatened that he had a bomb in his backpack,” Bovard recalls. “Other TSA spokesmen claimed that Alpizar had shouted that he had a bomb as he ran up and down the plane aisle. None of the passengers on the plane heard Alpizar say anything about a bomb.”
None of this was true: Alpizar, who suffered from bipolar disorder, simply bolted from the plane in a moment of panic and was murdered by the TSA's armed goons. Of course, as Bovard wryly comments, “false statements by federal spokesmen are a public service, not a federal crime.”
TSA personnel tend to be heavy-handed in conducting airport checkpoint molestations while being light-fingered in dealing with the personal effects of their victims. From its inception, the agency offered secure, well-compensated employment for people with criminal backgrounds. This shouldn't be surprising; after all, we're dealing with an element of what were called the "Security Organs" in the Soviet Union -- the sword and shield of the Regime. In any society, the political police attracts people from the most degenerate elements of society.
"This organization is rotten to the core," observed Bolshevik official Serafina Gopner in a March 22, 1919 letter to Lenin complaining about the Cheka, the ancestor of the KGB. The Chekists were "common criminals and the dregs of society, men armed to the teeth.... They steal, loot, rape ... practice extortion and blackmail, and will let anyone go in exchange for huge sums of money."
"The Cheka are looting and arresting everyone indiscriminately," reported a Bolshevik regional secretary in Yaroslavl on September 26th of the same year (in a letter cited -- as was Gopner's protest -- in the authoritative Black Book of Communism). "Safe in the knowledge that they cannot be punished, they have transformed the Cheka headquarters into a huge brothel.... Drunkenness is rife. Cocaine is being used quite widely among the supervisors."
In policy, practice, and the proclivities of much of its personnel, the TSA -- like the department that spawned it -- is distant but unmistakable kindred to the Cheka. The growing rebellion against the agency's new airport molestation protocols is among the most heartening developments in recent memory -- assuming, of course, that it doesn't evaporate in the immediate aftermath of the next false flag or blowback-induced terrorist incident.
Any help you can offer to keep Pro Libertate on-line is very much appreciated. Thanks, and God bless!
Dum spiro, pugno!
TSA personnel tend to be heavy-handed in conducting airport checkpoint molestations while being light-fingered in dealing with the personal effects of their victims. From its inception, the agency offered secure, well-compensated employment for people with criminal backgrounds. This shouldn't be surprising; after all, we're dealing with an element of what were called the "Security Organs" in the Soviet Union -- the sword and shield of the Regime. In any society, the political police attracts people from the most degenerate elements of society.
"This organization is rotten to the core," observed Bolshevik official Serafina Gopner in a March 22, 1919 letter to Lenin complaining about the Cheka, the ancestor of the KGB. The Chekists were "common criminals and the dregs of society, men armed to the teeth.... They steal, loot, rape ... practice extortion and blackmail, and will let anyone go in exchange for huge sums of money."
"The Cheka are looting and arresting everyone indiscriminately," reported a Bolshevik regional secretary in Yaroslavl on September 26th of the same year (in a letter cited -- as was Gopner's protest -- in the authoritative Black Book of Communism). "Safe in the knowledge that they cannot be punished, they have transformed the Cheka headquarters into a huge brothel.... Drunkenness is rife. Cocaine is being used quite widely among the supervisors."
In policy, practice, and the proclivities of much of its personnel, the TSA -- like the department that spawned it -- is distant but unmistakable kindred to the Cheka. The growing rebellion against the agency's new airport molestation protocols is among the most heartening developments in recent memory -- assuming, of course, that it doesn't evaporate in the immediate aftermath of the next false flag or blowback-induced terrorist incident.
Any help you can offer to keep Pro Libertate on-line is very much appreciated. Thanks, and God bless!
Dum spiro, pugno!
Great article, as always, Will.
I have been sending out emails on this subject, although I hadn't included you as I know you are bombarded with mail and would be following the subject, anyway. In one I sent out yesterday, I included a link to the youtube video about the 3 year old you have embedded in your article above.
One of the points I made in that email was that "Unfortunately, most of the sheeple in this country...make excuses as they allow their God-given right to privacy and their constitutionally-protected right to be free from searches without a warrant to be obliterated. Even the father in the video below made excuses for what happened to his 3 year old daughter instead of being outraged. He "understands" that "there has to be some sacrifice and some balance when it comes to security at the airport."
"Well, guess what Steve? NO, THERE DOESN'T. Quit being a coward, and use your position as a news reporter to expose the government perverts for what they are."
The Steve there is Steve Simon, the reporter whose daughter was accosted. I sent him a copy of the email and asked if he would comment on it. That was late last night, and I haven't heard anything yet, but I'll let you know if I do. If anyone else wants to email the reporter and put some pressure on him, his email address is steve@39online.com.
The growing rebellion against the agency's new airport molestation protocols is among the most heartening developments in recent memory -- assuming, of course, that it doesn't evaporate in the immediate aftermath of the next false flag or blowback-induced terrorist incident.
Indeed. I would like to believe that the "body public" has learned a few things since the last "false flag" operation (i.e., September 11, 2001) and won't be as easily fooled next time. (*SIGH*) We can always dream, can't we? But it's really all moot anyway. After all, who is going to have money to fly anywhere after the dollar collapses in the next year or few months?
I work in an ER so I will remain anonymous for this post. I have determined to strike back the best way that I can against the man. As I work near a major airport we get TSA personnel in our er from time to time. I don't care if its a hang nail they will be required to disrobe completely prior to their exam. They will get a hospital gown with the open rear. Refusal is evidence of altered mental status and will result in restraints, drugs and a foley cath inserted for proper urine drainage and drug testing.
we're here to help them.
This is why I won't ever fly again. If I can't drive there I wasn't meant to go there. The airlines have been advised. My congress critters are being told the same. No bailouts allowed.
Quoted and linked at http://greenmnts.blogspot.com/
Thank you Sir for your principled stand against the beast. God Bless!
Don't be like them. That's not justice. That's sadistic revenge. And there's nothing revenge can do to ameliorate the situation.
Two wrongs do not make a right. It would be certainly just for someone to defend himself against an aggressor. Your proposed actions would not defend anyone against the aggressors. You would just be contributing to the widespread insanity in society.
But the only jobs of the smokin' service economy is for gropenführer down at Harlo Higgenluper airport or the shiny new privatized prison ohh I almost forgot there is openings for cannon fodder in sandbox war number two.
The point that is missed here is that the USA has been turned in to IsRaHell!!!!
It is no accident that the many heads of these 'homeland' security offices are khazar jews.
I will notr fly. These pigs made my 2 year olds take their shoes off.
It would not surprise me one bit if 'our' jew-run government was using jews from IsRaHell to work at these TSA checkpoints. jews are very good at humiliating peopel. They are bullies par excellence.
Gotisha sure sounds khazar to me.
Did not the article mention a jew (commie no doubt) from Russia humiliating Phillistines, the true owners of the land.
The whole point of the 9-11 False Flag Operation was to turn this country into an IsRahell clone. It has happened. But the masses have no testosterone. They are being manipulated by the teabaggers to think that the problems is Mexicans and Arabs. It is a hopeless situation.
I know a man who says that he could summon a 3000 man militia in hours if necessary. These militias just play toy 'sojers' in the woods and sit on their AR 15s waiting for the government to do something. They are too dumb to see that the government IS already doing something.
The only complaints from them is Arabs and Mexicans.
I cna't wait for the whole thing to crumble. America needs it's own Attil the Hun just like the Romans got theirs. The Scourge of God is what America needs. Like the Roman Empire it is way too big to take on from the inside.
I end everything with this: turn over any rock of this Police State and you will find the architect to have been a jew.
The white man is nothing but the Golem of the jew. Malcolm X called these types House Negroes. That is what the white man the world over is to the jew: House Goys. Sick, sick, sick. So, to all those out there who love these jews as America's 'allies' or God's 'chosen', you can thank the jew when they make you strip at the airport and you feel powerless. Now you have an idea of what it was like to have been an African-American, a Mexican-Amrican, A native-American, an Asian-American, etc....
I am sick of all the whining that these teabaggers do while they are getting it proctology evaluation by the chosen. Listen WASP, you no longer run this town, the jew does. This country belongs to the jew and not the white man.
I would give my right arm for the white man to prove me wrong, that he is not a House Goy of the jew.
"Aqualung club" - CLASSIC!
"Sitting on a park bench/
Eyeing little girls with bad intent."
Also from that album: Hymn 43
If the airline industry goes south, the lost of jobs will be huge. Not only will the job losses be huge for airline employees but for many industries that support that industry. Is the federal government under the current folks in the oval office wanting to take over the airline industry by forcing it to fail. Or is there a larger plan that involves making more Americans subject to unemployment for easier control of them.
The American people are being brought to their knees with full intent. We can only wonder at the wanted outcome for destroying our way of life. The reasons for not profiling are bogus after all if one believes the official story of 9-11 none of the criminals involved were Irish, German and the likes. My personal hunch is profiling Arabs and such could blow the lid off the official story of 9-11 by outraged Arab governments who in fact sit on their hands as two wars rage.
Yes we live in some interesting times to say the least.
Two words that more people could do well to understand and exercise: "Citizens Arrest."
Like many others, I also will avoid flying except in dire need. But let's not consider this anything more than a necessary reaction; it's not a solution. They will move to further restrict our movements in other ways, because one of the fundamental freedoms oppressive states always restrict is the right to travel freely. Today, TSA goon checkpoints at airports; tomorrow, similar checkpoints in train and bus stations, and then, NKVD--I mean, TSA-- checkpoints on state lines on our interstate highways.
To show us who's boss.
When was the last time YOU exercised "Citizens Arrest". Please provide arrestee's name, date , time, location.
Thank you
Americans like the new Third Reich!
Who'd a thunk it that "Red Dawn" was playing out before our eyes and that it is OUR government that's the oppressor. Seems that reality follows art.
I don't know @MoT. Where are the Wolverines? I'd like to contribute to the Wolverines!
As much as I despise the TSA thugs and those who support them, this needs repeatin' for my own sake as much as for Anonymous':
"Don't be like them. That's not justice. That's sadistic revenge. And there's nothing revenge can do to ameliorate the situation.
Two wrongs do not make a right. It would be certainly just for someone to defend himself against an aggressor. Your proposed actions would not defend anyone against the aggressors. You would just be contributing to the widespread insanity in society."
... lead me not unto temptation? against those who would act just like the Gestapo.
BTW, I took a second look at Doug Melvin's photo, thinking that he looked vaguely familiar. Sure enough, he was head of security at USAID headquarters in Washington, D.C. ten years ago when I did consulting work there for a few months. While I wouldn't have pegged him for a perv, he most certainly did have that "bad-ass cop/FBI agent wannabe" attitude and demeanor, one that didn't endear him to ANYONE in the touchy-huggee-feely, do-gooder atmosphere of that extra-constitutional agency. Doug probably got bored there (not an agency dedicated to cracking heads and torturing people), which is almost certainly why he left for greener (or would that be bloodier and kinkier?) pastures. The "security consulting" firm he presumably founded and is still president of, DACC, still contains glowing endorsements of him on its website from such "luminaries" of the Empire as David Petraeus, its Iraqi stooge Nouri al-Maliki, and the director of Boise Airport waxing rhapsodic on his implementation of Nazi molestation measures at the airport's checkpoints. Evidently they haven't gotten the message that Doug is a degenerate pervert; or, more likely, they don't care and consider themselves in good company. (BTW, Doug's "CV", if you can call it that, can be found on his company's website here. It certainly confirms the stereotype of what the Regime is looking for in its Polizeistaat contractors.)
It would be nice if an investigative journalist got hired and wrote an expose.
How many actual terrorists has the TSA caught? Last time I checked it was somewhere around zero.
The stats for this are at:
So what is the point of this organization? One more reminder of the power of the state over the rest of us. Here's a thought: if the TSA really wants to fight terrorism, then why not conscript its members into the armed forces and send them to Afghanistan where they can do something they are qualified for, such as clearing landmines while blindfolded.
I left you a note at the end of the last essay. Hope you go read it.
Nobody here believes you. (Except me.) Why did the wolf dress in sheep's clothing? So the sheep would think him a sheep like them, while he filled his belly with mutton. Never mind, there is always a purging of corruption. It may not be pleasant, (somebody here mentioned the sack of Rome by Alaric the Visigoth in 410 ad, followed by the Vandals in 455, followed by the Ostrogoths in 546,) but it is always deserved. The citizens of Rome had been pigging out at the public trough for hundreds of years before that turning-point, and the rich had been bleeding them dry. Sound familiar? Our day also cometh.
- Lemuel.
It gives me such satisfaction to see so many here referring to 9/11 as a false flag operation. I was saying that since about 2003, but nobody would believe me. But here is the truth, which someday you will also believe: It was not conceived by the Mossad, but by Karl Rove. The main plotters were Rove, Cheney, and Poppa Bush. After being elected, then also Baby Bush. Also involved in planning and logistics was the Mossad, a few of the Saudi royal family (which has 6,000 members) some of the Bin Laden family, (including Osama,) and Pakistani intelligence, which passed messages back and forth from Osama in Afghanistan. The Taliban were not in on it, nor was Bush's tame House Negro Colin Powell, neither was Donald Rumsfeld, but others in Cheney's office, like Scooter Libby and Addington, knew the truth.
The whole point of it all was to turn America into a police state, which could be fleeced and looted at will. It is happening now, but it's not over yet, not by a long shot. Some Americans still have property and goods they own, and money in their wallets. Not until that is ALL GONE, and we are all of us living like the natives in Chad, will they be content. Then they will retire to their ranches and palaces in Argentina or Tel Aviv, and leave us to starve and kill each other for food.
Anonymous in the ER,
How about giving them a colonoscopy, without anesthesia? Perhaps an exploratory appendix operation? Better yet, a vasectomy. Then, they would not inflict any more of their kind on the ecology of the planet.
Anonymous @ 8:48,
"Is the federal government under the current folks in the oval office wanting to take over the airline industry by forcing it to fail?" No, it is simply a way to funnel money to the manufacturers of these machines, in exchange for campaign kickbacks. Think about it: 5,000 of these machines at a couple hundred thou each is a cool billion bucks. Now you know why they mounted that false flag operation of the underwear bomber. He had no visa for the USA, paid for a one-way ticket in cash, had no luggage, and SOMEONE (whose name is a secret and no questions have ever been asked,) overrode the strenuous objections of the airline counter personnel and pushed him through the security onto the plane.
God damn, Rosie, how dumb must the American public be to swallow such a pile of bullshit? Now we are all of us, including babies and grandmothers, being strip-searched and groped. All so our Congressmen can pocket a few thousand in kickbacks.
Is this the last straw? Or just the beginning of the end of America as we once knew it?
- Lemuel Gulliver.
How does this sound?
Of far, far more importance than the lives of us inconsequential mundanes are the lives of our "elected representatives." I think these scanners should be installed at every entrance to the Capitol, the White House, and the Supreme Court building. Then we can all rest content, knowing Our Dear Leaders are safe and sound in their persons and in their minds.
Does that one sound good? Personally, I would pay good money for a bootlegged nude picture of Clarence Thomas. (Up to a point - I also have better uses for my money.) I want to see what Anita Hill saw.
And I have many gay friends who would also like to see what all that fuss was about. Inquiring minds want to know. Clarence in all his glory just might end up on every washroom stall from The Castro to Fort Lauderdale.... Who knows what monstrosities are hiding under that burqa?!?!
Why am I so vindictive towards this other House Negro of the Elite? This is from OpEd News:
[T]he multibillionaire Koch brothers -- also big oil polluters and Tea Party supporters -- are recruiting "captains of industry" to fund the right-wing infrastructure of front groups, political campaigns, think tanks and media outlets. Now, hold on to your seats, because this can blow away the faint-hearted: Among the right-wing luminaries who showed up among Koch's "secretive network of Republican donors' are two Supreme Court Justices: Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. That's right: 2 of the 5 votes to enable the final corporate takeover of government came from justices who were present as members of the plutocracy hatched their schemes for doing so!
Something else is going on here, too. The Koch brothers have contributed significantly to efforts to stop the Affordable Care Act -- the health care reforms -- from taking effect. Justice Clarence Thomas has obviously been doing some home schooling, because his wife Virginia claims those reforms are "unconstitutional," and has founded an organization that is fighting to repeal them! Her own husband on the Supreme Court may one day be ruling on whether she's right or not. But there's more. The organization Virginia Thomas founded to kill those health care reforms -- also a goal of the Koch brothers, remember -- got its start with a gift of half a million dollars from an unnamed source, and is still being funded by donors who can't be traced. So you have to wonder if some of them are corporations that stand to benefit from favorable decisions by the Supreme Court. Inevitable conclusion: all three branches of our government are now owned, lock stock and barrel, by big corporations and the financial elite. While the vast majority of American voters and citizens were asleep at the wheel, they converted our democracy into a plutocracy, or plutonomy as they now proudly refer to it.
See, children? It's worse than we thought. They are selling us down the river. All of them. All branches of the Government. Selling us to the highest bidder like the meat markets of Savannah. Yes, we are now slaves in our own land.... the land we once knew and loved. All gone.
1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
3 For there, they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.
4 How shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land?
1 Lord, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee.
2 Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
3 Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.
4 Incline NOT my heart to any evil thing, to practise wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties.
5 Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities.
6 When their judges are overthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words; for they are sweet.
7 Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth.
8 But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute.
9 Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniquity.
10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape.
- Lemuel Gulliver
I thought people were joking when they said that the TSA hired people from the sex offender registry; boy was I wrong!
Tony, you just shook loose a thought inside my noggin. I remember long ago someone telling me that there is a sex offender registry, where even innocent people can and do get posted on. The fact that actual offenders manage to slither into being TSA goons makes me wonder if that body can't be sued for negligence. If they can't even do a proper background on someone who ostensibly is there to "protect" you then just what in the hell are they doing there? Of course that's a rhetorical question. Liberanter put a smile on my face when he says that the place one fellow worked at, USAID, was "touchy-feely". Not touchy & feely enough it appears!
Oh, on a sadly cynical side note, the brave minions of the Boise Sicherheitspolizei, on my last foray through what is a pleasant airport without these goons, confiscated my toothpaste. Must have been the excess in flouride! Sigh!... The absurdity of this Chinese fire drill of meaninglessness brought my blood to a boil.
There is a term you will enjoy that is popular among TSA critics - "Grape".
It is short for "Grope Rape" and "Government Rape." It is a verb.
"I was Graped by the TSA."
Great work as always, Will.
But I'd like to direct your attention to an alternative...which Big Brother already obviously has in his sights anyway:
(since I've been an avid private pilot, and supporter of General Aviation for decades)...
It's wonderful to be able to fly without having to put up with that BS. I've never lost a piece of luggage on my plane, failed to carry my ever-present pocket knife in my pocket when I fly left seat, or worried about the fact that there are often firearms on board. (After all, anyone who flies over bear country, or high mountain areas, or, well...lots of places...would be a fool to do otherwise.)
But Big Brother just hates the idea of ANYONE other than 'the annointed' being able to fly without bowing before Caesar first. And it REALLY seems to bug them to consider that some of us might be able to overfly the coming mandatory checkpoints and roadblocks. And do a web search for "e-APIS" sometime. (The days of actually being freely permitted to even LEAVE Amerika without permission are long over! No, I'm not kidding.)
General Aviation is seen by the Thugs and Dictators in Washington as just another "loophole" that must be closed...just like the rest of the Bill of Rights once was.
I know you are probably aware of the Mobile Porno Collection Vans, and the fact that the Transport Gestapo is already planning to "take their show on the road", to subways, trains, and busses. But your article didn't mention Genera Aviation, which has gotten some attention as an option for those why need to fly, but object to Tyranny.
But I would certainly encourage you to do a bit of research (I can provide a legion of examples, from the aforementioned e-APIS to Chicago Miegs Field) on how what was once arguably the greatest symbol of true freedom that a middle class American could once readily enjoy is being destroyed here as well. Private flying really IS the alternative to Terror Travel...but the TSA has figured that out long before the rest of Amerika, and is seeking to destroy that option, too, before it becomes a real threat to the regime.
* re: e-APIS (see the TSA/FAA/DHS/Custom regs, or the AOPA website) Yes, permission is now required from Big Brother for US private aircraft to even be allowed to LEAVE this once-free nation!!! ALL flights out of the US must e-file in advance before leaving, or face incredible fines and penalties. Several stories of innocent GA pilots being literally stopped on the runway by armed thugs, without warrant or probable cause, attest to the fact that this alternative "way out" is clearly viewed as a threat to the PTB.
Great work as always, Will.
But I'd like to direct your attention to an alternative...which Big Brother already obviously has in his sights anyway:
(since I've been an avid private pilot, and supporter of General Aviation for decades)...
It's wonderful to be able to fly without having to put up with that BS. I've never lost a piece of luggage on my plane, failed to carry my ever-present pocket knife in my pocket when I fly left seat, or worried about the fact that there are often firearms on board. (After all, anyone who flies over bear country, or high mountain areas, or, well...lots of places...would be a fool to do otherwise.)
But Big Brother just hates the idea of ANYONE other than 'the annointed' being able to fly without bowing before Caesar first. And it REALLY seems to bug them to consider that some of us might be able to overfly the coming mandatory checkpoints and roadblocks. And do a web search for "e-APIS" sometime. (The days of actually being freely permitted to even LEAVE Amerika without permission are long over! No, I'm not kidding.)
General Aviation is seen by the Thugs and Dictators in Washington as just another "loophole" that must be closed...just like the rest of the Bill of Rights once was.
I know you are probably aware of the Mobile Porno Collection Vans, and the fact that the Transport Gestapo is already planning to "take their show on the road", to subways, trains, and busses. But your article didn't mention Genera Aviation, which has gotten some attention as an option for those why need to fly, but object to Tyranny.
But I would certainly encourage you to do a bit of research (I can provide a legion of examples, from the aforementioned e-APIS to Chicago Miegs Field) on how what was once arguably the greatest symbol of true freedom that a middle class American could once readily enjoy is being destroyed here as well. Private flying really IS the alternative to Terror Travel...but the TSA has figured that out long before the rest of Amerika, and is seeking to destroy that option, too, before it becomes a real threat to the regime.
* re: e-APIS (see the TSA/FAA/DHS/Custom regs, or the AOPA website) Yes, permission is now required from Big Brother for US private aircraft to even be allowed to LEAVE this once-free nation!!! ALL flights out of the US must e-file in advance before leaving, or face incredible fines and penalties. Several stories of innocent GA pilots being literally stopped on the runway by armed thugs, without warrant or probable cause, attest to the fact that this alternative "way out" is clearly viewed as a threat to the PTB.
Perhaps on Opt Out day, many hundreds burly men should go through "security" and give those perverts the same treatment our dear ol' lady did to hers.
Their groping is SEXUAL ASSAULT...pure and simple.
It would be a great sight to see thousands of toothless, former Terroists and Sexual Assaulters flipping burgers at the fast food joint.
We used to joke that some day in Amerika, you might be stopped on the street at any time by two Gestapo goons in long, double-breasted leather coats, peaked hats, and jackboots, and have the demand barked at you: "Papieren, bitte!!" ("Papers, please!!")
It was amusing to paint that picture then. Not now. It's not a joke any more. That day seems all too likely to arrive soon. This country is REALLY getting scary.
When you see a fat Ghetto Goon with rubber gloves mauling and molesting a screaming 3-year old child, and refusing to stop or back off, well, you know, I have news for all of us: That kind of thing would NEVER have happened in Nazi Germany. In that time and place, there was still a sense of decorum and basic human decency.
They have gone too far this time.
This could be the tipping point.
This is where we see if this truly is "Land of the FREE, Home of the BRAVE". Either we end this nonsense NOW, or we wear chains.
I see the TSA is trying to claim they are NOW doing background checks on their people. CRAP! They were doing background checks from DAY ONE. I KNOW, I worked for those Scumbags for 5 years. LYING, STEALING, CHEATING, is the CORPORATE CULTURE of TSA.
Boycott Flying! Please join us: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Boycott-Flying/126801010710392
This should be of no shock to those who remember I Edgar Hoover and his penchant for little boys. And Jack Napolitano DHS head
As I will not be flying anymore I really can't do to much with this, but if any of you are get the full names of their badges if you are. Then check the sex predator list when you can. If you find one file a charge against them and post it on the web.
Having my daughter living in the Us, I was going to fly there & visit her. I planned this in 2002, but with the crap that you have to go through when you land in the US, I postponed my trip, thinking that soon this crap will have to stop. Or no one will visit the US.
Unfortunately it got worse! So in the immortal words of Maxwell Smart "FORGET IT"!!
Good idea! I like the idea of a "tsahallofshame.com" site, or something of a similar name. The "inductees" don't even necessarily have to be outted pervs; the fact that they work for the TSA is enough to qualify them for admission. Any additional dirt on them that can be exposed to the public is an added plus.
Anon 4:35, I don't blame you for not bothering to visit the UFSA, although it's heartbreaking to think that the "Red, White, and Blue Curtain" is preventing you from visiting your daughter. I've been urging my European and Middle Eastern acquaintances to boycott travel to Amerika as long as it remains in the grip of post-911 xenophobic madness. Any nation that treats visitors as terrorists/criminals by default doesn't deserve a single foreign visitor, nor should it earn a single cent of money spent by them.
The problem is that hand-searches are only a stopgap until they can enforce their x-ray virtual strip searches on everyone. You need to get out in front of this issue and call for the disbandment of the TSA, completely, as others are already doing.
If nobody - absolutely nobody - flew home for Thanksgiving this year, a great fear of the wrath of We-The-People would enter into the chest-organs-passing-for-hearts of those who sit on Capitol Hill.
Instead, every empty place at the table this Thanksgiving could be set in memory of absent friends, in memory of the dead heroes of 1776, and in memory of a dead vision of sweet liberty, which is all that we have left to us in 2010.
How about it?
This bullshit would stop at once. Not only that, those fat shit-stained assholes in their padded armchairs in the Capitol who spend their days spending OUR money would realize that they are poking at a sleeping giant which might awake and crush them. Then they would back off all their plans to fuck with us, cutting our Social Security, raising our taxes, strip-searching our children, getting rich off wars OUR children have to go fight for them and their rich pals. All of it.
The entire world would sit up and take notice. This stay-at-home strike would be headline news from London to Tokyo. Until something like that happens, it is going to get worse, and worse, and worse.
Eventually the USA will be like the Soviet Union, where we dare not utter any dissenting opinion, or the mildest criticism of our rulers, since no friend, no co-worker, no person on the street, and not even our own children at the dining table, can be trusted not to betray us and cause our deaths.
Is THIS how we want to end our days? Because, brothers and sisters, this IS coming upon us, as surely as God made green apples.
- Lemuel Gulliver.
I have just been told by my CIA contact that a notice has been sent out today by the Director of National Intelligence, that an agreement has been reached with the TSA:
Here is the ugly truth, people: The NOMENKLATURA of the Soviet Socialist States of America - the CCCA - will receive special treatment henceforth. Be advised, all you peasant citizens reading this, that whereas your shit stinks and must be investigated, if you work in any of the intelligence agencies, your stool is pure white and smells like roses.
But the PILOTS who are flying the planes, well, no, they are just part of the peasantry.
The CIA person says the TSA goons have been seen to wave Arabs through without checking them. Why? Because they are seen as fellow black people. My contact says there's a black guy in his office who always sits with a Pakistani at lunch, and sucks up to the Paki, and avoids all the white people in the office. He says the black guy should only know, the Pakis are the worst racists of all - they hate and despise blacks.
Let us, people, call it as it is: The black employees of NSA are getting off on ordering white people around. THEY GOT THE POWAH!! Now they can make Whitey squirm and grovel. YAS! YAS!! THEY GOT THE POWAH!!
Can you see the logic here? IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SECURITY. It is just part of the greater plan to subjugate us - all of us - you, me, and our little kids, who need to learn from an early age to submit to The Man.
- Lemuel Gulliver.
PS: I'll tell you how it makes my CIA contact feel. He was laughing about it. When I told him he was now a member of the US Nomenklatura, he laughed harder. Then when I told him he was a jackass and a jerk, he laughed even more. I told him listen hard - did he hear me laughing? He laughed some more. So I told him it was past his bedtime - he gets up at 4:30 - and he should go sleep on it.
Yes, peasasnts, to them it is a joke. The tax feeders are enjoying this recession - they are the only people any more shopping in Nieman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman, taking their shirts to the cleaners to be starched and pressed. DO YOU KNOW, PEASANTS, HOW MUCH A SHOESHINE COSTS IN THE PENTAGON? SEVEN DOLLARS. YES, SEVEN DOLLARS. And the shoeshine boys are always busy. There is a whole shopping mall in there, department stores, restaurants, you name it.
They live lives of ease and comfort. Their jobs are secure. These days, there are two classes in America, the working class, and the non-working class. The Nomenklatura, and the rest of us.
I can just hear the conversation over lunch at the TSA cafeteria:
"Did you see that white guy on the picture? I guess it be true, whitey got a little t'ing! Why, my woman, if I showed her somet'ing like dat, she would laugh till she passed out."
"Yeh, they think they so cool, well, I doesn't take no shit from them, I makes them folks treat me wit' respeck!"
"Did you see that dude's face? When I tickles his nuts, he did go even whiter! I wonders what his woman say when he show her dem t'ings?"
Yes, brothers, this is YOU, and ME, they are talking about. Sweet dreams, thinking about it.
- Lemuel Gulliver.
Any chance that your CIA contact will be able to (or knows of anyone who will be able to) "share" with the general public that list of exempt, anointed ones?
If you mean a list of agencies, he said there were 17 of them. He rattled off acronyms. I don't know them all. I'm sure there is a list somewhere - Wikipedia? If you mean names of individuals, no, there are probably few hundred thousand of them. I wonder how long before this gets out to the MSM? It has to, I can't believe I'm the only prson who has a friend or family member in the Nomenklatura.
- LG.
For you.... Please click on this link:
The rest of you, go to bed. It's late and you should be asleep.
- LG
Wish I could say, "Unbelievable!" Thank you, beautiful reporting, as usual.
GOT PROBABLE CAUSE pursuant to the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
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