To my considerable shame, I just realized that it had been a long time since I had thought of Angola. In fact, it occurs to me that I really don't have a feeling toward that country one way or another.
How utterly scandalous this is. I obviously suffer from a severely parochial worldview, if not outright bigotry. All decent people are required to take an interest in Angolan affairs, and to work on behalf of that nation's survival.
Whoops – I made a mistake. It was Austria I had forgotten, not Angola – an easy mistake, I suppose, given that the names of those countries are similar, if little else about them is. Austria is the nation that is supposed to hold captive all of my waking thoughts, and dominate the dreams that come once my eyes surrender to weariness at day's end.
Oh. Sorry. My bad.
It turns out that the small foreign country I'm morally obliged to care about is Guatemala, where I lived for a little more than a year in the 1980s --
Now, this has become simply obnoxious. Sierra Leone, that tragic land, scene of some of the most horrific atrocities of recent memory, is the country that should always be uppermost in my thoughts, lest I be accused of indifference to genocide.
Admittedly, it's difficult to keep track of which distant, unfamiliar country should by the focus of my concerns – to such an extent that I would be willing to surrender the blood of my children in its defense.
Perhaps the issue could be clarified if the regime running that country could stage a PR campaign in which its government shamelessly pimps several young female military veterans by having them pose in borderline pornographic photo spreads for Maxim magazine.
We have a winner! The nation in question is, of course, Israel.
Like much of the evil done in this world, the idea of a Maxim photo feature on Israeli women (starring former Miss Israel Gal Gadot) originated in New York, more specifically at the Israeli consulate, “where research showed that Israel meant little to young American men” in the all-important 18-35 demographic, reports the AP.

Former Miss Israel Gal Gadot, featured in the Israeli regime's quasi-porn propaganda campaign, seen here in suitable attire.
“Males that age have no feeling toward Israel one way or another, and we view that as a problem, so we came up with an idea that would be appealing to them,” explains an Israeli government media adviser named David Dorfman. Thus Maxim was contacted by the Israeli consulate and asked to take part in “reshaping Israel's public image.”
What neither the Dorfster nor any of his allies in this effort would explain is this: Why is it obligatory for American males of any age -- let alone those in an age bracket targeted for military recruitment -- to have feelings of any sort about a country to which they have no organic connection or moral responsibility?
Israel can expect the allegiance of its citizens, and for understandable reasons Jews in every nation take an interest in its survival. But I cannot think of a compelling reason why the typical American should take a greater interest in Israel than he does in Angola, Austria, Guatemala, or Sierra Leone.
Ecclesio-Leninists of John Hagee's ilk would insist that Christians have a God-prescribed duty to support the Israeli government, to the point of mass bloodshed, if necessary. Since Hagee considers it just and meet to kill on Israel's behalf, I wonder if he would consider it appropriate to peddle quasi-porn, and consume the same, in that cause. (I'm suddenly afflicted with a mental image of Hagee poring over the pages of the July installment of Maxim, his wattles quivering and his eyes distended as he succumbs to a combination of sanctimony and salacity).
Hagee is precisely the kind of "friend to Israel" whose preferred policies would kill a lot of Israelis and other innocent people. He really should pause and ask himself if a government that would exploit prurient interests in this fashion (not to mention sponsoring "Gay Pride" parades) is really the Zion longed for by prophets and saints of ages past. From where I sit, that government appears no better or worse than any of a dozen others I could name, our own most definitely included.

While the Israeli consulate in New York prepares to fire the Maxim gun in its propaganda arsenal, the War Party is pursuing a somewhat subtler approach in preparing the public for a US/Israeli attack on Iran. Yesterday (June 20) the House of Representatives passed a resolution demanding that the UN Security Council “charge Iranian President Maumoud Ahmadinejad with violating the 1948 Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide,” and that the Council consider unspecified “measures” to “prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons....”
The resolution regurgitates the claim, which has been canonized through repetition although patently and demonstrably false, that Ahmadinejad “called for Israel to be `wiped off the map'.” While the Iranian president is a certifiable maniac guilty of many crimes against decency, that phrase was not uttered by him: He was, in fact, calling for what is now “regime change” by calling for an end to the Israeli government, not the annihilation of the Israeli people. If calling for “regime change” is now to be considered an incitement to genocide, the entire staff of the American Enterprise Institute should be seized and extradited to stand trial before the UN International Criminal Court in the Hague.
Only two congressmen, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), voted against the resolution. Kucinich “attempted to have read into the record alternate translations of Ahmadinejad's remarks that suggest the Iranian leader was calling Israel to come to an end through democratic means, and not through violence,” reported the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
While describing himself as “unequivocal in my support for the security and survival of Israel” and possessed of “serious concerns with the remarks made by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,” Kucinich denounced the resolution, correctly describing it as an attempt to “lay the groundwork for an offensive, unprovoked war” -- one in which Israelis, as well as Americans and Iranians, would be killed, and that will probably ignite a broader conflict lasting for years or even decades.
And that is an obscenity far greater than anything available in the pages of Maxim.
Please be sure to visit The Right Source.
John Haggee's main problem is his bizarre dispensational eschatology that deifies the Jews and the modern state of Israel. But his problem also becomes the world's problem because of corrupt politicians manipulating well meaning true believers to their own evil purposes. A prescient writer observed (over 40 years ago) that Israel is the sputtering fuse of WW III.
Well, you are usually right on target. But in fact Ahmadinejad was calling for the destruction of Israel, and statements that he was not are simply inaccurate.
That, of course, has nothing to do with anyone wanting to go to war with him, except of course the Israelis, who he clearly threatens.
tsk tsk. You know we can't talk about Isreal. That's the boys sacred cow.
who's the boys? we really don't need to look much beyond the world bank. It's no surprise tht the arab's hate us, considering we support Isreal with it's US Support. Yest do we dare let the other nations in the area enjoy the same privledges?
How can we fault the politicians, when they can't be held accountable for anything they do. Neither can the Judges, the beauracrats, law enforcement, the FBO, The CIA, or anyone else that's busy deciding what's best for the American People. and putting it in writing in the form of public policy, new laws, new legislation or maybe just mentioned in the Federal Register.
Now if they are wrong, we have no means within our system to hold them accountable for the results of their actions.
Recently I have been reading the Apocalypse Code ( great book by the way) and in it I came across soem interesting quotes. One of the quotes was by Joseph Weitz former director of the Jewish National Land Fund.In his quote hes states that "......the only solution is Israel without Arabs". This quote was made in 1948 and was in direct reference to land currently owned by many peaceful Arabs. The other quote was by David Ben Gurion " We will expel the Arabs and take their place". In light of these quotes one has to wonder who the real aggressor is in this situation really is . It saddens me to see so many in evangelical Christianity fall victim to the racist, unbiblical rhetoric of Hagee and his ilk. The Bible is clear on what men like him are - false teachers and mini anti christs.
If you define "threatens" as making inflammatory hostile remarks, then yes, Ahmadinejad does threaten Israel. However, in terms of posing a real danger, Iran has mostly aging obsolete military equipment lacking spare parts whereas Israel has the finest equipment that the American Taxpayers' money can buy. Iran might have a couple of nuclear weapons five to ten years down the road. Israel already has several hundred.
Considering the behavior of the two countries, I'd be less afraid of Iran as a neighbor.
If you define "threatens" as making inflammatory hostile remarks, then yes, Ahmadinejad does threaten Israel. However, in terms of posing a real danger, Iran has mostly aging obsolete military equipment lacking spare parts whereas Israel has the finest equipment that the American Taxpayers' money can buy. Iran might have a couple of nuclear weapons five to ten years down the road. Israel already has several hundred.
Considering the behavior of the two countries, I'd be less afraid of Iran as a neighbor.
I think, regardless and independent of what Hagee or others say or think, that the major reason America is even still standing and hasn't fallen down completely financially or socially as of yet is because we (as a nation) support Israel and that the U.S., despite this nation's many faults by its people as well as its government, are #1 in spreading the Gospel message around the world.
I grant that there are many who would disagree with that comprehensive statement and that's fine, because I wonder myself sometimes. For instance, I can't think of a single reason right now, other than supporting Israel and spreading the Gospel message of hope, why our economy hasn't completely collapsed, why our social fabric hasn't been torn to shreds by now!
But, I also think our time is coming. Some of the folk who think we shouldn't be a supporter of Israel in some fashion (NOT monetarily necessarily but in ANY fashion whatever) are just not patient enough. The government as well as the people are turning cold toward Israel. Our government is already dictating suicidal national policy, concerning Gaza and the West Bank, to Israel and its government is faithfully following the Regime's dictates. It's a disaster in the making, IMHO.
Anyway, Will, I don't care for Hagee's particular rants myself, but the last time I checked Hagee wasn't threatening my free speech and religious rights as numerous radical elements in the gay community are consistently and continually attempting to do, openly and "in your face." They seem more determined than ever to ratchet up the agitation and provoke anyone and everyone who disagrees with their message of hate and depravity.
I just hope that I can remain calm, cool, and collected when these fanatics eventually scream directly "in my face" at some point down the road. I've never been one who took too kindly to "in your face" misfits of any stripe myself, but I hope with God's grace and his Divine assistance, that I will be able to maintain composure when the inevitable struggle hits me directly.
D.D., your observations about Washington "dictating suicidal national policy" to Israel make it difficult for me to understand the sense in which our nation has been supportive of Israel. Our foreign policy historically has sustained and emboldened the worst elements on all sides of the Middle East conflict. I sincerely believe that our involvement in that conflict has made matters immeasurably worse for everyone.
I don't dispute that the Church in America has been energetically involved in carrying out the Great Commission, and that this explains why we've yet to collapse under the weight of our corruption. There's reason to believe that Christians in Asia and perhaps even Africa are beginning to bear a greater portion of that burden as we become more prideful and materialistic.
As to Hagee -- He and the movement he represents threaten something more precious to me than my freedom of speech: The lives of my children, who would be seized and used as cannon fodder in the wars that delirious mob seeks to propagate.
The Lavender Lobby is a hideous blight on our nation (as I mentioned in the foregoing essay, Israel is likewise afflicted), and it's certainly not reluctant to silence those who don't celebrate their "life"-style. But they're not the ones agitating for an apocalyptic war that would devour countless innocent lives.
Which are to be feared the most: The degenerates of Sodom, or the feeders of Molech? As a father I have to protect my family from both of those threats, but as I run the math, it's the latter group that's the bigger threat.
As I've said before: People eager to start open-ended wars are writing checks that would be cashed in the blood of my children. I won't let those bastards have my kids.
There's reason to believe that Christians in Asia and perhaps even Africa are beginning to bear a greater portion of that burden as we become more prideful and materialistic.
Yes, indeed, in terms of Christians abiding in the Word, and dying by it as well. But I was talking specifically about spreading the Gospel and the missionary outreach. However, even in that area, I do think they will eventually supplant America in that regard.
But they're not the ones agitating for an apocalyptic war that would devour countless innocent lives.
The Lavender Lobby, along with a smorgasbord of other radical activist groups, is intricately involved in government, Will! They will literally by FORCE attempt to conform you to their mindset, whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Has any member of the so-called "religious right" had that ability thus far? Hell no! Are there any bona fide members of the so-called "religious right" (aka brethren) even in government power positions? If so, who, pray tell, and where?
I'm beyond sick and tired of folk whining noisily about the so-called "apocolyptic," "religious right," or otherwise ordinary Christians, in general, supposedly having all this POWER within government to make war and "force morality down everyone's throats" and a million other supposed fears and angsts! It's nonsense; if these fears had any concrete basis in reality, why isn't the culture shaping up and wising up instead of reverting to pre-Christian era barbarism? It's simply not true.
The vast majority (if not ALL) the folk in government power positions are very clearly NOT Christians as they most certainly pay little to no mind to anything genuine Christians are concerned about in this country, Will. Has that not yet been made clear by the constant attacks upon Christians in the legal as well as the cultural arena?
What radicals like Hagee rants and raves about in his Cornerstone church has no POWER behind it whatsoever, as he holds no government POWER position. On the other hand, however, the other noisy radicals (gays, eco-nazis, abortionists, pedophiles, eugenicists, euthanasiasts among many others), that you apparently feel least threatened by, in this societal cauldron most certainly do hold various myriad power positions at all levels of government across the country. And they most certainly can call upon, at their opportunistic beck and call, lethal force.
Which are to be feared the most: The degenerates of Sodom, or the feeders of Molech? As a father I have to protect my family from both of those threats, but as I run the math, it's the latter group that's the bigger threat.
You said it, both. Still, a critical point you need to be forever mindful of, Will, is that Moloch and the culture itself will have had the opportunity to have it's way with your precious children and possibly destroy them, if you're not careful, long before they reach the age that Moloch will attempt to sacrifice them as cannon fodder in a foreign land.
D.D., you and I agree that everything we cherish is threatened by the Culture of Death -- which includes the Lavender Lobby, the child murder industry, the prurience-for-profit business, etc.
But the SINGLE BIGGEST ELEMENT and influence within the Culture of Death is the War Party, of which the likes of Hagee form an indispensable component. Aggressive warfare -- meaning murder -- is at least as big of an offense before God as illicit sex, is it not?
Isn't unjust war, aka mass murder, just as offensive to God as any other kind of murder, including abortion?
Now consider this: Of all these demonic undertakings, which enjoys unqualified support from most of those who are supposed to represent "salt and light" in our fallen world?
There's reason to believe that if we as Christians were living what we profess, our country wouldn't be plagued (at least to its present extent) with sexual deviance, abortion, and similar social afflictions.
And it's indisputable that if the Church were cleaving to the teachings of the Prince of Peace, the government ruling us couldn't be carrying out an utterly depraved and demonic foreign policy that is killing, among other innocent people, thousands or tens of thousands of Christians -- in Iraq, Palestine, and elsewhere.
And by allowing "our" government to become a bloody hegemon, the Church in America may have fatally impeached its credibility as a witness of Christ's teachings. The sermons "our" government preaches with its bombing campaigns are drowning out efforts to preach the actual gospel.
All of the major "Christian" leaders -- from Falwell to Robertson to Warren to Hagee to that meth- and man-whore-addicted charlatan in Denver -- have lent uncritical support to the abominable Iraq war. From its beginnings, the Bush regime has worked tirelessly to get Christian leaders and activists addicted to federal largesse, the better to neutralize them as principled critics of the regime. I've written about this before --
(the lack of punctuation is the fault of their webmaster, btw).
I can protect my children from the people in charge of our popular culture; they're an obvious enemy. But I can't take my family TO CHURCH without having my kids catechized in the gospel of militarism. My wife can't attend a Bible study with her sisters from church without being denigrated as a "liberal" because she opposes the war in Iraq.
And the rising generation of "conservative" Christians are being marinated in the idea that the defining, if not only, political question of consequence is whether an individual supports war.
The "Religious Right" might not have "real power" as defined by DD; however, men such as John Hagee do exert an enormous amount of influence. As such, the fact that they are little more than lapdogs of the crazed neocons, that influence gives them the opportunity for a great deal of mischief.
For example, the only real difference between Rudy G. and Hillary is that Rudy wears underwear with more lace. However, because Rudy is pushing for killing more people abroad the same time that our liberties are being taken from us at home, the "Religious Right" leadership gives him a pass on his AntiChristian positions.
If the leadership of our Churches took principled stands against sending our troops abroad to kill people who pose no threat to us, their congregations would follow. However, because our pastors are supporting this so-called war against "Islamofacism" and "Terrorism", the Republican Party remains mired with the neoconservatives.
Why did the Iowa Christian Alliance refuse to invite Dr. Ron Paul to the Iowa Forum? The reason is that they are fanatically in favor of killing Muslims, and will oppose anybody, such as Ron Paul, who favors minding our own business (as did George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, etc).
Bad theology, combined with a disdain for a Constitutionally limited Federal Government, can indeed be dangerous to our lives and freedom.
"Has any member of the so-called "religious right" had that ability thus far? Hell no! Are there any bona fide members of the so-called "religious right" (aka brethren) even in government power positions? If so, who, pray tell, and where?"
Dixie, I'm a friend to people who have personally visited with the president. That old saying about six degrees of seperation does indeed hold true. And on many occasions, and I'm now known for this, I've told them that I believe him and his camp followers to be "crazy". Not in that happy go lucky aw shucks type of lunacy, but in the fundamentally evil-with-a-straight-face and a knife to the back kind of insanity. The worm that wraps itself around their evil minds and twists their all too willing spirits.
These are "true believers" in that they're not acting out of any thought about "you and yours" but its all about "them" and some deluded notion that they know best. In the past its what the kings felt was "divine right" but today its masked behind "executive privilege", national security and other rot gut excuses.
Its the spirit of the age and they're more than willing to sacrifice anyone who gets in their way. Will is right... its Molech writ large and I'll leave the country before I submit my flesh and blood to their souless tinkering.
There are, I believe, far fewer true Christians around than you might think. Oh, they might "religiously" offer up their bribes to heaven looking for the pearly gates imbedded in some celestial spreadsheet, but they haven't a clue as to what true mercy and love is. Its not about all the rules, the letter of the law, but the spirit.
Actually living the Christian life, and its not that difficult when you think about it, would require us to step outside of the systems in place and quit trying to reform an already dead and cancerous body. It would be "hard" and so most will fail.
How many "believers" will rat out or otherwise compromise the truth or anyone else who happens to put their comfort at jeopardy? I'd venture it would be quite a lot. I've never liked Hagee, even long ago when he was just getting started, because my "BS" filters were running red hot. He is a loud mouthed bombastic charlatan that appeals to the weak minded and vengeful. If people die all around just so he can claim "prophecy" was fulfilled then he's all for it. That, my friends, is not the spirit of Christ speaking there, and is reason enough to write him off as a fraud and liar.
In fact there are so many of these evil clowns running around within Christian circles that you can hardly turn on the boob tube, the radio, or a publication and not be sprayed with their ignorant and poisonous bilge.
Africa and Asia are already surpassing the US in believers and missionaries to their own people and the middle east (you don't think Americans would be welcome in Iran now?). These people have a vision and fully expect to be martyred. Just how many of these overfed blowhards on the TV have you seen lately saying they were going to lay down their lives in some foreign hell hole for the Gospel? I venture... NONE! Why, they're "too important" to do that!
And forget about the money because God doesn't need our money and will shame the wise and the mighty with what appears to be weak and insignificant. Thus America will rightfully be put to shame. I can't wait.
Will, I too have had to cease, for the moment at least, going to our church because of the mindless military hosannahs lifted up time and again. My wife, who is Japanese and does not fully understand whats going on in this country, wonders if we'll ever find another church in town. I'm not holding my breath.
I'm known, even amongst my friends, as the "pacifist", or sometimes ignorantly as the "liberal". Oh boy! Now thats something to be called after my entire adult life as a purported "conservative". I thankfully gave up those labels for myself. They no longer mean anything when filtered through the ideological eyes of the blind.
Through weekly conversations with other brothers in Christ I'm beginning to let go, more and more, the invisible ties the bind. Its not easy. You have to deal with decades of cultural programming and THEN keep your spiritual shields up (just like Star Trek) just to navigate American life.
I am thankful that while we still have "today" we can at least interact and voice what weighs on our minds and spirits. Even if its not with the best grammar! LOL!
But the SINGLE BIGGEST ELEMENT and influence within the Culture of Death is the War Party, of which the likes of Hagee form an indispensable component. Aggressive warfare -- meaning murder -- is at least as big of an offense before God as illicit sex, is it not?
You seem to think, for some odd reason, that I'm obsessed with "illicit sex"? The point I've tried to drive home is that ALL these activist groups, not just the Lavender Lobby, are in the business of literally using government to force everyone else to accept/live by their views. The churches, however deceived some of the brethren within may be, certainly are not. Instead of publicly berating them as Ecclesio-Leninists, have you tried enlightening a few instead? You seem to be attempting to shoehorn my "total picture" or strategic view into "illicit sex vs. warmongering" as if they're magically and obviously mutually exclusive. Who says some of the Marxist-Hedonists who infest government power positions aren't also among the ranks of warmongers and/or war cheerleaders, Will? Do you really think it's exclusively these so-called "Ecclesio-Leninists" who are the sole warmongers?
There's reason to believe that if we as Christians were living what we profess, our country wouldn't be plagued (at least to its present extent) with sexual deviance, abortion, and similar social afflictions.
Sigh, I've repeatedly said as much in previous postings here, Will (It's the culture, stupid!). And to elaborate on that assertion, let's keep in mind that even if the Church (aggregately) were cleaving to the teachings of the Prince of Peace, unless it forms the major pillar of the culture, like it once did in the days of yore, it wouldn't mean a hill o' beans on the national scene. But, likewise, when the Church becomes "invisible" or becomes indistinguishable from the surrounding culture it becomes totally irrelevant and useless. Point taken, but it's certainly not a revelation ;).
And it's indisputable that if the Church were cleaving to the teachings of the Prince of Peace, the government ruling us couldn't be carrying out an utterly depraved and demonic foreign policy that is killing, among other innocent people, thousands or tens of thousands of Christians -- in Iraq, Palestine, and elsewhere.
Well, I don't wish to pick and choose preferable, aligns-perfectly-with-my-desired-message, gremlins to selectively cast blame upon for the death of Christians in the Middle East and elsewhere. Indirectly, certainly our foreign policy contributes to it, but does not cause it. The savages themselves who actually murder them are, uh, the murderers! That's not unlike saying that those would-be mamas who abort their children was caused by the SCOTUS that enabled it legally. No, it contributed to it by making it easily obtainable, but in no way causes it. I mean, come on Will, surely you haven't abandoned the concept of personal responsibility, regardless of whether or not it fits snugly and neatly into your desired message installment, have you?
But I can't take my family TO CHURCH without having my kids catechized in the gospel of militarism. My wife can't attend a Bible study with her sisters from church without being denigrated as a "liberal" because she opposes the war in Iraq.
On this point, I hear ya loud and clear, Will. This has obviously become somewhat of a conundrum that we Christians, who are not liberals, face with other supposedly Christian folk and I've faced it myself. I've mentioned the meaninglessness of labels in the past also. It's how you walk, not how you talk. However, even in speech or writing, folk can't manage to cloak their true views indefinitely and will inadvertently reveal them eventually through those methods of communication.
I know not a thing about what's the latest, greatest, fad or trend in this celeb-obsessed culture, whether it's the celebs themselves, the movies, any of that, nor do I want to know. I just don't care about any of that sewage. However, I do keep abreast of technology trends specifically ;).
Ergo, I don't go to a brick and mortar church and haven't for some time myself. Although, not specifically for the reasons you attest to, but rather because they seemed so worldly-minded in their theology and indistinguishable from the world in so many ways, among other reasons. If it was just because they were "war-minded" or militaristic in their thinking, and thus label me a "liberal," that could be rather easily refuted. No, I'm just tiring of "go along to get along" mantras repeated ad nauseam with little regard to what's really right or wrong in anything, whether it be existing or proposed government policies/laws/regulations or just life in general for that matter.
In any event, it must be noted that nobody's perfect after all and many of the brethren, as with the commoners at large, are also ignorant and, ergo, simply bamboozled by grandiose orators like Hagee, et al, who themselves are deceived in many areas, and just simply need to be informed. It can and does happen to ALL of us at times, Will. Nobody is beyond being deceived, at least initially; yes, especially those who are pompous and arrogant claimants to be beyond its reach, and happen to possess leadership skills (whether for good or bad), and therefore can, and do, lead others along in those same deception(s).
After all, as 2 Timothy 3:12-15 (NIV) clearly warns: "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." (emphasis mine)
I have always had a real revulsion toward publicly displayed arrogance, pomposity, and pride, probably to a point even that it severely handicaps a proper Christian response (or no response as appropriate) to the same from me. If it's just a passive display in a close circle, I can handle that, but those mega attention whores, on the other hand, really do get under my skin. Hagee is one of those, unfortunately, IMHO.
This revulsion I have is probably why I've never really understood at all how folk (grandmothers, grandaddies, mothers, fathers, et al, and children!) could be so deceived and follow a blatantly arrogant and pompous madman of the so-called "People's Temple" out into the Guyana jungle and end up dead. Yes, the atrocity was directed by his hands, but the murder-suicide was only made possible, in a strategic sense, directly by those folks' own hands! I viewed the docudrama on the HC and in some sense, I could understand how people fell for this man. He played brilliantly to their pre-ordained views of peaceful collectivism, everyone individually working together for the betterment of the whole, and so forth. In other words, being enraptured with that (Marxist utopian) worldview in the first place is what really ensnared them.
However, as I was sayin', nevertheless after viewing that docudrama the point I grasped the most from it was that anyone at any time can be easily ensnared into deception by way of their erroneous preordained or preconceived notions of what's good, bad, and ugly.
Anyway, back to Hagee and his ilk. Again, like I said in the earlier post, these particular folk are NOT in power positions. This needs to be underscored multiple times.
So, how do I "attend" church now? I listen to Charles Stanley of In Touch online every week as my "church" at present. He's not arrogant, pompous, or berates the brethren (or the lost for that matter), but does preach the Word literally with no "ticklin' of the ears." He simply preaches the message as He's been led to present it. And I follow along with the Word in hand as well.
If the leadership of our Churches took principled stands against sending our troops abroad to kill people who pose no threat to us, their congregations would follow.
I agree, radical whig, to a degree, but what defect has the congregation that prevents them from discerning a proper view of when to go to war and not go to war?
After all, the Constitution is still a conspicuous document that's not yet been hidden from the commoners' eyes and pondering minds. Oh yeah, nobody can think for themselves today. I forgot, sorry.
However, because our pastors are supporting this so-called war against "Islamofacism" and "Terrorism", the Republican Party remains mired with the neoconservatives.
I guess I must make clear at this point that I do not subscribe to Buchanan's nice delineation of what would work and not work in the ME. I'm certainly no fan of this so-called "war on terror" since it's vague and lacks any specificity as is true with most government activities today. It leaves a huge amount of discretion to act on whim. That should be obvious to all but the mush headed.
In addition, this Iraq War has nothing to do with defending America but was orchestrated specifically to enforce U.N. resolution 1441 as Dubya made clear in 2002, and disseminated about by TNA and other media organs, before the invasion the following year.
Again, as with the COnstitution itself, this is all laid bare and can be readily found on the 'net by a public sufficiently cynical of government in general. Alas, they are NOT sufficiently cynical of politicians, and probably haven't been since at least the FDR "New Deal" years.
Neocons, in general, possess minds unfortunately influenced by such self-aggrandizing wannabe philosopher kings as William Kristol. Many of that lot are secular Jews and New Agers; most are NOT genuine Christians or orthodox Jews.
As for your other points, radical whig, they're duly noted. Like I said, Christians are not above and beyond being deceived about things. And thinking of Ron Paul as "unelectable" or a "blame America" radical is part and parcel of that deception.
These deceptions, because they so intertwine and mesh the "Left" and "Right" so successfully, in a way that would make Carroll Quigley proud, are how Trotskyite socialists are managing to take over the entire country and sway EVERYONE their way, even when individual segments within think they are genuine adversaries.
Brilliant! Indeed, it is.
I hear ya, DrFix. I've run out of juice (and time!) for posting responses to individual segments within your response.
But,as I said to radical whig, they're duly noted ;).
I can protect my children from the people in charge of our popular culture; they're an obvious enemy. But I can't take my family TO CHURCH without having my kids catechized in the gospel of militarism. My wife can't attend a Bible study with her sisters from church without being denigrated as a "liberal" because she opposes the war in Iraq.
And the rising generation of "conservative" Christians are being marinated in the idea that the defining, if not only, political question of consequence is whether an individual supports war.
The short answer to your dilemma here would be to find another church. However, as I've discovered over the course of the last year, it's not that simple. I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that all of "organized" Evangelical Christian America has been co-opted by this false god called "Christian Militarism." While I cannot speak for all areas of the nation, I have yet to find an evangelical church here in the Tucson area (to which I moved nearly a year ago) that is not a flag-waving, Bush-worshiping band of bloodlusters far more interested in temporal politics than in the spiritual growth of the Body. Has the Church in this nation been thoroughly and completely corrupted as well? Meanwhile, my family and I are coping by simply worshiping together amongst ourselves until we can find a congregation of believers dedicated to the word rather than the sword. Sadly, I don't expect things to change any time soon.
Hey there Dixie! To try and hammer out responses on a daily basis to blog posts ranks up there with other olympian achievments. My hats off to you and everyone else who puts thought to keyboard.
As you and I have both been in the military, probably know many who likewise are/were, its been assumed for far too long, and in too many ways, that this state of affairs, where the military is so intertwined within our culture, is "how its gonna be".
Its nigh impossible to get someone who has supped deeply of this ideology to break loose and take a good hard look at what its doing to not only themselves but others. With so much blood and treasure being sucked out of us to support this murderous system, and so much effort to keep the proles indoctrinated into the "faith" that is American militarism, I venture that it's long past trying to turn this ship around.
With mainstreem Christians shouting "amen" to the blood and chaos I can only concur that the road to hell is indeed very very wide, smoothly paved, and no speed limit signs are posted. For those of us who are looking. and keeping an eye out so as not to be deceived, I believe its a rocky unmarked road (like it isn't already for me) with twists and turns, a white knuckle ride if there ever was one.
You are correct that these religious boobs vomiting forth their lies are not in a position of government power, and they don't need to be! Why is that? Because they're in essence "useful idiots" for those that are. They're willing tools to manipulate their sheep towards the slaughter house. They don't have the power to enact any law or direct any policy but they do have the power of forming a mindless concensus within their own circles.
And whether they be social engineers or Christians foolishly trying to move within Satans cirlces, I agree that whenever government tries to dictate anything that we all lose. Better to have none of that leaven than corrup the body by attempting to use it.
I can't think of much more... baby in the lap so I'd better cut it off... take care.
I concur with most of your points in your last post, DrFix.
...they're in essence "useful idiots" for those that are. They're willing tools to manipulate their sheep towards the slaughter house. They don't have the power to enact any law or direct any policy but they do have the power of forming a mindless concensus within their own circles.
...and especially this gem. Very true, that.
I guess my only issue is I don't like to see Will narrow his critical focus almost entirely upon simply the "religious" boobs, again, since they are not in power positions. Yes, it's beyond dispute that these megachurch pastors have some undue influence over their respective congregations, naturally, but nobody is compelled to attend and/or swallow the dogma either.
Perhaps I'm the one that's clueless in thinking like this, but what I see in this continual berating of only the "religious right," "Ecclesio-Leninists," evangelicals, or whatever label one wishes to call them, is this in a nutshell: The very same problem that we (constitutionalists, libertarians, et al) complain about happening with this lot - supposedly being influenced by the Hagees out there to support the killing of innocents in the ME and/or wherever Dubya wishes to wield our military arm, whether inadvertently or knowingly - can be also construed to afflict some of us.
How, you might ask? Simple, because by this constant selective hammering of certain elements of the church, even if they may be misstaken about this war or whatever, and referring to them as "Ecclesio-Leninists," among other colorful language, also can influence folk in the wrong way, both Christians and non-Christians, whatever their respective political persuasion.
IOW, it can be construed by the Marxist-Hedonists, "libertines," "liberals," that we, even if nominally, are in alignment with their mindset, while simultaneously looked upon by other Christians as "liberals," "Leftists," and so on, exactly as Will has in essence described his own encounters.
This is Will's blog, of course, and he obviously can slam, praise, beat down, edify, deify, uplift whomever he wishes, and more power to him and in that endeavor. I'm simply pointing out that we ALL influence others in some way, right as well as wrong ways, if we're not careful and crystal clear on how we convey our messages.
As you and I have both been in the military, probably know many who likewise are/were, its been assumed for far too long, and in too many ways, that this state of affairs, where the military is so intertwined within our culture, is "how its gonna be".
Yes, I agree, but the military has always, until I'd say the '60s era, been looked upon in a good light in our culture. Even I, before I was aware of the "big picture" (there always is usually, though not always, a more sinister "big picture" or panoramic in everything, after all) and how our military has been used solely as a proxy protection racket for Europe and the U.N., thought of it as such.
One way I manage to keep my sanity in this age of insanity is by expecting the worse, while praying and hoping for the best. That way, I'm rarely nowadays caught off guard anymore.
The cold hard fact is that ALL folk are evil, and that's a reality that most folk unfortunately still don't realize or haven't grasped. They think most people are "good" and there are a few "bad apples" in the bunch. Thank God, we can be clothed in Christ's righteousness, if we accept it, but we have to first understand that we have none of our own.
Most are deceived, unfortunately.
Dixie, its so very true that all have fallen. That certainly doesn't excuse any of us but instead puts it better into perspective. A friend was emailing me and he rhetorically asked "just how does one KNOW the truth?" Thats a good one when you think about it. Because I've also said, "The imperfect can never know perfection". By virtue of the fact that we are not and can never be, at least for now, we can only go so far, in our imperfection, before we're left with only "faith" to bridge the gap. Thats all we have in this life. I think it behooves us to build that bridge on love, point out the snares that so easily entangle, strengthen the weak limbs, be eyes to the blind, voices to the voiceless, lead the lost across that chasm and if need be carry them on our backs. I've found it can be a very thankless task. But one thing that has beat at the door of my heart lately has been the realization that we can turn aside a great deal of wrath with a gentle word. Something thats quite lacking in our world. Its so easy, so very human, to lash out, even creatively, just to get our two cents in. And even being as diplomatic as possible I've found that there are folks who simply will not listen no matter what you say. Its not my place to break them but God deals with us all in the proper time and place so I merely shake off the dust and move on.
Thank you, Will, for laying bare the facts surrounding the utter failure of the church in America to condemn this aggressive warmongering administration. The likes of Hagee, Warren, and their ilk, along with most evangelical and fundamentalist pastors in the U.S. continually fan the flames of nationalism and idol worship, which serves to embolden the current administration to push for even more conquests abroad and raw dictatorial powers at home. Sadly, as the church goes, so goes the nation.
Your family's local church experiences are exactly what we have encountered in our own area many, many times. We have finally given up trying to find a church home in this perverted day and age. It is ironic that just a few years ago, most Christians couldn't have cared less about what was going on in Washington. But once their idol was elected and then 9/11 shattered their dream world, churches converted almost overnight into veritable Republican caucuses!
On a more personal note, we were so sorry to read in your 6/26/07 blog of your wife's relapse, but were thankful to read a few hours later that she was finally getting some much needed rest tonight. Undoubtedly, many prayers are being offered up on her behalf and for your entire family.
Below, you, dear reader shall find the text of some 66 e.mails I sent to proprietors of websites, found through GOOGLE. The search words were "cornerstone, israel, john hagee". The subject field in the e.mails contained "GOOGLE links your website to noted zionist christ author". And now, here's the text with some revision:
For the moment, let's forgo suspense. The author in question is Reverent John C Hagee, who wrote IN DEFENSE OF ISRAEL. From what little I can glean from reviews on www.amazon.com, it's pretty much a pamphlet that weighs in like a book.
Recipients, who are familiar with the good reverend and his work might like to save time by skipping over the text in CARNATION, and begin reading, immediately underneath, the text in AMETHYST . . .
Dr. Hagee is the President and Chief .Executive Officer of John Hagee Ministries which telecasts his national radio and television ministry carried in America on 160 T.V. stations, 50 radio stations, eight networks and can be seen weekly in 99 million homes. John Hagee Ministries is in Canada on the Miracle Channel and CTS, and can be seen in Africa, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and is in most Third World nations.
. . . well, with regard to media, the good reverend is, at least, a welterweight . . .
Here's more good stuff:
Dr. Hagee was awarded the "Humanitarian of the Year" award by the San Antonio B'Nai B'Rith Council. It was the first time in the history of San Antonio that this award has been given to a gentile.
Dr. Hagee was presented the Israel Award on behalf of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) by former United Nations Ambassador Jean Kirkpatrick. This award was given by the Jewish Community of Dallas, Texas.
Also, he was presented the ZOA Service Award by Gov. Mark White. Mayor Kathy Whitmire issued a special proclamation in his honor declaring Pastor John C. Hagee Day in Houston, Texas. Dr. Hagee has received numerous honors and accolades from national Jewish organizations for his unwavering support of Israel.
. . . and that ain't all ....
To prevent the Bush Administration from ramrodding the Israelis into turning over even more land, Hagee, the pastor of San Antonio's Cornerstone Church, and the head of a multi-million dollar evangelical enterprise, recently brought together 400 Christian evangelical leaders -- representing as many as 30 million Christians -- for an invitation-only "Summit on Israel." The result was the launching of a new pro-Israeli lobbying group called Christians United for Israel (CUFI
In a press release, sent out in March this year, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) announced, “more than 6,000 pro-Israel activists, including 1,200 students representing over 390 campuses” will attend.
“Lead by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and both House and Senate Republican leaders all speaking under the same tent, this year’s AIPAC Policy Conference underscores the bipartisan nature of American support for Israel,” according to AIPAC spokesman Josh Block.
“The conference schedule also underscores the long history, breadth and
diversity of America’s centuries of support for the Jewish homeland in
. . . Pelosi, Reid . . . In this case, the fact of the matter is so obvious, the eye smarts. When it comes to "clout", AIPAC is a heavyweight . . . for all I know, maybe even a contender for the crown, held by the National Rifle Association . . .
. . . here's the pièce de résistance . . .
Growing ties between pro-Israel forces and a controversial, hardline
“Christian Zionist” movement will move into the national spotlight at
next week’s policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC), the pro-Israel lobby.
One keynoter at the event, which annually drew hundreds of lawmakers,
administration officials, diplomats and political hopefuls, was
Pastor John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI),
author of several books about biblical prophecy and an opponent of new
territorial concessions to the Palestinians on biblical grounds.
. . . and now for the text in AMETHYST . . .
. . . ah, in a nod to objectivity, it should be noted that several prominent Jewish leaders, along with some gentiles who support Israel, have voiced concerns about such cozy relationships between the good reverend and certain pro-Israel organizations . . .
Okay, here's a little background, with fine details omitted to save time and space. Some years, I was told that, in time, Christians would do more than just visit the Western Wall (also known as "the Wailing Wall") in Jerusalem. They would actucally pray there.
Truth be told, upon hearing that, my reaction was like, " ... interesting, I suppose". Hearing more, I felt my jaw dropping to within an inch off the floor. Here's what's happening decades later.
I am speculating . . . only speculating, mind you . . . the Reverend John C Hagee will soon introduce his flock to brand spanking new dogma.
NOW, here's where suspense rears its witchery-glazed head. Recipients are invited to visit my website at
www.myspace.com/hewhoisknownassefton ....
To discover the object of my speculation, they may there pull up the blog entry, titled "tres partes divisa ... first complete draft". Also, they may also click on the FIRST hyperlink, underneath the graphic of Lenny Bruce, getting searched . . .
Here's the test of the "some revision":
I am predicting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will become president of the United States before New Year's Eve rolls around.
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