For the people I must tell you, that their liberty and freedom consist in having of government, those laws by which their life and their goods may be most their own. It is not for having a share in government, Sirs: that is nothing pertaining to them. A subject and a sovereign are clean different things....
The despotic King Charles I, speaking from the scaffold
In January 1649, a court created by the British Parliament tried, convicted, and ordered the execution of Charles I for treason. As noted here previously, Charles' persistent exercise of spurious executive power culminated in civil war – actually, two separate wars, and the king was plotting a third when he was put on trial.
It's likely that up until the moment his head was smitten from his body by the “clean stroke of the bright axe,” Charles believed that his Royalist adherents would somehow rescue him and resume the war on behalf of regal privilege – the conceit that the king and his subjects were “clean different things,” with the former utterly unaccountable to the latter.
As Geoffrey Robertson documents in his significant new book The Tyrannicide Brief, Charles was incapable of recognizing legal limits on his royal authority. He mounted his war on Parliament in the defense of unalloyed absolutism; during his trial he adamantly refused to recognize the court or Parliament as legal bodies whose authority he had to respect. Had Charles been willing to defer to their authority to the extent of mounting a defense, the verdict probably would have been the same, but the sentence much lighter.
One must give Charles grudging credit for the tenacity he displayed in defending his powers, as he understood them. While he was willing to waste the lives and wealth of his kingdom in the service of his ambition, he displayed remarkable composure when it came time to place his head on the executioner's block.
In this, Charles I – a stammering, despotic, self-enraptured hereditary ruler – displayed infinitely more character than the withered little fool in the White House.
In his press conference today (April 3), the Swaggering Fool, seeking to blackmail Congress into funding his war in Iraq, issued a series of threats against the lives and families of American troops in the field.
The routine is a familiar one to students of budget negotiations: When budget cuts (or reductions in planned increases) are being discussed, make sure that the ax falls first on sympathetic victims – the poor, the elderly, the handicapped, and so on. In this case, Bush is willing to continue his war even if doing so means sending weary, wounded, and under-equipped troops into the meat grinder.
Should Congress not give the bloody-handed Dimwit-in-Chief everything he demands, “the Army will be forced to consider cutting back on equipment, equipment repair and quality-of-life initiatives for our Guard and Reserve forces. These cuts would be necessary because the money will have to be shifted to support the troops on the front lines.”
Of course, the alternative would be to withdraw the troops from Iraq. But Bush wouldn't countenance such a thing.
“The Army also would be forced to consider curtailing some training for Guard and Reserve units here at home,” he continued in his petulant, breathless cadence that. “This would reduce their readiness and could delay their availability to mobilize for missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.”
This wouldn't be a problem if – as the public demands, and every principle of honor and decency requires – we were to end the war and bring our troops home. Such considerations mean nothing to Bush.
If Bush doesn't get what he wants by May, “the Army would be forced to consider slowing or even freezing funding for depots where the equipment our troops depend on is repaired,” he continued. “They will also have to consider delaying or curtailing the training of some active-duty forces, reducing the availability of these forces to deploy overseas. If this happens, some of the forces now deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq may need to be extended because other units are not ready to take their places. If Congress does not act, the Army may also have to delay the formation of new brigade combat teams, preventing us from getting those troops into the pool of forces that are available to deploy. If these new teams are unavailable, we would have to ask other units to extend in the theater.”
Bill Clinton pulled a similar stunt back in 1995, when he inserted U.S. troops into Bosnia and then demanded that Congress fund the mission or be accused of betraying the troops. In this respect, as in so many other ways, Bush has built on the lawless legacy of his predecessor.
Make no mistake: This is nothing less than a threat from Bush to frag our troops unless he gets what he wants. By why shouldn't he? The men and women he sent to Iraq are mere commoners, after all; he and they are "clean different things" from each other.
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You hit the nail right on the head. George Bush arrogantly dictates to others how it will be done when there has not been a single day in the life of that silver spooned "chicken s%$#" where he has ever had to sacrifice. It is high time that he be impeached and his notorious legacy be relegated to the trash bin of history. I truly believe leaders like him are a judgment upon this nation.
Anonymous, your view that Bush and his ilk "are a judgment upon this nation" brings to mind the assessment of John Cooke, who prosecuted Charles I (and was executed for doing so during the Stuart restoration).
Cooke never got to present his case against Charles I, because the king adamantly refused to enter a plea; doing so would have recognized the legitimacy of Parliament as the voice of the English people, and of the court Parliament created. By the established legal practices of the era, a refusal to plea was a guilty plea by default. It was on that basis that Charles was convicted.
A week after Charles I was executed Cooke published his indictment of the tyrant under the title "King Charles, His Case." The book began with the memorable description of the departed monarch as "King Charles ... a king whom God gave to England in His wrath and will take away out of his love for that country...."
The description certainly applies to the pampered Pinhead in the Oval Office. Would that the resolution of our difficulties be the same, at least where conviction is concerned.
I don't know that I agree with the concept of the people getting the gov't they "deserve"; God help us, if that ever happens (I'm rather hoping to avoid what I deserve). I more suspect that we get the gov't that we'll tolerate:
"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found the. exact measure of injustice and wrong, which will be imposed upon them" - Frederick Douglass
I'll see your trenchant Frederick Douglass quote, and raise you with one from the White Rose: “Do not forget that every people deserves the regime it is willing to endure!”
Your point about avoiding the regime we deserve is quite provocative. After all, our entire hope for salvation resides in the promise that we'll get something other than what we abundantly deserve.
Touche' on the White Rose quote. I pray my neighbors prove themselves undeserving of what I'm unwilling to endure.
And, yes, Mercy v. Justice was exactly where I was headed.
We are equal or We are Not-\Every misconception/deception, we are seeing in our lives is because of the ideas of Evolution theory and It's teachings against Gods law. Period!
And That's a Fact!
Every Evil that Men perpatrate against their fellow Man, is Evil taught to them that They are Gods, and that they donot have to respect the true Creator!
Anon. The "root", or at least part of our problems, could be traced to that first act of rebellion, but just how many people around you are looking themselves in the mirror and admitting as much? I've never met a man yet who has confided he wanted "god-hood". Still, deep down, thats an issue that won't go away.
Now as far as what our nation "deserves".... well, I'd say we haven't even come close to getting our fair share of blood and destruction. My belief is that through the prayers of a saintly few we've been protected so far. Now when the day comes that the Allmighty takes his finger off the balance, and the full weight of all the evil this nation and its people have wrought comes crashing down, that'll be a frightful day indeed.
Only the blind, or willfully ignorant, cannot see this.
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