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03/06/2006 Archived Entry: "Angel Shamaya SWATted"

ANGEL SHAMAYA SWATTED AND JAILED? Please, say it ain't so! He's been bailed out, but still faces a handful of misdemeanor gun-related charges. Thank you to Gary Marbut, David Codrea, and all who are staying right on top of this. Angel, the founder of KeepandBearArms.com, is a true friend of liberty and of gun rights.

This is what happens to people in The Snitch Society. Your acquaintances can SO easily use the power of government to enlarge their own spite. Heck, they're encouraged to. "Snitch! It's patriotic!"

One part of me grinds its teeth and asks why the hell anybody who valued his rights would move to Detroit. But another knows we all have myriad reasons for making choices (family, in Angel's case) and that nobody anywhere should get raided by ninjas because he hasn't reported his gun ownership to Big Brother.

Gary Marbut has set up a page with a character-reference form letter and defense-fund information.

Posted by Claire @ 02:04 PM CST

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