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11/21/2005 Archived Entry: "The forest is falling"

THE CHAINSAWS ARE SNARLING. My next-door forest is coming down. All morning I've heard the growls of the saws, the tap-tap-tapping of wedges being driven, and the crashes of falling trees. The crack-boom of trees coming down always surprise me by being much softer than you'd think.

The loggers started on the other side of the timber patch and far down the hill. So there's been lots to hear all day but nothing to see. Only now, as I happened to look up from blogging this, did I catch the first glimps of a crashing tree, still easily 50 yards from the edge of my land.

Once I'd have felt bereft at losing a beautiful woodland and horrified to know I'd soon be living next to an unsightly old clearcut. But I've learned to appreciate clearcuts, which (after a year or two) are full of wildlife, flowers, and berries -- and which grow back up swiftly and interestingly. And whoohoo, I cannot wait to see what sort of view is going to emerge within the next few hours or days.

Posted by Claire @ 02:31 PM CST

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