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04/25/2005 Archived Entry: "Jim Bovard to be on C-SPAN2"

NOT EXACTLY PRIMETIME, BUT if you happen to be in the mood for TV at 4:00 EDT tomorrow (Tuesday), you'll catch liberty's friend Jim Bovard on C-SPAN2.

The listing merely says: "Fmr. Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA) on Nat'l Security & Individual Liberty (4am)," but Jim writes to say that it's actually a debate featuring Jim, Pat Buchanan, Rep. Bob Barr, and Human Events editor Terry Jeffrey.

Lasts 90 minutes, so maybe a few slightly later risers (or all-night endurance types) can catch the latter parts of it before it ends at 5:30 a.m.

Will have to poke around to see whether the debate is archived online.

Posted by Claire @ 04:42 PM CST

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