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01/14/2005 Archived Entry: "I'm going to be writing for ... gulp! ... S.W.A.T. magazine"

YES, YOU'RE READING THIS CORRECTLY. I'm going to write a column for S.W.A.T. magazine, starting in June. I'll be a one-year interim replacement for that great friend of liberty, Richard W. Stevens. But while he's a balanced and reasonable constitutional scholar, I'm ... well, an Outlaw.

Three years ago when he first bought the struggling magazine, publisher Rich Lucibella asked me to write a column. I responded that he must be a crazed, and possibly dangerous, lunatic to ask a person like me to write for a magazine like that. I recommended Richard, who's done a great job giving his reasonable, persuasive views on the law to the SWATophiles.

Today, S.W.A.T.'s a roaring, full-color success, full of tactical info, course reviews, and gear reviews -- and surprisingly often full of humor, as well. (An article from the August 2004 issue called "The Quick Peek Revisited: Sound Tactic or Death Wish?" (not online, unfortunately, but downloadable) hysterically debunks all those Hollywood peek around a corner while holding your gun next to your face with your finger on the trigger techniques (and some similarly bizarre techniques taught by actual trainers). Probably about half the magazine's readership consists of LEOs (police) or soldiers, while the other half is just folks who like Evil Black Guns (thanks, Ian) and shooting.

When Rich and editor Denny Hansen (this time aided and abetted by Richard Stevens) asked me to be Richard's fill-in, I still said they were crazy. But this time I conceded it might be divine madness rather than the regular kind.

My job will be to be contrarian and controversial and, who knows, possibly to get a few LEOS asking themselves questions about some of the laws they enforce. Gonna be interesting ...

Posted by Claire @ 11:53 AM CST

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