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09/24/2004 Archived Entry: "Weird tale of a Secret Service investigation"

WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU HAVE A DEROGATORY PHOTO OF PRESIDENT BUSH and vandals break into your apartment? While spray-painting your walls and furniture, they scrawl the words "dead man" across the photo. What happened to one man, Larry Ward, is exceedingly strange. It involved the Department of Homeland ... well, read the story. Just read it. Strange as hell. Yet typical of the insane Bushevik administration.

Mr. Ward happened to be visiting his friend Sherwood Schantz when the feds caught up with him. I know Schantz. A lot of people know Schantz. He's famous in some parts -- or some might say charmingly notorious. The Secret Service doesn't meet his like every day. And it's too darned bad for freedom's sake that there aren't more like Schantz.

Posted by Claire @ 08:44 PM CST

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