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09/22/2004 Archived Entry: "Computer networking guru -- highly recommended!"
COMPUTER NETWORKING GURU -- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Have you got yourself a problem (or an "opportunity") with a router, a wireless network card, a wired network card, a hub, a modem, or whatever have you? Then have I got a guru for you. His name's Mike McArthur.
Mike is based in Jackson, Mississippi. I'm based about as far from there as you'd ever care to get. But without even meeting me (or my computers) in person, Mike got me set up with a wireless network, helped me configure the router against wardrivers, showed me how to get my computers to share information (as opposed to just sharing a network connection) -- and did it all logically, patiently and in both Linux and plain English at the same time!!!!! Complete with screen captures to show me, as well as tell me, how to do the job.
Not only that, but when I foolishly blitzed the whole network a month later, Mike took just 15 minutes to talk me through a fix. This guy's amazing. His bio tells more (and is a hoot to read, besides). This guy's good, no kidding.
Posted by Claire @ 06:20 AM CST