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03/30/2004 Archived Entry: "I owe some thanks"

THE NEW BOOK IS ALL BOXED UP and goes in the mail today. Whew. On Thursday, I'll be leaving for an 11-day road trip and will be out of touch. In between, I'm catching up on unfinished business -- and the first order of business is to deliver some thank yous.

Wolfesblog -- Debra and I -- have had a handful of loyal donors from the get go. This month, two people surprised us with unusually large donations. Thank you cards are sitting on my kitchen counter, waiting for handwritten messages and postage stamps. So if you've been wondering why your generous gesture hasn't been properly acknowledged, it will be. Funny thing, it's easy to dash off a quick e-mail thank you for a small gift, much harder to find the right words to say for a bigger act of generosity.

And there are no adequate words to describe five pounds of California dried apricots showing up in the morning mail!

Debra will keep up the blogging during part of the time I'm gone. There will also be a few blogless days in early April. (If you wish to infer from that that Debra and I are off somewhere during that time, nefariously plotting and conspiring together, you may. But I assure you, we'll admit nothing, no matter how many apricots you bribe us with or how many members of the Bush or Clinton families you threaten to inflict upon us for keeping silent.)

Posted by Claire @ 09:36 AM CST

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