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11/26/2003 Archived Entry: "Things to be thankful for"
THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR. On this day before Thanksgiving, in this strange old world, there are still things to be thankful for. It's hard to remember the good stuff while ducking the daily assault of RFID news, Ashcroftian evangelism, trolls on the Net, tolls of the dead (Iraqi, American, Palestinian, Israeli, just name your country, ethnic persuasion, or religious flavor), twenty-first century COINTELPRO, counterfeit fed funny money, the eternal war on anybody who wants to have a little fun, and the general wholesale destruction of freedom to save it.
But there it is. Still plenty of room for gratitude left. For starters, I'm grateful ...
- That Hillary Clinton isn't Queen of America, with Bill as her consort
- That we can still laugh out loud at the damnfools who discover secret attacks against them in cartoons (and the damnfools who take the whiners seriously)
- That even some mainstream columnists aren't afraid to call a slave a slave, even while others call that poor slave a taxpayer or a youth in national service
- That the ACLU is on our side on something
- That lots of good folks are conniving to get us into space despite all of NASA's best obstructions
- That Mother Nature makes happy, healthful herbs and that no government on earth, despite treats, brutality, and pompous puffery, can stop her
- That Ashcroft and Bush haven't yet set up tents all across the country to spread their Old Time Religion
- That Ron Paul lives
- That JPFO, Gun Owners of America, and KeepandBearArms.com exist.
- That I can huddle here in bed with my magical laptop computer with its magical broadband connection, even in the middle of nowhere
- That the dog snoozing at my right side hasn't yet eaten the cat snoozing at my left
- That Aaron Zelman, Katherine Albrecht, Larry Pratt, Richard W. Stevens, Debra Ricketts, Jason Sorens, Sunni Maravillosa, The Rocket Scientist, SF, ML Seymour, the Bonsai Man, Jim Bovard, Angel Shamaya, the Impressive Ian, The Llama Man, Eric G., Ken, Elias Alias, Walter Williams, and more astonishing people than I can begin to name still walk free in this world
- That the IRS had its fangs cut back in 1998 and has been thrashing uselessly about ever since
- That Simon Jester lives
- That Orrin Hatch hasn't yet been named Grand Inquisitor
- That Feinstein, Schumer, Bush, Brady, et al. are mortal, just like the rest of us
- That Bill Bennett and Rush Limbaugh provided such great (unintentional) entertainment this year
- That America and the world once had the great gift of Thoreau, Emerson, Paine, Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and Emperor Norton
- That we can still get away with SO much, just because they're too busy to catch us
- That I look out my windows on a world of green and blue beauty
- That dictators do fall and that Oymandias eventually lies in ruins
- That Kevin Tuma, Scott Bieser, Mark Fiore, Baloo, AND RUSSMO! do such great cartoons
- And that you're reading this right now -- because you care and because America's would-be Stalins haven't had their way yet. And won't ever get their way if we prevail.
Have a happy, politically correct, properly diverse, non-culturally stereotyped, appropriately gender-sensitive, nutritionally approved, and legally indemnified Thanksgiving.
Posted by Claire @ 09:35 AM CST