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10/18/2003 Archived Entry: "Message boards may be down for a while"
GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS ON CLAIREFILES MESSAGE BOARDS. Hey, look up there at the top of the page! There's now a tab that says "Forum." It'll take you straight to the Claire Files message boards -- the discussion boards so kindly hosted by Elias Alias's Mental Militia and presided over by Forum Mom Debra Ricketts.
But don't click right now. Alas, the message boards have been down for several days. Nobody knows when they'll be back up; the tech genius who keeps them functioning is very, very ill. I'm hoping all readers will send their best vibes or prayers or whatever they can give for his health.
A crew of cheerful, clean, reverent (well, maybe not reverent) geek Boy Scouts is hoping to gain access to restore the boards. But in the meantime, please be patient. Seriously bad stuff is going on, and the non-functioning boards are nothing compared to what else is at stake.
Posted by Claire @ 10:10 PM CST