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09/05/2003 Archived Entry: "Advice needed on new hosting service"

IT MAY HAVE BEEN A SERIOUS MISTAKE MOVING CLAIREWOLFE.COM TO THIS NEW HOST. I can sympathize that they've been hit hard by denial-of-service attacks for several days (making access to the blog and site control panel glitchy and unreliable). But after a week I still have no real e-mail access and no answers about why. My sympathies are stretched thinner each time their tech support department answers my queries with pasted-in boilerplate that isn't even related to the topic of my question. (Q: Please tell me how to flubar my flatchenwatzer. A: Elephant. That sort of thing, you know?) Sigh. If any of you resourceful readers knows a hosting service that has both solid up time and intelligent, prompt tech support, please drop an e-mail to Our Valiant Webmistress and let her know. Her e-mail isn't on these servers, so there's an actual chance your mail will get through.

Posted by Claire @ 08:27 AM CST

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