This page is a collection of the sites I know of that are created
using BlogMax. If you create a site, please tell me about it via email
at the address at the bottom of the page.
Ignacio's Blog - "a Spanish blog about things that I want to
remember and maybe someone wants to read."
trouble opening doors - Ben Kraal's blog. "hci, usability,
interface design and cars." Unlike many BlogMax sites, which use the
template of this site, Mr. Kraal designed his own templates. Very
nice looking. is Matt Holland's "left-wing, Bush-bashing,
take-this-country-back-from-the-bastards weblog". Another nice
template design.
Bill Clementson's Blog - "Bits and pieces (mostly Lisp-related)
that I collect from the ether."
SCILICET - Tiago Charters de Azevedo's partially Portuguese blog.