Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Another Country Heard From.

And now we have this intellectual critique of the Window War from Rochester, New York. He seems obsessed with genitalia and is offering a proposal of matrimony to someone, I just can't figure out who.


ROCHESTER INTERNET RADIO has left a new comment on your post "The Window War: Update from Rochester. . ."




angry settler said...

Hal Turner...what a joke.

Hal Turner was a FBI agent provocateur, as PROVED IN COURT.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bubba. You seem to be quite impressed that there are actually 3 million people out there as mean and dumb as you are (a statistic I don't doubt, btw). However, here's another little statistic for you: population of the United States, 2009... 308,924,000.

What that means is that if you actually get your dream of "civil war", it will only be 3,000,000 vs (approximately) 305,924,000. And, while your 3 million will have their "huntin' rifles & sech", the rest of us will have the Army, the Navy, the Airforce and the Marines!

Now given these facts, what do you think of your odds, Chuckles?

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize you'd been invited to speak on their radio "station". Nice to know about such thing AFTER the fact, when you're being called childish names for not showing up to play.

May be just as well. Do you (Mike) think you could get a coherent intelligible thought in sideways into that babbling rant?

B Woodman

wv: "pilles" What this moonbat's mother should have been on BEFORE he was "born".

Anonymous said...

Face it Mikey, you're all just a bunch of cowards who's bravest act will be to throw bricks through someone's windows and then run away like a scalded dog.


And given that you won't go out and participate in the vandalism that you encourage others to means that you sir are the biggest coward of your little "3 million".

Another fact.

Anonymous said...

Oh, one more thing... I realize that you probably won't post these snippets to your blog. That would require enough integrity on your part to be able to face up to a factual detraction of your feeble strategies. It is quite enough for me that I know you are reading these, that it pisses you off, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it (kind of like how you can't do anything about, well, anything [besides encouraging vandalism against those with whom you disagree of course]).

Choke on it, Mikey. You are a true moron and coward of the lowest order.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. It seems the individual is ...upset about a few broken windows. Then, he expects for people to "man up" to explain it. Something so obvious should require no explanation at all. As Larry The Cable Guy says, "That's funny right there-I don't care who you are." Needing an explanation for this is a perfect illustration of where the term, "libtard" came from.

Oh that they would show such outrage when their buddies are doing the same thing or worse.


pyrite said...

It helps if you unslacken your jaw a little. It keeps the drool inside, and that's good for everybody around you. Knucklehead.

Hal Turner? What dimension do you occupy? Do you research anything?

T hlps uf your un slaken youre jaw litte;lk. iT keps the drole in sid aNd thtas GOOD FR DVCERYONE ARUND UO!!!@@!. (Translation for original poster's benefit/ spirit of equal opportunity).

Steve K said...

I love how the harshest fucktards always post anonymously.

I guess the cowards don't have the balls to even sign their intials.

GunRights4US said...

This is directed at the anon poster whose comments began with "Hey bubba" and closed with you are a "coward of the lowest order."

Anyone who calls someone out as a coward, while hiding themselves behind an ANONYMOUS POST - is nothing but a punk and a pussy. If you had half the cojones of a real man, you'd put your name on your comments.

Anonymous said...

To all detractors: this is not a left vs right thing. We have been bitching about the size of gov growth under the so called leadership of the Republicans and have not failed to notice that the apparatus of state control of every aspect of our lives has happened to us under both aforementioned parties

Mike gets that and if you read posts in this sphere of the interwebzzz you would realize that.

It comes down to this. We love freedom. We think living our lives as we see fit is the answer and we want to be left alone to succeed or fail.

Those that break glass do not think that any other course of action in regard to redress of grievences will do a damn thing from this point forward.

You here hearing the sound that a rattlesnake makes before he bites you. At least he gives you the courtesy of a warning.

I'm curious what you all would say about Sam Adams and company throwing tea into the Boston Harbor? Probably something to the effect of them working for an evil coffee company I suppose.

idahobob said...

Does this Assclown work for the TSA?

By what he says, it is obvious that he would qualify being an employee of theirs.....an I.Q. below 80.

What is it with these folks that have to hide their comments behind the facade of "Anon"? Talk about cowards.....


Anonymous said...

Hey, Anon:

I got news for you: WE ARE the Army, the Navy, the Airforce and the Marines! Now, go get yourself in your fetal position as you let it sink. DumbfΩck.


Taylor H said...

Geeze, all of these Anonymous posters are really ticking me off.

Hey Jackasses, I don't see YOU trying to help the situation! We're mad at our government. Deal with it!

tom said...

My name is Thomas and I even mailed Mike Vanderboegh a Christmas present that I thought he would enjoy, because I thought he'd find it amusing. Reckon I have NO BALLS AT ALL if I have to type in ALL CAPS LIKE A THREE YEAR OLD CHILD AT HIS MOM'S COMPUTER.....but I yam what I yam and I admit to a lot of things but I haven't found anything in my dealings with Mike that would cause me to disparage him, much less insult him. He might be a bit old and feeble like some of the rest of us are, on a physical level, but his daughter would kick my ass if I stepped out of line :-)

Mark R said...

hey "Anonymous", I'm not so good with math, but I do know how to use deductive reasoning...
You say it would be 3,000,000 vs 305,924,000, right? Well, ok, but you're not taking into account these teensy, tiny little facts...
1) Most of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Reserves, National Guard & Police that you claim you'll have are among "us", not "you" (all of them that I know, have talked to, or that my friends in those services know or have talked to are either among the 3% or they are Oath Keepers and will just refuse to obey those illegal orders you're advocating, which keeps your numbers low)
2) I'm willing to bet that all of "us" actually have and know how to use our weapons... all of them (I know I have more than one weapon I am proficient with)
3) How many of your number are old, infirm, uneducated, young, or otherwise incapable of actually helping you?
4) Please, don't forget the fact that while you think we're all dumb hicks, we actually study history and know what odds have been beaten before
5) and finally, most of "us" have been in some form of armed services, so not only do we have the weapons, we have the training and the will to use them, but as Mike always says (paraphrasing anyway) "We won't start the bloodshed, but we'll damn sure end it"

Anonymous said...

It strikes me that the first line of defense of a true coward is often to loudly and repeatedly proclaim others to be cowards. Mistaking one's own hopes and opinions for fact could probably be considered moronic, but is more likely a symptom of narcissism.

As to the other comments, I am truly beginning to fear that we are going to find out.

As to the OP, he is either a troubled brat with unsupervised computer access, the product of a modern public education (probably in a fairly large city), or both.

Have a nice day.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 4:18AM believes the battle lines will be drawn to put 3 million "threepers" on one side and the rest of the entire country on the other. Hilarious how out of touch these people are when it comes to reality.

More facts:

Liberals make up only 21% of the population while conservatives make up 35%. Even if you split the independents evenly (unlikely at this point in time) they are still vastly outnumbered. Try playing a game of dodgeball with 21 players against 35 and see who wins, that is if you have the balls (no pun intended) to bring to the game. Chances are you're unarmed, untrained, and unprepared. Are you getting it yet?

Those who strongly support Obama make up 31% of the population right now. These are those who kinda maybe might show up to defend Obama when push comes to shove. Those who strongly disapprove total 41%. Again, they are vastly outnumbered.

Those who oppose this particular health care bill total 60% of the population. No matter how you slice it the left comes up short.

The military has but 1.5 million soldiers, half as many as the count of "threepers". Yet they are also made up of citizens who have divided allegiances to this President. Heard of Oathkeepers? Don't expect them to fight on your side of the battle line.

Oh, yes, I know you claim the military has all those jets, missiles, etc. Watch "Blackhawk Down" and see how effective the miltary can be against determined citizens having only small arms. And how long has it taken them to try and find one guy allegedly hiding in the mountains of Pakistan (a country which is only twice the size of California)?

How is that for a reality check?

MamaLiberty said...

Sticks and stones... and then there are words...

Time will tell. I'll bet my cold iron against their words anytime.

Good luck to them getting the Army to help. I expect them to be very surprised.

Keith in PA said...

Bring it on you rednecks. I'd love to be able to kill a bunch of rednecks legally. What's your address Mike?
How about you take your "3 million" redneck followers, combine all your money, buy an island, and start your own country? Then all the rest of us can live peacefully in an open-minded, loving society.

Pat H said...

To all of the geniuses that have posted in opposition to this "across the bow" shot, I present the following.

The next one will be much closer to home.

Much closer.

We will engage in self defense as often as is necessary, we have both the knowledge and the tools to do so.

j3maccabee said...

OK, Mikey - admit it - YOU write those 'anonymous' posts as a form of satire, right?
Surely there are not that many semi-illiterate, gutless bastards, who don't know their Daddy's name or their Momma's name ( even her street name) that they have to write cretinous comments and wet-diaper rants and not sign them? You're doing it to give us all a laugh, and we appreciate the gesture.
BTW - Barney Frank just called and is planning to lead a protest march at the Sipsey Street offices. The theme of the march will be 'Buttplugs, Not Bullets!"

Anonymous said...

Here's a good Ayn Rand quote - "Politically, mass civil disobedience is appropriate only as a prelude to civil war—as the declaration of a total break with a country’s political institutions. — Ayn Rand."
Looks like the guy needs to read a little more Rand.
Plus the dude needs to do more math.
~1/6 the population is too young and ~1/6 the population is too old and ~1/6 are too lazy. There are only ~140million workers in the US aka 1/2.
Poor bastards. They've got us surrounded.

Newbius said...

I see that the barking moonbats have shown up to cast verbal bricks, all the while hiding behind their mommy's skirts of anonymity.


You know, just once it would be nice to be able to go to their house and chide them. Of course, with no track back, they are assured of peace and quiet in their echo-chamber.

Hey "Anonymous" - all of you. Put it out there for all of us. If you want to talk the talk, have enough spine to do it to our faces.



ebd10 said...

Another intellectual midget hiding behind anonymity commenting on subjects he knows nothing about. It's these mewling morons, quivering behind the skirts of the Nanny State that are the reason that liberty will prevail.

Dan F said...

Interesting that these comments 1. misread you to say you're starting a civil war and 2. don't post a name.

I also enjoy the stereotyping of anyone from the South as an uneducated yokel. I guess that's the 'tolerance' they've been preaching, isn't it?

Uncle Lar said...

You and I, apparently unlike these asshats and anonymous scat flingers, lived through the 60s. I recall the radical left doing significant damage to public property, up to and including bombing a number of buildings.
All I have to say to them is, karma's a bitch ain't it. BOHICA boys and girls, but this time you're all on the receiving end of things.

patrick henry said...

It's funny enough that these mental midgets can be so convinced of their superiority, but their utter ignorance of history and current events really is the icing on the cake.

Obviously they've never read (much less taken) the oath administered to every fighting man in any force, nor heard of the skyrocketing Oath Keepers' movement.

OTOH, maybe it's not a good idea - if such were by some miracle even possible - to enlighten them.

Better they spew empty threats than try to get past their panty-wetting fear of firearms.

Still -- could there be any better illustration of the absolutely un-bridgeable divisions in our land?


Michael Gilson said...

Wow anonymous, you sure nailed it! Obviously the coward is the man openly posting his defiance under his own name with no attempt to hide and the hero is the one who won't put his name on what he writes.

Patrick said...

What that means is that if you actually get your dream of "civil war", it will only be 3,000,000 vs (approximately) 305,924,000. And, while your 3 million will have their "huntin' rifles & sech", the rest of us will have the Army, the Navy, the Airforce and the Marines!


Well as long as you have your welfare, thief.


Tyler Durden said...

Poor ole, Mr fatcabbage here is going to have a heart attack or is mr Sleeze himself making an appearance?

either way Mr Anonymous here Stinks of SPLC

Mickey C said...

I love how the typical leftie commentor considers this act to be one of cowardice, when, more often than not, it is they who make up the great majority of the people who wouldn't fight for the country that gave them all the rights they so gladly sell off to the highest political bidder at every legislative opportunity they encounter.

It is the people of liberal means that stand ready to oppose any given legislation or directive that would enhance our freedoms or liberties. Time and time again you have shown yourselves to be the capitulators to evil, to treachery, to random violence in the streets (G8 anyone), to trickery, deceipt, deception, innuendo, and outright thievery so as to bring those on the other side of the ideological aisle into line with your pathological dementia.

You are the same dolts that look down upon those of us who DO stand for the rule of law, and who live our lives in such a manner.

The fact is, this is one of those times in our country's long and illustrious history, where the average American individual has been brow-beaten, cajoled, objectified, and pilloried by those who ascribe to a fundamentally different and subversive philosophy that seeks on a wholesale level to render "we the people" impotent by casting off our voices and feelings while simultaneously ignoring common-sensical approaches to pressing legislative matters. In such times, I do believe it is necessary to show forth our dissent and frustration with the individuals that continue to abrogate our liberties and halt the forward progression of our individual freedoms in favour of greater subservient governmental control of our lives.

It is now that just such a case exists, with reference to this health care debacle; and it is now that we have chosen to respond in a manner of applicable civil disobedience. And whether you or yours believe it to be a matter of "cowardice" or "insurrection" is of little consequence to the rest of us, as we've been privy to the tactics you've used, and that we've been subjected to, since the mid-60's!

This is the proverbial "knock on the door" of the Democratic Party and it's adherents. That is to say, "we the people" can find no other way for our voices of opposition to be heard, so now you have left us little choice but to hear us in one of our more violent and noisey strains.

Not that we ourselves are all that tacitly in favour of what you've left us no other direction to take advantage of, but that we are now at the level where we are 'forced' to make you hear us loudly and clearly.

As we've seen all too often in this country; those with the loudest voices are usually the ones most often heard and paid attention to. And let there be no misunderstanding on this issue henceforth.

You will hear and see us. Often, and with great frequency, from this day forth.

And so it begins...

jon said...

looks like democratic underground came to show its true colors. and it brought its friends daily kos and huffington post.

is the vanguard party by invite only, guys, or will you let me in for a few bucks if i bring a girl?

Anonymous said...

Mike do a little route trace on this posters email. I hazard to guess this will point back to the staffers of the Ratholes in question. I would point out the obvious mistakes in the us vs them odds but that would require higher levels of thinking than the anonymous poster could muster.

Currently in window hunting mode

MikeH. said...


Three million of us mean / dumb folk are a couple million more than required to go toe to toe with you progressive hermaphrodites who (as always) believe someone else (ie. the military) will fight your battles for you.

Think again, Buckwheat!!!

The military has become all to familiar with the government's meaning to "we are behind you all the way".


Anonymous said...

sounds like to me you guys(three percenters) are abunch of pussies that hide behind your firearm. I would love to get you in the ring, without your beloved 'gun' and kick the fuckin shit out of you. bunch of little girlie boys...

Jimmy the Saint said...

@ Anonymous Tough Guy hiding behind US Armed Forces: "Hey Bubba. You seem to be quite impressed that there are actually 3 million people out there as mean and dumb as you are (a statistic I don't doubt, btw). However, here's another little statistic for you: population of the United States, 2009... 308,924,000.

What that means is that if you actually get your dream of "civil war", it will only be 3,000,000 vs (approximately) 305,924,000. And, while your 3 million will have their "huntin' rifles & sech", the rest of us will have the Army, the Navy, the Airforce and the Marines!

Now given these facts, what do you think of your odds, Chuckles?"

Homework assignment there, GROFAZ:

Research the strength of the British Army, Royal Navy, and Loyalist Militias: 1775-1781.

Then research the strength of the British Army 1916-1998, Royal Navy 1916-1998, Royal Flying Corps/Air Force 1916-1998, and Royal Marines 1916-1998.

Got it?

Now research the strength of the Continental Army and Patriot Militias: 1775-1781.

Then research Irish Republican Army strength 1916-1998.

Thanks for playing, though.

Anonymous said...


If you feel compelled to post, in Sunstein-worthy fashion, these "opposing points of view for the good of our easily misled little minds", may we entreat you to at least choose from among the small percentage of missives written by the reasonably literate and not obviously insane?


Anonymous said...

This loser was just hoping to drive some hits to his site.

Also, a few points for the bootlicker a few posts above...

1) The military is not assured to get involved in a civil war, God forbid there is one.

2) If they do get involved, it would likely be as individuals or small units, and they would likely be in our corner.

3) Regardless, winning or losing isn't the point. Preserving liberty is the point. Odds are a factor for planning strategy, but they are irrelevant to the principle of the matter.

Archibald said...

Fucking bring it. You extremists think you are the only people willing to fight. I guarantee you that there are more of us willing to fight FOR this country than against it. You haven't seen anything until you've pissed us off. So, keep breaking windows, keep talking big on the internet. You're not scaring anyone.

Randy said...

You're a coward

Carl said...

Hmm... Some real Rhodes Scholars there. Proof that stupid people shouldn't breed. Sounds like you've got them frothing at the mouth, Mike.


damaged justice said...

If a mere three percent of those supposedly opposed to Obamacare were to simply refuse to obey, that would be "game over." Those who claim to oppose it, yet continue to obey, are either fools or cowards.

pdxr13 said...

Dear Mike,

I found the podcast of "The Break Room" episode "Clean your guns" where the trio of fools in Rochester first play a poor recording out of context while mocking you, then get you on the phone and make jokes about the moonshine economy of rural 'bama. Don't they know that pot and meth is what people in NY State want from the South (as well as the many pretty young women in your area). Distilled spirits are legal and highly taxed in NY, but are not subject to the intensity of Drug War that pot and meth are. At least one of the show "personalities" was drunk/high and/or they spent their formative years doing something other than learning to speak standard English.

The worst insult is that the podcast episode is cut off at 8 minutes 16 seconds as you say "I'm talking about people like me". Did you get them to say something quotable, worth their jobs?

What thugs.

Link me to a complete archive if there is one, please.

Thanks for enduring this crap instead of touring gun shows and selling cases of Absolved.


Anonymous said...

Did Corporate America hire you to find stupid people to support their cause? Personally, I think you should be tried for terrorism.. which would be happening if you did not have Corporate America and the Republican Party backing you.

1Lt Taylor Holmes, ret. said...

"sounds like to me you guys(three percenters) are abunch of pussies that hide behind your firearm. I would love to get you in the ring, without your beloved 'gun' and kick the fuckin shit out of you. bunch of little girlie boys..."

Anytime, asshole. Look for the 6'3", 235lb African American /EYEtalian mix at the Old Sacramento war museum next Saturday, at 1330 hours. Bring your shitbucket so I have something into which to deposit your fuckin worthless remains...

Anonymous said...

". I'd love to be able to kill a bunch of rednecks legally.
....start your own country? Then all the rest of us can live peacefully in an open-minded, loving society."

Oh, what a charmer you are!!

Anonymous said...

Y'all are the basic reason the south and Alabama have such a terrible reputation -- worldwide. What is wrong with insuring 50 million Americans?

What is wrong with going after the abuses of multi-billionaire health insurance tyrants? You poor souls have been scammed by guys more intelligent than you can ever conceive.Using their signs and their slogans and they are laughing at you!

As an Alabamian, I am not sure how you developed--I had a wonderful life in Alabama and learned about Christian love, compassion and tending to the those less fortunate. Where were you when those lessons were taught?

You might want to read what your "good book" says. Ohh, and learn what the word hypocrisy means.

Anonymous said...

what a bunch of chicken shit pussies you all turned out to be...like we all suspected.

CorbinKale said...

"Anonymous said...
sounds like to me you guys(three percenters) are abunch of pussies that hide behind your firearm. I would love to get you in the ring, without your beloved 'gun' and kick the fuckin shit out of you. bunch of little girlie boys...

March 23, 2010 10:16 AM"

Dear Clueless,

If you see a man 'hiding behind a firearm', in REALITY he is AIMING at an emotional lunatic. Your best bet would be to keep your hands in view and depart the AO. Running towards him screaming, "I would love to get you in the ring, without your beloved 'gun' and kick the fuckin shit out of you" is not wise. He will change your mind... from an innie to an outie. Calm down.

Anonymous said...

@1Lt Taylor Holmes, ret.

You just made my day. You ROCK!!

][ ][ ][

j3 said...

Hys-effin'-TERical!!! The idiot who signs the name "Keith in Pee, Eh?" actually wrote :

"I'd love to be able to kill a bunch of rednecks legally.Then all the rest of us can live in a loving society." - Can you believe it??? This guy should be at the Comedy Club! Or at least on the Gong Show ! ( I AM fairly sure it is the same guy, posting over and over and over. )

Anonymous said...

1Lt Taylor Holmes, ret. said... "Anytime, asshole. Look for the 6'3", 235lb African American /EYEtalian mix at the Old Sacramento war museum next Saturday.."

Holmes? Any relation to the one and only Larry Holmes? Hell, let's sell tickets, I'd almost be willing to fly back to the states for this. You have to get this on video and upload it so I can watch, I can send a donation via PayPal. What kind of odds do you think we could get? ha! this is the first laugh I've had all week but goddamn wouldn't it be great if we could get some action. What a great concept: bare knuckles bouts across the land: Girlie Boy Right Wingers - vs - Macho Mincing Libtards. Oh, hell, if I'm not careful I'll give in to the urge to start promoting this - I'd almost bet we could get Jessie Ventura to referee!

Give 'em hell, Lt.


patrick henry said...

Speaking of mental illness:

Keith in PA said...
"Bring it on you rednecks. I'd love to be able to kill a bunch of rednecks legally. What's your address Mike?..."

Wow. Now we've gone from opposing your words to an actual death-threat. I guess this psycho has never heard of IP logging, huh...

Just to be sure nobody could miss his obvious sickness, he concludes:

"...Then all the rest of us can live peacefully in an open-minded, loving society.

Okey-dokey... The guy who wants to kill all who espouse a competing ideology wishes for "an open-minded, loving society"??!!


Just like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and every other psychotic dictator / oligarch in history.

The stoooooopid -- it BUUUUuurrrnnnnns!!!

Newbius said...

Archibald said...

Fucking bring it. You extremists think you are the only people willing to fight. I guarantee you that there are more of us willing to fight FOR this country than against it. You haven't seen anything until you've pissed us off. So, keep breaking windows, keep talking big on the internet. You're not scaring anyone.

March 23, 2010 11:31 AM

You know, the really funny thing is this: We believe that we ARE fighting for our country. We believe that an out of control Federal Government has usurped unconstitutional authority and no longer has the consent of the governed. Since that consent is crucial to the long-term health of the Republic, it would behoove those in office to listen to the people for a change.

Social Security, Medicare, and now Health Care are not Rights. The Statists want to believe that just because they have achieved electoral victories, that they can then institute unconstitutional mandates on the rest of us.

Well, I say NO. The Constitution says NO. The People will say NO too.

The real question is, will the representatives we have hired exercise only the powers delegated to them? Or, will they continue to attempt to aggrandize additional powers unto themselves in direct contravention of the foundational principles of the Republic?

So far, it has always been the latter and it needs to stop NOW.

You think you are a big man, Archibald? You think that all of this Socialism is good for us? Really?

It is time to re-read some history. Maybe if you and your ilk do so, we can prevent the deaths of 10 or 20 million people. Because if you Statists continue down this path, that will be the result. Despotism and Slavery are the end results of the path that the Democrat leadership is on. If you cannot see that, you are lost.

The President, the Speaker, and the Majority Leader are all trying to finalize the push towards European-style Socialism and decay. If they succeed, I am sure you will be there rooting them on. All the while the State is making plans for conscripting your children and grandchildren into debt slavery for life. If that is what you want to fight for, I look forward to seeing you across the field of battle. As for me and mine, we will be on the side of Liberty.


Temnota said...

"Okey-dokey... The guy who wants to kill all who espouse a competing ideology wishes for "an open-minded, loving society"??!!"

The point has been eloquently made by others, that people seeking to create a utopian society can't seem to avoid using guillotines to hurry the process along.

Anonymous said...

Standing ovation for Newbius. Well said.

Dave said...

While you all beat your chests like gorillas, the rest of the civilised world who have been living with socialised medicine for decades are quietly laughing at you, wondering what all the fuss is about.

You guys really need to come to Australia and take a holiday, you all sound really wound up. We've got some nice quiet beaches and rainforests I can direct you to.

III more than them said...

"Archibald said...

Fucking bring it. You extremists think you are the only people willing to fight. I guarantee you that there are more of us willing to fight FOR this country than against it. You haven't seen anything until you've pissed us off. So, keep breaking windows, keep talking big on the internet. You're not scaring anyone."

I think Archie is associating a government with a country. The government is not America, the people are. With Congress in single digit approval territory, and the administration not even near 50%, it's plain that the people, the WE THE PEOPLE.... it's plain that AMERICA is against the vast bulk of this lumbering juggernaut. The government is not America, but it is telling America that there is no power but what comes from Federal willpower.

November will put and end to all of that unless the PTB corrupt the voting process. If that happens, there's no telling how the majority of Americans will react.

SamenoKami said...

"What is wrong with insuring 50 million Americans?....
I had a wonderful life in Alabama and learned about Christian love, compassion and tending to the those less fortunate. Where were you when those lessons were taught?"
I don't mind helping out the less fortunate. I do mind being told that I am now forced to take from my family to give to others. There is a difference.

Moe Death said...

Methinks yon anonymous coward's name would be Emmett...

...and I now apologize for the faux Shakespeare. Bushmill's does that to me sometimes...


parabarbarian said...

The bobots who claim they want to fight may get their chance. Remember how Bobo said the US needed a "civilian defense force"? Maybe that's what all those short barreled shotguns are being bought for.

Every ruling thug needs his death squads.

Anonymous said...

Wow real domestic extremists. My guess you will wet yourself when you meet resistance. Hopefully some law enforcement folks we find a good reason to cave in your skulls.

In the greatest nation in the world morons advocating violence to preserve our freedom? Can you really be that stupid.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hate to tell you, but the founders of our country were fighting the British, not their own citizens and elected government. Yes, that is the government elected by the people. So, the only tyranny here is the tyranny being perpetrated by Mike and his few wigged-out followers. The 3 million with guns do not all support you, so don't say 3 million. and 3 million is less than 1% of the population of this great nation. So if you believe less than 1% should decide how this country is run, then you are the tyrant Mr. Vanderboerg! You get your gun, and I'll get mine. How's that Mr. Vandernazi?

Anonymous said...

Hey guess what? There is nothing in the constitution of the United States that says the people can't vote for a socialist system of government and economics if they want to. One person, one vote! Sorry you lost, but that's DEMOCRACY! You gun-dicks should be throwing bricks through the windows of Haliburton, Citi Bank, and Galaxo-Welcome, if you want to get rid of the real tyrants, the corporatocracy, shadow government of the USA! What the hell is your problem? No brains?

Anonymous said...

Poor bastard doesn't even know we live in a Republic and not a Democracy. Obviously the result of public education. Mommy say's to get off her computer or she'll spank your hiney and while your at it bring her the bong and tie dyed t-shirt.


BTW: I doubt anyone here is against improving the flaws in our current health care system. It's a growing oppressive federal government we have a problem with. Tyranny takes many forms; government, corporate, social, religious, etc.....WE HATE ALL TYRANTS!!

Happy D said...

My they love to threaten us with the military.

The same military they spit upon. Insult the intelligence and motivations of.
Just plain treat poorly.

My these vermin hate being treated just slightly like they have treated others.

Pray anon #2 that we never treat you like you have earned.

W W Woodward said...

Anon 6:30 – “In the greatest nation in the world morons advocating violence to preserve our freedom? Can you really be that stupid.”

Anon 6:44 – “… the founders of our country were fighting the British, not their own citizens and elected government.”

Anon 6:52 – “There is nothing in the constitution of the United States that says the people can't vote for a socialist system of government and economics if they want to.”

Children, When you get back to your classroom tomorrow drop by the library and pick up an American history book and a copy of the Constitution. Read them well. Consider, Anon 6:30, that freedom has never been free. Freedom has always been won at the point of a sword (violence). See: Amendment II of the US Constitution. Consider, Anon 6:44; that our founding fathers for the most part were British and they did in fact fight against their own countrymen and government to achieve freedom. Consider, Anon 6:52, that the Constitution for the United States of America guarantees a Republican form of government. All three of you might want to also dig up an English grammar book and study it well before replying to this admonition.

I do not expect to change your minds. I was told once long ago to never argue with a man who has his mind already made up. One will only waste one’s time and will succeed only in pissing him off.


Patrick Henry said...

Moronic B-O-bot said:

"Hey guess what? There is nothing in the constitution of the United States that says the people can't vote for a socialist system of government and economics if they want to...that's DEMOCRACY!

Lissen, idiot:
I'm typing this slow because it's obvious you can't read too fast.

(1) There's PLENTY in the Constitution to prevent Socialism (or any OTHER tyranny) - because the ENTIRE DOCUMENT consists of the SPECIFIC things the Fed.gov is allowed to do, and the 10th Amendment made plain what everyone already knew:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, ...are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

To translate for the slow kids:

"If it ain't in the list of stuff the fed.gov is allowed to do, then they ain't allowed to do it."

Since you've obviously never read that sacred text, you'll want to go to Article 1 Section 8 to find the list we're talking about.

That list - or anything else in the Constitution - *CANNOT* be changed without amending it, by following the VERY SPECIFIC process outlined therein.

I don't recall seeing a "government can seize over half the economy" amendment go by, nor a "buy health insurance or we'll kill you" amendment - but sometimes I'm too busy clinging to my bible and my guns to notice what y'all leftards are gettin' up to.

I'd appreciate your educating me on when that happened...

(2) How many times is the word "democracy" is used in it?

I'll give you a hint: It's the same number of times you've actually read it, as evidenced by the fact that you don't already know these things.

We live in a REPUBLIC, you moronic @$$, which means that OUR GOVERNMENT IS SUBJECT TO THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, and more importantly is RULED BY LAW.

Our SUPREME law says they can't do this - or much of the rest of what they do and plan TO do.

To quote another Sacred text you morons have never read - *THE* founding document of our nation, the one we celebrate every July 4th:

"...(*)That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
(*)That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government...

...all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. (THIS is the answer to your squeals of "But BUUuuuuush!!...")

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government..."

What is REALLY "unamerican" is for you morons to accuse us of being "unamerican" for knowing our history and Founding Documents, and following the very same steps our Founders' did in creating this great Republic.

If you want to live in a socialist Utopia, please pick one and go. THIS IS AMERICA you odious swine, and it will *NOT* be further debased on my watch.

I therefore pledge - like my Founding Fathers before me - my LIFE, my {laughable) fortune, and my SACRED HONOR to the cause of Liberty.

If you don't like the Constitution, then AMEND IT - it's been done 27 times so far - but we'll no longer stand for its being used like toilet-paper.

Like my namesake, I proudly declare "I care not what others may do, but as for me, GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH."

And - while we're at it - "If this be treason, then MAKE THE MOST OF IT!"


Anonymous said...

Oh, I finally figured it out. Mikey and his Big Boy Scouts are pawns of the corporate pigs they are defending.

Anonymous said...

Patrick Henry,
What is the will of the people? Your will, or the will of they majority? Dumb @ss, that's called DEMOCRACY! Throwing bricks through windows is not the RULE OF LAW, it is the attempted rule of thugs, and criminals, who can't stand that a Black man is President, and was legally voted as President BY THE MAJORITY OF THIS REPUBLIC, MORON! And no one is going to kill you if you don't buy health insurrance, that is a preposterous lie! And the government has not seized half of the economy, the Corporatocracy has stolen 90% of it, apparrently while you were'nt looking, because you are terrified of a Black man! I have read the Constitution. Perhaps you have read it, but you obviously don't understand it!

Newbius said...

I've often wondered why, when citizens stand up on principle, they are accused of being shills for some other entity. My thoughts are mine own. I am not owned by, nor am I an advocate for, any corporation, political party, politician, pundit, or other group.

Yet, I am accused of being a pawn, a "teabagger" (yes, I know what the term really means), a Beck acolyte, an advocate for the GOP or "teh ebil Buuush". I am dismissed as a troll of BigPharma, Big Insurance, or Halliburton. As if this somehow minimizes rational arguments and eliminated any need for considering my point of view. If you buy into the theory of projection, then what these commenters are really saying is that THEY are all of these things, but from the other side.

These people who cheer when Code Pink disrupts a conservative, who applaud the actions of the ELF, who get giddy at the sight of Greenpeace doing battle with the whalers, who believe that they can mandate Meatless Mondays and Furless Fridays are absolutely wetting themselves over some property damage experienced by their side.

Isn't it funny that they are squealing so loudly when their own tactics are used against them? It is almost as if something that they held as their own sacred ritual has been blasphemed...

How dare we!

SamenoKami said...

Anonymous said...
Patrick Henry,What is the will of the people? Your will, or the will of they majority?....
March 23, 2010 9:35 PM
Add another Anon. frikkin' public school educated idiot to the list of those who don't know this is a country that is supposed to be run by laws not by the 'majority.'

Happy D said...

A relative of mine was denied, for years the simple effective surgery that would have stopped the recurring infections. Due solely to Australian political correctness.

Torturing kids unnecessarily what universal unhealth care about?

The last thing the doctor did before the surgery was conference with his lawyer. Or do they call them solicitors there? He was informed that this was the last surgery he could preform.
So how about you get your head out of your rectum.
Or is your proctologist getting permission through his solicitor?

Before you come to lecture us again.
How about you know a little something about what your talking about!
Love, Happy D

Jim Hamilton said...

"but the founders of our country were fighting the British, not their own citizens and elected government. Yes, that is the government elected by the people."

How can we take your comments seriously, Mr. Anonymous, if you don't even know this history of our country? The founding fathers of our country, and other patriots WERE British citizens, dumbass, as those 13 now-states were then colonies of Great Britain, don't you know? They did fight against their own country for freedom.

Their result lasted for a good long time, but almost all of the freedoms they fought for are gone now, taken by our government in violation of the contract signed (by the original 13 states) in 1789 or so. That contract is called the US Constitution and it has been breached for too long.

A RESTORATION is in order.

The coming financial collapse (unavoidable at this point, and I would have said that even before the latest Fed.-gov't take-over.) will allow change to be made easier, but who knows which direction.

Jim Hamilton said...

One more thing for Mr. Anonymous there: I figure you believe the BS you spout here (due to your terrible, gov't school education, I assume). However, don't think if the country turns the way you want, to complete Fascism or Socialism, that you will be seen as one of the good guys.

Many of Joseph Stalin's good guys, in fact most of the best, loyal leaders of the Red Army were purged in the late 1930's. Uncle Joe just felt a little tingle up his leg about those guys, or something, and he up and offed them (being purged is bad, see, for you govermint skool commentators). It was really bad timing in fact as Operation Barbarossa started soon after - the German invasion of Russia, and the good, experienced generals, colonels, etc. were no where to be found.

I could give you a lot of examples, but just keep this in mind. You useful idiots won't be useful anymore once the guys calling the shots take over. You may be the first against the wall since you have no practical knowledge and cannot think straight.

III more than them said...

"Well, I hate to tell you, but the founders of our country were fighting the British, not their own citizens and elected government. Yes, that is the government elected by the people."

The founder were British subjects, supposedly with representation in the parliament. When they disolved the union with the Declaration of Independence, they were spelling out the reason WHY they SEPARATED. Now, it they were NOT subjects of the Crown, they could not have demanded SEPARATION.

We were only free to consider ourselves Americans AFTER we won that little 8 years war against the most powerful army on earth.

Does that little history lesson help you see things more clearly?