Any amount appreciated
LAST UPDATE: April 5, 2009

Any amount appreciated

This site's mission is simple. Each year, starting in 2007 (and looking at those pictures brought to my attention in the last half of the year before and the first half of the current year), I will pick the twenty-five U.S. Navy pictures that represent my favorites and display them here. I will display thumbnails on each years page, with a brief narrative of the pictures. I will then link each thumbnail to a much larger pic suitable for use as a desktop image. Simply use the supplied links to navigate the site.

This is my way of honoring and paying tribute to the best naval force in history, and the men and women who keep it that way.

Note: Jeff Head has maintained numerous military sites for years at his cost. Now donations help offset hosting & bandwidth to maintain operations.
Jeff Head is a member of the US Naval Insitute who has many years experience in the power, defense, and computer industries. He currently works for the federal government helping maintain regional infrastructure. He is the author of a self-published military techno-thriller called, "Dragon's Fury," that projects a fictional third world war arising out of current events. Learn more about that series by clicking on the picture of the novel cover below:

DRAGON'S FURY-World War against America and the West

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