![]() SARAH PALIN - BEST FRIEND, WORST ADVERSARY Since the announcment of the choice of Sarah Palin as John McCain's Vice Presidential running mate, a continual firestorm and debate has ensued regarding her. Although he lost his bid for the Presidency, his pick of Sarah Palin has established her as the darling of the conservative movement across America and positioned her for a strong future in national politics, trumping the liberal movement for the future at the very time they have enjoyed a significant victory. For traditionally minded and valued Americans, who see the United States of America as the most free and mostprosperous nation on earth, that has been the greatest force for good and liberty in the world, and who are committed to conservative, all-American, principles, Sarah represents the best friend they have had emerge in politics on the national scene in a generation, since Ronald Reagan. For those of a liberal, leftist persuasion, who see America as an enigma, and view her values and the spreading of them as something negative, and who hold to moral relativism and non-traditional values, Sarah represents their worst adversary. Her story and her accomplishments, coming to her as a woman who espouses and lives a pro-life, faith-based and conservative life style, countermand the entire liberal philosophy insisting that a woman can only be "liberated" through their tired liberal mantra encompassing pro-abortion, radical feminism, affirmative action, and non-traditional values to accomplish what Sarah has accomplished without them. Her story is a stark statement negating the entire liberal, feminist mind set...and they know it. Hence the abject, disgusting, and hate filled attacks on her and her family by the main stream media, the DNC, and leftists of all stripes in an attempt to find any issue, any controversy, any scandal to beset and besmirch her with. But Sarah has taken these attacks in stride, and in fact has been empowered by them. More and more Americans are taking her side, both conservative and non-leftist democrats and independents who see these attacks for what they are. Ordinary Americans connect with her story, appreciate her accomplishments and applaud them, and are repelled by attacks on her and compelled to come to her side. Sarah Palin's all-American story of a housewife who wanted to make a difference in her community joining the PTA and then rapidly rising from there, to the Governor of Alaska, the VP candidate in 2008, and now moving forward with her influence and support of conservative, God-fearing and all-American candidates in 2012. The differences to Barack Obama and Joe Biden could not be more compelling. Barack Obama was born to a non-traditional family that split up when he was an infant, who as a youth was confused and searching and fell into marijuana and cocaine use (by his own admission) and then gravitated to very liberal and even marxist associations which he willfully chose, worked with, and benefited from by propelling him into a political career more oriented towards changing American than serving her. Sarah Palin...best friend or worst adversary...it is now left for the people to examine and decide.
![]() Sarah Palin exemplifies a best friend to those in need and to traditional America ![]() Sarah Palin has electrified the GOP ticket and base. ![]() Sarah Palin is not afraid to fight and stand up to her adversaries ...AND AS TO BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. ![]() ![]() Barack Obama has willfully associated with hateful extremists for years. ![]() Barack Obama has openly shown his disdain and disrespect for America's symbols. ![]() Barack Obama's election headquarters has proudly displayed abjectly marxists flags and symbols.