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![]() BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is an abject marxist ideologue, openly and willfully applying his marxist ideology and principles to our Republic and free market in order to fundamentally change it. He simply must either be neutered by the House of Representatives, or removed from office as quickly as possible. If anyone doubts this, they need only listen to Obama's interview with NPR before he sought national office. In that interveiw he openly crticizes the liberal Warren Supreme Court for not going far enough in seeking "redsitribution of wealth", and indicates that the Constittuion stood in their way and was and is an impediment, and then discusses the various ways to get around the Constitution. Well, now he is in a position to do so, and he is activley "going around" and subverting our Constitution to accomplish his marxist ends. His view of the Constitution is not one that accepts or respects the intent of the founders of this nation, or the time proven fundamental principles the Constitution was based upon, rather, in his own words...
"I have to side with Justice Breyer's view of the Constitution--that it is not a static but rather a living document and must be read in the context of an ever-changing world." ...and he intends to use that "changing world," to fundamentally change the country and the Constitution, just as he said he woul, and Constitution be damned. The fact is, Obama doesn't care about what you or I or anyone else thinks, including the founders. He is an abject marxist ideologue and he now has his mechanism in place. He didn't go to the Whitehouse to be popular, he went there, like he openly stated, to fundamentally change America...and he has been going about it very effectively ever since. He and his cohorts caused the economic crisis that helped usher him into the Presidency. They hate the free market and they hate fundamental republican principle and the moral values that provide its foundation. Since being elected they have methodically and with a will attacked these institutions and harmed them terribly. It is their intent to bring them down and build a marxist command economy on their ashes. Evrything they are doing reflects this. From the stimulus, to the bail-outs, to the health care monstrosity, to Cap & Trade, FOCA, his appeasing, America depreciating foreign policy, his energy polciy, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, tapping the phone lines of the press, and on and on. And all of what he has implemented is producing success from Obama's point of view. They are accomplishing exactly what he wants...he does not want to repair the economy, the banking and credit industries, energy, health care, etc., etc. as most Americans would define it. He wants to fix it as in "the fix is in", as in controlling it. And that is exactly what he is doing. Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and their cohorts will lie, blow smoke, deceive, cajole, and give as many Presidential speeches, presentations, addresses to congress, etc. as it takes to draw this out so he can continue progressing towwards his goals. When you understand this about him and his administration and the cohorts in the House and Senate...everything comes into focus. Like why the Reid-led US Sentae has not passed a budget (which is one of its constitutional duties) in well over four years. No budget...no controls...no accountability. Luckily, their over-reach on health care and in so many other areas has awakened a large part of the American citizenry. In 2010 there was a blow-out election. The worst mid-term defeat of an incumbant President's party in history. The MSM and DCN and left will not admit it, but it was precisely because of Obama's policies that it happenbed. Because health care effects everyone, and because the American people intrinsically know that government bureaucracy makes things less efficient, the American people are downloading the Dem Health Care Plan HERE and elsewhere were reading it for themselves. They also read the cited quotes of the main architect of the plan and Chief Advisor to Obama on Health Care HERE and elsewhere, and seeing the context of the plan from the designer of it. So, when other Americans and conservatives like Sarah Palin declares that the Obama Health Care Plan is a monstrosity and that it is downright evil, they know for themselves that it is true.
Thus, we can hope that the American people (the proverbial giant) can wake up. The question now is can they wake up quickly enough, can they make such an out and out hue and cry and force enough democratic and RINO representatives to be more afraid of them, their constituents, for their political life than they are of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, the Unions and their special interest groups.
The American citizenry showed decisively in 2010 what they were capable of and they changed the entire parameters of the Obama presidency by taking away the majority they had in the House and cutting into the majority they had in the Senate. Now, despite the loss in 2012 and Obama's re-election, we all have to continue to regain and then maintain that energy long enough to completely route the democrats, despite ACORN and voter fraud in 2014 and again in 2016.
I believe we can and I believe that we will.