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![]() Are you aware of what Islamic Sharia Law entails? How it is not just a religious set of rules, but establishes an entire political, criminal and judicial way of life for entire populations? Are you aware how tightly bound this system of religion, politics, criminal justice and judiciaty is tied to the Jihadists and terrorists we fight? Either way, can you see a pattern in the following?
Do you still think that profiling Muslim Males is "wrong" and should not be allowed? After over forty years of systematic attacks by Muslim male jihadists, either organized by terrorist groups or in acts of Sudden Jihad Syndrome, the enemy we face in the War on Terror is obvious and clear. It always has been. If we continue to ignore the obvious, if we think we can catch them by searching 80 year-old women, children, and randomly selecting American citizens who do not match this clear profile, then we will be unable to stop or apprehend or prevent these ongoing attacks...as this history clearly and horribly shows us.
![]() Let's face it, political correctness set aside (as it should be), these are terror attacks in an ongoing war, an abject clash of cultures, freedom of speech and worship and voting on one side, and abject denial of religious freedom, freedom of speech, and voting compulsion on the other. They are intent on doing whatever it takes to win. They infiltrate us, the kill us, they undermine our allies, they seek to change our laws, they use the UN and the unaligned nations against us, etc., etc. Until we realize all of this and ourselves act definitively on it, the carnage (which has now claimed many thousands of American lives and cost untold trilions in out treasure) will continue. Not all Muslim males are bad. Many have fled these same animals so they could be free themselves. But all over the world, and particularly in the Mid-East, at this time, the fundamentalists are rising up and taking over entire nations, instituting Islamic Sharia Law and demanding that their aderhants institute it elsewhere. They are intent on waging a world-wide war of Jihad against the West in general, and against America and Israel particularly. They want us either subjugated, or annihilated.
![]() So, here is the punch line. Make no mistake. It is extremist, fundamentalist, Muslim Males who are the army being used to attack and kill Americans and other westerners all over this earth, including on our own soil, in an effort to break our will and detroy our liberties, our way of life, and our very life if possible through the forced...at the point of a sword...implmentation of their Islamic Sharia Law. In my opinion, we should wage unrestricted warfare against fundamental, radical Islam and anyone who believes that Islamic Sharia Law must be instituted world-wide as the religious, political, and legal instrument for mankind in a tyranical, compulsive fashion. Those who desire this are the enemy. Any Mosque teaching Islamic Sharia Law should be declared non-religious and shut down. They are using our religious freedom against us and hiding behind it to seek a political and legal instrument to be established in place of our Constitution. They do not hope to see this in the far distant future, in a two-thousand year reign of God's Son after the earth as we know it has been changed and all people living freely accept His just reign. That is what Christians believe...who do not believe they must force these conditions on others, just that it will occur of its own voalition sometime in the undefined future. No, radical Muslem males and Sharia Law are nothing like that. They seek their rule and Shaira governance right now, right here, and at the point of a sword. They intend themselves to MAKE IT HAPPEN. That is their core belief and mission. To them, you either conform, bow down, or die. No other option exists. This ideology must be destroyed and eradicated from the earth every bit as much as Naziism and Japanese Imperialism was. Until we realize this, and fight and eradicate it accordingly, the war will go on, and the slaughter will continue.
![]() My fellow countrymen and women, we must either develop and display the will to win, in the same manner our fathers and grandfathers did against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, and do the same against Islamic Sharia Law...or they will continue to fight us, kill us, and grow amongst us using our own system against us until they ultimately wear us down and defeat us...and our unalienable liberty, which is our birthright and that of our children and grandchildren, will be taken from the earth.
Copyright © 2012 by Jeff Head, All Rights Reserved