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The 50 MILLION ROUND MARCH Fathers and Families for Liberty Father's Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, New Year's Day, President's Day |
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We shot over 200 rds yesterday Safely and responsibily.
My son and I went to a gun show today at the Expo Center below Little Rock, and when we returned home we went out in the field behind the house and did a little shooting. We did our 100 rounds and really enjoyed it.
We fired off 18,921 rounds at the Desert Trails Gun Range. The Cowboy Action Shooters had a event at another range and they added another 7150 rounds. 26,071 total down range in the Tucson area!The full auto boys showed up and let the TV reporters from channel 9 and 13 shoot the Mac 10, the Lancaster, an UZi and a MP5. It was all smiles. They even filmed each other shooting . They gave us great coverage on the nightly news. None of which was negative.
We had several hundred people attend. And no one complained. Even when they had to do relays because the ranges were all full. We had to stop shooting twice and litterally shovel the brass off the range. One of our members said. "The brass is ankle deep in places down there on the end. I'm in friggin heaven!"
I did my shooting Sat June 17 2000. I am sending a target to my Congressman along with a letter. Enough is enough, NO MORE INFRINGEMENT.
We had 73 shooters on Sunday fire over 4,500 rounds downrange at the Mohave Sportsman Club
I just returned from my excursion to National Shooting Club's indoor range in Santa Clara CA.I brought my trusty Beretta model 92 .40 and fired 90 rounds. 8 of those rounds failed to hit the black at 25 yards. I'm a bit rusty. I saw quite a few Husband's and wives shooting together and some of America's Asian immigrant population firing their weapons.
I note that had I participated a bit more than simply showing up to shoot, there might have been posters and info at the ready. I'll remedy that on Independence Day.
I had a blast and you can put 90 rounds down
Went to a range earlier today. The rangemaster had not heard of the 50MRM but thought it was a great idea. He thought that it was such a good cause that he couldn't take any money from me for the range fee. I will donate the $10 that he would have charged to a pro gun cause. By the way, I found out about the 50MRM by visiting the Second Amendment Sisters, Inc. website. I asked my local NRA members council this last Wednesday if they had heard of the 50MRM but they had not. I was pleased to see the spot on this weekend's NRA Live website. I will mail out my letters this week. Thanks again.
I have mailed a 4 used targets that I downloaded from your website to my Congressional Representatives. They were from my Wife, my two sons and myself after we went to an indoor firing range on Sunday, June 18, 2000. I enclosed them along with a letter encouraging them to STOP legislating Gun Control Laws. Thanks again for your efforts to counter this ever ceasing assault on our Constitutional right to bear arms and please continue the fight.
Went to Angeles Shooting Range in the Angeles National Forest with a friend. Shot several targets @ 100 yards with a replica 50 Cal. Hawken Rifle. Targets, along with letters went to Senators Feinstein and Boxer, Congressman Brad Sherman, State Senator Tom Hayden, State Assemblywoman Sheila Kuehl as well as the usual suspects Bubba and the "tree" at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Fired about 75 rounds.
Drilled the center of the camel on a pack of Camel Cigaretts at the 50 Million Round March on Father's Day. Shot with a Winchester Model 70 SA Heavy Varmint chambered in .308 Winchester at 100 yds. Leupold Vari-x II 3X9X50 scope.
The family and I sent off only 400 rounds before the rain set in! Hope others had better weather!
We loaded the 10 round magazine in the Ruger at least 15 times, and I punched 20 centerfire rounds. Several cylinders full in the .22 revolver because my boy really enjoys it and gets real satisfaction at hitting the black from the 4 incher. So we had to be around 200+ down range....
Since my son and his fiance were passing through on their way to Colorado Springs and were leaving today, we went to the range yesterday, June 17th.My wife was not feeling well so the three of us took the .45 cal Glock, 38 spl S&W (boo) and Beretta .22 plus the Marlin .22 rifle. My son is a natural with the Glock and at good distance too. His girl had never fired a gun before (her family fled Poland). She liked the rifle but the pistols were too close with the business end. At least she is game; just still has some socialist ideas to be corrected.
Blasted away some 400 rounds and have targets to mail to the critters in congress. My son's birthday is Wednesday and he is getting his first NRA membership as a gift.
My wife, our three children (ages 10, 12, 15) and myself hit the range. We brought our 22 rifles, a .357 handgun and a Glock 29 10 mm, a bushmaster AR15, and a HK 91. With all of these guns, we got off about four hundred and 20 rounds downrange. It was an enjoyable experience for us all.
We had 16 show up today at the Northwest Rod and Gun Club in beautiful northwest CT. It rained, pretty hard, most of the morning and early afternoon which probably kept the crowd down, being that we have an outdoor range, but 16 of us did brave the elements and the mosquitos, and had a heck of a shoot!This was a huge success, and it further proves that the 50 Million Round MArch concept is pure genius! I don't know why it hasn't been thought of years ago!
I constructed an eight foot wide, movable target board to compliment our fixed board out at 100 yards. We set up the movable board at 25 yards for the pistoleros who shot first. We had four gentlemen who chose pistols to be the arm of the day, and they shot some nice groups. Two shot .45, and two shot 9mm.
Next, we set up a target at about 15 yards, for our youngest shooter, who fired ten rounds of 22 magnum, in an old lever action. A few did hit the paper, and he had a grand old time, with his granddad helping him.
Then we moved it out to 50 yards, and set up four targets across the board. One fellow, who hadn't shot his 30 30 lever action in 15 years, shot a fine 4 inch group through iron sights. The fellow next to him shot a similar group with a bolt action savage .22. Then came a Russian SKS and a 22 magnum, both shooting remarkably well. No one wanted to venture out the 100 yards,m in the rain, to use the 100 yard board, so the rest of us set up and shot at 50 yards as well. We had a mini 30, another sks, and a nice savage in .243 which made some nice noise!.
The 50 million round march - match was a huge success today at the Rockville Fish and Game Club in Tolland, CT.50 Competitors and their sons and daughters competed in trap shooting.
These people were urged to write their congressmen immediately.
Letters will be mailed tomorrow, Monday, 19 June 2000 to Senators C.Dodd, J. Lieberman and Rep. John Larson.
We will tolerate nothing less than SUCCESS in this endeavour.
FREEDOM to own, possess, carry, and shoot our firearms, being protected by the coveted 2nd amendment of our glorious Bill of Rights shall never be compromised as long as we have the will to fight for them!
4000 rounds shot at the Wyoming Antelope Club Fl Chptr on Fathers Day. Keep'em in the X-ring
Eagle Gun Range in Macon, GA, shot 7207 rounds of ammunition downrange in celebration of our right to do so. The news - both paper and TV folks came, and shot, and filmed, and had very positive articles in print and film. We consider this a succuss and are ready to do it again. Thanks for a great idea.
Went to our local range, Gem County Rod and Gun Club. We had 15-20 people there and ABC News from the local affiliate. They did some good interviews and we even got the lady reporter (at the urging of one of the savy gentlemen there) to shoot some rounds. When she began hitting the metal target 100 yards down range, she started getting excited and saying how "fun" it was. If this ever goes "up" to the network, they'll probably edit that out ... but it happened.Had letters for everyone to the various representatives all prepared for everyone, just had to sign and address the envelopes if they wanted to use the sample, or write their own.
Got great pics of several youth who were there with their fathers. This included my two sons, Jeff Jr. (15) and BJ (10). Also many pics of everyone shooting. The cameraman was a gun enthusiast and he got a lot of good material. I shot off a whole roll of film, but do not have a digital camera so it'll be Monday before I have them developed.
Myself and two sons shot our .308 FAL and .223 Mini-14. Shot right at 100 rounds total ourselves, while others shot significantly more. Several guys had their full auto's there (all paper work on hand) and they let my sons shoot them and we got good coverage of that.
Our group of about 20 probably put out 3000-4000 rounds. We did our part here in Emmett, ID and had a lot of fun doing it. Hope everyone else did as well, and had as good a time. Everyone there took letters and filled them out. Local news at 5:30 and again at 10:00 PM (KIVI Channel 6 out of Boise) did an incredibly good piece on the shoot.
We took the Buckeroo out and scoped it for the kids. The 6-year-old is nailing them one inch above the bullseye; the 4-year-old is at least somewhere in the ball park. My wife is shooting one- to two-inch groups. (I mostly just hang up the targets and clean up afterwards.) Happy Father's Day to all.We can hear shots around the area from other folks too. North Idaho is just beautiful today.
Hey! Just got back from the range! My wife and I sighted in 12 rifles, four handguns, put right around 200 rounds a piece downrange. My wife has decided that my old K-38 should be hers! (not likely) Anyway, photos are in the lab, they and targets are going E-mail to Bill, Al, and just about anyone that needs to see what it's all about. (it ain't about shooting ducks). My wife is new at this. We have another convert.
My wife, son and I took to the field with a NM M1 Garand, a FN FAL heavly barrel carbine and an Enfield jungle carbine in .308 (that sucker's loud - but accurate). A great time was had by the clan. Nothing like the continuous crack of aimed and accurate heavy caliber fire to stir the soul. Wife and son were nailing 8" iron consistently at 100 meters. I enjoyed myself to the tune of 300 rounds at 300-450 yards at 8" iron plates. Bang the gong, indeed.Then a fine Fathers' Day dinner at the Outback Steakhouse. Lots of People Eating Tasty Animals.
I am pleased to report on a very successful 50 Million Round March event! Specialized Training Associates used the occasion of an NRA Pistol Instructor Training Class as an official 50MRM event. Ten students attended and were eager to participate once the event was explained. Most had heard of the million-misguided-moms, but had not yet heard of the 50MRM. When I showed them their target and explained the purpose, they were excited and eager to participate.No one wanted to shoot holes in that beautiful target! They all took theirs home and we shot the traditional blank sheet training target. We celebrated a great Father’s Day, certified ten new instructors with renewed patriotism, and have a souvenir and story to share with future students. (I used a 50MRM target for a shoot-off at the end of the class to make sure I had my souvenir and a story to tell.
Thanx, for a truly inspirational idea and the beginning of what is sure to become a gun owner’s tradition.
Put me down for 100 .22LR and 50 .45 acp today
Shot in a Bullseye match yesterday (270 rounds) and me and the kids shot 150 .22's and 24 black powder .44 today. Thanks.
Great idea. My wife and I shot 100 rounds. (2 games of skeet each ...)
I had a nasty case of food poisoning today so I had to shoot my 10 rounds with some .22 CB caps from my bed into a bullet trap. Didn't make it out to the range but it was safe and enjoyable. Nothin' you'll want pictures of, though.
Shot on a friend's farm with my tricked out Ruger 1022 (match bull barrel, trigger job, Ramline stock) shot at about 30 yards through a 4x40mm scope with Stingers. I wish I could have shot 50,000,000 rounds personally but I did go through about 500
Im sorry I could not take part today,but I had to take my little girl to soft ball. You can count on us for 2000-3000 rnds on the 4th. GOD CUTS&GUNS lets keep all three.
Participated in the March today June18, 2000. Did my patriotic duty to up hold the Second Amendment.
We shot about 1500 rounds fathers day and hope to do better the fourth. Sent 120 leters to State. Thank you for giving us this chance to do our part. Grandpa Buck
I arrived at Knob Creek at about 1:45. The range was blazing away, although the weather was wet and rainy most of the afternoon - Knob Creek has overhead cover for the shooters.I didn't count noses, but at any one time there were between 15 - 23 shooters on the ready line.
I brought my Million Mom March buttons and posters, and they were an instant hit with the crowd! Met Shadow Demon, who was wise enough to bring several of Jeff Head's 50 MRM targets (as illustrated by Critter above). They went like hotcakes, and the Range Safety had to go to the photocopy machine twice to keep up with the demand.
My shot group was pretty tight, that scope and stable firing position helped alot. I also hit 3 of 3 MMM buttons at about 20 meters.
All in all a wonderful event. The rain was sent from Heaven because this area really needed it.
In Houma, shot a government issue, 1944 M-1 Carbine on Father's Day, "...from my cold dead fingers!"
A whole group of us gave 50 Million Round salute from Lincoln, Maine.
Had to dodge thunderstorms for a good portion of the afternoon. (it was worth it though).It was young Ben's first experience with the AR-15, and he took to it well. He's a fantastic kid, and it was a fantastic Father's Day. Thanks to all who concieved of this, and put it together. It was a great opportunity.
It was damp in this part of the state, too but I'm glad I went out - much evidence that I need more practice !! Now to compose a good accompanying letter.
My husband did our Father's Day shooting at our local Rod & Gun Club - sighting in our lever-actions for our upcoming Cowboy shoot. Other members of our club attended Cowboy, Skeet and Trap matches on that day. We're trying to get more organized for July 4th
The 50 million round march here was a sucess and those to the west of me that is not blue sky that is blue smoke from the black powder cannon that went off at 2 o'clock. Letters are in the envelopes.
Had a great time today shooting! ~75 rounds of 30-06 sighting in and practicing with my 4X scoped and composite stocked Rem 700. About 110 rounds of .223 semi-auto, open sight and about 30 rounds of .45 ACP.A good day...and some ok placements and groups @ 100 yds....nothing to write home about but it would do the job if I was hunting. Take care!
Had 200+ in attendance at the Pioneer Gun Club. ABC and Nippon TV from Japan covered the event in detail. Had the reporters shooting as well. A couple had never touched a gun before!Pistol range, rifle ranges and shotgun shooting was enjoyed by all. Perfect weather.
Must have put 30,000 rounds down range here. Thanks SO much to the Missouri 51st Militia for helping sponsor this. They did outstanidng work and were prepared with letters to the elected representatives and all around help. Very congenial, very helpful. Also, thanks SO much to the organizers of the 50 Million Round March for getting this going. We had a GREAT time and intend to participate on the other dates as well. Hope more ranges, shops and clubs will get on board with this. It needs to sweep the nation!
Sunday was long range day for our group of shooters up here in the " Big Sky". 500 plus yards. The wind was favorable early on so the groups were easy on the eye. The spotter was kept real busy. I estimate that we had shot about 1500 rounds for the day. Looking forward to the fourth of July!
I just got back from shooting at the All Seasons Shooting Range in Lincoln, Nebraska. In addition to the accoutrements I was able to bring along my laptop. Best shot I made all day!We got to Listen to Jeff Head on the NRA Live tape and then pumped 150 rounds down range into mementos that will be sent to my reps/senators. Introduced some New Folks to the 50MRMarch.
Took the wife out for her first time with a real firearm (Ruger MKII .22cal Government Competition model). She did real well for a novice and we had a great time on the range. Can't wait to do it again!
My nephew Ryan, age 16, shot a modern Ruger Old Army .45 caliber black powder cap and ball revolver on a damp Father's Day in the green woodlands of New Boston, New Hampshire. Five of us spent the afternoon shooting and had a great time. Thanks and Keep Up The Good Work
Five of us, my wife, two nephews, a close buddy and myself, went out to shoot in the green woodlands of New Boston, New Hampshire on Sunday. It was a damp day, but we braved the weather and bugs and tried to do our part to protect our Second Amendment rights.We shot a variety of firearms including .22 rifles, 9mm and .40S&W pistols and a classic 1942 Enfield in .303 British. But the real treat, provided to us by a man and his daughter who showed up to shoot at the same place, was shooting a Ruger Old Army .45 caliber black powder cap and ball revolver. Wow, what a blast!
All told I figure we shot about 250 rounds for the cause, a modest number, but we had a great time. Our congressmen will soon be receiving our letters, targets and pictures, and I for one am looking forward to doing it again on July 4th. I just hope the weather is better up here.
My 18 year old son and I had a 140 mile round trip to our 50 Million Round March event. We were only able to stay about an hour at the event. However, in that hour we were able to puncture 4 targets each, meet some great 2nd Amendment supporters, and have an overall enjoyable time.
Just returned from our family Father's Day shoot in honor of the 50 Million Round March. My wife, 10 year old son, and my neighbor, with his 10 year old boy headed to Creekside Gun Shop here in Western NY. We touched off 70 rounds of .223 and about 150 of .22LR...220 in all. My buddy and his kid went through probably another 200 of .223, .22, and even some 30-06 from his Springfield 1903. What a gun!!All told, we had a great time, spent the afternoon together, and added over 400 rounds to the cause. My letter will be going out to Louise Slaughter on Monday, and I'll be sure to let her know that thanks to our practice today, our firearms are more "well-regulated."
Went to the local sandpit today with my wife and youngest daughter (16). We were joined by a friend and his ten year old son and a neighbor. In spite of heavy rain we sent nearly 1000 rounds downrange for liberty. Everyone had a great time. Letters are on their way. Unfortunately had a glitch with digital camera. Will have to duplicate the excersize soon to capture pictures...oh darn.
We had a Benchrest school going on at Canastota Conservation club in Canastota NY. At 2:00 PM July 18 2000 approximately 25 shooters let loose 250 rounds to celebrate. Between 2 and 3Pm you can estimate that over 700rounsd fired.
We started early here in W. North Carolina. Yesterday, my neighbor invited me, a couple of other adults, and a 13 year old up to his place to shoot his black powder rifles. It was the first time I had ever done that, and it was really cool!He made the stocks himself out of trees that he found here on our mountain: Cherry, Pear, Maple. They are inlaid and carved and really beautiful.
We first fired the .40 caliber flintlock at a target about 25 yards away. B-o-o-o-o-o-m-m-m-m-m! The fire and white smoke belched out and a little round hole magically appeared in the target downrange. We were using only 40 grains of FFFg, so the recoil was minimal.
My neighbor taught us all how to swab the barrel and load the rifles as well. A couple of times we just had "a flash in the pan" and the gun didn't fire when the flintlock fell, so he showed us how to change flints, too. . The 13 year old got the only bullseye, and boy was he proud! The took the target to show his friends and teachers...he..hee. Great family fun
We had 62 shooters who expended 6200 rounds of ammo today. There were no accidents or injuries. No laws were broken. A happy Father's Day was enjoyed by all.All shooters were given a complimentary target, the sample letter from your website, and a list of the addresses for the shooters' US Senators, US Representative, Governor, President and Vice President.
We hope to get more participation July 4 and each succeeding date this is scheduled.
My two sons, 11 & 7, fired 50 rounds of 9mm and 50 rounds of .22 cal. at targets downloaded from your web site. Great idea!!! I sent a letter w/target to Clinton as well as Gore. Also added a tidbit about the 50 Million Round March in the conservative political quarterly that I help manage -- The Oklahoma Constitution.
Here is 30 rounds from myself, my son Nolan,and my friend Mike
Great Idea, My wife, Kids and I sent 400 rounds down range.HooRahh
My youngest son and I did a brick (500) of .22 through two pistols and I also shot just over two magazines of .45 in my carry pistol. This was Sunday afternoon ... put us down for 516 rounds!
Father's Day, June 18th was a momentous day at the Myrtle Point Sportsman's Club. About 170 people participated in the first 50 Million Round March to demonstrate their support of our constitutional rights.About a third of the shooters were women! There were also entire families (husbands, wives and children) who came out to show their support of our constitution. Attendees represented a cross section of our communities with attorneys, farmers and ranchers, business people. public officials, political candidates, law enforcement personnel and people from nearly every social, vocational and economic background participating. These are the true Americans!
Everyone was cheerful and understood the necessity of placing safety first. All participants were very co-operative and obeyed the rules. Just think, all those people with firearms and not a single one was injured! The bleeding heart, liberal, anti-gun, anti-American, anti-constitutional socialists must be apoplectic! Not one of those guns ran off to a school or other public place and started shooting people...imagine that! These are the type of people who made America the greatest nation in the history of the world and who grasp the importance of individual rights, accountability and responsibility in a free society.
My brother and his family (3 kids and wife) and my wife and myself went to the local range. Had a great time. Fired 44 mag, 357 mag, and 22 rimfire. Gave the kids some beginners lessons. Will be sending in some targets to our congresscritters....... We will get the word out a bit better for the next one on the 4th. All of the shooters we talked to were VERY enthusiastic, and were glad of the chance to DO SOMETHING.
We sent 500 rounds downrange today in honor of this occasion. Happy Father's Day to all fathers and their children.
It's raining down this way so I didn't get to touch off the 1824 Harper's Ferry musket I've spent the last three years restoring - it was just too wet. My paper targets pretty well turned to mush after a minute or more in the drizzle, but a couple of 25-yard pistol targets set inside FedEx shipping pouches protected a few for long enough to ventilate a few with my M1911 for mailing to assorted political representatives Monday.Just to be thorough, I also fired off a few clips worth from the Garand and my L42A1 Enfield when a car pulled up, with an older fella and his grandson, with his .22- a birthday present [yesterday] from Gramps, it seems. They had a box of 50 with them; I had a brick of 500 along, and it seemed a swell time to be generous. The older gent was eying my Garand; he hadn't held one since Tarawa, he said.
He put 2 clips worth, 18 rounds, through a 10-inch-by-16-inch mailer not quite a hundred yards out. Like riding a bicycle, he hadn't forgotten. And yes, his Grandson got to try the Garand too, with a real expert for a coach. Not at all a bad way to spend a morning on a rainy day, and a nice way to make two new good friends. They thought the 50 Million round idea was a great one.
Had a wonderful day yesterday with the shooting in support of the "50 MILLION ROUND MARCH" at ON TARGET FIREARMS TRAINING ACADEMY here in Ft. Worth, TX. I had 46 shooters enjoy firing a total of 6604 rounds safely downrange, without incident. Many families and couples participated and all are looking forward to the 4th of July shoot.
Today, Fathers Day, 2000, at 'The Shooting Gallery' in Fort Worth, 200 rounds (.380's) for the 50MRMarch. Sent eight labeled baggies (one each), with one shot-up 50MRMarch target and 20 spent casings, to; Rosie O'Cow, president xlinton, Chuckie Schumer, Tom Brokenjaw (NBC), Peter Jerkoff (ABC), Dan Ratherbias (CBC), Hildabeast (at her campaign gulag), and Sarah Brady (at gungrabber, Inc.).And, YES, it certainly did feel good. Thanks, for the great idea.
My two sons and I usually shoot at Gipsons Outpost & Shooting Range east of Dallas. We called them on Friday and they hadn't heard of the 50 Million Round March. We found a range in Ft Worth called "The Shooting Gallery" that was aware so we went there and did ours. We all shot over 100 rounds each with our FN FALs. One Son had his 8 year old daughter there shooting her own .22 rifle. That range was letting fathers shoot free with a paid admission. We had a great day.
Reporting here from Fort Worth, Texas. Went down to Bob's Shooting Palace (one of the many ranges we have here) in early afternoon with my wife.Brought my new Taurus PT940 and shot about 50 rounds to get warmed up. Put another ten rounds in a 2-inch group at the 15 yard line on the 50 million round target to mail in to the Congresscritters. The range owner told me he had about 30 targets so far.
Shot about 500 rounds today at the gunrange, hopefully before July 4 we can get all of the 2nd amendment organizations to advertise the event better and by the September holiday (Labor Day or is it Memorial Day) we can have this ball rolling to where the liberal politicians know we mean business. Thank you for all the work you did to get this movement started.I had losts of folks who wanted to do it, but family obligations got in the way, maybe the 4th will be even bigger
I went to Carter's Country outdoor range in north Houston; these people had a blurb about 50MMRM on their Thursday newspaper ad, and told me that there had been "quite a few" shooters streaming through with the Father's Day shoot in mind, so we may hear from others at the same place, or other locations in Houston. Anyway, I threw 60 of my 9MM downrange with my pistol, and 30 each .303 rounds, thinking nice thoughts about Sarah, Rosie, Bill, Hillary, and Al. Had a ball; looking forward to July 4
Well, I did my shooting, a total of 90 rounds - 30 with my WWII vintage military rifle, 60 with the 9MM Keltec. The manager at Carter's Country shooting range said there'd been a parade of shooters since Friday PM, most of whom mentioned something about the 50MM Round March; and, as I pointed out before, this place had a spot in their Thursday newspaper ad. Met some like-minded folks, had a good time. I belileve this is something that will gain momentum,
We had a blast! Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Father's Day.
My Father's Day was great! My son, two of his friends, and I contributed over 500 rounds at a local gun range, enjoying target shooting.
I headed for my gun club. I put 150 rounds downrange, 60 rounds of .223 (Mini-14), 60 rounds of 7.62X39 (MAK 90) and 30 rounds of 9mm (Marlin Camp Carbine).I was pleasantly surprised to find out, that earlier in the day, 15-20 shooters "dedicated" the rounds they shot, as part of their various weekly competitions, to this effort and proceeded to write their letters, right there in the clubhouse. I have no idea how many "independents" may have also participated. I plan to write my letters this evening.
Zachary (10) participed in the Father's Day 50 MRM on the ranch in San Angelo, Texas. When he was 9 he shot his first deer with the same rifle and received his Texas Big Game Award in Fredricksburg, Texas from former Dallas Cowboy Jay Novacek.
I took all of my available chidren and my lovely to Bob's Guns to do our part for Liberty yesterday after we got our of church. My wife and I and my oldest daughter spent about an hour at the range and contributed about 250 rounds to the 50million hoped for. Our letters will go to Our representatives this week.
I was joined at Bob's Gun & Tackle in downtown Norfolk this afternoon by a couple of families, one with 7 members and the other with 3. The first family was dad, mom, and 5 sons, aged 3 (or so) to 15 (may have been 14, I'm guessing). The other was a couple with their adult daughter. I was flying solo, as my family is in Colorado right now waiting for me to get out of the Navy.The family of 3 had the target made from Jefferson's quote about "let your gun be your constant companion" that was available for download from the 50 MR March site (http://www.50mrmarch.com). The father poked several .45 caliber holes in it with his 1911 model (one magazine full). The rest of the time was spent using a Browning Buckmark .22 LR. Bob Marcus, the owner, was very supportive of the event, to say the least. He didn't even charge anyone for the use of the range.
Even if we didn't get 5 million Dads with kids to the range today, I'm betting we exceeded 50 million rounds. Did you ever see a kid who wanted to quit after only 10 rounds? Nor have I.
We did our part, here in NE Wyoming. There's gunsmoke in great clouds!