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The 50 MILLION ROUND MARCH Fathers and Families for Liberty Father's Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, New Year's Day, President's Day |
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I and many friends drove out to Table Mesa Road and participated as well. As a special treat I got to shoot a 1919A1 for the first time courtesy of Nelson Ford. Other guns that I fired for the first time included a Grizzly 45 win mag, Blazer R93 tactical 308, an M1 Garand (believe it or not this was my first oppurtunity at that one) and a Ruger 454 Casul.I brought and shared my Dissipator, Enfield Jungle Carbine .308, Marlin 1894 .357, Remington 700 Police DM .308 and my Kimber Ultra-Carry.
All in all about 2000 rnd of my own ordnance was used up and I don't even want to guess at how much ammo was used by others in our little group. Needles to say a fun time was had by all.
To all gun owning loyal patriots, A very happy 4th of July wish for you! Just to add some more steam to our movement, I have just mailed 10, yes 10 priority envelopes containing spent casings and used targets to our elected officials.My wife, roommate, and myself all participated on this most sacred day of Independence. We sent our correspondence to our State Representative, 2 State Senators, and State Governor.We enjoyed our day together and shot well, with purpose! I feel that this Independence Day meant more to us than in previous yrs.
We have been supporters of our 2nd Amendment for sometime, however this year seemed filled with more enthusiasm and renewed vigor for our precious freedoms. Since the Million Mom's Masquerade in May I have gotten my CCW permit, have bought my wife a new conceal gun, and have enlisted 10 people in the NRA. That # hopefully will rise to 15 by years end! Let us mount up and take a stand together!!!
While in Phoenix last week I took my 8 year old son and 2 nephews to the range and let them each shoot 50+ rounds of .38 through my .357 Ruger "road trip gun". Two more soldiers for the cause! They made me promise to bring more interesting arms next visit! And I will, I will!
Our local gun club, which is the Old Fort Gun Club,participated in the march today.We had a very good turnout of about 100 people.Our targets and pictures will be on their way to our Senators and Representatives this week.We are a club of over 400 families strong;the largest in AR.We are proud to be a part of this great event
My .44 Magnum pistol spoke it's authority for the march and will be distributed to my state officials. Keep the ball rolling! At least they can't expect us to roll over and play dead for them!!!
We went to our local indoor range; my wife, my fifteen year old son, two of our friends and I. I taught my son about gun safety when he was just eight years old, just as my father had taught me. Today, he is an expert marks-man with the up-most respect for firearms and life.My wife, on the other hand, never cared much for the guns I have always kept in the house for our protection, but I am proud to say, on the anniversary of America's independence from tyranny, she held my 9mm in her hand for the first time and shot an absolutely perfect pattern. She's a natural! She overcame her fear and can't wait to go again.
It was myself and my two sons (10 & 15). They practiced with their Ruger MK II 22 target pistol and I zeroed and practiced with a new (to me) Browning A-Bolt II .233 Varmint rifle. Hit well out to about 250 yards, but that surplus military ammo drops like a rock by the time I was shooting 440 yards, about three feet low on the target. Never-the-less, we shot up 400 rounds between us, mostly 22s. About 100 .223.
Thanks for bring this wonderful idea into action. I took my son out shooting and we had a great time. My Senators and some of the more prominent pro-disarmament Senators have already heard from me, along with appropriate memento's.
I was alone, but fired 100 rds. .444-.270-.308. I used this time to test some reloads I've been working on. Keep up the good work.
Just got back from the range, (Cedar Hills Gun Club), the wife and I put 200 rounds apiece downrange. A couple of surprises from the rack, like an old pawn shop derelict, $59.00 8mm Mod 98 that put 10 rounds in an inch and a quarter at a hundred with mil. sights. A restored 03-A3 that went 3/4 at a hundred for 10 rounds. Had way too much fun. The wife even says she wants to try trap now.
Put 10 rounds across the field (no paper) here on the farm after finishing wheat cutting at dusk. 240gr. LSWC .44mag S&W 29E 8 5/8" Silloette sights. Dead on at 100 yrds. within 6' by eye at the count of 6 flight time 'out there'(aprox 5/8 mile) Hired hand wouldn't fire!?
As part of the 50 million round march I went briefly to the range with my Buck Mark and 10/22 and new Kowa TS1, mainly to check out the scope and exercise what miserable illusion of freedom that I have.I ran about 75 rounds through the little Browning at 25 yards and only wish I'd started earlier in the day; the Boston fireworks were calling!
I had a great time at the 50 million round match with my girlfriend Chris. I fired an micro-UZI, Stoner SR-25C, and a Steyr Scout. What better way to celebrate the Fourth of July than when enjoying shooting!?
I went out the the Carson City shooting range, just East of town. I have to admit there were not too many of us there. I brought along my .40 Keltec and my .38 Taurus. It was a beautiful cloudless, calm day. I spent a little time talking to the guy next to me. Both of us have Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permits. In fact, most people I meet at the ranges admit to having these permits. Anyway, we talked a little about keeping our brass, a little about bureaucratic nonsense/hinderances pertaining to acquiring those permits. Then I started shooting. I would not have gone out there on the Fourth if it had not been for the encouragement from the 50 Million Round March updates I have read about on the web.To be honest, no one I talked to knew about the 50MRM. But I did. I fired my pistols with the calm assurance that I am not alone. I walk into a voting booth alone but, I am not alone. Because of the web, radio talk shows, I am not along. I don't want to talk about revolution but, I am damn well ready; most everyone I talk to is ready. We just don't want to. Keep up the good work. I will start talking up things on my end; "O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave."
On the morning of the 4th, after we broke camp and before taking part in the Jarbidge road clearing, myself, my son Jared and three others, drove well up into the mountains above Jarbidge, NV and took part in the 50 Million Round March. We fired off about 200 rounds of .233, .308 and .22 mag. Our letters will be addressed later today.
Tested out a new Glock 36 and sighted in a new scope on a mini. Also wasted a few cans with a 9mm. The Glock is the new short and skinny, little recoil .45.
Keeping with my normal schedule I went to the range Sunday am. Shot 4 rounds of skeet at the Sodus Bay Sportmen's club, Sodus Point,NY. Stopped for a quick meal then headed to Walworth Gun Club, Walworth, NY. for a round of trap.Monday, off to my club Williamson Conservation & Sporting club, Williamson,NY www.geocities.com/blackpowderbill. Ran a few rounds through my 1858 Parker-Hale .58cal. Then fired up the 1881 Trapdoor for another 25.
The 4th was topped of by a trip to the movie house to see the Patriot. Naturally being properly dress in my new 50mmrd march T-shirt.
On the 4th of July, I found myself camping with family and friends. My niece, in an accusing tone no doubt fostered in our FINE public schools, asked me why I had brought my shotgun. Was I afraid of bears (snicker)? I replied that I was not afraid of animals...that most animals would have the sense to stay far away from us. No, I carry arms to protect my family from "people." Evil people are the only thing we need to fear.In honor of the cause, I did plunk a package of 5 deerslugs into the Bay.
I fear that my letters to Congressperson Slaughter and Senators Moynihan and Schumer are but so much shouting into the wind, but I send them anyway. Making public our opinions is the only way other people get the other part of the story. When others learn that there are those of us who reject the media propaganda re firearms, only then do they see that there are two sides to every story.
Looking forward to the Turkey Shoot and determined to photograph it this time around...
The wife and I set up a little pistol range in our driveway today and fired off about 50 rounds of 38spl.It was hard to hit anything with my wife's little 2" barrel, enclosed hammer "purse gun", but we were both doing real well with the 7 1/2" barrel .357 magnum.
Here in the Piedmont of NC on July 4th I packed up my trusty .308 Ishapore Lee-Enfield Rifle; a Series 70 Colt and took my NRA Silver Bullet Buddy with her brand new Walther P99 in .40 Caliber S&W out to a local range. There under a hot humid but clear and sunny Carolina sky we shot three 50 Million Round argets at various distances as well as a number of plain paper targets for a good three hours.We found at least ten other shooters who welcomed our donation of surplus 50 Million Round Targets (stockpiled for exactly that purpose) and made their own contributions to the 50 Million Round March. When we came back to town I xeroxed the targets (highlighted with a black background so the strikes would be clearly visible) and now we have a supply of "typing paper" to use when we correspond with our elected officials. One side will have the text of our comments and the other side will be the July 4th 50 Million Round Target.
Beats the heck out of mailing teabags, though I suppose we could staple a couple those on each letter as well.
Just a note to let you know that 25 gun owners and shooters took part in the 50 Million Round March yesterday, July 4, 2000, at the Powder Room in Powell, Ohio. 25 shooters firing about 1750 rounds.
My two sons, 11 & 7, and I celebrated Independence Day by firing a few rounds from a Winchester .22. Just as we did on Father's Day...we had a blast! I've sent a target to both Pres. Bill Clinton and VP Al Gore
Just got back from the range. My son and I sent a brick of .22 and well over 100 rounds of heavier stuff down range. Add us in!
I have just returned from my day of participation in the 50 Million Round March. I was at the indoor range this morning for around 4 hours. Between my wife and myself we fired 300 rounds of .22 from my competition rifle and a .22 pistol. We also fired 50 rounds from a .357 magnum. We then went to a picnic and our freinds were shooting clay pidgeons behind their house I got to shoot 25 rounds there and they shot 200 rounds between 3 people. Then came the icing on the cake I got out my flintlock and we each got to shoot a couple of times ( alot of cleaning time) so add 12 shots with the muzzleloader. Our grand total for our day was 587 rounds here in Erie,Pa. Keep up the great work.
Tuesday morning my wife and myself went to our gun club in Erie,Pa. and fired 50 rounds of .357 and 200 rounds of .22 with both pistol and rifle. We went home briefly to get some things for our freinds picnic, i grabbed my muzzleloader to bring for us to shoot also. Add another 200 rounds of 12gauge shells and another 12 rounds out of the muzzleloader. We all had a fantastic time and we all plan on doing this on a regular basis. We can't wait for the next event.
My sister and her husband were involved in a motorcycle accident this weekend, and it kind of threw things out of kilter for us (they are doing okay now, though). So I just picked up my 30.06 rifle and shot a few rounds early this evening (taking only one pic for posterity ;o) and then called it a night.
I took the liberty (no pun intended) to carry my S&W 9mm and one of my favorite toys, L1A1, to a good friend's property just to make sure I was able to participate in the 50 MRM. Surprisingly, after telling everyone why I insisted on shooting that day, they asked to shoot also. Had a great time teaching others how to shoot responsibly. One especially shining spot: an aquaintance of mine who had never touched a gun and happens to be ultra left wing (I tell her she's a closet conservative) watched as my wife shot the 9mm and asked how she could condone such activities. I invited her to shoot assuring her it wouldn't turn on her. After a brief discussion on general safety rules and proper shooting technique, she proceeded to fire ten rounds from 20 feet. The smile on her face was pure pride at hitting the target 9 times. She left with a little different perspective and an understanding that guns really don't kill people! I chuckled at her smile...
Short and sweet - 200 rounds by 'yours truly,' and 100 rounds by sweetheart.I traded by Walther PPK/S, .380, to my sweetie, and I'm now developing an eye and an ARM for my brand new .357 magnum Desert Eagle. Yes, it's Israel made but it's SWEET! I shot up some 125 gr, 158 gr and some 180's. Oh yeah, this is one effective peace maker.
It was a truly Happy Independence Day, and now time to try-out my new reloading equipment and writing some letters to my congress critters; Joe Barton, Phil Gramm, and Kay Bailey Hutchison. As before, many thanks for the great idea of the 50mrMarch!
A beautiful day here in Glen Rose Texas where my son and I did our patriotic duty and fired rounds from a .30-06 and a .22 rifle. Safely and with smiles on our face, we punched holes in our targets at 100 yards. We could only spend the morning hours but plan on going back again soon!It was sadening to see only one other shooter that morning. Maybe after lunch the shooter's started showing up but I have a feeling Independence Day, with its parades, picnic's, and fairs, probably stole the show from the 50 Million Round Marchers.
This doesn't stop us from shooting our special targets and sending them in to our lawmakers! You can do your part even if it isn't "on that day". Everytime I go to the range I plan on bringing 50 Million Round March targets with me to send in proof of my willingness to support our second amendment with my vote.
We held our 50 MILLION ROUND MARCH activity on Sunday 2 July, 2000 at On Target Firearms Training Academy in Ft. Worth, TX. A total of 34 shooters fired a total of 4,200 rounds in support of the 2nd. Amendment. We will continue to have activities between now and Thanksgiving. One of the next activities here will be to provide voter registration cards available here to get people signed up to VOTE!!!!!
I fired 200 rounds of .22 caliber and .45 caliber through three handguns on July 4th in Carrollton, TX at the Dallas Pistol Club. I did the same thing every day from June 26 through July 6.
Our count for July 4th: 500 rounds from The Hole in the Wall.
I went to a range and qualified for my carry permit. Fired 50 rounds from a Glock Model 30 .45 Cal. My brother also qualified by firing 50 rounds from a Colt Combat Commander .45 cal. That's an additional 100 rounds to add to the total.
Bob of "Bob's Guns" opened his range especially for us on a traditional holiday to support the 50 Million Round March. I took a party of four, a Pastor and his wife and young son and my wife and recruited four young navy men to make it eight shooters. I provided the July 4th 50 MR target,which I enlarged to 11" X 17" size. Bob's Guns was very supportive, providing free 22 ammo and weapons and range and targets.We fired various calibers which included, 9MM, 44Mag, 45ACP, 38SPL and lots of 22. My personal favorite is of course my M1911A1 which faultlessly delivered 150 rounds down range.
The Pastor's wife is from Romania and grew up under Communist tyranny. She and her husband are avid shooters and are naturals. She made the comment that "It is wonderful to be able to own a gun to protect yourself. It was not allowed in my country. It was not allowed to openly worship God either. I am so thankful for the freedom we have as Americans."
As a group we sent about 1000 rounds down range for Liberty and had a lot of fun and comradesmenship doing it. I presented the mission statement and purpose of the 50 Million Round March and provided participates with congressional and senatorial addresses, some 50 Million Round letter head paper and a soap box presentation on voting. It was a good day.
Upon leaving the range, several of us proceeded to a local theater to view the movie "The Patriot". All in all a very rewarding day. It is time to stand for what we know to be right. If not now when? If not us who?