Fathers and Families for Liberty
Father's Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, New Year's Day, President's Day


Joanie Fischer, 50mrmarch-joanie@bigfoot.com

Conservtive Site of the Day
MFL and FLI Endorsements, Thanksgiving Planning

September 10, 2000 (Boise, Idaho) The 50 Million Round March Web Site [www.50mrmarch.com] was named the Conservative Site of the Day for September 1st, 2000 by Enter Stage Right [www.enterstageright.com], a well known conservative site on the internet. Speaking of the selection of the 50 Million Round March, Mr. Jeff Head, the principle organizer of the 50 Million Round March said,

"We are gratified for this recognition by ESR. The effort to maintain our 2nd amendment rights while educating all citizens about the importance of that effort is a hallmark of conservative and patriotic efforts in America. It is what the 50 Million Round March is all about."
The 50 Million Round March is dedicated to holding several annual events to energize gun owners across America to political action in defense of their Second Amendment rights. Events on Father's Day and Independence Day have already been held. Now, at private and public gun ranges all over the nation, gun owners are preparing on Thanksgiving to safely and responsibly shoot their weapons and then write letters to their elected representatives insisting that those officials cease passing legislation which infringes on the Second Amendment. The effort is continuing to gain momentum with further support and endorsement.

Mr. Jeff Cole, one of the Co-Directors for the March for Liberty [www.marchforliberty.org], an annual effort to gather dedicated patriots in Washington DC to rally for Constitutional Restoration each October, said the following while endorsing the 50 Million Round March:

"The 50 Million Round March is a great opportunity for gun enthusiasts to go to the range and shoot and then send an undeniable message that our government has exceeded its Constitutional authority with regard to our endowed right to protect ourselves against enemies, foreign AND domestic. We can but hope and pray that events like the 50 Million Round March will serve to persuade, and yes, even force our elected officials to return to exercising their authority within the Constitutional guidelines set forth by the Founding Fathers. It is activities, like the 50 Million Round March, that reflects upon the true mission to March for Liberty."
In addition, Shonda Ponder, the Chief Editor of the internet News Source, Friends of Liberty International, [www.friendsofliberty.com], has whole heartedly endorsed the 50 Million Round March. In so doing, she indicated,
"Friends of Liberty, International supports the 50-Million Round March because no family should have to endure the terror of being without a gun when it could save the life of a loved one in time of danger."
Over 230 groups, 2nd amednment organizations and major gun ranges around the country have endorsed and are supporting the 50 Million Round March effort. Please visit the 50 Million Round March website at www.50mrmarch.com to learn more about this watershed, grassroots second amendment effort.

Please note: Organizers of the Fifty Million Round March event are scheduling talk radio interviews for September. Any interested parties are requested to direct inquiries to Joanie Fischer 50mrmarch-joanie@bigfoot.com

Again, for more information, please visit www.50mrmarch.com.

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