Fathers and Families for Liberty
Father's Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, New Year's Day, President's Day


Joanie Fischer, 50mrmarch-joanie@bigfoot.com

50 Million Round March endorses March for Liberty
Thanksgiving Day “Great American Turkey Shoot for Liberty” planned

August 21, 2000 (Boise, Idaho) The 50 Million Round March (www.50mrmarch.com) announced today its complete endorsement of the “March for Liberty” (www.marchforliberty.org) to be held in Washington, DC on October 7th.

The March for Liberty is a grassroots effort to assemble patriotic Americans from all over the nation on the mall in Washington DC to state grievances and petition the federal government for redress. A highlight of the event is an open microphone which any patriotic American, who agrees with the mission statement of the March, can use to publicly express their constitutional grievances.

Mr. Jeff Head, the principle organizer of the 50 Million Round March, stated the following in announcing his support for this activity:

“I was at last year’s March for Liberty with my wife and youngest son and was deeply moved by the patriotic spirit and commitment of those who came. It was thrilling to hear every day Americans stand up and state so forthrightly their commitment to the Constitution of this nation and the principles on which it is based. It was equally thrilling to hear these individuals state so directly the nature of the ills facing this nation, despite the best efforts of one worlders, socialists and the media to deceive and dumb-down the public.

We heard from literally scores of individuals, from all walks of life, that day and it touched our hearts. I look forward to attending again and hope everyone who can possibly make it to Washington DC on October 7th will be there.”

Mr. Head has been asked to MC the event.

In addition, planning for the “Great American Turkey Shoot for Liberty” on Thanksgiving are proceeding. That day will mark the 3rd installment of the 50 Million Round March, which has held pro-second amendment rallies on Father’s Day and Independence Day of this year already.

On those days, at private and public gun ranges all over the nation, gun owners safely and responsibly shot their weapons in support of the 2nd amendment and then wrote letters to their elected representatives insisting that those officials cease passing legislation which infringes on the Second Amendment. The event on Thanksgiving will be conducted in the same manner.

Over 230 groups, 2nd amednment organizations and major gun ranges around the country have endorsed and are supporting the 50 Million Round March effort. Please visit the 50 Million Round March website at www.50mrmarch.com to learn more about this watershed, grassroots second amendment effort.

Please note: Organizers of the Fifty Million Round March event are scheduling talk radio interviews for September. Any interested parties are requested to direct inquiries to Joanie Fischer 50mrmarch-joanie@bigfoot.com

Again, for more information, please visit www.50mrmarch.com.

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