Fathers and Families for Liberty
Father's Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, New Year's Day, President's Day


Joanie Fischer, 50mrmarch-joanie@bigfoot.com

July 4th Success
Jarbidge, Nevada Report
More Endorsements

July 8, 2000 (Boise, Idaho) The "second installment" of the Fifty Million Round March [www.50mrmarch.com], was held at public and private gun ranges across America on July 4th. A little over six weeks after announcing intentions to hold several annual events to energize gun owners across America to political action in defense of their Second Amendment rights, this second event, held on Independence Day, was a great success. At private and public gun ranges all over the nation, gun owners safely and responsibly shot their weapons and then wrote letters to their elected representatives insisting that those officials cease passing legislation which infringes on the Second Amendment.

As a result, excitement and testimonials have again been pouring into the Fifty Million Round March website [www.50mrmarch.com] in the form of hundreds of e-mails attesting to the simple power and virtue of this effort. A few comments from some of those e-mails are included here:

  • 2000 rnd of my ordnance and I don't even want to guess at how much ammo was used by others in our group. Needles to say a fun time was had by all. - AZ
  • I have just mailed 10. yes 10 priority envelopes containing spent casings and used targets to our elected officials. - AZ
  • Our targets and pictures will be on their way to our Senators and Representatives this week. We are a club of over 400 families; the largest in AR. We are proud to be a part of this great event. - AR
  • My .44 Magnum pistol spoke it's authority for the march and will be distributed to my state officials. Keep the ball rolling! - CA
  • We went to our local indoor range; my wife, my 15 year old son, two of our friends and I. I taught my son about gun safety when he was just eight years old, just as my father had taught me. Today, he is an expert marks-man. - CA
  • It was myself and my two sons (10 & 15). We shot up 400 rounds between us, mostly 22s. About 100 .223. - CO
  • Thanks for bring this wonderful idea into action. I took my son out shooting and we had a great time. My Senators have already heard from me, along with appropriate memento's. - ID
  • I had a great time at the 50 million round match with my girlfriend Chris. What better way to celebrate the Fourth of July than when enjoying shooting!? - MA
  • I went out the the Carson City shooting range, just East of town. I would not have gone out on the Fourth if it had not been for the encouragement from the 50 Million Round March updates I have read about on the web. - NV
  • Just a note to let you know that 25 shooters took part in the 50 Million Round March July 4, 2000, at the Powder Room in Powell, Ohio. 1750 rounds. - OH
  • My two sons, 11 & 7, and I celebrated Independence Day by firing a few rounds from a Winchester .22 ...we had a blast! I've sent a target to both Pres. Bill Clinton and VP Al Gore. - OK
  • Just got back from the range. My son and I sent a brick of .22 and well over 100 rounds of heavier stuff down range. Add us in! - OR
  • Our grand total for our day was 587 rounds here in Erie,Pa. Keep up the great work. - PA
  • Short and sweet - 200 rounds by 'yours truly,' and 100 rounds by sweetheart. - TX
  • It was a truly Happy Independence Day, and now time to try-out my new reloading equipment and writing some letters to my congress critters; Joe Barton, Phil Gramm, and Kay Bailey Hutchison. As before, many thanks for the great idea of the 50mrMarch! - TX
  • Our count for July 4th: 500 rounds from The Hole in the Wall. - TX
  • As a group we sent about 1000 rounds down range for Liberty and had a lot of fun and comradesmenship doing it. I presented the mission statement and purpose of the 50 Million Round March and provided participates with congressional and senatorial addresses, some 50 Million Round letter head paper and a soap box presentation on voting. It was a good day. - VA
Mr. Jeff Head, the principle organizer of these events, held his "shoot" in the mountains above Jarbidge, Nevada as he assisted the "Shovel Brigade" with its efforts to re-open a county road in northern Nevada which had been closed by the National Forest Service. Both the "shoot" in Jarbidge and the road opening were a great success and have been documented at the 50 Million Round March Web Site at [www.50mrmarch.com/jarbidge.htm]. Regarding this event, Mr. Head stated the following:
"In my estimation, a veritable, modern "Boston Tea Party" occurred at Jarbidge, Nevada on July 4th, 2000. We need more of this and hopefully it will spread. There is a fresh breeze rising to meet the gale from the east. There is a clean, robust spirit developing to face off the tyranny which has taken root amongst us. There have been many efforts to fight the rising tyranny ... there has been blood let by that tyranny. Let future generations note, that on July 4th, 2000 in a remote part of America's outback, a direct challenge, however small was issued. A rally cry was established. I hope all of our youth and people all over this nation will hear of, and be taught of "Liberty Rock" in Nevada and that the same spirit that was in rich abundance there will spread rapidly across the width and breadth of this nation."
In addition, more and more web site, organizations and individuals continue to add their endorsement to the 50 Million Round March. Of the more recent endorsements, some of them include; The Stan Solomon Show [www.stansolomon.com] broadcasting out of Indianapolis, The 50 Caliber Shooters Association [www.fcsa.org], and the Save the Guns web site [www.savetheguns.com].

In commenting on their endorsement of the 50 Million Round March, the 50 Caliber Shooters Association indicated the following :

The Fifty Caliber Shooters Association most wholeheartedly endorses the 50 Million Round March. Many of our members are competing in the FCSA .50 caliber world championship, and we will ask them to think not only of the score they can achieve, but the message that they can send, with every round that goes downrange.
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 23, 2000 will be the next 50 Million Round March event. Organizers hope to have gun owners all over the country generate upwards of one million letters to congressional and state legislatures across the nation in what is being billed as "The Great American Turkey Shoot for Liberty".

Please note: Organizers of the Fifty Million Round March event are scheduling talk radio interviews for July. Any interested parties are requested to direct inquiries to Joanie Fischer 50mrmarch-joanie@bigfoot.com

For more information, please visit www.50mrmarch.com.

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