Fathers and Families for Liberty
Father's Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, New Year's Day, President's Day


Joanie Fischer, 50mrmarch-joanie@bigfoot.com

Fifty Million Round March featured on NRA Live,
Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth-Hage Endorsement

June 16, 2000 (Boise, Idaho) Less that one month after announcing intentions to hold a Father’s Day event to energize gun owners across America into political action in defense of their Second Amendment right, NRA Live [www.nralive.com] has featured the effort in its weekend news segment. Opening the segment, NRA Live reporter Ginny Simone proclaims,

"Move over Million Mom March, because here comes the Fifty Million Round March. This Father’s Day at gun ranges across the country, gun owners will gather to show support for protecting their Second Amendment freedom. The plan is to fire more than fifty million shots heard 'round the country and launch a letter writing campaign to members of congress and state legislators."
The segment can be heard throughout the weekend at www.nralive.com, and later, in the archive section of that site.

Jeff Head, an engineering consultant from Emmett, Idaho, the principle organizer of the event, observed during the interview with NRA representative Simone:

"[We want to create] a 'volley heard 'round the world' kind of thing. Maybe they'll hear us in Washington, DC. Hundreds of thousands of us get together every weekend and shoot, and nobody's listening....At the end of our shooting, let's all sit down and write letters ....There are over eighty million of us [gun owners]....We have representatives we're supposed to be in contact with. That's the way the system is supposed to work, and we haven't been working it that way.

You don't need to march on Washington DC. You don't need to march on your state capital. You just need to get energized and then write to your congressmen, write to your state legislators, and let them know, in no uncertain terms, that you won't brook any more infringements, and you'll vote them out of office if they don't live up to that.

We have a bunch of very large ranges who have registered on our data base all over the country, but the vast majority of people are just doing it on their own -- taking their family and friends and going out to their local private or public range. All we ask is for people to shoot responsibly and safely … we want to punctuate that.

I never imagined that out here in Emmett, Idaho I'd be getting calls from Aaron Zelman, of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, or an e-mail directly from Harry Browne, running for President for the Libertarian Party. But those people are endorsing this thing - because it's capturing the imagination of the common guy out there who, for the most part, has not been too involved. And it's tickling their fancy, and getting them involved."

In another major development, Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth-Hage [www.house.gov/chenoweth/], the well-known conservative Congresswoman from Idaho, has endorsed the Fifty Million Round March and wished it the best. Speaking of the effort, Helen, in a letter addressed to Jeff Head, stated the following,
"Thank you for contacting me as you prepare for the 50 Million Round March ...

I certainly support the idea of parents teaching their children safe and responsible habits with firearms. Shooting is a healthy sport that instills a sense of responsibility and self-reliance in our youth. I believe that passing along the traditions of safe and responsible firearms use to the next generation is one of the most effective ways of keeping alive the support for this fundamental American right.

Indeed as Charlton Heston so eloquently argued: the Second Amendment is the most important right, because it protects all of our rights.

I appreciate your efforts to support the Second Amendment, and I wish you a safe and successful weekend.”

Please note: Organizers of the Fifty Million Round March event are scheduling talk radio interviews for the rest of June and July. Any interested parties are requested to direct inquiries to Joanie Fischer [50mrmarch-joanie@bigfoot.com]

For more information, please visit www.50mrmarch.com

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