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Two Critical, Devastating Decisions by the Obama Administration that reveal his intentions JLHNews December 20, 2011
![]() In an ever apparent reveleation of Obama's true foreign policy aspirations, two reports from yesterday, December 19, 2011, punctuate the lengths this man and his supporters will go to destroy American foreign policy, prostrate us before the world, and make a mockery of the death of thousands of American soldiers, and the injuring and wounding of tens of thousands more as they bravely fought the enemies of this nation who attacked us on 911, and freed tens of millions of civilians in those countries in the process of defeating them. Obama is undoing all of that with the following types of foreign policy actions:
1st: The Daqduq disgrace. A Hezbollah terrorist who masterminded the capture and killing of five US Soldiers in Iraq in 2007 is set free rather than being sent to GITMO.
2nd: A Taliban Embassy in Qatar approved by the US admin to negotiate normalization of relationships! So, we captured a Hebollah terrorist in Iraq guilty of masterminding and taking part in the attack, capture and then murder of five American soldiers in Iraq. Now that Obama is pulling completely out of Iraq and leaving that nation which we won in so hard fought a manner, defeating Saddam Huisseins armires and tens of thousand of Al Quida and other terrorists in the process, these prisoners were to be taken with us for trial and housed in Gitmo in the process. But not Daqduq. He will be released. That's right, a murderer of US soldiers will be released! Obama reveals himself to be amazingingly brazen in his sympathies for the enemy. Then, after defeating the Taliban and freeing Afghanistan in order to make sure that the government that housed the Al Quida operatives who master-minded and carried out the 911 attack was powerless to do so again, Obama is now willing to negotiate normalization of relationships with them. At the end of World War II would we have negotiated normalization of relations with the Nazis? With the Imperial Japanese? The answer is a resounding, NO! We destroyed them abjectly and made sure their ilk and politics would never rise again and forever be a hiss and a by-word in human history. Some may say that times have changed, that we live in a more "diverse" world today. But the principles do not change. You cannot countenance, coddle, or appease abject evil and totalitariansim. All of history shows this to be a monumental mistake. You must face them head-on and defeat them utterly, and then ensure that their aspirations, parties, organizations, and desires are so resoundingly annihilated that no one would ever consider taking that path again. And that is is exactly what we should do with the totlaitarian, racist, tyranical and abject evil Taliban and any other fundamental Islamic, Jihadist government or organization that is so disposed. Their intent is to kill or subjugate us all...and they are as committed to those goals as were the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese. But Obama, as the so-called "Arab Spring" has shown, is so infatuated with and kindly disposed towards these enemies that he is doing all in his power to undermine our allies who support us in fighting them in the Mid-East and having them replaced by so-called "freedom fighters" who in every case are turning out themselves to be fundamental, extreme Islamics and Jihadists. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and the Al Quida led rebels in Libya. I say in every case, but that is not exactly true. In 2009 the people of Iran rose and first demonstrated by the tens and hundreds of thousands against the Mullah rulers there in the "Islamic Republic," and then fought them as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard began to attack and kill them. The Obama administration did not lift a finger to help those true "freedom fighters." In not doing so, but then in supporting the likes of the Muslim Bortherhood, Obama has shown where his sympathies lie...and those sympathies, in the opinion of this individual, are a result of his early upbringing in that very environment (which the complicit Main Stream Media has failed to do it journalistic duty regarding, before the election or since).
The Truth about Obama's Upbringing The result is the establishment of fundamental islamic nations in the Mid-East, surrounding Israel and our few remaining friends there...the beginnings of what some migh call an Islamic Caliphate: Add to all of this his monumnetal destruction of the free market and the US economy at home, the Obama administration is in the process of shredding all credability and strength of the US at home and abroad. He promised "fundamental change." Well folks, this is it. God grant that in a repeat of the overwhelming rejection of his policies in the 2010 mid-term elections, that we can double down on that and reject him, his administration, and his cohorts in the House and Senate in 2012 and return sanity to our government beginning in 2013. It will take years of action in the House, Senate, in the Judiciary and by the Executive branch to undo this damage and set American straight. but we can do it! We did it after four similar years of malaise and similar activities by Jimmy Carter from 1976 to 1980 when Ronald Reagan was elected and in the space of eight years completely turned around that debacle. God grant that we do likewise now before the damage is so extreme, before we go so far over the edge that the ability to pull oruselves back up to firm footing is rendered almost impossible.
America is at the crossroads of history and we must choose aright
Jeff Head