A second stage in the research would be to test the correlates and porthole
insertions upon a statistically significant cross section of ordinary people,
and/or specialized populations (such as toughened soldiers). The program would
evolve a highly complex, very effective, ever-improving science and technology
of mind and behavior control and engineering mechanisms, complete with finished
database and developed applications equipment.
The Dielectric Body as a Ship With Portholes
Again let us review what the EM transverse wave irradiation from the body
dielectric represents. Think of the body dielectric as a sort of
"ship", with lots of portholes. When it gets irradiated, certain
operations happen internally to that radiation, i.e., certain "processes"
and "interactions" occur, which change both the mental and physical
states. The output emissions back from the body dielectric, out through the
filtering "portholes", will directly correlate to what has happened
inside the ship.
It is terribly important to realize that one can use the same frequencies and
spectra coming back out of those "portholes" to insert EM signals and
waves etc. back in there, and into the deepest processes going on in the body
and in the mind (at all levels, including the deep unconscious).
Remember, whatever you put back in there, is going back through the
"mixmaster" hopper. It will be iteratively phase conjugated and
interfered with by everything, countless
times. So
it will reach directly into and affect any and every part of the dielectric, as
you wish, and in whatever manner you have correlates for.
We filed an invention disclosure4 on the above correlate and
"back-porthole" process for use in directly inducing full and
efficient conversion directly to time-density (scalar, or time-polarized) EM
waves inside the body/ cells, therefore immediately and directly
time-excitation charging the body cells and all their internal components.
Subtracting the Normal Correlates to Obtain the Deltas
A specifically diseased body, e.g., has a specifically tailored
change in its "normal" emission spectra, because of the disease
condition alteration of its resident spacetime curvature engine. By having a
database for the normal emission spectra of the healthy body, one can subtract
it from the actual emitted spectra, to obtain the "delta spectrum".
If the correlates have been previously determined by the above mentioned
research program, then one may simply introduce an amplified "delta
spectrum" into the body, i.e., through the portholes. This will immediately
time-excite the cells and their components throughout the body, particularly
where that disease does exist. It turns out that the time-excitation charging by
that method will "pump" those diseased cells in the time domain. The
cells themselves (and all their parts) are highly nonlinear—to time-excitation
charging, they are totally nonlinear. So they will act as rather perfect
pumped phase conjugate mirrors, but pumped in the time-energy domain rather than
in the spatial