The Tom Bearden

Help support the research


Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 22:35:42 -0600

Dear Gary,


Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you find the material of interest.


As for the universities: My advice is, if you can go to university and finish it, please do so.  Just learn the physics etc. as it is taught (after all, those models DO work okay for an awful lot of very useful things!)  But keep your mind open, and remember you are learning the best model they have, the way they see it.  Nothing at all wrong with that.


The only problem is when scientists begin to assume they have PERFECT models.  We already know from the Godel theorem alone, that no model is perfect.  A model is USEFUL or it is not USEFUL.  It may be quite useful for many things, and fail miserably for others (all models, including my own, e.g., do that).


So we are not trying to find the "perfect" model.  Just one (or several) that are more useful than the conventional models, and will therefore allow us to do things we presently are unable to do, and have a more advanced technology than we presently are able to have.


My advice to all the students I write to, is not to argue or debate with the professors!  Just take what they give you and help you learn and achieve, and once you have the tools, then redo some things yourself.


The work will go on, whether I'm alive or not.  The purpose of the website is to get the information out there, so that those parts of it that are found useful need not have to be rediscovered painfully by others.  Those parts that prove in error, should of course be discarded or corrected.


The forum notion is not useful to my purpose.  In a chat board etc., suddenly you find all sorts of ad hominem attacks, heated defenses of dogma, all sorts of ego trips and posturing, the works.  The internet is already filled with plenty of that.  My purpose, during the time I have left, and through the good graces of Mike Reiker and Tony Craddock, is to get everything up there, so it's available to anyone interested.  At that point, essentially my work will be finished.  Hopefully, we will also get a COP>1.0 EM power system on the world market about a year from now, and also hopefully we will at least get the medical work started.


I'm also working (on my presently necessarily limited schedule) on a book which will be published next year by World Scientific, and thus will sit on the library shelves of a great many universities.  In that book, we will reveal just about everything we know about extracting EM energy from the vacuum, how to grab a system in disequilibrium before it decays back to equilibrium and thus back to COP<1.0, lock it into that excited position, and hold it there for stable COP>1.0 operation.  Also, we will reveal how to close-loop a COP>1.0 system for self-powering.  That is a formidable task, quite complex, and not at all the simple matter that most of the "overunity community" believes it to be.  We will also include our proposed solution to the cold fusion reactions, why those reactions occur, precisely how they occur, and give the precise new nuclear reactions producing the alpha particles, excess deuterium, the tritium, etc.  A lot more will also be in there.  We are about 2/3 through with the book now, and still working on it as much as we can.


Meanwhile, the higher group symmetry EM -- under its pioneers such as Evans, Barrett, Harmuth, and many others --- is now very firmly in the literature, as is EM energy from the vacuum. If we can get the medical information headed into the literature in similar fashion, then that will finish it up for this old dog.


For a single "good book" to dig into, written for the layperson, try Paul C. W. Davies, Ed., The New Physics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, 1989.   This book, with papers by many excellent scientists, is a  sweeping, expert survey of the newer developments in modern physics, including many of the major topics at the frontiers of fundamental research.


My best wishes to you in your continued work, in whatever direction,


Tom Bearden

X-Sent: 30 Nov 2001 18:12:07 GMT
From: Gary

Dear Mr. Bearden,

I have heard your name mentioned by others throughout the years but never new about your website until just the other day.   Like the gentleman who you responded to (William on 11-21-01), I too have been PROFOUNDLY affected by the information on your website.   I found myself driving home from work in a daze thinking about the possibilities, about how we (humans) are at a true moment of "opportunity" or cusp where the possibility/probability of a great crisis looms as well as the possibility of great advances at the same time.

I have "devoured" most of the info on your website and learned much in the last couple days.   I have a great desire (I'm sure like most who read your site) to take an active part in the discovery / verification / engineering process.  I feel like I now have the "blueprints" for the holy-grail of hammers and I see all kinds of nails around me to hit....

I work as a design engineer for The Ford Motor Co. and feel suddenly like a fish out of water, like I am in the wrong place working on the wrong projects.  I am seriously taking stock in what I am doing right now and what I should be doing.   My physics education background is limited to two semesters of mechanical and electrical/optical "classical" physics.

I have not found (on your site) a comprehensive list of books to start reading (i.e. to start my education).  I suspect that many of the books and papers that you have suggested are for more advanced readers, not for someone like myself.  For example, is there a laymen's book that discusses quantum mechanic principles?  I am inclined to head over to the University of Michigan across the street and enroll in either their electrical engineering or physics program, but am dissuaded by your comments about them (universities in general) not being on the right path (i.e. EM energy extracted directly from the active vacuum by the source dipole) 

Lastly, have you considered linking a discussion forum to your website?  There are several "free" ones available.   I am asking because I believe that the work you are doing needs to be continued even after you are gone, and I know there are many people like my self who read your site, but have no way to contact each other...  Many of us may be able to aid in the advancement of your work in years to come.   The ability to form a virtual community around your work will be a great tool to that end.  I would certainly volunteer to be a moderator for the forum....

Thank you for the work you have done and continue to do.
