The Tom Bearden

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Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 14:34:14 -0500


  Yes, a medical treatment device --- using higher group symmetry electromagnetics as a great extension of the work by Priore and by Becker -- that would time-reversed damaged or diseased cells back to a previous undamaged and disease-free physical state, could be developed.  It would be able to treat (and begin the cure) of such diseases, with the treatment lasting 2 minutes or so.  Three such treatments, one week apart, would do it.  The fundamental approach was proven in France in the 1960s and early 1970s, in thousands of revolutionary animal experiments.  The effort was suppressed when the French government changed in 1973.

  The O(3) electrodynamics being advanced by the Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study, is capable of handling the theoretical modeling so that good science is developed and utilized.  One must be able to model and use the fourth Minkowski axis (time-domain) as well as 3-space, and one must have an electrodynamics that has been modified by quantum field theory.  Simply check Mandl and Shaw, Quantum Field Theory, Wiley, 1984, Chapter 5 to find that neither the time-polarized (scalar) photon nor the longitudinal photon (in 3-space) are individually observable, but the combination is observable as the instantaneous scalar potential.  By also incorporating Whittaker's 1903 decomposition of the scalar potential, but correcting his misinterpretation of the phase conjugate wave prior to interaction as being in 3-space after interaction, one transposes the macroscopic wave decomposition of the scalar potential properly into agreement with Mandl and Shaw's exposition and thus with quantum field theory.  This also is now in agreement with particle physics' solution some decades ago (Nobel Prize awarded to Lee and Yang in 1957) of the broken symmetry of opposite charges, and thus of any dipole, and thus of the scalar potential between the poles of a dipole.

  The end result of all that is that all EM energy in 3-space comes from the time domain anyway, and accompanying every longitudinal EM wave in 3-space there is a corresponding time-polarized EM wave in the time domain.

  Use of this "longitudinal EM wave in 3-space" also uses the accompanying "longitudinal EM wave in the time domain (fourth Minkowski axis ict, where the only variable is the t), whether we realize it or not (this does not even appear in the standard Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz model).  In turn, "pumping" a highly nonlinear material with LWs in 3-space, also pumps it simultaneously with the accompanying time-polarized EM waves.  Voila!  This time-reverses the mass-energy of the pumped mass itself, because it is a precise curvature of spacetime where the "curvature energy" is in the time domain.  Hence the 4-space nonobserved masstime is pumped "squeezed" in the time domain, and the entire mass, its atoms, etc. is time-reversed back to a previous physical (3-space) condition or state.  This is a dramatic extension of phase conjugate optics, and does not appear to yet be in the literature, though the basis for it is.

  Thus by properly pumping the body, one can time-reverse every cell-mass-energy in the entire body, back to a previous physical state -- genetics and all.  You can see what this would do for AIDS, e.g.  With proper development, one could rid the world of the suffering and dying from most infectious diseases, etc.  You can also see how diabolical this appears to the large pharmaceutical companies.  It would not replace them, but it would dramatically reduce their "territory" and their great world monopoly on the health industry.

  That was the mechanism Priore unwittingly used.  It works, as proved by thousands of experiments performed by eminent French scientists working with Priore, and the results are in the refereed scientific literature.  But no one could figure out the mechanism.  It took, in fact, some 14 years for me to "break" it.  We found a way to change that methodology, to remarkably advance it so that the treatment time was only about 2 minutes (in an emergency case).  The new approach can also be made very portable, and laptop computer controlled.

  This meant that now we had the gist of a medical approach which could quickly (2-3 years) be developed in a Manhattan style project, and it would be ready and available to treat those mass casualties from terrorist attacks on our cities, and save the majority of those millions of Americans that are going to die otherwise.  So it could also treat a biological warfare strike where there was no known effective antibiotic or vaccine available.  It could treat a patient already in advanced stages, and reverse the disease very quickly and cure the patient. It would, in fact, produce a revolution in medical therapy.

  So in 1998, we strongly urged/proposed that the U.S. government enter a crash development program to develop small devices, about the size of a large suitcase, laptop computer controlled, doing the above.  Two to three years, $50 to $100 million or so would be required, together with some support from the national medical labs to conduct the lab animal experiments.  A 200+ page package was sent to the DoD, USAF, NIH, CDC, and several others.  No one was interested.  At NIH, I never got out of their "policy" section (translation: spin control).  Etc.

  The National Academy of Sciences and the National Science Foundation are not interested.

  The organized U.S. scientific community is not interested.

  The AMA viciously -- and I do mean viciously -- opposes any scientific development or research in applying higher group symmetry electrodynamics.  These fellows do not even know what the healing mechanism of the body is; but focus on the immune system and "killing" something, or surgical intervention, etc.  They have no knowledge of higher symmetry EM anyway, but at best use the more than a century old and seriously flawed Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz theory, which cannot even model the body's own electrodynamics used in its cellular regenerative system.

  Not a single scientist called me to discuss the science involved.  No one checked the cited references in the French scientific literature where the reports of the experimental results were reported.  No one cared.

  Had they moved, we would have those treatment machines rolling off the mass production lines now.  The first generation systems would be able to save perhaps 70% of those coming mass casualties from anthrax etc.  Sadly, that was not to be.

  There was no sense of urgency, no interest, and apparently no qualified (and electrical engineers are NOT qualified to examine something requiring higher group symmetry electrodynamics) scientists even examined it.

  We are trying once again to get this done.  I filed an invention disclosure (several) back there, and am in process of filing a formal patent application.  Why patent?  It seems to be the only way we can possibly have any chance of raising the necessary funds to proceed, since we must go to the private sector.

  The approach, however, is so diametrically opposed to the huge pharmaceutical industry that essentially they will do whatever is necessary to stop any development along these lines.  One of their favorite tricks (skullduggery) is very clever entrapment.  This is often attempted by stimulating unwitting folks dying of one disease or another, to contact an "unliked" researcher they wish to destroy.  These honest and suffering Americans pitifully explain their terrible condition (their immune system may have been destroyed by chemotherapy or some such, etc., and they've already been sent home to die), and beg for advice for a last desperate trial treatment from one of the many "EM-poppers" out there today that are being touted and sold by many non-medical folks, and not legally approved for medical treatment at all.

  It is a heart-rending thing.  The real purpose is to prey on one's personal sympathy and concern for a truly sick person, in very bad shape, and advise them to try one or the other of such machines.  The individual already has been contacted by another technician-type (himself secretly given immunity from prosecution) who has offered to quickly build one of those other gadgets (such as the Lahovsky multiwave oscillator, which has no legitimate scientific test studies, etc. in refereed journals), and treat the patient who will inevitably die.  Then the authorities (themselves being used as pawns in this entrapment game) nail the researcher for "accessory to murder or to manslaughter".  If he falls for it and advises that such would be the thing to try, they've got him cold.  The machine will be built in 3 days, the unfortunate dying person treated with it, the person will die, and the researcher is arrested on charges of accessory to murder 2 or manslaughter.  

  So the unwary legitimate researcher, not himself treating anyone, can find himself behind bars for the next 20 years.

  For most of the last decade, I've grown very tired of such efforts continually directed at yours truly (they are also directed against many other researchers).  Perhaps some 30 of them, all stemming from the same source trying a sophisticated entrapment operation to get one placed in prison.

  I have a very legalistic document/statement I send such poor folks making such inquiries, pointing out that I am a researcher only, not a physician, and I do not and cannot give medical treatment advice to anyone, on advice of my attorney, nor can I practice medicine without a license.  I do advocate legitimate and legal scientific research in new areas, but then I also advocate prior proper legal testing of any processes developed, under proper scientific protocols, and if the testing is successful, followed by legal and formal approval for proper medical personnel to use it in medical treatment.

  We are trying once again to get the proper financing and effort going to develop that device, whose mechanism actually time-reverses the mass energy of all the cells in the body, and all the dynamics of that mass-energy, back to a previous disease-free physical state.

  But it is very sad.  The medical profession doesn't seem to realize that "medical magic" can indeed be worked with and upon mass by advanced physics, and that modern electrodynamics is far beyond what they insist on using (Maxwell-Heaviside-Lorentz standard theory).  'The report you just sent me -- Reuters release, Sept. 26, 2001 -- deals with successful experiments by physicists in Denmark who have demonstrated direct interaction of macroscopic masses at a distance, portending mass teleportation.  This has actually been in quantum mechanics for decades; and as the article points out, Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance."

  I will tell you something else, but will not discuss it further.  Two groups (at least one is a foreign nation, I am not sure of  the other) have highly developed that effect in great secrecy, and can already use it as a weapon.  Enough said on that subject.

  So we will try again.  There is now a new Theater of Operations for the American Government and Armed Forces, and it is the North American Theater itself.  We are now the targets.  The terrorists (some thousands) have already been inserted in our midst, along with the weapons including weapons of mass destruction.  There are going to be more strikes against our cities and our populace, and probably including chemical and biological warfare (BW) strikes.  The OTA study for the Congress a few years back, shows the kind of casualties that can be inflicted by BW attack.  A single attack on Washington D.C., e.g., in a single light-plane anthrax spray scenario, will produce from 1 to 3 million casualties. And the city would be horribly contaminated as well, for an indefinite number of decades.  That is the harsh reality we are facing.  There are also nuclear weapons already hidden in our cities.

  In short, this war is going to be long, difficult, and much of it is going to be fought right here in the United States, in Canada, and in Mexico.  It is going to be different from any other war we have fought.  And it may kill more Americans than all the wars in our history, put together.

  You can see why an old dog like me, suffering hypoxia and still trying to recover, is so determined to proceed with an attempt to get this new kind of medical treatment ready and available.  We must now wait until those millions of Americans are already dying in the streets.  This nation is woefully unprepared for this kind of warfare.  We have known of the threat for two decades, and also known it was increasing.  But we have not taken the steps -- particularly in developing radical new treatment methodologies for those millions of Americans who heartrendingly are going to die right in the streets.

  Check the National Science Foundation website and the National Academy of Sciences website.  See if you find anything of any importance addressing this area.  You will not find it.  They are apparently not interested, as determined by what material they already show you is in their planning.

  I personally do not believe that the U.S. government, due to the reluctance of the Medical Science community, NSF, and NAS, will fund or even consider such a program, regardless of how many lives it would save.  It doesn't match the present established scientific dogma, and it doesn't enrich (but seriously threatens in the future) the large pharmaceutical industry.

  So we will joust with the great windmills one more time, and give it our best shot, even though we are almost certain to fail.  The moral imperative is so great than we simply cannot let it lie and walk away from it, so long as there is any chance at all.

  Best wishes,

  Tom Bearden

Isn’t there a field dampening device that could be built to counter the disease producing electromagnetic weapons as a counter measure?


Thanks Steve!

Yes, it gets closer every day.

Now if we could just get them into the energy field …

Tom Bearden

Atom Experiment Brings Teleportation a Step Closer
Sep 26 2001 2:56PM

LONDON (Reuters) - Physicists in Denmark have made two samples of trillions of atoms interact at a distance in an experiment which may bring Star Trek-style teleportation and rapid quantum computing closer to reality.
Eugene Polzik and his colleagues at the University of Aarhus are not about to beam anyone up to the Starship Enterprise, but their research reported in the science journal Nature on Wednesday makes the idea of instantly transporting an object from one place to another less far fetched.
It involves quantum entanglement -- a mysterious concept of entwining two or more particles without physical contact. Albert Einstein once described it as "spooky action at a distance."
Entangled states are needed for quantum computing and teleportation. Scientists have entangled states of a few atoms in earlier experiments but Polzik and his team have done it with very large numbers and using laser light.
"It is the first result where two macroscopic material objects have been entangled," Polzik explained in a telephone interview.
"We have produced entanglement at a distance which means you and me can share entangled objects which is important for quantum communication, including quantum teleportation."
In 1998 what has been described as the first teleportation experiment was done when scientists at the California Institute of Technology teleported a beam of light across a laboratory bench.
Ignacio Cirac, a physicist at the University of Innsbruck in Austria said achievement of Polzik and his team could lead to real-life quantum communication systems, teleportation and quantum computers.
"This is the first time two different atomic samples have been entangled in this way -- using light -- even though the samples are separated by some distance," he said in a commentary in Nature.
Cirac believes further experiments will follow which could "revolutionize the field of quantum information."
