The Tom Bearden

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Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 14:49:11 -0500

Dear Pekka,

 The only material I know of that can be used to experiment with the "potentializing the circuit before electron relaxation time" is an alloy made of 2% iron doped into aluminum.  It would have to be made by a metallurgy lab in an inert atmosphere.  It's certainly doable, but expensive.  But it should have in the vicinity of 1 millisecond relaxation time, which means one could easily "pop" it with pure potential, withdrawing the "supply" circuit from it before the "charged" receiver circuit can start current going to dissipate any energy.

 It costs nothing at all to merely transport energy density, in the form of voltage.  So one is indeed permitted to simply add the voltage to a receiving circuit which momentarily "thinks" it is totally static, then have the electrostatically potentialized circuit suddenly wake up to find that it is after all a conducting circuit, and then do its "energy dissipating" thing.

 Remember, energy itself and energy flow itself costs nothing at all, and energy will flow forever from any dipole or charge, so long as you do not dissipate that source dipole (or charge).

 The standard closed current loop circuit is specifically designed to destroy the source dipolarity faster than the load is powered.

 Best wishes,

Tom Bearden

Dear Tom,

many thanks for your magnificient web site. I've read many documents found there, especially the ones about free energy, as I recently grew very interested in new clean technologies.

One remark: Connecting a load directly to a battery makes in fact a short circuit, doesn't it? The resistance of any device doesn't make any difference, as plain copper wire has resistance too. I guess this is obvious to you, but it is sort of fascinating to me to grasp things like this, as I'm almost a lay person in electronics.

Question: How would you suggest fabricating reasonable semiconductor material with simple equipment, if anyhow possible? I asked at a radioshack store, they told me semiconductor material is sold to the industry only.  I've heard somewhere else that most materials found
in nature are basically semiconductor materials. How could I confirm this with ordinary equipment?

I'd be glad for some reply, however short, although I'll understand if you were too busy to answer all mail you might get.

Keep going strong!

Sincerely yours,
student form Finland, Europe