The Tom Bearden

Energy from the Vacuum

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Subject: RE: Dotson on Dirac
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 16:09:34 -0500

Hi Mitch,

The best and most thorough reply is already done by Dan Solomon and is sitting there in the hard physics literature. Simply Google the references; here are just a few:

Solomon, Dan. "Some differences between Dirac's hole theory and quantum field theory." Can. J. Phys., Vol. 83, 2005, p. 257-271.

Solomon, Dan. "Quantum states with space-like energy-momentum." Central European Journal of Physics (CEJP), Vol. 4(3), 2006, pp. 380-392.

Solomon, Dan. (2003). "Some remarks on Dirac's hole theory versus quantum field theory." Can. J. Phys., Vol. 81, 2003, p. 1165-1175.

Solomon, Dan. "Mathematical Inconsistencies in Dirac Field Theory." 1999.

Available at quant-ph/9904106.     

Abstract: If a mathematical theory contains incompatible postulates then it is likely that the theory will produce theorems or results that are contradictory. It will be shown that this is the case with Dirac field theory. An example of such a contradiction is the problem associated with evaluating the Schwinger term. It is generally known that different ways of evaluating this quantity yield different results. It will be shown that the reason for this is that Dirac field theory is mathematically inconsistent, i.e., it contains incompatible assumptions or postulates. The generally accepted definition of the vacuum state must be modified in order to create a consistent theory.

Solomon, Dan.(1998). "Gauge invariance and the vacuum state." Can. J. Phys., Vol. 76, 1998, p. 111-127.

Solomon, Dan. "The stability of the QED vacuum in the temporal gauge." Apeiron, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2006, p. 240.

Solomon, Dan. "A new look at the problem of gauge invariance in quantum field theory. Physica Scripta, Vol. 76, 2007, pp. 64-71. Available at arXiv:0706.2830.   Solomon, Dan. "Negative energy density for a Dirac-Maxwell field." 1999.

Available at gr-qc/9907060. See .      Abstract: It is well known that there can be negative energy densities in quantum field theory. Most of the work done in this area has involved free non-interacting systems. In this paper we show how a quantum state with negative energy density can be formulated for a Dirac field interacting with an Electromagnetic field. It will be shown that, for this case, there exist quantum states whose average energy density over an arbitrary volume is a negative number with an arbitrarily large magnitude.

Solomon, Dan. "Some new results concerning the vacuum in Dirac's hole theory," Physica Scripta, Vol. 74, 2006, p. 117-122.      Abstract: "In Dirac's hole theory (HT), the vacuum state is generally believed to be the state of minimum energy. It will be shown that this is not, in fact, the case and that there must exist states in HT with less energy than the vacuum state. It will be shown that energy can be extracted from the HT vacuum state through application of an electric field." Comment: Lists references of work in this area, by himself and several other researchers, for some time (since 1999). Quote: ".energy can be extracted from the HT [hole theory] vacuum state through application of an electric field."      Comment: This is a process that John Bedini has been successfully using for nearly 20 years.

Solomon, Dan]. "Negative energy density for a Dirac-Maxwell field." July 18, 1999.  .      Abstract: "It is well know that there can be negative energy densities in quantum field theory. Most of the work done in this area has involved free non-interacting systems. In this paper we show how a quantum state with negative energy density can be formulated for a Dirac field interacting with an Electromagnetic field. It will be shown that for this case there exist quantum states whose average energy density over an arbitrary volume is a negative number with an arbitrarily large magnitude."

Those papers answer the question very thoroughly and completely.

Blunt truth is that the early guys (Dirac and most of the others) hated negative energy and tried to get rid of it, by whatever means was necessary. So they declared a "hole" a "hill", calling the hole a positron (it is actually a negative mass energy electron, which then outputs negative energy photons. This is a violation of common arithmetic, because it claims that (zero minus one equals plus one).

Negative mass energy entities comprise the "dark matter" the astrophysicists are so frantically seeking, while the negative energy photons continually poured out by a hole (as a source charge) makes negative energy EM fields -- the dark energy that the astrophysicists are also so fervently seeking.

Dark matter charges and their concomitant out-rushing dark energy EM fields are made inside stars, planets, etc. by sharp gradient processes (which also are certified (in nonequilibrium thermodynamics) as allowing violation of the old second law of equilibrium thermodynamics.

E.g., see

Dilip Kondepudi and Ilya Prigogine, Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures, Wiley, New York, 1998, reprinted with corrections 1999.

Areas known to violate the old second law are given on p. 459.

One area is strong gradients (as used in the MEG and particularly by John Bedini in his tremendous battery-charging circuits) and another is memory of materials (as used in the MEG in the nanocrystalline core materials and layered crystalline structures to invoke the Aharonov-Bohm effect). We strongly comment that these known, recognized mechanisms allow macroscopic and significant violations of the Second Law that are directly usable in real systems and circuits.      Quoting, p. 459, on areas that violate thermodynamics:

"Some of these areas are

(1) "... rarefied media, where the idea of local equilibrium fails. The average energy at each point depends on the temperature at the boundaries. Important astrophysical situations belong to this category."

(2) "...strong gradients, where we expect the failure of linear laws such as the Fourier law for heat conduction. Not much is known either experimentally or theoretically. Attempts to introduce such nonlinear outcomes ... have led to 'extended thermodynamics'." 

(3) "...memory effects which appear for long times (as compared to characteristic relaxation times). ...non-equilibrium processes may have 'long time-tails'...".

Nonequilibrium thermodynamics has also shown that increasing chaos at one level will also start establishing order at the "longer range" level. E.g., quoting Kondepudi and Prigogine:

"One aspect is common to all these nonequilibrium situations, the appearance of long-range coherence. Macroscopically distinct parts become correlated. This is in contrast to equilibrium situations where the range of correlations is determined by short-range molecular forces. As a result, situations which are impossible to realize at equilibrium become possible in far-from-equilibrium situations. This leads to important applications in a variety of fields. [Dilip Kondepudi and Ilya Prigogine, Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures, Wiley, Chichester, 1998, p. xii.]

"Equilibrium thermodynamics was an achievement of the nineteenth century, nonequilibrium thermodynamics was developed in the twentieth century, and Onsager's relations mark a crucial point in the shift of interest away from equilibrium to nonequilibrium. . due to the flow of entropy, even close to equilibrium, irreversibility can no more be identified with the tendency to disorder. [since it can] . produce both disorder . and order." [Dilip Kondepudi and Ilya Prigogine, Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures, Wiley, Chichester, 1998, p. xv.]

Even James Clerk Maxwell knew that the smaller internal parts of a macrosystem in equilibrium are continually violating the hoary old second law. Quoting:

"The truth of the second law is  a statistical, not a mathematical, truth, for it depends on the fact that the bodies we deal with consist of millions of molecules. Hence the second law of thermodynamics is continually being violated, and that to a considerable extent, in any sufficiently small group of molecules belonging to a real body." [J. C. Maxwell, "Tait's Thermodynamics II," Nature 17, 278-280 (7 February 1878)].

John Bedini has been evoking and using dark matter (negative mass energy Dirac holes) and dark energy (their negative energy EM fields) in his battery charging circuits for about 20 years! He has found how to make it work like a charm.  He should have actual units on the market shortly (they are entering into production as I write this). Further, on his special well-moderated website, dozens of dedicated independent researchers have now successfully replicated Bedini overunity systems.

That of course completes the final requirement of the scientific method, which is independent replication. At that point, any theory that disagrees with the replicated and thus proven experiments has to be changed -- if one is to follow scientific method rather than dogma.

Best wishes,

Tom Bearden

Subject: Dotson on Dirac

Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 00:37:22 -0500

I found an interesting article by D.L. Hotson, "Dirac's Equation and the Sea of Negative Energy," in two parts at > and  that might interest Mr. Bearden.

Dotson's interpretation of Dirac's equation would seem to speak (at least to my understanding) of the same sea of negative (vacuum) energy of which Mr. Bearden theorizes. I wonder if he would care to comment on this, specifically where he might disagree with Dotson/ Dirac, if he should find the time and interest.


Mitch S.