The Tom Bearden



From: Tom Bearden
At 12:26 PM 7/29/00 -0500

Slightly edited from private correspondence

Am attaching for your info and that of ********, the direction that the AIAS work has now turned.  As we noted in our conversations, Sachs' theory essentially completes what Einstein started.  

It is a unified field theory, from the spacetime approach.  Electrodynamics is a part of it, so that for the very first time the interaction of gravitation and electrodynamics is in the actual theory, in a fashion where one now can speak of a model that will be usable for direct engineering.  

It also completely replaces the 136-year old Maxwell-Heaviside theory, dramatically extending it so to speak, because the special case of M-H theory is only approached as an asymptote, but never reached in nature.  

The theory now connects it all, from beneath the quarks and gluons to the largest astronomical phenomena.  This is really the theory for which Einstein was searching in his own unified field theory attempts.  It has one problem which was formidable in the old days, but is no longer such.  

Being entirely nonlinear, there are few closed solutions.  Instead, numerical methods must usually be used as a matter of course.  But for the younger scientists today, that poses no problem; computer on the desk, Mathematica etc., and they simply use the numerical methods like us old guys use a simple arithmetic pocket calculator.  

A section of DOE has requested funds ($1 M) to work out the numerical methods and do some of the major calculations.  Sachs' himself some time ago used his theory to make an unparalleled calculation of the Lamb shift to great accuracy.  

Anyway, O(3) extended electrodynamics and Sachs' broader theory met in the middle very successfully, so that O(3) turned out to be a very important subset of the overall covering Sachs unified field theory.  

In my view, this work -- although just beginning (the union of Sachs' theory and O(3) theory) -- is 50 years ahead of what is presently ongoing in university.  Just wanted to keep you posted.  

It will be very interesting to see what the AIAS theoreticians work out and publish.  

Very best, 
