The Tom Bearden


Subject: RE: Is this a possible analogy for the vacuum antiengine?
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 21:20:19 -0500


Well, call an engine a "demon" which does some action on the system (say, the physical cell).  There is a "demon" that controls all the functions of that cell, when it is working normally.  This is the normal or  "good demon".

Now suppose we have a bad demon get in there.  This fellow sneaks in there and starts jerking the cell and its parts around.  So now we have a "mix" of two demons working on that cell.  Only our "good demon" is trying to keep things functioning normally.  The bad guy is  changing things for his own benefit, even if it sickens the cell or kills it.

Add the two demons up, and you have an "overall demon" acting on that cell. Part good, part bad.

At long as we've got that "corrupted demon" activity going on, we have a sick, damaged, or dying cell.

Obviously we would like to get rid of the "bad demon" and keep the "good demon".
We can do that by rhythmically "squeezing" that cell in a special way.  If you have a little press going on a rubber ball, and you "squeeze" that ball, you force part of that ball back against the "press".  You produce an "antipress" back on the acting press.

There is a special kind of "time press" or "time force" that drives a mass -- such as the cell -- in its flow through time.  If we "squeeze" that cell in the time domain where this force is active, we create a back-force (like Newton's third law reaction).  So if we squeeze pretty hard, the back-force is greater than the forward force.  So that cell starts traveling backwards through time, instead of forward.

So it starts to back up, back along the path it took through time as that bad demon came in and added his efforts.  We back that cell all the way back to where the bad demon was entering, and then to the place where he was not even there.  That leaves just the good demon, because he's been there in that cell from the very beginning.

So we can back the cell back to where there is no bad demon, but the good demon is still there.  Then we just release our "squeezing", and the good demon takes over and drives that cell forward through time again, normally, and without deviation from the "normal path".

That is the actual "healing process" that the body itself uses, within its limits, with a system known as the "cellular regeneration system", which is not understood.  (Most medical research locks in on the immune system, which heals nothing at all, including its own damaged cells).

But by knowing the process, we can add "squeezing" forces greater than the cellular restoration system normally can create.  So we can directly "amplify healing".

That's what Priore unwittingly did, without knowing the mechanism involved. We broke the mechanism after 14 years hard work, and then found ways to dramatically improve it.

Anyway, hope this analogy helps.


Tom Bearden

Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 12:00 PM 

Subject: Is this a possible analogy for the vacuum antiengine?

Analogies can be dangerous things, in that they may accidentally mislead. However, I think I may have found a more accessible illustration of the vacuum antiengines you write of.

Given an old, analog alarm clock with no face glass, assume it is possible to manually move the hands on the face as one pleases.

A diseased cellular state might be represented by the alarm being set for 12 o'clock. The alarm is ringing. Grabbing the minute hand and moving it back to 11:50 will stop and delay the alarm for ten minutes. The antiengine is the intelligent action of the person manipulating the hands and alarm control on the clock.

This breaks down to some degree because it is possible to turn off the alarm altogether if one toggles the alarm control on the back of the clock.

The point of this is further clarified when it is stated that the clock itself does not travel back through time, only the apparent indication on the face (cellular state) is adjusted. Think this is a reasonable analogy? There are a few points which could be tuned, but it is accessible to most people over thirty years of age. :)

If this idea is sound, I only ask that you post it in your communications section on



PS: I wish you well on recovery from your recent heart attack.