The Tom Bearden


Energy from the Vacuum
"Energy from the Vacuum - Concepts & Principles"
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Secrets of Sweet activation and related information

Checking out **** to confirm I had made an address card on him, I read his "small bio" on his website. Suddenly for some reason I  had a real flash, connected with the Sweet overunity mechanism. I do believe that finally we've cracked the "last part" of it. As with so many things, it turned out to be pretty straightforward once one connects something like three different things.

1. The huge unaccounted nondivergent Heaviside energy flow component, accompanying every Poynting diverged energy flow component. Here we have in a nominal case a trillion times as much energy flow as we normally are taught to account. When I was working with Sweet early on, I did not have the information yet on the Heaviside flow component. Also, when I had that information much later, for some reason I never went back and "reconnected" to again review the primary mechanism.

2. The fact that the nucleons in an atomic nucleus are not "fixed" into so many protons and so many neutrons, but on the average each nucleon is changing from proton into neutron and vice versa. In short, there is a "quark flipping" mechanism going on continually.

3. The barium atom is at the knee of the energy binding curve for nuclear binding energy of the nuclei of the elements. Nuclear binding energy is negative energy a priori, and is already so accepted, although they just interpret it as "absence of some positive energy". Nobody REALLY looks into the aspects of it being real negative energy, involving negative energy EM fields etc.

4. Self-resonance induced in the barium atom now becomes a very special case of the self-resonance used by the scientists in the field of "negative resonance absorption of the medium". They get COP = 18, by using media where each charged particle is considered independently, and then one finds a group "in phase" resonance going on.

5. But in self-resonance inside a barium nucleus, there are some startling differences. First, the field intensities inside the nucleus (and inside the nucleons on the quarks) is tremendously stronger than the external field intensities from self-resonant "individual" charged particles in a macroscopic medium. In the latter one is dealing with macroscopic EM fields, and so the much lower intensities limit the gain to that 18, and then only in the IR or UV mode. Inside the barium nucleus, one is at a million or so times more intensities of the fields. So self-resonance as a "group" phenomenon in that nucleus (and among those quarks and their intense fields) can and does produce much higher macroscopic fields. The primary reason seems to be that, in addition to the resonance group phenomena, there is also superposed a NEW phenomenon: the in-phase resonance of the quark flipping as a neutron turns into a proton and a proton turns into a nucleon, etc. That being true, then for some fraction of time a nucleon really doesn't have some of its "normal mass". That is a negative energy process! Hence as the correlation phenomenon develops in the barium nuclei, one should definitely detect a decrease in the weight of the barium ferrite magnet on the bench, and so one does as Sweet rigorously showed. Call this "synchronization" resonance between oscillating protons, oscillating quark flipping of the constituents of all the protons and neutrons, and the "zeroing middle" between a proton and its resulting neutron when it is in the "changing" process, and one has a new and very startling synchronization (and very powerful): One has added the synchronization oscillation between the positive mass state and toward the zero mass state! In short, the "negative mass" represented by the negative binding energy dramatically increases with gain in his process, because the negative binding energy involved also increases with gain. And so far as I'm aware, that is something that has not previously been considered in particle physics, which DOES NOT impose causality on such resonance processes in the whole.

6. For the above reasons, the biggest macroscopic field (which after all is output energy flows where the energy is extracted from the active vacuum exchange, via my source charge solution not previously present in physics and which I did not have back with the Sweet days) of that barium ferrite magnet is its magnetic field. So here we suddenly see that THE ENERGY EXTRACTION FROM THE VACUUM IN VIRTUAL ENERGY FORM, AND THE COHERENT INTEGRATION OF SAID VIRTUAL ENERGY INTO MASS CHANGE SUFFICIENT TO PRODUCE AN OBSERVABLE PHOTON ENERGY, AND THE RESULTING EMISSION OF REAL OBSERVABLE PHOTONS TO ESTABLISH AND REPLENISH THAT ASSOCIATED MAGNETIC FIELD, IS ITSELF NOW IN SUPERB CAUSAL RESONANCE. Call a barium ferrite magnet -- where the foregoing process is ongoing -- a "conditioned" magnet in the Sweet sense.

7. For that reason, the "static" magnetic field from the "conditioned" barium ferrite magnet now is in formal oscillation!!!

8. This is also a marvelous set of applications of nonequilibrium self-ordering systems far from equilibrium. Such a system can indeed produce continuous negative entropy. And Sweet's demonstration of the oscillating macroscopic "normally static" magnetic field (I put that to a very rigorous 24 hour test myself) does indeed show and prove several deeper levels of coordinated self-ordering. So there we have it. That's the "rough" of it, and all the details now can be filled in. That's why Sweet so closely guarded his activation secret, never telling any one person ALL of it. And also why he often changed his "activation story", to throw his associates off the real path. I don't think he understood at all the deeper nuclear and quark aspects, for his M.S. was in electrical engineering. But he did understand that his "invoked resonance" did indeed self-oscillate that macroscopic magnetic field that normally is "static". Now look at that oscillation!!! Half is positive energy, and the other half is negative energy! So the "net change" in AVERAGE magnetic field remains the same, while the actual value of the magnetic field oscillates between a negative extreme and a positive extreme.

D. J. Evans et al. should love it! Sweet took their "statistical fluctuation" theorem and pushed it into a macroscopic CAUSAL rhythmic (resonant) theorem, so to speak, by the self-ordering imposed by pushing the situation so deeply into the nucleons and inside them to the quarks, and thereby forming multiply coordinated, synchronous layers of self-ordering.

Leyton should love it because his hierarchies of symmetry and his new geometry and new group theoretic methods will flatly prescribe such phenomenology, which does not appear in the Klein geometry and Klein group methods.

Sweet called my attention (in the early days) to a slight decrease in weight of the magnet on the bench, as far as he was able to measure. Noticing the slight decrease in weight of the magnet at COP = 1,500,000, I did lots of back of the envelope guestimates over some time and came up with the "apparent fact" that very strong negative energy was involved, and that this negative energy density of course was antigravitational. Well, the energy density is a function of the field strengths, and all of it is a function of the gain (which is another way of saying the overall strength of the causal coordination in those various levels of self-ordering!)

Then this means that, as the gain of the Sweet unit is increased even further, the causal coordination between all those levels is being also steadily increased. Hence one gets more negative energy and more antigravity effects, etc. Note that at the time I was unfortunately thinking of increasing the gain being only shown by increasing the load. I did NOT understand then that true negative energy flows backward along the current paths of the circuitry, from normal output section to normal input section. I also did NOT realize that, to a flow of negative energy field energy, that had not yet reacted with mass to "eat" electrons and leave excess "positrons", all impedances were NEGATIVE impedances where excess negative energy from the vacuum environment would and did freely flow into the overall negative energy flow, constituting "amplifiers" of the negative energy actually flowing in the circuit. I only learned this latter part from my association with ////, and his brilliant negative energy work where he actually produced and dealt with such negative energy fields and their multiple flows of negative EM energy.

Anyway, now I think we may have finally hit the overall outline of the total process which "activation" accomplished. Fortunately, Walter Rosenthal (who built Sweet's actual synchronized discharge unit and process which Sweet used to get that coordination established) knows the rest of it from the bench implementation status. One will still have to experiment (Sweet used a center tapped coil, but never mentioned what he did with that center tap) to see if Sweet was using fields of unitary direction, or using deliberately "equal and opposite" (i.e., symmetrically regauged energy so he could then just directly oscillate the "internal stress energy" of the barium nucleus and the nucleons themselves, reaching the quark flipping fields in that manner).

So there it is, after all these years. Now it really makes sense. And now I think it is "reachable" in a sophisticated particle physics lab. And hey! It does indeed make practical antigravity and practical unilateral thrust in space absolutely achievable and eventually practical.

So synchronicity perhaps did strike a second time.

