The Tom Bearden

Help support the research

Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 23:45:18 -0500


For the medical project, Tony Craddock is spearheading that effort, and so I'm forwarding this to him.

For the MEG, Dr. James (Lee) Kenny is spearheading the project, as CEO of Magnetic Energy Ltd.

Will have to let those fellows correspond with you and furnish what information you need, negotiations, etc.  I really believe both projects are essential to the peoples of the world.  We will make some money, of course, but in return we will also do lots of good.  E.g., in the MEG project, we have a non-negotiable position that 10% of the gross income from a given country will be plowed back into that impoverished nation to build its infrastructure (clean water wells, teachers, schools, textbooks, medical teams and treatment, etc.).  In many nations, orphans are extraordinarily impoverished and in utter squalor; that must be changed, with food, clothing, shelter, human care and medical care, etc.  We cannot abandon or neglect the children, and expect not to cripple and maim the nation.  For remote impoverished areas, our  program will include gift of MEG power units, lights, etc. and periodic maintenance teams.  Critical roads and bridges come along high on the list, so that functioning main routes of communication get established (a farmer can get his grain or produce to the city for market, e.g. if there is a road.  As I saw in Korea, he can pedal it on a bicycle if necessary. Remember the big hog made drunk on Makli (cheap wine), and laid on a board transverse to the stand?  Papasan pedalled him about 20 miles to the city market, but that way he had a market for his farm produce and production.  That gets him and his family (and relatives) some desperately needed income. 

The humanitarian program funded by the MEG team will be administered by a separate tax exempt, nonprofit foundation, which will be funded for each country's work by our 10% set aside from the MEG income (gross income, not net).  It is our desire to make as significant and rapid an impact on each impoverished nation and people, as we possibly can and as rapidly as can be socially absorbed.  One third of the human race goes to bed hungry at night.  One third, for goodness sakes, has worms, let alone a variety of other parasites!  In Africa, there is now a substantial part of a generation being raised as orphans, with the parents dead from AIDS.  Cellular reversal (genetics and all) will cure the AIDS disease, once developed, and the treatment can be given as soon as a person tests positive, without waiting for the debilitation and ravaging of the disease. We simply have to do better than what is being done now.  And if we succeed, we will indeed do better than that. You can count on it. Anyway, such are our initial humanitarian plans for now.  As I said, those humanitarian parts of the proposed program are non-negotiable, and have been with all the financial groups we've been negotiating with to try to obtain necessary development funding. We are very strongly committed to those humanitarian ideals.  I personally was hospitalized with malnutrition as a child, and I personally know what hunger is and does to you.  I vividly remember the first hot lunches that Huey Long put in school; my first hot lunch under that program was fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, biscuits, and milk. 

I thought I had died and gone to heaven! 

I still remember the first monthly old age pension check my dear grandmother (who raised me) received --- $30.  With the older population in dire economic circumstances and many old people starving all across Louisiana, that $30 represented life itself.  My grandmother, a heroic and stoic person, broke down and cried.  I cried too, because I also knew what it meant.  Some of our other fellows have similar background experiences that left indelible marks -- and great determination.  We are determined that, if ever we succeed with the MEG, we will use much of the income to insure that deeply beneficial things are done in those needy countries and for those suffering people. The paper looks interesting, and you have drawn lots of information together into a nice package and presentation.  I hope the paper has a very nice reception, as it should.


Tom B.