April 20th, 2003 Dear Mr. W*****
Thank you for your interest, and we hope you find our book, Energy from
the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles, of much interest to you. I'm
presently working on some long-needed corrections to classical
thermodynamics, necessitated by several flaws in its foundations and also
by the application of Leyton's hierarchies of symmetry with its
self-organizing new object-oriented geometry. Justification for energy
from the vacuum is now very rigorous, with some 20 papers in the refereed
literature by the Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advanced Study. Two of
those papers use higher group symmetry electrodynamics --- one uses O(3)
and the other uses Sachs's electrodynamics --- to show how the MEG
permissibly takes extra energy from the active curved spacetime. The two
papers are:
W. Evans, P. K. Anastasovski, T. E. Bearden, et al.,
"Explanation of the
Motionless Electromagnetic Generator with O(3) Electrodynamics,"
Foundations of Physics Letters, 14(1), Feb. 2001, p. 87-94.
M. W. Evans, P. K.
Anastasovski, T. E. Bearden, et al., "Explanation of the Motionless
Electromagnetic Generator by Sachs's Theory of Electrodynamics,"
Foundations of Physics Letters, 14(4), 2001, p. 387-393.
Another paper of direct
interest is: M. W. Evans, T. E. Bearden, and A. Labounsky, "The Most
General Form of the Vector Potential in Electrodynamics," Foundations
of Physics Letters, 15(3), June 2002, p. 245-261.
We appreciate your interest in
potential licensing of the MEG.
All rights to the MEG are assigned to Magnetic Energy
Ltd., whose CEO is Dr. Lee Kenny. I'm forwarding a copy of this
correspondence to him. His E-mail is given in the addressees above.
are not licensing at this time, since we are still seeking a substantial
development funding partner to enable the additional research necessary to
go from our present successful little laboratory experiments to full-up
power systems for production and marketing worldwide. When we have our
first robust prototype in the home-powering output range, then we will
move forward on production, marketing, and licensing.
The MEG is highly nonlinear and uses geometric phase (Aharonov-Bohm
effect) to provide an extra free energy reservoir, in addition to the
normal energy reservoir where one inputs the energy and pays for it. By
having two energy reservoirs instead of the usual one, and by the second
one being freely furnished and replenished by the active local curved
spacetime, we can thus draw more energy from the unit than we ourselves
input. The principle is analogous to the common heat pump process, except
instead of a conventional
extra energy reservoir (the surrounding atmosphere) we use the surrounding
uncurled (field-free) magnetic vector potential. Proof that the
Aharonov-Bohm effect does provide just such an extra energy reservoir
(e.g., outside a good toroidal coil) in the form of a curl-free magnetic
vector potential, has been in physics since the 1950s, although it has not
previously been applied in electrical power engineering.
Specialized work with the MEG in geometric phase, nonlinear oscillations,
control of nonlinear oscillations, and higher group symmetry
electrodynamics is required in order to (1) develop a practical
engineering model for effective scale-up design and prototyping, and (2)
go into formal production engineering to develop full production units for
various power sizes and applications.
also still have two or more additional patents to file, from work already
in progress.
Very best wishes,
Tom Bearden
Magnetic Energy LTD.