The Tom Bearden



From: "Tom Bearden"
To: "Tony Craddock" <>
Subject: FW: Recommendations
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 22:05:03 -0600


Message I wrote in answer to a poignant letter from a young fellow
apparently becoming disillusioned.  My intent was to reassure him that
orthodox science is good, and to hang in there, respect his professors, not
become disillusioned, keep up his momentum, and then help change and advance
the present science.  That's the way the system is supposed to work, and
eventually that is the way it will work.


-----Original Message-----
From:     Tom Bearden
Sent:     Thursday, March 22, 2001 9:55 PM
To:       Correspondent
Subject:          Recommendations

Dear Jason,

Glad you are interested in the material, and hope it is of some use to you,
at least eventually in your career.

The thing is not to get discouraged with science and scientists!  Most are
doing the best they can, and it's basically a tough thing.  The working
scientist is under far more constraints than I am, since I do not have to
make a living in science itself.

The problem is that human mindsets-whether scientific, social, religious,
whatever-are just very persistent things!  It is not really diabolical, it's
just the nature of human beings.

I strongly urge you to keep and hold your forward momentum in your
education, and go ahead if at all possible and get your doctorate while the
momentum is built up to take you there.

For any young person seriously interested in these matters, I always urge
they consider the following:

(1) Bear with your present professors, and hang in there and learn as much
science as you can, whatever the field in which you are majoring.

(2) Take as many mathematics and physics courses as you can, which-say,
while still majoring in nuclear engineering-will actually augment your
capabilities in your major.  Also, take at least an introductory course in
superconductivity.  You will understand why when my next book is published,
either at the end of this year or first of next year.  If possible,
somewhere along the way take a course (such as a survey course) dealing with
open systems far from equilibrium with an active environment-Prigogine's
field comes to mind, but there they have not retranslated and corrected the
classical electrodynamics itself.  So theirs is still a "most difficult
way," but it is real and the principles are sound.  It is also accepted in
the scientific community as a given niche, and there are journals, etc.
Also, try very hard to take a course in nonlinear oscillation theory, if at
all possible.  One of my own great weaknesses is that I was never able to
take such a course.  The world of nonlinear oscillations, however, is
dramatically different from linear oscillations.  And the theory is also
quite different.  If you can, also take a "survey" course (usually offered
at the graduate level) in biology.  That too will serve you in good stead.

(3) Don't debate or argue with the professors in nuclear engineering, etc.
Just learn from them the subjects they are trying to teach you.  Keep your
patience and tolerance, but also quietly keep your mind open. Remember, the
present science simply does not yet have in it the use of spacetime
curvature sets, which act on an object (e.g., the nucleus or a nucleon) from
inside out.  Nor do they understand or have "time reversal zones", nor do
they have or understand "optical pumping in the time-axis".  Keep a calm and
receptive attitude to your professors, being respectful and mastering what
you can, on through your doctorate.  In life, whether we recognize it or
not, we do need at least normal approval from our mentors and peers, else
our ability to gain a livelihood is affected.  In professional life, we even
will have to get along often with persons we really do not care for, or even
do not like.  We still have to operate in social structures.  The thing is
to honestly sympathize with human beings; we all have our problems, our
biases, our shortcomings-and hopefully also some strengths.  We just have to
do our best to make it work in the approved social, scholastic,
professional, and employment structures.  When we are a student, we are a
student.  When we are a professor, we are a professor.

(4) After you have your doctorate, there will then be a period where you are
getting "established" in your field or position.  Unfortunately, just now
"overunity electrical power systems" is not a recognized scientific field!
Hopefully it  will be, but we have yet a ways to go before that happens.  So
first secure your position and employment, in something useful to you.

(5)       Then very quietly start your "other" private and personal scientific
life.  Go to a few conferences.  You will find, e.g., that the "overunity"
or "free energy" community folks  form a bell-shaped curve.  We have all
sorts of persons in here.  Some good scientists, some charlatans, some
loonies, lots of technicians who are good at electronics and but do not know
much physics, etc.  Our community also has its severe biases.  To the
orthodox scientific community we sometime DO look like perpetual motion
nuts.  And the charlatans often give the outside community the strong
impression that we are all hustling a buck and trying to sell stock.  In
many of our subareas we are noticeably short on genuine, repeatable
experiments, but not everywhere.  E.g., cold fusion has now several hundred
real, replicable, experiments with anomalous and consistent results.  There
are a few decent (but struggling) conferences and journals, and there are
some good scientists working hard in the area as well.  A few of the
inventions are real; e.g., Kawai's process works, and can be built from the
patent itself.  It effectively doubles the COP of a magnetic motor.  If you
start with a high efficiency motor, of say 80% efficiency, with very careful
work you can expect to get 1.4 to 1.6.  There are also others.

(6)       Particularly when you are first beginning, in your own attitude for your
own work, you should take a rigorous position:  Look for what "opens" a
purported overunity system.  LC resonance does not open the system, and does
not produce an extra watt.  There has to be a recognizable and usable broken
symmetry somewhere, else you are dealing with symmetry and conservative
fields.  The basic thing is that only an open system freely receiving energy
from its active external environment, can legitimately produce COP>1.0.

(7)       Of course, being human, I also advise young persons to take what I've
done, and go farther.  If you find an error in the work, just correct it and
continue. The entire purpose of the website is to try as best I can to pass
along information, so that young fellows do not have to take 30 years of
their life to uncover the correct references, the principles, etc.  It's
going to take lots of folks to get this thing out there and into orthodox
science as a recognized field and technology.  It isn't going to happen just
because of one person.

Anyway, that's the best advice I can offer.  My main message is do not fall
prey to disillusionment!  Take life and science as they are, and mold your
own approach and career and direction with them and also around them.
And after all that, it also helps quite a bit to have a little plain old-fashioned luck!

Very best wishes,

Tom Bearden