The Tom Bearden

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Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 16:43:25 -0600
Comments on Quiton/Perceptron Physics

Dear William,

The business of the fundamental detector being mass is true.  Even Jackson admits that ultimately what is detected is a "force".  Contrary to the 400 year old mechanics, there is no such thing as a separate force acting on a separate mass.  Mass is a component of force, as can be seen by F = d/dt(ma).  In EM theory, e.g., they "hide" the mass when speaking of "the field" (wrong; actually they speak of the "field intensity", as a good electrodynamicists admits and knows). The field intensity (at a point) is defined as what is diverged from the field (whatever that is, in 4-space) by a unit point static charge (charged mass).  That's where they hid the mass.

But foundations physicists know full well that there is no force in the absence of mass, and there is no force field in the absence of mass. Wheeler and Feynman pointed out that a force field does not exist in mass-free space; only the "potentiality" for the force field exists there, in case one injects some charged mass.

Anyway, all observables are recognized to be 3-spatial.  Time cannot be observed, even in theory.  Yet anything changing or moving must extend in time, i.e., it must be 4-spatial, prior to observation.  Observation is a d/dt operator induced upon an ongoing 4-dimensional interaction.  The result is a frozen 3-space "snapshot" at a single instant.  We do not really "see" a thing moving; we see a very rapid series of such "snapshots" and infer the movement from our memory.  The mind is so rapid that we perceive it as "motion".  But it's really like the successive frames of a very high speed motion picture.

The conscious mind is a serial processor, perceiving that way.  It's fitted to this world, and one can consider it something like a periscope elevated from the "unconscious" mind.  The unconscious mind is totally conscious, but just multiply so.  It is a massively parallel processor, having and processing a great many "snapshots" simultaneously.  When the conscious mind -- which can see only a single frame at a time --- "looks" at the unconscious mind, it sees hundreds and thousands of pictures all together in a single frame --- hence it just sees "blank" or "black" or nothing.  It can only handle such information "symbolically"; i.e., a symbol is a thing that can have many meanings simultaneously.  Hence when the unconscious wishes to communicate to the conscious mind, it must set up a "scenario" of single frames in succession which "symbolizes" the message or communication (which may be feeling, etc.).  Hence the importance of symbolism in psychoanalysis, e.g., and hence also the great power that symbolism exerts upon us. Advertisers often make use of this power of the symbol, such as "You're in good hands, if it's Allstate!"  Etc.

The QP paper was my first one in the area, and obviously was more crude. Today one would point out that, in quantum field theory, there are four polarizations of the photon.  Three of the polarizations are in 3-space, hence the energy is oscillating in 3-space.  The fourth polarization has the energy oscillating on the time axis ict, where the only variable is t. Hence it is an oscillation of energy along t- (scalar) not along x- or y- (transverse) or z- (longitudinal).  Neither the scalar photon nor the longitudinal photon is individually observable, but the combination is observed as the instantaneous scalar potential.

And that is a big clue to the nature of mind operations.  They may be modeled totally as electromagnetics, but over on the time axis, and consisting of scalar photons and scalar EM waves.  They couple with the longitudinal EM waves in the body (e.g., on membranes and most boundaries at any cellular level) to produce scalar potentials --- common but minute voltages and voltage variations.  When we look at brain waves, we are seeing the coupling of the mind-electromagnetics (mind operations) with longitudinal EM waves in the body.  So we can get at the mindstuff indirectly.

The Russians figured that out decades ago, and also highly weaponized it, unfortunately.  The point is that an extended electromagnetics (i.e., a higher group symmetry electromagnetics) can in fact model such mind-matter interactions, and someday we will indeed have an extended physics of just that: mind and matter interactions.

Best wishes,

Tom Bearden